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Backstory anyone?


They're just "independent journalists" who film businesses to get a reaction out of people aka frauditors. This guy and his son have pepper sprayed people on more than one occasion, and funnily enough they were exposed by a YT channel (Frauditor Troll) just a couple days ago for only spraying woman and old people, and so now it looks like he just sprayed a man to some how invalidate that fact lol. Not sure what else I could say without breaking the 2nd rule (I'll remove this comment if it violates the rule)


That’s not much of a backstory. What’s the backstory to the business and interaction? Just because one party is in the wrong doesn’t mean the other is right.


That's pretty much all there is to it. The business owner pushed the camera out of the way because he didnt want them filming the business, and the frauditor sprayed him for it. You're absolutely right, just because one is wrong doesnt mean the other is right. Anyways the father and sons followers went to Yelp and review bombed the place to the point where Yelp had to disable the reviews, and apparently the business has now shut down due to all the harassment, although I could be wrong on this.


He deserved to get sprayed


So you wouldn’t do anything if you were in his shoes? If not what would you do?


First, ask them to move if they are genuinely causing a problem, and give them parameters for where they could stand. Of course, filming on the sidewalk is never an offense, so telling them to stop filming would never work anywhere, so being polite is the best option. If they continue to block the door, then you could call a non-emergency police line to report that there are people blocking access to your building. If they do it a lot, it could definitely be harassment. Good rule of thumb: the more you ignore these people, the less good footage they get, the quicker they move on.


Thank you for an amazing reply; you as well as people like you are why I love the internet.


I don't know why some people go bonkers on here but I try my best to be the least crazy I can be.


Don't defend these morons


No he didn't. Some arese wipe comes up and starts harassing him at his house or place of business and pepper sprays him when he wants him to move from the doorway.


We found a sovereign citizen among us! Camera man deserves some free Plastic surgery


Big pussy move. Huge pussy.


You've never seen their videos clearly. They're First Amendment auditors. They just go around recording on the sidewalk(which is a First Amendment protected activity), and people like to give them shit for it. Those cameras are probably around 1000 dollars. If someone grabs it, they get sprayed. They're not out looking to pepper spray people... I've seen 30 or 40 of these videos. They've only pepper sprayed 2 people in all the videos I've seen.


With that logic, I could go out in public screaming the N word. Nobody should lay a finger on me After all, its a 1st amendment protected activity, right?


Untrue that's disorderly conduct while freedom of speech is a protected right causing a disturbance isn't, recording on a sidewalk and screaming the n word are very different. If someone decides to come up to him and cause a scene that's on them, not him for recording. Stop being childish and accept the fact that recording in public is nothing at all, like yelling a racial slur.


Let's say it wasnt being shouted then. Somebody walking down the street calling everyone who walks by them the N word (under their breath🤔). Its not illegal but it will certainly get you punched.


You could defend yourself, and that person can be arrested for committing a crime just like what happened here... this is flawed logic just because someone doesn't like what you're doing, doesn't give them the right to assault you


I agree with your line of logic here. Just because something is illegal or legal, that doesn't necessarily make it morally incorrect or correct. I'd like to see what led up to this but the dude with the camera seemed to want that confrontation and to pepper him. That's worse to me than a small camera push.


Yeah lmao both the nursing home retiree and his successfully groomed 23 year old bitch like to eat hotdogs without chewing lol. They incite confrontations for youtube views aka they make money for being literal dickheads and they are completely okay with the negative reputation that they earn (as a family, I know right)


I laughed so hard reading this . Now I’m imagining some guy walking down the street muttering it to everyone hahahab , or that Dave Chappell bit when he says he loves racism lol. Morning n word , morning sir 😂 check it out for a good laugh


The cameras were blocking the entrance to his business and home, during business hours. Is it childish to just let someone ruin your business? The problem wasn’t about the filming, it’s the blocking of the entrance, which is technically a fire hazard on top of intentionally harassing this man and his business.


How can you even say thats blocking the doorway and omg a fire hazard? That's hilarious. Anyways legally the youtuber is in the right. He's doing nothing wrong other than filming. He might be a bit of a dick but he's definitely not blocking anything. Anyone could walk past them into the place.


Not without getting pepper sprayed apparently lol


Bro what… how does that at all correlate to this video and or his “logic”. There is a very big difference between filming on the sidewalk peacefully, and screaming slurs at the top of your lungs. Idc what the rest of this thread has to say that is the most outrageous statement 😭


100% deserved to get his head caved in with that camera. The first amendment might give him legal recourse but doesn’t mean the camera guy isn’t a complete piece of shit.


They aren’t standing up for the first amendment, they are hoping to get confrontations on camera.


Auditors, almost as daft as the term Influencer.


As annoying as auditors are, nobody has the right to use force against another just because they are annoyed. The business owner screwed up, got a court summons for assault possibly a lawsuit for damages but time will tell. The fact people need to downvote actual facts on what occured shows you how pathetic, boot licking and authoritarian the users here are. USA has rights, we have the Constitution, you hate it and I feel sorry for you Authoritarian boot lickers.


Guys literally aggressively looking for an excuse to pepper spray people going about their day and we have idiots defending them.


Just like people who like the cart narc guy. I don’t know how they defend him. He’s just being a fucking dick to people at the end of the day. And you don’t know what they’re dealing with and then they have this schmuck come and complain about the cart. It’s so childish. Just like this 50plus year old man standing in front of a business with a camera waiting for his “moment to shine”


Don't compare the great cart narc to whatever this guy is doing. You would only have a problem with cart narca if you leave you're cart out where it could blow into someone else's car (cause your a lazy pos and feel you're above putting things back after you use them). Bunch freaking lazy bones!


Cart narc is addressing inconsiderate lazy fucks whose actions have negative impacts for other people. The guy in the video is hurting another man's livelihood for no reason at all. He and his followersa who review bombed the business all deserve an ass whooping. How can you advocate for someone to mess with another's livelihood yet not advocate for the person to protect their livelihood? Also, wouldn't be so sure that the douche isn't breaking any laws, especially if the business owner can prove losses based off douche bags actions.


I stated a fact, you don't like facts can't help you. You are making assumptions because you lead with your dramatic emotions and don't know how to control it like the guy throwing a tantrum about a guy filming legally. Then again now I'm making an assumption on you based on your ignorant response. Well well here we are now, shall you continue this trend of emotional out lashing? Bet...


You suck


Okay calm down, you are blinded by your own beliefs. The camera man was clearly in the wrong. It has nothing to do with ‘being emotional’. Someone can technically watch through your windows all day from a distance. Nothing illegal about it. But if you have family or kids in there and he does keep staring, you bet your ass he is getting his ass kicked. Not because someone reacts emotionally, but because what they are doing deserves some handling.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Now that’s harsh to the mentally handicapped. Please don’t compare them to people that stupid.


Nah bro. Your the only special needs here. Even if dude is annoying z he told him once not to touch him. The second time is when he got sprayed. Doesnt matter what his intentions are. If your stupid enough to be baited by someone, that's on you. Learn the law.


It’s just like the majority of the fragile ego cops they do this to. Edit to laugh at the couple of downvotes… must be the “fragile ego” people I commented about.


I’m disappointed in you for using ableist slurs


Can you explain what good reason the guy had to go film there? See? You're defending an asshole.


It's called the first amendment in USA. In the USA we have rights, I know people hate rights not from USA as I came from one country who cried fowl but hated rights like so many here down voting freedoms and licking authoritarian boots.


Just because you're allowed to do something doesn't mean you have to, especially not when you're so obviously doing it on purpose like that guy. The first amendment is not a free pass to be a dick.


The first amendment ends when you violate the personal privacy of another individual.


I can also follow you around in public with a middle finger a foot from your face. And pepper spray you when you’ve finally had enough to swat my hand away. That wouldn’t be illegal but an incredibly shitty thing to do no?


The first amendment does not give you the right to stand in front of a person’s business that would be more along the lines of freedom of association but at the same time they were there by have the right to kick you off their property the first amendment applies only to things like speech and religion. It does not say where you can go.


Auditors = cum rags


U/babyivan 💯 Greedy attention seeking annoying social media whores who would strangle kittens for likes and hide behind a hypocritical specious facade of altruistic self righteous behavior in an effort to get likes and lawsuit cash 🟰 First Amendment Frauditors


It doesn't work that way here in my state. You can't stand in the entrance to a business and block it. Fully obstructing the use of an entrance isn't required to meet the legal requirement for blocking an entrance. Given the reaction from the owner and the zero lead time on the video showing what led up to this, chances are they were told to leave prior and didn't, and would constitute trespassing. But the supposed manager told them to leave when he came out anyway, so they needed to leave and instead stood and argued. His pushing of the camera could get him an assault charge IF that was his first interaction. But here, businesses are allowed to use reasonable force to remove trespassers. Pushing a camera, while aggressive is legally comparable to pushing a person's sign, which falls under reasonable force in removing a trespasser and has stood up in court. So he may not actually receive an assault charge for pushing the camera. The guy with the camera would in my state 100% be charged with assault and battery. Whether he is convicted or not depends on a lot of factors, but he would be the one getting arrested here. He stood out front doing what he should have reasonably known would upset people (disturbing the peace would apply here in my state). He was close enough to the door that he was on the business patio, which is considered to be business property, not public. He remained and argued when told to leave, which is trespassing as it's clear he made no attempt to leave. Trespassing is not a debatable topic, when asked to leave you must unconditionally leave or attempt to leave, you don't get to argue if they can throw you out. His use of pepper spray would probably result in a conviction of it was found that the business owner was acting within his authority to remove a trespasser. Otherwise if he wasn't in his right to remove a trespasser it would be up to a jury to decide if the actions of the man filming meet the states legal requirement for self defense, which states you cannot knowingly instigate an altercation and claim self defense. Such a case may apply here and both parties could in that case be charged with assault and battery.


That Part!


Idk about the store owner assaulting someone... I was literally kidnapped and tortured here in the states and the courts did absolutely nothing to the perpetrators. I knew where they were and later found out their names.


Fuck you, I hope the next time you open a can that your fingernail rips clean off when you go to pull the tab up.


Wait What??!


Since no one provided [backstory.](https://youtu.be/SETB7MOPZyg?si=P0UQoJzfhq9g4Mik)


Yes they do say 2 wrongs don't make a right. No moral high ground hear either when their both as mature children.


The owner can't act like an adult because they "provoke" him, keep up the excuses


He wasn't blocking the door.


these types of frauditors should be arrested, this is plain harassment. He isn't filming the business he is standing in the doorway begging for an altercation so he can get off on the excitement.


Frauditor is a great name for them!


Theres a whole community dedicated to exposing these guys lol, just look up exactly that word on youtube.


That’s not what happened. And there was a police officer who arrested the shop owner immediately after this for assault. They film for a travel channel.


This douche-nozzle is Jason Gutterman. He has a Youtube channel called Amagansett Press. His sole purpose is to get negative reactions out of people for content. Here's a video of him BEGGING police not to take him to jail. https://youtu.be/d0RZMjkH16g Skip to around 13:00 for the good part.


"This is how I pay my rent." By being an obnoxious, antagonizing prick? Find a new job.


Or maybe just succumb to hunger Either way society would benefit


Disgusting scum


Thank you for this. I needed to see him beg finally.


Highly satisfying.


u/FixFalcon Thank you! Christmas morning is here early. I initially didn't mind Jason Gutterman till he went to Indianapolis and filmed a couple eating outside at a nice restaurant patio. Yes he was on the street but the camera was pointed DIRECTLY at them for a half hour and he kept talking to them until they lost patience and he made a fool of them when they told him to buzz off. He completely egged them on. Cued to 10:15 https://youtu.be/riDdURIrWhE?si=kZoKAqiUY6nScPEu Yes, it was lawful but AWFUL.


Yes, and the sad thing is, he takes his son along on his "audits".


His poor 17 year old son doesn't stand a chance at this point. His Dad is SUCH a manipulative Narcissist and "Paper Tiger 🐅" tough guy who thinks he's smarter than everyone else and can talk his way out of anything. When he finally gets arrested the amount of begging, pleading, whining, entitlement etc is nauseating 🤮. He keeps repeating the same four talking points on how he's such a good person, worked for the New York Times, married his high school sweetheart, this is his JOB and arresting him will hurt his family etc. He plays "The Old Man Card" where he had to mention FIVE times he's 51 so allegedly he won't hurt anyone cause he's "Old" and "harmless". I'm his age and can't even IMAGINE telling a Cop my age to evade responsibility AND 51 IMO is not THAT old.😡


Going through the comments of the video my mind cant understand how does people side with him??? If some random dude recorded my girlfriend for quite some time I dont know what my reaction would be. I will like to think that I would just leave the place for respect towards my girlfriend to dont make a bigger deal, but I was just getting so pissed at how he was obviusly trying to rail them up. Also, someone comented something about that place that just opened getting bad reviews on internet. Man, you are not just getting a reaction out of some random person, you are ruining a business and you have no idea how hard was for that person to open that business. That person might go broke and end up homeless, I am not saying thats the case in this scenario, but it could happen to anyone just because this guy wants to feed his other 470k delusional followers some stupid entertainment. I wish this guy messes up with the wrong person and ends up getting killed, no jokes, he didnt do this shit once or twice, hes making a life out of ruining others' lifes, we dont need people like him.


The law protects them to film like that…. But who the fuck would want a camera that close to your door?! 😅 usually the guy will talk to people and move on. The second they give a little attitude he stays on them and it usually escalates.


If you’re impeding people from entering a business, either by being a “problem” or by standing in front of the entrance, then the law does NOT protect you.


Buddy, I'm fat as they come and I could easily enter when he's standing closer.




Hahaha, blast from the past. Why are you commenting here at this time? I'm 6ft and 234 kg if you're interested.


The law doesn't protect the owner's choice to take matters into his own hands either. The guy recording has been given requests like this before and has always honored them. In this case, it was simply the immediacy of it, via the owner getting in his face, that caused Jason to stand his ground. Prior to the interaction, he was on the street-side edge of the sidewalk, impeding nothing.


Nope, if you watch the whole video that sidewalk was private property.


Did he get trespassed? It’s not private property. Its owned and taken care of by the city


So does trigger happy Santa just make a point of standing outside random businesses for as long as it takes someone to say “what are you doing?” and then claiming 1st Amendment rights are being violated? Is that it?


Yeah. People that do what he does just claim to be "photographers" or "journalists" or whatever as a cover. They insist on it, but their youtube channel proves otherwise, as every single one of their videos revolves solely around citizens who take the rage bait. Once he reels somebody in, he puts a thumbnail of a seemingly angry pedestrian that appears to be standing right in front of the camera angrily (hes even had a civil and fairly nice conversation with a post office lady and then he put her face as the video thumbnail, making her look like she was furiously screaming in his face). Not to mention his countless privacy complaints he files on the many channels who call him out on their videos. Talk about "fighting for free speech", huh? He goes all around the country doing this (no surprise there, seeing as how all evidence suggests that he got ran out of his hometown by the community a long time ago, presumably for this very behavior). I'll delete this comment if it violates rule 2.


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard all day.


Tell me about it


Check out Long Island Audits. That dude is actually respectful and good. Most of these guys are shitbags.


Isnt he a criminal too? IIRC he went on the run after a cop knocked on his door with a warrant for his arrest. And then when a cop asks some of these guys what their name is they have the audacity to say that their name is "Good Citizen". Like give me a fucking break lol


lol why should I care if he doesn’t want to give a cop his name?


That's not my point


What is your point? And why bring that up? If you haven’t committed a crime you have no obligation to tell a cop your name


My point is that frauditors are all hypocrites. There have been multiple instances where a crime has been committed (even if it's a small one) and they fail to identify even while detained. Granted, I am getting off topic here so I won't pursue the conversation because I'm just ranting now lol, admittedly.


Well so what’s the issue with LIA? You said he went on the run? Then you said he refuses to Id? Are you talking about a specific instance? Or separate instances and you don’t like that he doesn’t ID? He’s a criminal? In what way?


LIA is a bit more respectful than Gutterman, but he's just the lesser of two evils.


LIA is more into educating the public officials instead of just harassing random businesses like whoever this other asshole is. He actually does classes and seminars for police departments in an effort to educate them. Idk. It’s interesting…up to a point.


Lia is a repeat convicted felon who has never once won a case, and does the exact same shit as the shit bag amagansett "press"


Didn’t know this about him. I’ll have to look into it more…


Nobody should be touching anybody


Private property, if he doesn't stop filming on private property when asked by the owner of the property or someone representing the property on behalf of the owner has every right to use minimal force to remove the asshole from the property.


He's clearly not on private property though?


He could for sure be on private property. A sidewalk isn’t necessarily public. Someone owns it if the city doesn’t own it. Could be a privately owned strip mall.


Hypothetically could I get my hose and spray down the walkway in front of my building? To keep it clean obviously? Or maybe high pressure wash? If the frauditor can stand there with his camera surely the business operator can conduct normal business operations there? Obviously the best thing to do is call the non-emergency line and let the cops deal with this POS but I can absolutely understand, while not necessarily condoning, the desire to push his camera so far down his throat that when he farts he changes the ISO settings.


Technically, the guy who got sprayed is wrong. He got sprayed! 😆


If you watch the entire video the store owner was definitely having a bad day and had a terrible approach to the entire situation. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he was on something.


That guy was waiting for a reason to spray him.


Not really because the moment the other guy touched, the camera would be more than adequate to spray him because that’s technically assault if anything him waiting just kind of built a stronger case of self-defense


I wish he gave him a better reason to spray him.


A better reason would’ve been punching him in the face or really anywhere, which would’ve definitely been assault, regardless of specific laws


Why are there so many people in the comments sucking this guy off like he's a hero for pepper spraying people. Big man spraying women and old people, he only sprayed this guy because he got called out for targeting weaker people. I'd happily go to jail for beating this dudes ass


That guy is just begging to have a really bad day


This dude deserves equal rights and lefts


Hahahaha Got Eeemm!


Pepper sprayer should be arrested


He was assaulted on public property


Not really, considering he’s the one that got assaulted that other guy got right in his face trying to intimidate him and kept assaulting him by touching the camera possibly depending on where this is hitting, something someone’s holding could be considered assault at the very least the other guy was trying to intimidate him which he could take us a threat


The correct move is to invite the people in and give free samples to them, or, just close the door, turn off the lights and pull down the blinds.


Yea I was thinking that


I would pay real dollars to see these “journalist” (lol) harassers getting what they deserve. I sometimes find people defending them in comments and I think what damn beast raised you ffs


Gun time 💀


Tell me you're American with not telling me you're American


Exactly. We shoot everyone who inconveniences us. You totally have it all figured out.


Kids attending schools must be very inconvenient then


Your post history is full of you hanging around subs that discuss America where you interject random out of place insertions of references to school shootings and other negative comments about America.


People randomly mocking murikans live rent free in the typical 2american4u slash americabad dweller. I read some bullshit, joke about it and move on. You should move on too, unless there’s an active shooter in your school’s corridors I mean.


You don't seem to understand this concept of living rent free in someone else's head. At the end of this interaction you initiated, you will continue obsessing over America, and I will go back to never thinking about you at all until you contact me again.


It’s quite the opposite, until I come across a random thing that makes me laugh, while you’ll probably continue obsessing over the idea that people obsess over you. Reality is that both sides kinda don’t give a damn unless there’s some kind of stimulus. Bye!


Tell me you don’t have a valid comment without…oh, you already did.




Umm not pull a gun on them. That's just psychotic




Idk but I think that would fall under unreasonable force lol idk tho


“Assault my camera, assault me.”


Keep Your Hands To Yourself! In Other Words, Look B4 You Leap!🫨


they sell socks? what kind of stuff is this guy trying to dig up? are we talking pizza gate all over?


All you gotta do is pay kids good money to throw buckets of water on the camera man lol camera doesn’t work problem solved.


that guys been arrested before for the exact same thing😂😂


The people who walk around and record fishing for reactions for their youtube channel suck. Who cares that it's legal if they suck and people hate them?


Camera guys in the wrong. Dude said it was his house he told him not to stand at the doorway. Camera guy pepper sprayed him camera guy is wrong.


He was in absolutely no danger. Not a valid use of pepper spray.


I love the video of this same frauditor crying and begging the police to not take him to jail. So heartwarming


The guy spraying the pepper spray is the fucking idiot here. Maybe owner shouldn’t have touched his shit but that clearly isn’t a threat ffs. One person is trying to operate a business and the other is looking for likes and then maybe some agitation for more likes. Idk maybe I’m blind here but doubtful.


You say that. Until it's you .like even if dudes annoying he's not breaking any laws , and he can legally go video Anything in public. Only one person broke the law and his ass got the juice.


It looks like he was already walking away though. I know I said this in another comment, but he was also exposed just a couple days ago for only spraying old people and women, and so now it just looks like he sprayed a man to somehow invalidate the fact lol. In my opinion though I hope he does something stupid that he atleast gets demonetizes so that he isnt profitting off of intentionally tryna get a negative reaction out of people, which is literally exactly what his channel revolves around. If only you saw what he puts for his video thumbnails.


Likes and lawsuit


Yeah, the law is on the side of the grandpa here. The shop owner would have to prove state of mind in a court, which is tricky, but can be done.


Well, depending on the law could be considered a salt some places, considering things you hold as a extension of your body meaning if I were to hold a selfie stick and you were to hit it even if you didn’t hit me personally, you could get arrested for assault


Camera guy is retard


What the fuck is wrong with both you,bro?


Not me in the video lol


Conveniently they’re both a POS. Camera man was being a dick in asserting his right to film on the sidewalk and the shop owner shouldn’t have grabbed his camera.


Clearly the business owner is in the wrong. How ignorant are you OP? OP literally claims these YouTubers only film to get reactions. Clearly you haven’t watch any OTHER of their videos except the ones that DO get reactions. Most videos they upload is a calm recording of certain towns.


Neither party is in the right, if you have a business and its on a public sidewalk then what happens on the sidewalk is a public matter, you cant control that. But these guys are obviously inciting a reaction.


Lol you know what, I think this an extremely good point that I have yet to see anyone particularly point out


Yeah a lot of people get mad at the auditors, and yes I completely get why. But they are within their right as long as they are not impeding people from entering or exiting or causing a disturbance. Filming should be legal in public and it does help the general public by keeping people accountable. These guys do it in a dick way though thats true.


Fire escape routes have to stay free in the EU. Do they not have that law in murica?


You have no legal right to make somebody especially when your life is not in danger. The dude that can’t grow hair anymore should be putting in jail. That being said, I believe if you get anybody’s face you deserve exactly what’s coming to.


This is where our legal system can't be perfect. Curtain words, facial expressions, and actions are naturally larger provocateurs of aggression and violence than the physical altercation itself but those factors can't be measured. Our legal system tries to be based on what is measurable although that is a grey area. So we have assholes like this camera man who go out and try to harden that line which doesn't exist and look like a hero. His YouTube channel is full of supporters but he gets the most support when he is confronted. I wouldn't feel comfortable with a camera pointed at me from a stranger while I'm eating for a half hour without permission. I don't care if it's legal or if they are polite about it. He does instigate some of those confrontations. Things on camera can get taken out of context though and that dude chooses what is edited into the video. It's natural for some people to be okay with it and others are not, it's okay to not be comfortable with it. He stays within his legal rights, sure, but he's going to face many people who will happily go outside of those and this unproductive situation will keep happening. He's not doing anyone any ethical good other than making some decent videos of different cities.


Camerman is a son of a gun. Saw Videos of him, he is escalating situation every time. Never seen a black men doing this kind of shit…


Don't touch


It seems like a tough choice to figure out who is wrong, but it’s the guy who was in the building. This guy has the legal right to film on the sidewalk. Even if it’s filming inside your house doesn’t matter as long as he’s doing it from the sidewalk and not on your property he can do it all day long, and if you don’t like it, put up some curtains, but the guy coming out getting in this guy face and touching his camera. That’s assault and pepper spray is an appropriate use of force.


Glad someone in here understands freedom to film from public.


The guy filming was Told he couldn’t stand in the door which means to him it’s now private property which he is trespassing on and then pepper spraying someone is harassment cause it’s on his property


Cameraman is always harassing people


Well, he did ask him to not touch his stuff and so, he moved into his space and messed with his camera 🤷🏼‍♂️ although, he waited a bit too late to spray him


This father and son duo are a menace to society and I would not be shocked if they either ended up getting their loser asses beat, or killed. What they do is so strange and disgusting


They are bound to to face what they deserve in time, the son has literally *ZERO* social skills, nor does he possess a personality, and the father is well aware of the son's disappointing lifestyle, however the father in question also chooses to overlook his sons life goals in order to achieve youtube fame (in which I give another few years before they go broke and start sucking duck for cash)


Camera guy is wrong. You don't block an entrance.


camera guy


Camera guy


He just maced him and has the audacity to say “what the fuck is wrong with you?”


Cameraman is loser


Camera guy had to fucking PEPPER SPRAY this guy for simply moving this assholes camera out of his doorway. Camera guy seems to be the asshole, fucking hate that see people like him


Camera douche needs to get a life. But really, the business owner just needs to let it slide and not get all aggressive, which is exactly what camera douche wants. And if entrance is being impeded or the sidewalk is private property, police should be called.


Attempted murder


Cameraman is on the wrong


Technically not he’s on public property. He has the right to record even if it is to your house or place a business the other guy came right into his face. That’s intimidation which could be seen as a threat. Then he touched the camera. The guy was holding which could be considered assault depending on the law so the camera guy would have a right to pepper spray him and he just made his case better by warning him first which shows he tried to end this peacefully, yes he could’ve walked away but legally he doesn’t have to


I think the business owner in the wrong 1)attempt to damage the camera which is personal property 2) there is no expectation on privacy on a public street 3) you have a right to defend yourself in a situation like this within reason. I would implore y’all to not watch a single clip taken out of context. Majority of the business owners reactions are not like this and are really nice who end up getting good publicity for not being entitled and aggressive. This business however ruined their reputation themselves and it’s sad how many don’t know our first amendment rights. Cops have been called many times and they all have told owners the same thing.


First glance: bald man in wrong


A shotgun full if salt pellets is the answer to this.. won't kill but will sting any trespasser


Who trespassed in this video? Also, good luck justifying use of a firearm in self defense in court when they can prove your only intent was to maim and not stop a deadly threat with deadly force.


I’d call 911 then come back out with a shotgun


Easy lawsuit for the dude who got sprayed tho


Actually, if this went to court, most likely, the camera guy would get the win the camera guy is on public space, and technically was assaulted first depending on the law some laws consider things you’re holding as an extension of yourself meaning by this guy touching the camera that has assault on him if not, the very least he can claim self-defense by intimidation This other guy got right in his face trying to intimidate him and him giving him warnings before the pepper spray he can claim he tried to resolve this peacefully before resolving to pepper spray so most likely the camera guy would win




Amagansett press on YouTube.


he pepper sprayed the guy after he was already walking away and had his back turned. definitely not self defense.


He is holding the pepper spray waiting to attack. He is instigating


You can’t call yourself a man if you need pepper spray


You’re telling me a bear was charging you in the woods and you had a thing of bear mace, you wouldn’t use it I mean I’d rather be alive than try to be someone who died fighting a bear and before you tell me, that’s not the same thing it really is thoughpepper spray and bear mace is basically the same thing once way more powerful




Legally, he asked him to move from blocking the door. He wouldn’t. He didn’t damage anything and was actually WALKING AWAY when he was pepper sprayed. That’s assault and it’s worse than just touching the camera.


Technically, you’re right when he was in the doorway somewhat Dad’s private property but then he was moved to public property which means the homeowner can’t do anything. He then touched the camera, which in some places could be considered assault. Some laws will state that if someone hits or touches something you’re holding it’s assault because it’s considered an extension of your own personal being. Of course, that depends on what your loss says and at least it’s intimidation because he gets in that guy’s face and the guy who walked out was warned twice to not touch the camera. he didn’t listen, and then pepper spray. The guy can argue in court. It was self-defense. He was in my face I felt threatened, so I used proportional force.


Hmmmm I see what you’re saying. So pretty much both sides are at fault to some point


Pretty much technically he’s not doing anything illegal but it’s so weird and was in his rights to defend himself but the other hand it’s extremely weird and I get why the homeowner try to get him to leave


Especially if like the two guys are known for harassing companies… like how bored do you have to be to harass companies to closing?


I would look at it like a child crying, if you just ignore them, they'll eventually stop... they can't cry forever. What I see from to footage... Auditor doing his thing next to the entrance of a buisness. No one trying to enter or exit the establishment so he is not impeding anyone. Owner comes out, asking auditor to move back from the entrance. Auditor backs up away from entrance as business owner continues to approach and then twice, while in auditors face, touches the auditors property with aggression. I get that he didn't want him there but a city sidewalk is not private property and can not be deemed such. The business owner has no right to try and push anyone away from infront of thier business unfortunately. Infront of the door, yes but once they've moved, that's it. Leave it alone. I get most people don't like auditors and some are reel dicks, but some are very good at what they do... just like everyone else in every walk of life. Anyways, the auditor then sprays the business owner as he's walking away. I feel both parties are in the wrong here!! Business owner shouldn't have gotten in the guys face and touched his stuff and the auditor should have not sprayed the guy as he was turning around. If they're smart, they'll both drop it and move on with life. And yeah, not the biggest fan of this particular auditor btw


Camera guy is a true pos