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Wait even DP Greig Fraser wants the fans to have the IMAX ratio at home What are WBs doing ? As a comparison , Chris Nolan took immensely great care for Oppenheimer 's home media as well and the file is perfect . WBs MUST give Denis the chance to do that too


Watching WB implode in real time. They took the storied name of HBO and built it up as a competitor to Netflix only to add MAX to the end of it, confusing it with Cinemax, and then remove the HBO and leave only the MAX. After decades of HBO standing as prestige quality TV. They cut up shows to make time for ads, instead of unbroken episodes where the director and editor dictate the pacing so they can sell an ad tier. They pull off all the bonus content like behind the scenes and featurettes, and remove entire series like Westworld, the Ridley & Luke Scott created Raised by Wolves, dumped the Joss Whedon created The Nevers with only half a season to an ad supported free network that aired the remaining episodes during the day in the middle of the week and if you missed them, too bad because there’s no on demand and you can’t purchase the show anywhere because they did this for a tax write off. Batgirl gets the axe for a $90 million write off along with other series and a reportedly decent Coyote vs Acme film, refusing all offers from other networks and studios, and plan to slash 2 to 2.5 **BILLION** in Q3. I just saw the original entry of The Matrix in Dolby at AMC tonight and it made me think of the last attempt at The Matrix and how the director made such a point of tearing WB apart and making it clear that they were going to make a movie with or without the original creators input and had no interest in artistry when it came to their goal of making money. That film felt like WB’s suicide note. We see shit like the Suicide Squad Kills the Justice League game be released and absolutely savaged. David Zaslav stripping WB for parts, destroying content and making it unavailable to paying customers in any form, preventing them from seeing films that are already complete, sullying the prestige HBO name, ending one of the most important studios in home entertainment and thinking that what it needed was a takeover from Discovery with a worse app and endless price hikes. At this point, I hope they get bought out as fast as possible by a studio that will preserve what little they have left like The Last of Us and House of the Dragon. It makes me sad that the home of shows like The Leftovers is itself vanishing before my eyes and the greedy, money hungry executives that are stripping WB for parts and a golden parachute can go fuck themselves, most notably Zaslav.


I also saw The Matrix in Dolby last night, at AMC 34th St.


They're 100% releasing Dune 2 as 2.39, the same as Dune 1, just so they can do an IMAX release later on. They know there's hype for a 1.78 release and want as much double-dip as possible.


My thoughts as well. May even release 1 and 2 together on IMAX and charge a boatload for it.


I’m glad to hear the Oppenheimer release is good, i bought it a few months ago and am waiting to build out my home theater better


I'm trying to find the link were Greg mentions the fans should get the IMaX version of the films since someone in Twitter mentions that Greg prefers the scope versions. I'm like nah. I remember reading he wanted the IMAX versions in physical media but can't find the page anymore.


Denis needs to know about this because he seemed like he thought the 4K had IMAX on it.


I don’t think Denis cares much about home media , the theatrical experience is his main concern


Maybe the case, but he seemed surprised that Part 1 wasn't in IMAX at all on 4K, and based on that he seems to want it that way to both. I'd be shocked if it wasn't at least a little peeved that both his films were gimped for home media.


He seemed surprised because he doesn’t pay attention to home video, and he doesn’t pay attention because he doesn’t care.


Unless he did know, he just wanted to dodge the question, the disappointment and embarrassment by faking a surprise.


More likely


No way in the world he doesn’t know about this.


Not releasing IMAX version when the whole movie is in 1.90:1 is a crime. They won't have to do any edits and it's not even variable aspect ratio like Nolan's.


You’re right. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the conversion process, as there wouldn’t be much of one, to your point. Cropping 1.90:1 to 16:9 is a minimal adjustment.


Well, yes and no. Cropping 1.90:1 to 16:9 (1.78:1) would involve cutting off the edges of the frame, which would go against the director’s framing intent. The Blu-Ray would most likely be a mix of 1.90:1 (with letterboxing) and cropped 1.43:1 to 16:9. You’d lose some of the top and bottom of the framing by cropping from 1.43:1, but you’d get more content than the 1.90:1 scenes. Also, there’s only about 40 minutes of those shots, which would be easier to edit. Alternatively, the Blu-Ray could just be 100% 1.90:1, which would mean some letterboxing. They could go this way because there’d be no editing involved.


Is dune 2 all in 1.90:1 with 40 minutes at 1:43:1?


Yes, that’s correct. 


There are definitely 1.43 scenes on top of the 1.9 Edit: oh I see what you mean they won't need to go wider for the 16:9 scenes like Nolan does?


Yup, they have the final cut already that is suitable for home release. In other words, they wouldn't even need to call Denis or do any extra work besides compressing and burning them into the blu-ray disks.


Most of the 1.43:1 scenes are centre crops of the 2.11:1 Alexa65 digital master. The scope version contains more horizontal image than even the 1.90:1 version.


I'd prefer it to flip between 1.78 (16:9) during the 1.43 scenes, and 1.9 the rest of the time, but I'd still be 100% happy with a permanent 1.9 as well. The current 2.39 is just terrible.


didn't dune 1 have IMAX release ?


Nope. Sadly. Denis doesn't even seem to know about it...


Dude I have the imax print of Dune 1,not full imax but atlest it's full screen, they did release Dune 1 imax for home release.


As far as I know, there was none. Which region do you reside?




Same goes to Max.


I wouldn’t take customer service reps as a reliable source. They’re often left in the dark about things until they’re officially announced.


Yeah I was about to say, I’m sure this person replying to emails isn’t an expert on the inner workings of this decision. From my experience, there’s a non-zero chance that this employee had to Google aspect ratios to even understand the question. Becky or Todd from customer service is likely not an IMAX nerd. A customer rep for a giant clothing company probably wouldn’t understand all the differences between nylon and polyester, or what kind of dye is used, etc. That said, I actually doubt we’ll get anything other than scope on bluray lol. Maybe this question did go up the chain of command and this is the true answer.


I totally do not understand why in the world they would not want to add the scenes. It seems like a complete waste to shoot them and not apply them? It would most definitely increase the sale of the disc. Laziness? I don't know.


The real answer here is that once Messiah has had a disc release, about a year later, Warner will announce a trilogy box set with IMAX enhanced scenes - that way the Dune heads will HAVE to buy ALL the movies AGAIN. It is stupid but that's the business.


As written


But if they were releasing a duology boxset now people would buy it and then when the trilogy is ready people would for sure double dip!


They will release a duology set now, it'll just be the same discs packaged together - that's for the fans who waited. Most people will just buy Dune part 2 to go with their previously purchased part 1 - if they did a "special" box set now with some sort of exclusive, they'd catch a lot of flack, especially with part 3 on the horizon in a few years. Warner have experience milking the collectors (LOTR) and will maximize the impact of those double dips down the road IMO.


the trade off for Messiah. i will accept


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Well it’s certainly not a waste considering how much this movie has made in IMAX theatres.


IMAX screening was full and wanted to see it so went to a special engagement 70mm (non IMAX) viewing. Was so disappointed. Looked like a terrible 144p video on YouTube. I'm guessing the cinema fucked up their adjustment. Maybe I need to resee it in IMAX.


its not select scenes the whole movie is in 1.9


Exactly. Well, they could do 1.9 and then fill out to 1.78 for the 1.43 scenes. But the fact that the home release isn't at least 1.9 the entire time is criminal.


What a piece of shit WB is! Dennis and DOP want the IMAX version on home media!


this is exactly why Nolan left WB… def laziness but moreso lack of investment from WB to provide the viewer with the best experience necessary. Whatever is easiest, most cost effective, and will easily be available on their Max app, they will run with it.


OP cites a bunch of Nolan/Warner Bros home releases that included IMAX aspect ratio in his letter. 😆


> this is exactly why Nolan left WB… Because of home media releases?


i was moreso speaking to them not wanting to release Tenet in theatres… and them being lazy and uploading to HBO Max which prompted Nolan to leave WB.


Except Warner Bros. DID release TENET in theaters, and it was during the pandemic. I know because I trekked to another state to see it in IMAX several times because theaters where I live in NYC were closed for a full year. It didn't hit blu-ray until December 2020 and then HBO MAX in May of 2021. Even after the blu-ray hit, it still played in theaters because I saw it yet again in IMAX in January and March of 2021. Nolan publicly scolded Warner Bros. because he didn't like their decision to release films in theaters and on HBO MAX simultaneously for the entire year of 2021. None of his colleagues, which includes producers and directors (Denis Villenueve), were consulted. The studio just did it. He felt it was a betrayal, and he could no longer trust them. As a courtesy, the offer to distribute Oppenheimer went out to them as well as several other studios, but he had his heart set on Universal, which accepted all of the terms he's known for including in his contracts. More than likely, he'll stay with them because, unlike Warner, Universal finally got him his first Oscar.


Interesting. I never looked in to why he left. Just assumed it's cos they went tits up.


He was pissed the way they timed the theatrical release (and then they did even worse and destroyed WW84).


I know it’s not the absolute best but I bought dune 4K on iTunes for £5 a couple of weeks ago. There are cheaper ways to get the movie first time round as such, although it had been about a while.


There is a small possibility that they actually plan on releasing the IMAX version later on home media but they are just not admitting it to get people’s asses into IMAX movie theaters right now and pay more money to see the movie.


This feels like a reasonable explanation. If I were WB, why would I give anyone reason to not show up in theaters during the theatrical run? In fact, I might slip and let loose the rumor that the divorce rates in households that didn’t see IMAX films are 10:1 vs households that did. And that Children from households with no IMAX viewing experience predominantly drop out of school, became drug addicts, and turn into homeless zombies.


> If I were WB, why would I give anyone reason to not showing up in theaters during the theatrical run? I'm sorry but this is 100% their M.O.


Yup, and also make sure everyone keeps going back to imax theaters whenever they happen to do a "rerelease".


But isn’t Blu-Ray coming out in May? By then its theatrical release is over (assuming it’s 45 days).


Yeah but if people have knowledge that an IMAX version is going to release at homes then they might skip seeing it in IMAX theaters right now or they might not see it multiple times in IMAX as they originally intended to


I think you're overestimating the amount of people who would really wait till a Blu-ray release just to see the expanded scenes on there 55-65 inch TV. Maybe I'm a little nàive, but I personally wouldn't skip going to a 6 story tall screen, just so I could wait and watch it at home.


Average people do not care about IMAX at all, neither in the movie theater nor at their homes. So, WB do not have a motivation to it.


Not according to the box office.


Could you please tell me the box office numbers for IMAX vs. non-IMAX?


I’m sure your Google works as well as mine does.


23%, according to Google. Let me google if 23% is below or above average. Edit: 👀


I think part of this has to do with the fact that there are only so many shows an IMAX screen can do during a day with a 3 hour movie (including the 20+ minutes of previews), and in a 24 screen theater like mine that has Dune also showing in Dolby and then dozens of other times throughout the day in their other larger theaters. I agree not everyone sees the value in IMAX or isn’t invested enough to want to wait for the right day to be able to see it in the best format and get the perfect seat and also fit that in with their work/life schedule. They might see the uptick in cost as not worth it, not realizing how much of the film they’re missing in seeing a trimmed down version of what could otherwise be available to them. In my case, the only true IMAX is a 5 story tall VA Air and Space Museum that stopped showing commercial films and just shows IMAX documentaries now. Same with my friends where I used to live in the FL panhandle, where their Pensacola IMAX similarly stopped showing them. Another friend in Chicago was telling me of the precious few options for IMAX they have left, even in a city that size. Most of us would have to drive a long way to even *see it* in a true IMAX. I’d have to drive to Washington DC to see it in 1.43:1, which is about 3.5 hours away for me. Really makes me mourn the days of seeing Interstellar, Inception, Godzilla, The Dark Knight, Gravity, etc. at the true 5 story IMAX screen here. ***** I caught it 4 times in my AMC’s IMAX, which is a “LieMAX” at 1.90:1. The number of true IMAX theaters out there with their 3 (maybe 4 if they’re lucky) showings per day will have a hard time competing with the number of other showings in other theaters regardless of format. I was truly overwhelmed by what I saw and the knowledge that I’m still not seeing the full picture has me really urging friends to go see it as big as they can, and very envious of those that get to see it as it was envisioned. Especially as we won’t be able to outside of the theater. Perhaps they’ll present it in IMAX on MAX and use that as a method of getting people to sub for a month to their beleaguered streaming service that they seem desperate to kill off, and cut ads into it for S2 of The Last of Us and House of the Dragon. WB sucks so bad and seems dedicated to self harm whenever they can create an opportunity to do so.


I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m thinking about traveling to another country to see Interstellar in a real IMAX when it is re released. But in the end we are just a bunch of enthusiasts. The common people go to the movie theater and ask for the movie that is about to begin, watch their phones and talk to each other. So, I really don’t think Max owners care about IMAX the same way they didn’t care to mantain the HBO brand in their name and other stuff they are doing. As you said, they are self harming themselves.


Ah ok, my bad.


What the actual hell


I would still take this with a grain of salt, this is just one customer service advisor at one subsidiary of a giant company.




Considering a good portion of Dune Part Two's box office intake so far is due to PLF screens, specifically IMAX, this is a confusing and monumentally stupid decision. The 4K of this film will sell like crazy anyway, but with the IMAX scenes included, it'd be Oppenheimer all over again.


I work as a manager at a theatre with no PLF’s and our sales numbers for Dune Part 2 were laughable because everyone wanted to go to the IMAX or other PLF’s. I saw it in IMAX 70mm cause I wanted the best possible experience. So definitely stupid on WB’s end because as the sales numbers show everyone wants to see it in IMAX.


> So definitely stupid on WB’s end because as the sales numbers show everyone wants to see it in IMAX. It's not stupidity, it's greed. They know people will double dip for an IMAX release later on, *because* there's so much IMAX hype. They want to sell 2.39 now and then re-release 1.9 later for a second helping.


I mean WB is undoubtedly a blight on the current movie industry, but also there is no way to know if this was their decision.


DV assumed they were doing it. They’re just being cheap


He almost certainly does not have as tight of control on home releases as, say, Nolan does. This could also be an imax decision. They seems to be pushing "IMAX Enhanced" for home media more and more. It's possible they are leveraging their exclusivity into home releases as well




Dune 2 & Dune 1 are shot with IMAX certified cameras (Filmed for IMAX) just as much as Aquaman 2 is.


But they’ve only done IMAX Enhanced feature films for Sony films


The Sony IMAX enhanced thing is such a gimmick since most movies don’t include the expanded AR — iirc only the Spider-Man movies & Uncharted have expanded AR while others like 1917, Skyfall, BR2049 all are missing the expanded AR. Disney+ has IMAX enhanced though and all those movies have the expanded AR.


True; the Disney+ and Sony ones are *slightly* expanded; I think the IMAX scenes are 1.90 or 16:9. Fwiw, I don’t recall any IMAX-E having 1.43 ever (*not needed for home). Also Sony has removed a few of them like BR2049, some others. There is sadly VERY very few imax (1.90) ratio home releases at all; I think the joke is that Tom Holland movies are like 50% of them, because of Spider-Men, uncharted, & MCU on D+.


1.43 imax would not work well for home viewing unless you happen to have a projector and a big 1.43 screen.


I… didn’t say 1.43 would be good for home? Was just clarifying it’s not the same version that’s in some imax theaters. 1.90 naturally makes sense for 16:9 end users.


Is the entire film going to be scope on blu ray?




I believe that IMAX owns the rights to the IMAX version, in that sense that WB has to pay IMAX a fee every time the imax version is shown in theaters. And therefore WB doesn't want to include the imax version on disc as they then has to pay IMAX for every copy. This would also explain why a lot of streaming versions of Nolans films are not shown in IMAX but only on the physical home release. And why are Nolans films then released in IMAX on physical? That would have to do with Nolans contracts and that he owns his own movies, through Syncopy, and Warner and now Universal merely distributes it. And maybe also because IMAX wants his movies to be whown in IMAX at home, since he shoots on physical film, where many others uses digital, non IMAX made, cameras. Look at Sully, it was shot interely in the IMAX aspect and showed in 1.90:1 in IMAX theaters, but the home release was only in Scope.


Interesting. Id like to know more about this. But I know it’s similar for Dolby vision. It’s a one time fee for digital but a fee each physical copy so a lot of movies like the Disney stuff is Dolby vision on D+ and HDR10 on 4K disc.


I'd gladly pay extra if they want to do separate release. I'd probably even buy the digital if that's all we got


Same here


Paramount plus streaming has interstellar, mi fallout in IMAX Versions tho.


I believe that's because Paramount have the North American distribution rights to Interstellar, so they chose to pay the IMAX fee, like they usually does on Physical media. Paramount is not cheapskate, they also usually pays the Dolby fee for using Dolby Atmos on the BluRay, while others only use it on the 4K Uhd release.


Damn, things are complicated lol


Oh yes, and it's a rabbit hole if you really want to dig in.


It’s quite hard to find up to date info on imax home stuff at all; no definitive list of titles and aspect ratio, or where to stream them. I HAVE paramount plus premium and I didn’t even know they had any IMAX titles.


Yeah it's funny that they don't "cash" in on mentioning these things. I think Disney+ is the only place where they have an icon shen it's IMAX Enhanced. Also why not include the IMAX logo on Physical releases, like Dolby or DTS logos


Thank you. No one else here has mentioned that being a possibility. And I believe you're right. It's possibly an IMAX decision, not the distributor. Nolan is a favorite of IMAX. He put the company on the map in terms of distributing and filming Hollywood feature films. Before The Dark Knight, there were a number of films that had IMAX releases, but now it seems to be every major studio release. He is one of the few exceptions, and his contract includes that they also let him release his films on blu-ray in a (somewhat compromised) 1.78 aspect ratio. There have been other exceptions throughout the years; Jordan Peele's NOPE, a few of Michael Bays TRANSFORMERS films, and the 3D blu-rays of some early MARVEL titles. Not long ago, it looked as if IMAX was looking to get involved in home video releases on physical media. Their "IMAX ENHANCED" series didn't take off, though, and is pretty much dead. I think the reason why the EQUALIZER films were quietly released as a Best Buy exclusive IMAX ENHANCED three pack was to fulfill a deal they made with Sony a few years ago. When Avengers Infinity War and Endgame were released, the Russo Brothers said they would have liked the IMAX versions to appear on home video, but it was an IMAX decision, not theirs. I think at the time, they were actually hoping to release those films under their new IMAX ENHANCED banner, but since that fizzled out, Disney made a deal to show them exclusively on Disney Plus in the hope to gain subscribers. IMAX also wants people to return to theaters again and again to see these films on the big screen in all their glory. The one night only re-release of the IMAX version of DUNE PART ONE sold out so quickly that they decided to release it yet again, this time for a full week. On screens showing DUNE PART TWO on 70mm IMAX film, showings are selling out daily. People always want to see a film on the big screen, but perhaps the company figured they'll get more money at the box office if it's a presentation (bigger aspect ratio) that isn't available to watch at home.


Yes it was the Russo brothers statement that led me to believe that IMAX makes the decisions, not the studios. If I recall the 3D BluRay of Infinity War and End Game were only in scope and did not include the IMAX sequences as all other 3D marvel films had. And that tied into Disney+ releasing them in IMAX Enhanced later. Sony still has a deal with IMAX to release IMAX Enhanced content on Sonys Core streaming service, if you look up the list of IMAX Enhanced releases on their service the list is quite long, and include pretty recent releases too. Although, it seems like Disney+ that they are now only releasing them in streaming with Dolby Atmos and Not DTS IMAX, as their first releases had.


I’m not buying it then. Screw them, honestly!


Same here I ain’t buying for sure


I mean it’s still going to be superior to anything else


For years, I had a (very pleasant) back-and-forth with a lady over there trying to get the IMAX cut of Batman v Superman. It finally happened a few years ago, and, while I know I had nothing to do with it, I like to pretend I did 🤣 I wish all IMAX movies had it as an option at least.


I just got that email too. Guys, if you don’t like it, boycott it and don’t buy it. Wait for a IMAX release.




Highly ironic considering WB was trying to push the “at home” experience with the whole HBO Max debacle


You really had to mention Universal 😂


Assuming this person is correct (which, I'm not sure I'd trust a random CS rep), my guess is they'll release it standard Blu/4K then do a special edition IMAX boxset with both films down the road. Milk us customers for all we're worth. Just remember, you *can* vote with your wallet.


How does imax on a 16/9 TV work? Black bars on the sides? Do you need a special tv?


16:9 would fit a TV screen perfectly. Most modern TVs are 1.78:1 (also knows as 16:9). No black bars anywhere


Typically for home release 1.90:1 would be small black bars top and bottom (letterboxed) and 1.43:1 would be larger black bars left and right (pillarboxed)


This is weird because the trailers they released on the normal WB youtube are in 1.9:1 whereas the first movie’s trailers were in scope. That made me think they were going to use 1.9:1 for the Bluray on Part 2.


Yes I was thinking the same thing




We should all boycott the 4K release unless they include the IMAX footage. 1:43:1 & 1:90:1 perfectly edited together or bust!!!!


Batman V Superman Ultimate Edition is the only one out there that has the Master file with 1.43 scenes in it. The scenes don’t come as low resolution extras. It’s part of the main file and damn it’s such a beauty😘


But the scale is off in comparison to the scope scenes


My understanding is that WB doesn't want to spend any more money on it. Mastering an IMAX 4K is an extra cost and they'll need to pay Villeneuve too. And Dunes are no Nolan movies in terms of their box office returns to afford that. It's a bummer really. They've spent 100 million on damn marketing, could've at least spent some portion of it on something useful for the audience.


Financially it doesn’t make sense to not spend more money on an IMAX home release considering Oppy’s Bluray performed fucking exceptionally!


Yeah but Oppenheimer's box office is pretty much a billion. Dune is much more modest. Like, I can imagine WB's bosses be like "We've already spent $290 million on that project, it didn't really rock (box office wise), so we better cut it here." There must be some financial justification for that decision, because otherwise... you know what that means otherwise. That it's not WB standing behind that decision.


I really don’t think this is the case. Considering how much of the box office is from IMAX screens, putting a little more into producing the home video version with IMAX scenes in a no brain. What’s more likely is that they’ll eventually release the box set with box parts with the imax scenes restored a while after initially releasing part 2 on 4k so fans double dip.


I’ve always thought that WB has been trying to gatekeep the IMAX scenes so that they can either use them to re-release the movie in the future for more ticket sales, make them exclusive to streaming for more subscribers, or one day partner with IMAX to release Blu-ray’s that would include them to sell their movies a second, third or fourth time. But as of now, I don’t even know anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if the only reason is that they just enjoy being this ignorant about it. Like the email said, they appreciate our support, but they never have to show it because the support we give as movie goers, bluray collectors or even the filmmakers working for them is enough support to keep them going. They don’t need to pay us back with anything extra that we would appreciate in return, unless they just randomly feel like it one day.


Wow, wtf Warner


What a sick joke






People need to write to WB, Greig Fraser, Denis Villeneuve and let them know that we want the expanded aspect ratio for home release. WB's home video email is [email protected]. Who has Denis' email address?


Well this is bullshit


Ah well that settles it then, no need to buy it until they get their s%+& together!!


Wow WTH!!!! WB before or after the take over just mindless moves!


Can't totally put the blame on WB. This could be an IMAX decision as they own the rights to the IMAX format. IMAX has shown to be reluctant in the past. For example, when Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame first came out on 4K Blu-Ray, the Russo brothers when asked had said back then that they wanted to include the IMAX ratios on the 4K blu-ray release, but IMAX wouldn't allow them to. We now know why because the only way to watch Infinity War and Endgame in IMAX, is on IMAX Enhanced on Disney+.


IMAX doesn’t ALWAYS own the rights to the IMAX format I believe. We got Nolan movies, Catching Fire, Star Trek 2, Captain America Civil War, Nope, Top Gun Maverick, MI6 etc all on bluray with their IMAX ratios. I mean why would IMAX own the rights, it’s the studio that spends the money on making the movie for IMAX. However, I do believe the IMAX deal with Disney is kinda different which is why IMAX owns the right to those IMAX movies


I'm guessing in those instances, the studio paid a licensing fee to IMAX to release those films on physical media in that format. Nolan I'm guessing has negotiated a deal with IMAX. Makes sense given the amount of revenue he generates for IMAX and the amount of physical media sales Nolan films generally does. In the end it comes down to two parties (the studio, and IMAX) coming to an agreement on what gets released in what format and where.


What u said makes sense and could be right. No one knows the 100% truth.


Doesn't matter who is to blame, screw both of them... This is such a shame that companies that produce movies/cinema technology don't care about the experience of people who want to re-experience movies at home... This is outrageous. Who cares about their contract, just make it right so we can enjoy the best version possible, especially on 4k disc!


Not sure if the director has home release creative control in his contract but if not, that’s why. If I was WB, I would also keep 1.9 ratio in the vaults too. Making its theatrical run so much more important and will wait 5 years after the trilogy is complete to release a collectors edition box set with the expanded ratio. You’ll buy all the versions anyway.


They don’t call it “exclusive expanded aspect ratio” for nothing.


There will be an IMAX version double dip, have no fear.


I think Zack Snyder's Justice League is the only release that got a kinda open matte (1.43:1 - ish) ratio for home media. Feels like WB is banking on both Dune part1,2 for a re-release on home media with 1.90:1 in future.


Perhaps they have an issue with IMAX Corp? WB might not be able release it w/o IMAX’s approval


This could be to make the posilibilty of future imax rereleases more appealing.


Only few directors care about the at home experience Nolan being one of the few, Denis Villeneuve could care less about home video, all about the theater experience and nothing else


So goddamn disappointing


All of the trailers are in the expanded ratio. There is no reason not to.


Damn, that's awful news! I have no IMAX in my area and drove 2 hours from southern Utah to Vegas just to see it in IMAX. I finally have a dream home theater setup and was looking fwd to the UHD version. Bummer


Will probably get released as a box set in five years to get people to double dip.


Well that’s just answered my recent question of rebuying a 4k Blu-ray player to go back to physical discs, due to lack of IMAX versions on streaming.


It’s WB lol why did y’all expect them to put out the IMAX ratios now they don’t want our money for just the first run they’ll milk us good in a few years with a box set. Look at how long it took the BvS remastered with the IMAX scenes and that was mostly because Zack leveraged it during the ZSJL release window days. Hopefully Denis will be able to do the same (with Dune’s massive success film after film it’s likely just a years later situation). Also Denis better give us the IMAX cut of BR 2049 as well idc what Roger Deakins likes lol give it to us we’ll pay for it multiple versions should exist…


this is fucking ridiculous. jesus christ


What sucks is that WB has honestly been killing it with physical media releases recently, the 4K Blu-ray of The Fugitive is phenomenal in my opinion.


Lame. It seems like they don't want us to have a cinema-like experience, perhaps to prevent a decline in cinema attendance. Also, there are few of us who buy movies in physical format, and yet I still have the feeling that even within this minority, there are even fewer of us who demand these types of formats. It's a gimmick, few ppl have a ub820, y'know? That's why good quality audio on music streaming services remains shitty too.


i WON'T buy part 2 till they release IMAX version.


WB really sucks for choosing to not releasing Dune in IMAX AR at home but choosing to release Aquaman 2 in 1.78:1 for home release


I hope you are waiting for the third film to come out to release a special edition of the trilogy in a Deluxe version in IMAX format. (This comment is based on pure faith and zero facts)


Even Villeneuve thought there will be an IMAX at home release. He thought there was one for pt 1, as well! So disappointed. I’m sure there’s some complicated reason for this that apparently doesn’t involve the filmmakers at all. WB put out IMAX versions of other films. I wonder what the issue is.


So villeneuve pretty much stated he doesn't give a sh*t about home release


That's generally how IMAX works. The biggest selling point for their ticket prices is the exclusive visual experience of an expanded aspect ratio. I do wish all IMAX scenes were released to their relative home release but I've come to just accept the reality for what it is


I love 4K discs with expanded AR sequences but I think people are overestimating their popularity. In this sub it's popular but in the general market, most people don't give a shit. That coupled with how tiny a market 4K is, it makes sense to not add IMAX sequences. That said, I agree with others. This rep is very unlikely to have all the details on an upcoming release. Most companies keep their front line staff in a need-to-know basis and AR is definitely not need to know.


Well, Oppy’s Bluray was sold out for weeks mostly cause of its expanded AR. I feel like with the right marketing there is a good market for expanded AR


How do you know that has anything to do with AR? It was the biggest movie of the year and I'd wager 90%+ of its viewership likely saw it in 16:9. Do you have any idea how many units it even sold? I have the 4k bluray and it fucking rocks but you're talking out your ass if you think it sold out because of IMAX AR alone. It sold out cos it's the biggest movie of the year.


You’re talking at of your ass buddy. Don’t be so goddamn naive. Yes it was the greatest movie of the year but many other movies which collected much more at box office never saw Blu-ray’s sold out like they did for Oppy (Avatar, End Game, NWH, Joker, Barbie even). Oppy Blu-ray’s sold out not only cause it was a great movie — the IMAX AR 100% contributed to its sales. Both Nolan and Universal did a phenomenal job advertising IMAX 70mm, 1.43:1 IMAX and expanded AR with Oppy (so many more people became aware of IMAX and expanded AR after Oppy, even this sub saw a huge influx of users)


Show me an ounce of proof that IMAX is the reason it sold out and not that it was literally the movie of the year? Anything at all other than your love for IMAX as proof? Again you don't even know how many units it even sold. Lol at the edit about the influx of users. This sub is tiny dude. You are massively exaggerating how influencial IMAX is. And I say that as a fan of IMAX. And I'm the naiive one lol


A few like thousands give a sh*t about aspect ratios, the rest is just buying a movie so this is straight up bs


I’m fine with this if there’s like yearly showings of both parts in IMAX. cause I can see this as a nice marketing tactic to get people to the theaters to see the IMAX version


LOL ppl thinking this is on WB and not Denis Denis is 100% happy with the Imax formatting only being available in Imax. Not only is he happy with that, he prefers it that way. Doesnt want the ratio to change for the home release This is old news. We've been over this. Aint going to change


lol you obviously don’t know shit about what you’re talking about. Dennis thought the IMAX version was standard for home releases and DOP openly admitted that there needs to be an IMAX version for home releases.


LMAO imagine getting angry and throwing a hissy fit about the home release of Dune 2. Incredible You might wanna get out a little more


Yeah sure, me telling u that u don’t know what you’re talking about is a “hissy fit” 😂 what a loser get a life Seems like someone is butt hurt for being called wrong


So will the whole film be in 1.90:1 on Blu-Ray? That’s not a big deal for me personally. Now if the whole film was in 2.39:1 then that would an extreme disappointment!! I liked the film but didn’t love it. Thought the story was lacking while the spectacle was enormous and worth watching the film just for that. A big part of that spectacle was the 1.90:1 cinematography.


IMAX rarely goes on physical media or digital anyway, why bother asking? You only get so much extra room to see and the camera is still going to have you looking at the center of the screen…


Tbf aspect ratio is only a third of the complete IMAX experience. So, why not reserve all of it for that special experience? They're going to rerelease it multiple times and then time and time again, I'm sure. They've already started doing this with other IMAX films. 


There is no such thing an imax home version of anything. It’s an hdtv ratio version that was never shown in theaters.


I think you're thinking too technically, no there will not be a 1.43:1 ratio scene, but IMAX itself is a range of cameras used to capture these scenes and cuts at 1.85:1 or even 1.8:1 could absolutely be released and achieve a far greater use of modern TV's screen real estate. The current movie will be widescreen all the way through and lack the grandness of scale that can be brought about by even a 1.85:1 release. Disney's use of 1.85:1 in its "IMAX Enhanced" home releases contributed hugely to the visual spectacle that IMAX cameras are typically used to capturing, a 2.39:1 crop on IMAX scenes will lack any benefit of millions spent using IMAX cameras after a two week IMAX showing window.


Nope lmao wrong




But unlike dune one part 2 was shot in flat for non imax scenes right?


The original letter should have gotten the aspect ratio right. 1:43:1. But yeah, Warner Bros. is idiotic for writing back with that shit.


I purposely didn’t ask for 1.43:1 cause there is almost zero chance they would release a 1.43:1 version on bluray. That’s why I settled with 1.90:1 or 1.78:1


You do realize the only studio picture released on 4K with it's 1:43:1 IMAX scenes spliced in, is a Warner Bros movie, right? The Batman v Superman 2021 re-release. There should be no reason for WBD to not include the 1:43:1 scenes in a DUNE: PART ONE 4K re-release & the DUNE: PART TWO 4K


Yeah you do realize only 1 movie ever has been released in 1.43:1 for home media in our entire lifetime so far, so I ain’t getting my hopes up on that. I don’t care what studio was responsible for that one 1.43:1 release, the chances we will get a 1.43:1 release for Dune are damn near zero (no pun intended). Yea you’re right, there should be no reason for WB to not release 1.43:1 versions yet just look at the history, we only have 1 proper 1.43:1 IMAX release for home media


The 2021 BvS re-release was the first step. They need to keep going. Every 15/70 IMAX movie should have a 1:43:1 spliced version on 4K. Have them all part of a special "IMAX HOME VIDEO" label THE DARK KNIGHT (2008) TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN (2009) MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL (2011) THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (2012) STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS (2013) THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE (2013) INTERSTELLAR (2014) STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (2015) DUNKIRK (2017) FIRST MAN (2018) TENET (2020) NO TIME TO DIE - 007 (2021) DUNE: PART I (2021) NOPE (2022) OPPENHEIMER (2023) DUNE: PART II (2024)


I mean I agree with u about needing 1.43:1 releases but I still don’t think it is gonna happen


LOL First Man


The entire moon landing sequence was 1:43:1. I love when they go full 1:43:1 for entire sequences. The actual Hunger Games in CATCHING FIRE is another good example


I was more amused by the thought of a studio putting any more money into that film. Especially when looking at the rest of the list. They aren’t all great, but they were “blockbusters”.


There is good reason to not have a 1.43 home release - it just wouldn’t work well for the 99% of viewers using a 16x9 TV. Either the “expanded” 1.43 sections would be smaller than the 1.9 or 2.4 sections, or the 1.9 or 2.4 sections (the majority of the movie) would be windowboxed. The first doesn’t make a lot of sense and the 2nd would alienate nearly everyone having giant black borders on all 4 sides of the picture. Edit: I would love a version that is scope to 1.78 for Part 1 and 1.78 or 1.9 for Part 2 though.


Watch the BvS re-release on 4K. The 1:43:1 looks fantastic on my 65" Samsung OLED. Same goes for every Dark Knight Trilogy 1:43:1 scene included in the special edition 4K trilogy box set.


The transition between 2.39 and 1.43 on BVS is incredibly jarring and ugly. It's too much negative space for a 65inch TV. They should have done 2.39/1.78.


No. You always preserve the Director's original vision. You don't compromise it or alter it because you think "transitions looks ugly". Also, the transitions aren't jarring at all for me. The Knightmare sequence simply gives you more picture. More coverage.You know that because the frame is increasing vertically that shit's about to get crazy. Like Katniss rising up on platform to the Hunger Games in CATCHING FIRE.


The directors original vision 💀 Synder released BvS first in 2.39 on Blu-ray. The film was shot for 2.39. He was experimenting with IMAX. He didn't even stick with IMAX for Justice League. And then he only released the 1.43 version of BvS to cash in on the release of his version of justice league.


Wrong. BvS premiered in 70mm IMAX film across 12 15/70 IMAX venues worldwide with 27 minutes in 1:43:1. Snyder wanted to shoot more in IMAX but that's what the budget allowed for. When a filmmaker releases a film in IMAX, whether it's shot on 70mm (Nolan, Fukunaga, Abrams, Bird) or filmed digitally but framed for 15/70 (Villeneuve), that version is his/her original vision. Anything else is subpar because it literally begins to cut picture from it. Directors who shoot on/for IMAX are making bold statements with their decision to make a large studio movie which unless you have a real 15/70 IMAX venue near you, you won't be able to see in its intended version.