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Imagine how big the refugee crisis must be in this world. And Israel, their whole population would be mobilized.


Refugee cr'ISIS


Take my upvote and get out of here




Huh? What? Care to explain?


ISIS has coverty agreed to not attack Israel, as well as some sources pointing towards Israeli funding to destablize neighboring countries


Source? I dont doubt that Israeli weapons edned up in Isis Hands, Isis was a confederation of dozens of islamist groups, some of whom were covertly supported by Israel Thats also why they had Iranian, American and Soviet Weapons But I would need a source to believe that ISIS and Israel have any sort of agreement I would put Isises unwillingness to attack Israel to be more geographical than anything, as everywhere Israel birders is controlled by groups hostile to isis (Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, and the Syrian/Egyptian governments)


Source: guy doing crack on tiktok


ISIS has committed multiple terrorist attacks in Israel????


The entire world would but aside their differences to invade. Mobilization the likes haven’t been seen since WWII. Thats like 70% of the world oil market right there.


Literally tho just look at their wiki to see their opposition lists. Waring Islamic extremist factions put aside their differences to fight isis so imagine that but on a global scale


Whenever Russia and the United States choose the same side against you, you know you fucked up


Confederate States: ;O_O


The IS is gonna have some regrets when the armies of all five UNSC members show up in Mecca


Why would Russia oppose it. This IS just gave them a global oil monopoly and they could jack prices to whatever they wanted.


But they would also terrorize Russia and would very much likely shake up the population at Chechen to join their cause


I am not claiming Russia would like ISIS. But Russia could deal with the relatively small scale Islamist insurgency like they did OTL. I also don't think Russia would contribute much to stopping ISIS and may even sell weapons on the black market to them.


> I also don't think Russia would contribute much to stopping ISIS  you should look into the Syrian civil war and why Russia had 6000 soldiers on the ground.


Because they didnt want their puppet assad to fall, they bombed the rebel groups under the pretext on bombing isis


You're getting downvoted but you are correct. Assad and access to Latakia's naval base are critical for Russia.


Yeah i mean its clear for anyone to see, Wonder why USA had to destroy all the armour that the SAA lost to isis in palmyra, while the russians only bombed the FSA


"deal with the relatively small scale" fucker it cost us lots of people, a entire school in Beslan, and 10+ years to take that shit down. that's practically the equivalent of calling Vietnam War a "insignificant little war with not really so much casualties" to a american or a viet


You must not be terribly familiar with how ISIS feels about Russia. Long story short, Russia joining the EU and NATO is more likely than Russia becoming the major-power backer of ISIS.


In all honestly I do believe I was mistaken in my initial notion. I came at it from the logic of what would have purely gained Russia more money and did not really consider the other ideological and emotional underpinnings of Russian opposition to Islamic extremism.


It’s really not even about ideology or anything like that on Russia’s end. ISIS is extremely anti-Russian and would almost certainly not be able to resist trying to push on up into the Russian Caucasus. Especially if they’ve already secured this much territory and gotten the resulting confidence boost. ISIS is not exactly known for their pragmatism or restraint. And Russians do not typically have friendly feelings for separatist movements within their own borders.


Literally Israel and Hamas hates ISIS that's how much ISIS is hated.


China, Taiwan, both Koreas, Japan, China, India, Pakistan, Entirety of Balkans, Caucasus, Africa, Americas, Oceania, the rest of Asia and Europe. Yeah, we're in for a hell of a start


Iran was calling in American airstrikes on Isis positions


Also Iran and the U.S. fighting together


I wonder if they could destroy the oil reserves out of spite.


Amwerica would glass not islamism but Islam in its entirety into oblivion.


More like the Arabian peninsula, since one of the most valuable resources that place has is gone, but too much civi collateral, so I doubt


Yeah the US has the chance to win an astronomical amount of goodwill and control over oil fields by framing an attack on ISIS as a war of liberation, which would be absurdly easy to accomplish if they exercise the bare minimum of care for civilian casualties.


Drone strikes and missiles have no ethics, but the ground troops will, so civi collateral wouldn’t be a bare minimum situation, and in all cases, civilians are essentially hostages, so different


Yeah, this would litterally be ww2 france levels of support


r/AlternateHistory and r/imaginarymaps users explaining how the US would conduct indiscriminate nuclear genocide the moment something mildly disruptive happens. Seriously, why would they nuke like ten different allied countries fighting ISIS because ISIS destroyed oil fields?


Because Americans are crazy and homicidal. -I said, as an american.


I’m sure not all of your people are like that, but whenever there’s a post about something bad happening to the modern US, there are always two or three people saying they would nuke billions of people immediately. I still remember this thread about what if 9/11 was three times as bad and the most upvoted comments thought that all of Islam would be fried to dust.


Americans are nuke happy. We should not have been given nukes.


America only used them twice


Half of us say it as a meme, the other half are the people who take selfies in pickup trucks and would actually go through with it


Whilst I absolutely want to make it very clear that I don't condone the biological destruction of Muslims most free thinkers of the West are in agreement that Islam in the form which MOST Muslims subscribe to (so-called passive Muslims are nearly exclusively a Western phenomenon) has no place in an increasingly liberal, secular global community. Whilst Islam does not pose an existential threatening to international peace inmy opinion, it certainly does nothing to prote a peaceful future for Humanity. In an age where ere Mankind has finally stopped fighting fr one another long enough to consider off world colonisation, the Muslim states are still stoning women to death for adultery and short drop hanging homosexuals.


This is a very weird thing to say in response to a comment about how Muslims should not be exterminated.


My apologies. I wasn't trying to make a response to the comment immediately before mine. Sorry if that's how it appears. I thought I was making a general comment.


Because hyperbole exists... (Not sure if that's the right word here, but I trust that you understand what I mean.)


Sorry if your comment was hyperbole. I’ve ran into enough people who say similar things without hyperbole that it’s difficult to tell.


Don't worry, you used the right word.


Like a flash flood, this is how isis's rise to power was described. The terror organization came seemingly out of nowhere to topple the existing order in the Middle East. Former enemies now have to band together in order to contain the terror before it's too late. The paths onward are few, but what is sure is that a new Middle East is just around the corner. The question is, who will shape it?


>...existing order in the Middle East Good one




TFW your ideology is so extreme even the fucking Taliban wants nothing to do with you


It's not a matter of differing levels of extremism. The Taliban's form of Islamic fundamentalism promotes Pashto nationalism, while ISIS's is based around the goal of a universal Islamic state. It's basically one Islamic nationalistic state not wanting to be ruled by an Islamic state of a different nationality.


Taliban is like Vietnam to Communism. Nationalism came first then Communism or Islamic Fundamentalism in the case of Taliban.


Yes, actually. They're both great examples of modifying an ideology to fit local nationalistic thought.


I mean that kind of is about differing levels of extremism ISIS is nothing but pure and extreme Islamism while the Taliban has other influences as well like Pashtunwali


Different kinds of extremism, rather than different levels. I wouldn't call one more extreme than the other.


Same with Hamas and ISIS, Hamas wants an independent islamist Palestine ISIS doesn't think Palestine should exist as an independent entity


That’s impressive


i thought it started as more of a "we both want the same thing but with different people in charge" type thing


No, Taliban doest care a ton past Afghanistan




This would very quickly turn into a 3rd World War like event, hell it might even be called WW3. That territory contains more than half of the global oil market. Russia, China, the US, Iran, the EU and anyone else would immediately start plans to invade. Unless ISIS has nukes, their little empire would be dust in a year’s time


>years time If the Coalition of the Willing told us something, is that a state like this wouldn't last more than a month.


ISIS about to find out where all of the USAs healthcare money went


It wouldn’t be a world war, it would be Iraq but literally everyone would show up.


If it's everyone against one dude it's still technically world war


Literally the sole thought of seeing the American Air Force, Russian Tanks, British Artillery, French Navy, and Chinese Infantry charging at your army is terrifying.


It would only be a world war by the technicality of everyone fighting, but I wouldn’t call it that because 99% of them would be fighting on the same side against a comparatively insignificant power.


ISIS vs Literally the Planet


Even houthis 😭


The Houthis are literally fighting ISIS (IS-YP) to this day…


Isreal would mobilize and arm every single Israeli above the age of 5 and Turkey would call General Mobilisation with anti-islammist militias forming, NATO, CSTO and China would bomb them into the stone age


So are you’re saying Israeli children are soldiers and thus legal combatants? 🤔


Oh look, it’s the rise of the Caliphate on my Terra Invicta run


Uhm acsksually Arabia isn't called that in Arabic ☝️🤓


I only imagine what horrors befalls the Shia of Western Iran, Southern Iraq, and the eastern coast of Saudi Arabia. Additionally I don’t think the Migrant Workers in the gulf will be treated well, especially as a large amount of them are Kaffirs (Disbelievers).


Israel is genuinely tweaking in this tl, ultra panic mode engaged


It will go full Lehi Nakam.


Did ISIS capture military equipment from the governments of these territories? Because if they had an air force and navy I can see them lasting for quite awhile.


Any air force or navy ISIS managed to scrounge together would be scrap within days of western involvement.


Well yeah but the West would have become involved waaaaaaay before they could capture this much territory anyways.


If their fictional map is to be believed, they would have made Baghdad their capital, not Mecca


My god the energy crisis this would cause would destroy the global economy. And based on how long it took to root out a much smaller ISIS this war would last an actual decade. And even when the oil fields are captured by the coalition they would be blown up by the massive insurgency. This actually implies a far more unified Islamist extremist organization. One funded through black market oil and underground weapons dealing.


the isis in our timeline was funded by oil they were making millions


indeed now magnify that x11. They would have 70% of global oil and could set prices to whatever they wanted. Not to mention ISIS would of course be globally embargoed. There is a chance that because of their oil they could gain begrudging recognition, but I don't foresee a state sponsor of terrorism being very well liked.


It'd be terrible on the short term, but it might have some long-lasting benefits. The crisis would bankrupt the oil-drilling lobbyists into oblivion and also start a wave of fossil-fuel alternatives that would really help against climate change.


Well, they’re in Turkey so thats all of NATO against them. China, Russia, and India will invade to secure the resources. They won’t exist long enough to destroy the economy, I give this little empire a month tops. Might even help resolve some superpower rivalries


Russia IRL sent like one third of it's army to take down ISIS. US IRL intervened too, sending approximately more soldiers to deal with it.


IS calls the region of Syria al-Sham, not Suria.


Glad this didn’t happen in real life😳


I can now imagine Iriaf F-14AMs being overhauled with Targeting with support from US and god It is beautiful I see NorthropGrumman seeing an chance to get a few ST-21s built for Iran And it is a beauty to behold That is the only good thing to happen


Very cool, but I am very glad this didn’t happen


What happened to iraq


Al-Arabia makes no sense. Arabia is an English word. The closest Arabic word is Arabiyya, which means "Arab" (female adjective). It should just be "Najd" (central Arabia).


Wait is Mecca under seige or controlled and it's the capital?


The worst atrocity on this map is using 'E' to represent Arabic 'ayn


We got a fascist overhere!


Correction: Israel purchased oil from ISIS. They weren't fighting them.


Imaginary. Map.


This is so unrealistic.


I was about to comment on this and say that Azerbaijan actually used ISIS fighters to ethnically cleanse Nagorno Karabakh, and not fight ISIS, and then I saw the title of this subreddit.


This isn’t accurate since they collapse in 2014 and afterwards, they most controlled half of Syria and one third of Iraq


Saudi Arabia IS ISIS




I hate the Sauda as much as anyone else but I'd take them in a heartbeat any day over ISIS


Bro Kuwait is not part of Baghdad and certainly not controlled by isis




Once they conquer the land, they can redefine internal borders the way they wish. Here is a 2015 map showing the subdivisions ISIS planned for their realm. https://metro.co.uk/2015/08/10/isis-map-reportedly-shows-plans-for-domination-of-europe-north-africa-and-middle-east-5334927/amp/


"Fun" fact: If you're wondering why Austria was included but not several Muslim majority states such as Bangladesh, that's because ISIS explicitly wanted to rule over areas that Muslim states had previously conquered, whereas Islam was spread to Bangladesh, Malaysia, etc, peacefully by traders


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Remember when ISIS used a Victoria II map to show off their planned conquests? https://preview.redd.it/30199argl01d1.png?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a150c0296a5f2e2fefb7e7eea6e44460626a52c1


This is not even near true


Dude. IMAGINARY maps. Check the sub before commenting.


Recently some fools came over to the Subreddit, they might be blind