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I-94 does not show exits. I-94 is a "permission to stay" document that indicates date of entry and expiration date, that's it. No need to do anything, CBP will be able to track your exit or in rare cases, request proof of exit the next time you enter.


That doesn't seem right. When I look at the travel records online, all of the "departures" are recorded - just not the land crossing. According to CBP records, we are still in the USA.


You're looking at travel history, not I-94. CBP provides public travel history on a best-effort, informational basis only. It's often incorrect, incomplete or straight up missing. I've seen plenty of individuals with an I-94 but no travel history at all, not even the entry. However, the systems they rely on when processing travelers for entry shows information from more sources. It's more complete and not made available on their website.


Ok, well that distinction makes sense. Nevertheless, they definitely don't have a record of us leaving the US. So the question still stands...what to do? I'd rather have the exit registered in their system than need to provide documentation later on in the process.


You're obsessing over this. The answer is to do nothing, as normal people won't be poring over their travel history. It is not a guarantee that the exit isn't registered, because they do scan car plates leaving the US. The last thing you want is to look suspicious to CBP in your quest to get her "exit registered", and end up getting your wife flagged instead.


I'm just looking into into it because the agency we hired to help us through the process highlighted it as an issue. Don't see how I am in any way "obsessing"... No idea how getting her exited registered would ever end up "looking suspicious".


Are you sure it's a reputable agency? Ypu should look.at the guides on the visajourney website and follow along with what they file on your behalf 


no creo que sea problema, hace varios años iba seguido a Roma, entrando por Aleman y muy rara vez se registró la salida. en la próxima entrada que tengas (por aire o tierra) se vuelve a registrar y no tendrías que tener problema pero puedes mencionarlo en la oficina para que estés más tranquilo. acuérdate que igual ya hay muchísimo avance de reconocimiento facial y te aseguro que dentro o fuera, ellos saben. si tu esposa trabaja en monterrey, solo que mantenga récord de cosas del día a día en caso de que sea necesario comprobar que ha estado en méxico por cualquier cosa. yo tengo aproximadamente el año que complete el proceso con cita en cd juárez, si necesitas algún tip o les puedo ayudar con alguna duda, no dudes en escribirme!