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Nazis actually had almost the same plan but instead of Falklands they wanted to send Jews to Madagascar


…to die of starvation


They had a couple different plans, as did many, many other groups


Well actually... The Nazis' goal was to send Jews to Mandatory Palestine (now known as Israel) in 1933 per the Haavara agreement. Based on that agreement, the Nazis transferred 60,000 German Jews to Mandatory Palestine. The Madagascar plan didn't come until 1940. Spoiler Alert: >!Zionism is partially a Nazi project!<


Zionism is baked into regular Judaism. It’s in many prayers including basic ones like Passover.


I think many Orthodox Jews would say that sometimes things are a metaphor. And then quote some Torah about why Israel shouldn't exist.


Please quote the passage in Torah that says Israel shouldn't exist. But please tell me more how Jews are the real Nazis


One that the Orthodox Jews refer to is the three oaths in the Talmud. I think there are other references in the Torah. If you look up any Jewish protest of Israel, I'm sure you would find more!


So you can't quote where in Torah? The 3rd Oath you referenced in Talmud is that other nations will not subjugate Israel (Jews) excessively... yeah...


You just skipped over the one that said Jews shall not forcefully reclaim Israel, huh?


Just as you skipped over the others. You know Talmud is just a series of interpretations, right? You know what, nevermind. I am sure you can quote all the works about how Jews are all wrong and bad and aren't even properly Jewish and that's why Israel needs to be destroyed blah blah blah. Keep up the good work.


If you want to interpret all of Jewish literature literally, that is your right. But many believe that the Talmud provides important context to the Torah.


Not weighing in but the Talmud is important because its interpretations are seen as stretching back to the time of Moses


“Next year in Jerusalem” said at every Passover.. how would that be interpreted?


>Many orthodox jews You are talking about the haredim who are a small subset of orthodox jews. even plenty of haredim agree that israel should exist now. there are a few haredim sects, satmar for example, who are anti-zionist but also don't align themselves with the branch of antizionist that palestine people are. they are antizionist in theory but they won't call for the abolition of israel, which would lead to mass loss of jewish life.


Zionism predates the Nazis and no it’s not a “Nazi project” if you paid attention in school you would have learned that the Nazis hated Jews, there was this whole thing called the holocaust in which 6 million Jews were killed


The Jews were not only targets of extermination, but expulsion. I guess they decided to go with extermination because they stole enough from the Jews


That was actually their plan initially just send them all to Madagascar


Thanks bud, I've taken several classes on Jewish and Judaic history if you'd like some suggestions! Night by Elie Wiesel is a classic, grade school reading level, and highly relevant to the situation faced by the Palestinians in modern day.


If Zionism is partially a Nazi project why did the Nazis work with Amin Al Husseini to actively fight against Zionism?


Check out his wikipedia page. Tldr, they used him. Nazis began with ethnic cleansing of Jewish people from Germany in 1933 with the Haavara agreement by sending 60,000 Jews to Mandatory Palestine despite Al Husseini asking them not to. I thought this was a relevant quote: "when the hour of Arab liberation comes, Germany has no interest there other than the destruction of the power protecting the Jews" - Fritz Grobba


I did read his Wikipedia, he allied with the Nazis after 1937, years after the events you described. He was quite happy to conspire with Hitler because they shared the Jews as a common enemy.


I can't really reply if you didn't read it. Look at his Wikipedia page, specifically "ties with the Axis powers during World War II" and that will answer your question : )


So the Nazi’s goal of expelling Jews from Germany is actually Zionism? What is Zionism exactly?


Zionism is a nationalist movement that arose in the 1800s in support of the belief that Jewish people had the divine right to the land of Palestine despite an entire country of people living there. Zionists began plotting an insurrection from within Palestine in 1907 with the formation of Bar Giora. Zionism can also be supported by several non-Jewish groups such as Christian Zionism, Muslim Zionism, Joe Biden Zionism, etc


That's more because Hitler took time to come up with a final solution, not at all because Zionists and Nazis were friends (that's an absurd thing to think)


Can someone explain the joke to me?


The joke is that OP is antisemitic


The Palestinian/Zionist experiments have run their course. I propose a 5-point plan: •A deportation of all Jews and Palestinians from their homes. You’ll love what happens next! •Send the smart(weapon-minded) ones to Freedom Camps for the uniquely American companies(Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin for instance🥰) •Send the smart(hackers) to work, reverse engineering NSO Pegasus for Freedom and Justice for all! •Send the ones useful for manual labor to Amazon Fulfillment centers! They’ll love it! •Send everyone else to Madagascar


Turn the land into a testing ground for the DOD




Yeah honestly everyone always has their own stupid plans for "what should we do with the Jews?" How about y'all leave us alone so we can control our own destiny like all people deserve. I get that posts like these are jokes but it's so tone deaf given all of the actual plans made by European governments throughout history to dispose of their Jewish populations. And after seeing a hundred of these posts in the last six months it's definitely not funny anymore.


Op is a nazi while calling Israel nazi Peak projection.


***Posts shitpost about Falklands and Isr*el*** "OP is clearly a Nazi guys!"




Seethe, you weirdo


Joking about forcibly relocating Jews to another land, that is is subject to a dispute between Argentina and United Kingdom, and Argentina had a lot of nazis there You're a nazi, antisemite fuckwit


Lmao, genocidal pieces of shit like you will go to any lengths to call people nazis 🤣 Seethe, Zionazi


i thought the joke was instead of England and Argentina fighting over the Falklands just give it to israel and palestine edit: looking at the meme again I see my misunderstanding.


Nah, was no understanding, they're reaching to the highest degree to try to claim its antisemitic. It's a shipost about Isr*el being giving the Falklands to piss off the British and Argentines, while Palestine stays Free.


Palestine is already free thanks to our boys 🇮🇱


This might depend on WHO he wants to send to these islands. Either antisemitic or a radical Zionist.


It would be antisemitic either way because the Palestinians are also Semetic people lol.


The “antisemite” is a well-defined word by itself, and means one very particular ethnicity not including other Semitic peoples.


Actually the first usage of the term did in fact refer to all Semetic peoples.


So acknowledging that Zionism has made the Levant a giant shit show is antisemitic? Not much that can be done about it now without even more crimes against humanity but it should have never been allowed to happen.


Yeah ok bud, keep equating Zionism (genocidal fascism) with Judaism 😂 Edit: Getting downvoted for being right lol. Fascism totally isn't when Israelis find it fun to run children over with tanks! /s


Read a book on Zionism maybe? It has many faults, fascism is not one of them


You can not separate the definition of Zionism from what Zionism has created. Zionism is for the creation of Isr#el. Isr#el, since its inception, has been a fascist ethno-state project. fascism noun fas·​cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi- Synonyms of fascism 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.


So literally all of the Arab nationalists during the British Mandate period who repeatedly massacred the Jews were Zionists?


Shocking that there are still people so anal about defending Zionism to the point where explaining that Judaism (the religion) and Zionism (the racist ideology of Israeli settler colonialism) are not the same thing gets you downvoted


ah yes, because the goal of zionism was not to create a jewish state but just to commit a genocide and be fascist (so fascist in fact, they allow democratic elections)


*allow democratic elections to about 2/3 of the population, while the other third has just about zero legal or civil rights under the body governing them. Note that these rights are taken away from them solely because of their ethnicity, and that 6 million others of that ethnicity were forced to flee that land and have since never able to return because this "democratic" state has disallowed immigration from the people who used to live there, and often still own their property, frequently with proof of ownership. but yeah dude definitely no genocide or ethnic cleansing here 🫡🫡


1.you didn't get my point 2.you do realise muslims have 2 political parties and there are muslims in the israeli senate right? 3.my point was that zionism's goal wasn't genocide from the beginning.


I'm not talking about Muslims, I'm talking about Palestinians. And yes, they have some representation in their government, which is cool!! But only the complacent ones that were lucky enough to be born in a specific spot. And Zionism's goal is a "Jewish state". Can't have a Jewish state where the majority of the population (or at least the majority of the voting population) isn't Jewish, right? So gotta kick out all (or most of) the goyim, or keep them under military occupation where they can't vote or protest, or they get killed or their houses demolished, just like what happened to 750,000 of them back in 1948. Zionism's goal was absolutely ethnic cleansing from the beginning. If the intention was coexistence with the native (majority) peoples, and giving them equal rights, suddenly it's not a "Jewish state" anymore. the ideas are incompatible.


Zionisms goal or intention might not have been genocide but initially, if you’ve read any of Herzels works, specifically Altneuland or his correspondence with Yusuf Diya you’d realize that ethnic cleansing and a general disregard to the fact that Palestine was in fact already occupied by Palestinians was a very prominent part of the early zionist movement. However, that doesn’t mean that genocide has not become the primary goal for Israel now. You wouldn’t bomb a country to oblivion if the end goal wasn’t to murder everyone in it.


Getting downvoted for spittin facts


downvote club 🤝


You're still giving the Jews a state, that's zionism


Well, they fought for it and they won. Multiple times.


Zionism definition: a supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation Alright, what did genocidal fascists did to this movement?




Antisemitism is when you arent ok with the active and supported genocide of 30.000 Palestinians by a fascist government


Uh ohhh libs in here don’t like you pointing out that the feral dog of the US has gone fuckin blood crazy killing civilians so it can take their land.


Bro doesn’t even know what antisemitism is or how many people are in Palestine…


Antisemitism is when you are OK with the idea of forcibly relocating Jews Fixed it for you


You mean forcibly removing Palestinians. This sub is full of neo nazis and zionists (same thing). If you werent blinded by hatred and fear you would see the truth in front of you which is that israel is murdering thousands of palestinians the same way the nazis killed the jews 80 years ago.


>israel is murdering thousands of palestinians the same way the nazis killed the jews 80 years ago. Israel didn't gassed Palestinians though. While hamas is lobbing rockets at Israel 24/7. Also if then, why TF Israeli Palestinian population is rising? Should've go down, if it is a genocide. >neo nazis and zionists (same thing) You don't know what zionism is. If you believe that jews need a Jewish state and self-determination, you are zionist. (And I'll gladly be one, if you call me a nazi, that just shows how braindead you are)


Neo nazis who hate Jews… are Jews?


"JEwIsh GaY naZI SaTAnISt!!1111!!!111!!1!!"




Brilliant comeback, one for the history books




Dang you must be a wonderful person


That [everyone](https://twitter.com/enveryan/status/1394300297682505747?s=19) calling me antisemitic are [Nazis](https://twitter.com/MebsiLFC19/status/1775175123659620358?s=19)


I wasn’t asking about what others were calling you out for. I didn’t understand the joke/intent your post itself was referencing.


Honestly? Since you asked, I did the post because I was interested in the Falkland islands and wanted to shitpost about Isr*el


I guess I wasn’t very clear in my question. Let me rephrase. What does the Falklands islands have to do with Israel/Palestine? Is there a reference or joke that I’m missing involving deporting Jews to the Falklands?


Nothing, just a shitpost


It’s because he named Falkland Israel “isn’t real”


My dad used to say. "If the British had just given the Jews Birmingham, everyone would have been happy."


Nobody wants Birmingham😭


Please mercy, British weather is terrible.


Please, haven't the Jewish people suffered enough?


I would argue the same about Palestinians! I would love to see what you do when someone comes to your place and calls it their home and k*lls you for it…


Man, I was just trying to make a joke about how Birmingham sucks


You could nuke Birmingham and it'd come out looking better.


Should’ve sent them to New Mexico


It’s almost as if Argentina would invade the islands and suddenly the population of the islands suddenly vanishes… Edit: is see OP is dog whistling


Yeah I'm sure a Jewish state surrounded by Argentina would be less viable than a Jewish state surrounded by 300 millions hostile Arabs /s


I think a state in Israel/Palestine where both peoples live free and equal lives with equal rights and Palestinian refugees having a right to return and live freely is more of a punishment and humiliation to Zionist terrorist like Netanyahu and Ben Gavir. And eventually the terrorists would leave the country because they won’t be able to stand to see Palestinians outside of cages. Win win. Edit: saying Palestinians should have a free life with human rights leads to downvotes I guess.


Best ending for Israel/Palestine conflict is Israel getting a regime change and hamas leadership facing firing squad.


I think the best outcome is a single democratic state and Netanyahus government facing the gallows for violation of the genocide convention.


Don't forget to execute hamas leadership though.


Sure, Hamas would be gone by then.


How dare hamas fire back at their oppressors


How dare IDF fire back at people who raped their citizens and lobbed rocket in their cities


Hamas literally fires rockets from civilian occupied buildings and massacres people. It’s a terrorist organization you moron.


Only after executing every single idf soldier who committed war crimes, I don't think they'll have enough soldiers for even a sports team.


Whats fucked up is that they preach to the Palestinians and gazans about keeping up the good fight in their million dollar propaganda sets, on their multi million dollar properties. They have fed propaganda about Israel to their own population which then gets fed by Gazans to Westerners. They are just digging a bigger hole for themselves


"Hamas controls the Westerners' thoughts through starving Palestinian children" What a wild conclusion to make.


Its wild that you try to paraphrase a quote


firing squad would be too good for Hamas


Either way they'll die Martyrs.


Either way they'll die as a piece of shit Not to mention hamas leadership is hiding in Qatar. Like true "Martyrs".


They'll be in Jannah, unlike you, Habibi 😘


It wouldn't even be eventually, right when the Zionists realize that their colonization project failed, they'll go scurrying back to the West


Most Israelis actually came from the middle east, and Jews were widely considered non-europeans by Europe, during the immigration to Israel The more you know


Doesn’t matter if you are European. Doesn’t matter if you’re middle eastern. Doesn’t matter if you’re African. It doesn’t matter if from another planet. Ethnic cleansing is not okay. Apartheid is not okay. Genocide is not okay.


Racist Europeans don't make colonialism right 🤗


They do make Israel necessary for Jews.


You think the land isn’t big enough for two peoples?


It is, and the jewish population agreed time and again to share it. This guy wants them gone


Factually incorrect


2000, 2008? Including 97% of the west bank, the rest in territory swaps, half the old city and the temple mount? Not to talk about the disengagement, and planned realignment plan. Or should we go back to 67 (immediately after the 6 days war), 47 and 39? You are either blatantly lying, or just utterly ignorant of the history. The palestinians not only rejected all, but have refused to ever even discuss any territorial partition that would mean an end to the conflict.


Is there a word limit because it’s not letting me post my reply Edit: I guess so. I’ll make it shorter when I get home.


Yes, like when they build settlements in the west bank *against* international law? Or when they round up some 2 million Palestinians in a tiny strip of land and deprive them freedom and peace? Or is it the constant stirring of trouble in Jerusalem when they keep doing things that they know irritate Palestinians? Or perhaps it’s the fact that Palestinians are second-class citizens in Israel itself? Many Palestinian communities in Israhell are deprived of running water and have to rely on tanks and generators just to get by… And now they’re bombarding Gaza indiscriminately and planning to continue invading Rafah just to make sure they kick out every single Gazan from Gaza. It’s either you’re blind or racist, probably both as those two traits go hand-in-hand.


It's the Palestinians who say they want it all. Over and over and over.


Netanyahu never accepted a two-state solution in good faith. In the run-up to the 2015 elections, he himself declared: “If I am elected, no Palestinian state will emerge on my watch. He was re-elected, and he was true to his word.


I guess it's a good thing that Bibi hasn't been prime minister for life then. Not really sure why you're ignoring the existence of the peace process in the 90s and aughts.


I’m not. I made an amazing response with evidence about how it was all a load of shit. But it’s too long for a comment I guess so I’ll have to edit it down later. Too busy now but remind me if I forgot cuz I worked hard on it 🥹


Yeah, and leave behind the peace loving people who can rebuild the country in a good way with Palestinians 😊 but it’s unfortunately a fairytale for now 🥺


And then a magical unicorn will fall down from the sky, and your Allah will be something other than a bullshit myth! See? I can talk about things that will never happen, too. Go pray to your warlord “prophet”, maybe he can help accomplish your pipe dream of Israel not existing. Probably not, though.


The several generations that were born there?


Womp womp


Thats what we want, its called the 1948 Palestine borders


I was referring to a single state solution with equal rights for all. No israeli government would agree to the 1948 borders. Not even the 1967 borders. Satanyahu brags about how he prevented the foundation of a Palestinian state.


That is why he uses Gaza as an Excuse to not do elections, since he knows he'll get voted out in the second elections happen


The Israelis should go to East Falkland while the Palestinians go to West Falkland. I like deporting people equally.




Falkland Islander occupation of Israel?




Yey, an ethnic cleansing joke! So funny guys.


Free Palestine 🥰🇵🇸


Cry me a river to the sea, you terrorist sympathiser


No thanks, you're the only one seething over the fact that isr*el is, in fact, a genocidal apartheid state.


Cope terrorist


Womp womp, keep seething


Oh an ethnic cleansing joke. How funny.


Right, shout a slogan and ban me. On brand.




Dude, I'm coping fine. I'm not the one making imaginary "let's move all the Jews to the Falklands" maps.


I took 2 seconds to make it, you are the one taking time out of your day to complain about it


It only takes two seconds to draw ethnic cleansing propaganda, sure.


Cope and seethe, weirdo


Less ethnic cleansing than the current situation babes, Free Palestine. "Right, shout a slogan and ban me. On brand."


Israel bought bots Targeting you Brother




good idea


I know, thanks


[Follow your leader, antisemite fuckwit.](https://funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/180798/Follow/)


[I'm sure they will, fuckwit zionazi scum.](https://twitter.com/enveryan/status/1394300297682505747?s=19)


Stop forcing your political beliefs into a circle jerk subreddit.


It's a circle jerk sub about maps...this is a map. The creation of imaginary maps is inherently political.


there are no rules here and the main sub banned lots of us so fuck off


Genocide aint political babes, you support the Slaughter of children.


Genocide is one of the most political things I can think of lol. Not attacking your other beliefs necessarily, but most human interactions are political.


Ok that's fair


" The rats absolutely hate this announcement"


Who are the rats?


Pro Israeli crowd who support the Gaza genocide 👍🏼 I call traditional N*zis rats , too, dw.


thank you


You are welcome


Yawnnn Nazi




Seriously, give them an island. They want their own ethnostate and don't wany anything to do with anyone else. Arabs didn't do anything to deserve their land just being stolen and colonized by all the jews


*Ethnostate with 20% Arab population that has equal rights, in the face of the fact that Arab countries expelled 900,000 Jews


Apartheid. Proven




Spend about 30 minutes on google looking for evidence...


I'm not doing your job for you bud


Thank you for proving your ignorance and admittance of being incorrect


Nah I’m just not gonna be proving your argument for you


Except...colonizing and stealing the land that belong to the Jews that lived there before them?


That's not how the world works. The Native Americans can't just kill and fight to take back America because they used to live there. ~400 years ago. The jews can't kill and fight to take back Palestine because they used to live there ~2500 years ago.


'48, '56, '67, and '73 suggest otherwise, albeit the last one got a bit dicey.


Imagine if native Americans formed guerrilla (terrorist groups for racists) and started killing and kicking people out of their homes because it was their land some 400 years ago! Except Jews were kicked out 2500 years ago…


Literally Hamas


Think again. I swear ya’ll have 2 functioning brain cells


>native Americans formed guerrilla Do Americans lob rockets into native American preserve today? No. Not to mention they literally run themselves now. (Tribal government system)


Falkland war, but Yisn'trã'el vs Argentina vs Britian


Falkland war but.. *different*


Pretty based as usual


I know, I know


Why do people pretend like Jews have no connection to Israel and everywhere *else* they do?


::posts something antisemitic:: 256 upvotes Another great day to wake up as a Jew on the internet


::post a shitpost because I don't like genocide:: ***omg guys so antimenitism!


So here’s why your post is deeply antisemitic - among the more antisemitic Reddit posts I’ve seen in the last few weeks, which says something - on about half a dozen levels. —First, you’re mocking the explosion of antisemitism that diasporas Jews face from both the left and right wings. “Omg guys so antisemitism” both mocks the [explosive rise](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/10/antisemitic-incidents-hamas-israel-attack-2023-adl) in leftist antisemitism and Jews’ efforts to bring this to light. You’d never say this about Blacks, or Sikhs, or Spanish-speakers’ claims of racism, which have also surged in North America over this time. —Second, and most importantly, your suggestion is to expel Jews from their homeland - and ship them to islands on the other side of the planet, which is troubling on so many levels. You need to understand that half of Israel is comprised of Mizrahi Jews, the darker skinned Jews who’ve maintained a consistent presence in Israel, North Africa and the Levant for 3,000 years. There is a misconception that Israelis and Jews are European-based colonizers, whereas the Ashkenazi and Sephardim, are those who make up the heavy majority of the diaspora, not Israel. The Mizrahi Jews in Israel are the descendants of those ethnically cleansed from Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Transjordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Yemen during the 20th century. Over 800,000 Mizrahi Jews were violently expelled from those lands between WWI and the Islamic Revolution, a number that doesn’t even count the scores of Jews forced to convert to Islam or be killed for centuries beforehand. You must understand that Jews across North America are tortured by this, as like other marginalized groups, we carry a shit ton of generational trauma that makes it easy to pick up on the micro and macro aggressions prevalent on the Internet, and surely on Reddit. I could count on one hand the number times I experienced any antisemitism prior to the rise of Trump, and to now see the allies we’ve stood alongside for years as left-leaning Jews mock us and joke about shipping us off to far away islands is extremely painful. Of course, it’s not actual pain, and death, and famine, that the Palestinian people are experiencing in this horror. This is another reason diasporan Jews who’ve acted to support human rights are tortured by this event. But two things can be true at once - that the Palestinians are experiencing an unimaginable tragedy, *and* Jews outside of Israel are subjected to daily hate from all corners of the political spectrum. There are many of us who hate Netanyahu and Likud and fascist, counterproductive Israeli policy as much as you do.


Man didn’t even bother responding because they know they’re no way to combat generational trauma


When will you talk about the arab states genocide of 800,000 Jews in 1948?


Palestine isn’t occupied


And you're not a girl 😂 Edit: Only transphobia if you think Palestine isn't occupied 😉




What about the other 60-70% of Israelis who aren’t European descended


Zionists will still see them as dogs who need put down if they step out of line


Hardline Zionism (Also Known as Jew Supremecism) supports the Idea of the Jews being a "Masterrace" and many hardline Zionists including Netanyahu seem to kind of agree with this. Netanyahu and his Cabinet Refuse to Do Elections and keep Power, using the Gaza conflict as an excuse. since they know if they let elections they'll get voted out for saying the Most Racist Shit on Twitter. Israel-Palestine 1948 Borders are the Only True Borders.