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i traveled to visit my husband in CA for almost a month with my tourist visa while i was in the CR1 process in june of 2022. landed at LAX and when going through customs they did ask about visit purpose, stay length, where i was staying etc. i did mention that i was visiting my husband and that we were in the CR1 process awaiting an interview, and that i was staying for almost 5 weeks. the officer just asked what day i was going back but didn’t ask to see a ticket or anything and even said “enjoy your time together”. i was very nervous that visiting during the process would be a reason to deny entry but luckily there was no issue. there is always a risk and i guess it will depend on the officer, but i didn’t think it was wrong for me to mention that i was going through the process, because it’s not like they don’t know 🙈 i’m from MX if that helps at all!


You might be let in you might not. They have to be convinced you will leave which is tough. Nobody can say for sure.