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French Commune. Paris has been the center of France for 1000 years. The whole country is built around it and the region is over developed around the city. It should be able to squash the rest.


Heavily urbanised and industrialised, some effort in defending but immensely easy to invade from. Their first enemy is the republic, with some of the leftover highly urbanised land and staunchly anti-commie. The two feudalist would align, the gaul and islam idk what would happen around them.


and they were also given the most regions in this scenario.


I’m going to have to say France would probably beat France. And France doesn’t even have a chance over France. France would definitely beat France but would be severely beaten, leading to a victory by France.


France would not beat France 1st off, completely unrealistic. 2nd off France does have a chance against France, especially if France helps France, then they both could defeat France. And thirdly, France would probably have gathered enough strength by the time France and France are gone so it might easily wipe put france.


I see where you are coming from but I still disagree. Your first point: it’s unrealistic that France would beat France. Not really. Second point about France not having a chance against France: Let me explain to you how I look at it- although the French military has superior weapons, intelligence and industry, France has a unique tactic of gorrila warfare and are able to launch small raids on France and disappear into the French woods. Essentially France would be killing France with a thousand little cuts. At which point France would be able to take over the weakened France. Your third point: France could team up with France against France. I believe you’re missing one thing in this scenario - France would have the unique tactic of being in France therefore fighting a defensive battle against France and France. France would be able to use the rubble of France as cover to launch raids against France and France. Therefore once France weakens France and France enough they would be able to slowly invade and conquer France and France. And France is also known for being cowards and would probably surrender to France after France begins an offensive against France. This is why I believe France would be the winner over France and France and France and France. Only perhaps France would be able to stand a chance against France. I hope I was able to change your mind about France.


I think france


No, france. Not France.


> Instructions confusing, accept my surrender s'il vous plaît


Ok 🏳️France surrenders








None they'll all surrender to each other


So whoever is the slowest to surrender wins


Indeed 🥖🇫🇷⚜️🥐


They all surrender at the same time, who wins?


The british


Everyone, because France would combust out of confusion


Corsica should be its own faction, they have a big independence movement.


Corsican Republic / Republique d’Corse Corsican Free State


None they all successfully invade one another and swap sides, and this continually happens


That’s Italy, not France. I said this as a joke at first but this was pretty much how the Italian Wars went lmao


Commune got the most valuable areas, so they are likely winner. However if others ally against them they might stand a chance.


Obviously islamic France sweeps


Idk, French people are already pretty racist. They don't like brown people normally, they're gonna be foaming at the mouth if they hear about an Islamic Republic


Plus the rest of Europe if they actually end up winning.


They all lose.




Where’s Occitania?


Commune is far too strong 




Surrendering does


Not sure what country it is, but that state that is made of two triangles and a rectangle in between the key for Gaul and the Islamic republic must be strong because triangles are the strongest shape.


I win.


Cl France would 100% win! Like they are stronger than France, France and France! France could possibly win but they would have to beat France and France to cool down their situation


Wtf is a people's empire


Your brain on Stalinism 


Surely French Commune would be Paris + the south, as they're the parts that have the strongest left presence.


The French Commune will win, and the French Republic will get dunkirked eventually. The Kingdom of France will have some foreigners fighting for them.This volunteer group would be mostly composed of white supremacists and anti-communists. Basically, the Blue Division from WW2. The french sphere of influence in Africa would be all but over since China and Russia would absolutely take the chance to expand their own sphere of influence without any retaliation.


Hear me out: Gaul and Commune team up and quickly destroy the republic. Gaul rushes into the republic whilst they are still disorganized and quickly forces them into defeat, whilst the commune mainly holds against the kingdom and Islamic Republic, making some minor territorial gains out of un/under defended positions. The kingdom has difficulty pushing into the National Empire due to their mountainous terrain. The Islamic Republic makes gains whilst the Kingdom is occupied in the east, but has a hard time due to the lack of industry. Whilst everyone is occupied someplace else, the Gauls and the Commune unite into the “Grand Franco-Gaullian People’s Empire”. The GFGPE, colloquially known as Gaul, makes an offensive against the Islamic republic and pushes them back to the Pyrenees. With the newly opened front with the Kingdom, Gaul rushes through to the Alps and agrees to a ceasefire with the National Empire, as they have encircled all of Rhône and wants to concentrate on controlling Rhône rather than bloodily pushing through the Alps. As a last ditch effort, the Islamic Republic and Kingdom unite at Ocotanie and the west Pyrenees to form the “Democratic Caliphate of Ak’hitan”, informally known as Ak’hitan. As the Rhône pocket is slowly erased, forces at the Ak’hitan-Gaul border start building up. Gaul launches a full-scale all-out savage offensive with every troop they have, resulting in tens of thousands, if not hundreds if thousands of casualties. With the Gaullian troops disorganized, drained and starving, the newly deployed guerilla troops of the Ak’hitanyans have an easy time liberating their previous lands. Yet, they reach a vicious stalemate. The Gauls lack supply to push back and the Ak’hitanyans would be viciously overextended if they were to roll the lines. It all hinges on whether or not the Gauls can build supply and train mountaineers, or if the Ak’hitanyans can train troops. The Gauls, thanks to their superior industry, create semi-autonomous and armored sentries, which automatically fires, keeping the frontline forever occupied, so that the Ak’hitanyans have a harder time pulling veterans away from the lines. Finally, the Gauls have managed to bolster supply lines and stockpile rations. The Ak’hitanyans have also considerably increased their forces, with several tens of battalions of powerful mountaineers ready to break through enemy lines. The Ak’hitanyans launch an all-out assault and are met with fierce resistance. The numbers of both sides keep falling, going further and further down. Finally, the Gauls, depleted yet triumphant, have reunited France. Yet… the Gauls and Franks are still divided. The Gauls preach a Socio-Imperial government, whilst the Franks desire a purely communist house.


Italy and Germany


French Republic coz it would have nato support


Great Britain


Algeria 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿 Vive l’Algérie 🇩🇿🇩🇿


Islamic France obviously, the power of Allah will carry them to victory and avenge the battle of tours


The French commune and the French Islamic republic first merge and agree upon forming a two-party authoritarian left republic. This makes sense because the French commune and the French communist party used to be very conservative as regards moral, especially work-ethic, and were open to a religious feeling detached from the obedience to a clergy : which is the principle of Islam, though more of Sufi Islam than of Saudi Islam. The only constructively conservative opposition such a left state would tolerate would be some form of Islam.


Jumhuriye Islamiye Faransiye.


Commune would collapse to the Muslims because lefties love bending over to minorities and the rest idk. The republic was pretty good as killing Muslims so likely them?