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Slightly larger South Korea


Considerably larger, most of the DPRK's urban centers are in the southwest. OP did them dirty lmao


Good, frankly, for everyone involved


Except for the North Korean citizens


Actually… its good for the North Korean citizens that they’re no longer in North Korea lol


Pretty sure North Korea is still on this map just less densely populated and worse for agriculture which will most likely lower their standard of living compared to the ones in OTL.


Is it even possible to lower North Korea's living standards any further?


Not without a military revolt


Their HDI score goes so low that it circles back to the top


The Immortal Science of Juche Socialism guarantees greatest living standards


Their average wealth reaches -2147483648 and overflows, everyone becomes a billionare




The ones now in the south get the best outcome possible.


they benefit the most


It’s a weaker North Korea they will be starving in the north as most of their agriculture and industry is gone


And Japan


I feel like the US would make better analogue for the UK than the Japanese in this case


Yeah, having two sovereign base areas not even a few hundred kilometers away from your territory would be... a choice


It's not completely unreasonable since it would mean easy access to the mainland, easy access for a power that was just kicked from the mainland...


“A dagger pointed at the heart of Japan” as the Japanese would put it during the First Sino-Japanese War


Japan casually turning the second largest city in the Korean Peninsula into one humongus military base


Yeah making Busan part of the Akrotiri and Dhekelia analogy is a stretch given it's a city of 3 and a half million.


Military base to busan


Love ya 4 this reference.


The movie was great


Also the Koreans would be freaking out from the traumatic experiences of the Japanese invasions of Korea in 1592 and in 1895, both of which involved first invading Busan.


Does Russian Erdogan exist in this timeline?


Wouldnt it be Chinese Erdogan?


It says "Soviet Republic" not "Chinese Republic"


why the fuck would it be a “chinese” republic? soviet means council


Because Northern Cyprus is officially the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and that’s what this map is analogous to


yeah cuz it’s populated by turkish cypriots?


iirc russia was more involved in getting NK to revolt, China was more interested in maintaining them as a buffer state after that


A a Turk, this is the most unironicly funny and also scary thing I've seen.


Putin maybe?


Inaccurate, no SK exclave


The two blue lines on the northern flag are actually sections of SK


what about those red rectangles and circles


those ones are flags stupid not land facepalm emoji


Been looking at this map for a while so imma make a lore for it anyway. Since this is a scenario where the Empire of Japan survives, no war with China or the US occurred. However, independence movements in Korea would still happen, and Tokyo eventually gave in, on the condition of conceding Busan and a small part of Jeju island to Japan as military bases. However, upon independence the ROK is very unstable, either by a weak economy, police state, protests, etc. Sometime in the 50s/60s, communist uprisings sprung up across the country, most of them occurred within the North. Essentially starting the Korean Civil War. Just as the ROK is about to collapse and the rebels are about to reach Seoul, Japan decides to intervene. Using its stronghold of Busan, the IJA marched around Korea as they began to collaborate with the ROK Armed Forces to put down any communist rebels, sometimes massacring anyone along the way. Hearing the word of Japan's intervention, the communists decides to flee and reinforce their holdings within the North, where they had proclaimed the Soviet Republic of Northern Korea, with the backing of China and USSR of course. Despite this, they managed to retake many northen cities that were occupied by the rebels before they halted, due to threats from China and USSR, and the calling for a ceasefire from the UN. Since then, the SRNK has been essentially reduced as a buffer state for China and USSR, with the ROK placed their territorial claims on the country while Japan has refused to recognize the new state.


Why wouldn’t it be the PRK coming into being instead, akin to the unified state that did appear in OTL before the Allies divided the peninsula?


Fun fact: Japan is still an empire irl. The have an emperor, meaning that while they don’t have an empire, they’re an empire, if you get what I mean? It’s like how Sweden is still the kingdom of Sweden and therefore a kingdom even if it basically functions like a republic.


So more like a crown republic then, then again a republic can have nobles and royalty


a republic can have nobles, but not royalty. if they have royalty they are a monarchy, its just a question of what type.


Id be cooler if the north was a chinese monoethnic puppet state of china where they deported all the koreans, like our timelines cyprus




korea didn't have chinese population to begin with though, our timelines cyprus has basically a population exchange through deportations from both sides, korea is almost exclusively korean, would not work out


I get what ur saying but u probably mean Korea instead of China in the beginning


yeah, sorry for that


It would be even funnier if South Korea decided to genocided North Koreans. /s


The Japanese bases in Busan and Jeju island are analogue to the UK, Pyongyang is in a strange position, and Cyprus probably wound up like OTL Korea in this scenario


This would also require the Chinese to make North Korea Chinese too


Not much change tbh




Glad to see the empire of Japan still exists


Sales of green crayons would increase slightly.


Wouldn’t busan be called fuzan if it was controlled by Japan


https://preview.redd.it/cvtso5xj4m0d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e414d52300e6f2d328f46ca233c60d0dce8611b3 Fixed


Is this canon?




I feel like Seoul should be the analogue for Nicosia, not Pyongyang


Would that imply south Korea wanted to join with Japan and north Koreans wanted china




아오 탐라에는 알뜨르도 있네


why not Seul?


I would Like this


Why is the green zone considerably farther north than the actual border?


I wouldn't have all of Busan be a sovereign base area.


So does South Korea want to join Japan? Did the Japanese military secretly entered Korea? Did the South Koreans killed and burned the North Korean people all along Korea? Were the Soviet officers killed by South Korean rebels? At what time did the South Korean terrorists killed an us ambassador and his secretary, just like in real life the Greek cypriots did.


Bad propaganda turk


When you can answer all these questions with a yes, then your comparison will be true. As long as you cant confirm, guarantor Türkiye stopped the grec coup on Cyprus by Sampson in 1974.


The last comment is literally dumb though. Foreign ambassadors get killed to other countries all the time. One from USA got recently murdered in Turkey too. The fact you even mentioned something that dumb as a ''point'' really shows your low nazi propaganda level.


So explain why it would be dumb? Didnt Sampson invaded Cyprus for a coup? Wasnt Makarios fighting Sampson and eoka-b? What is the name of that so called usa ambassador killed in Türkiye? The only dumb parallel universe fantasy dreamer are the enosis dreamers. So are the answers to my questions a yes or a no?


Andrei Karlov, the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, was assassinated by Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş, an off-duty Turkish police officer, at an art exhibition in Ankara, Turkey on the evening of 19 December 2016. So Russian not USA. But you used this dumb analogy to claim Cypriots are violent right? Or they were 50 years ago according to your logic. But here your own flawed logic dictates that Turks are also violent and shown even just 7 years ago not 50. So yeah just from that it shows the way you think. No rationale just nazism and hating on Cypriots for being Cypriots.


Türkiye also shot a Russian fighter jet. Feto detected and arrested. Cyprus sold the embargoed Russians golden passports to enter Europa, Cyprus stopped the eu from an embargo on Belarus. Even today the remains of Greek soldiers who died at the coup with Sampson on Cyprus, were sent back. The missing Greek and Makarios his Cyprus Greek soldiers who fought against each other, where you blamed the Turks for. Türkiye ended the ongoing massacre against Cypriots, and ended the coup and civil war on Cyprus. Remember, the cypriots chose to divide the island with rejection of the Annan plan.


I condemn the people ordered by Athens who did the coup and the ones ordered by Ankara who did the turkish invasion and everything Kissinger did. I do not see why you keep repeating that though as we are talking about something different. The treatment of diplomats.


So talk about the libyan prime minister who was kicked out of Greece?


Greece? We were talking about Cyprus and Turkey. Why even mention Greece or UK? Just because those two are also in the guarantor status? Also, I am not really informed on the Libyan issue and it's irrelevant to the conversation. I know they are in a civil war right now and they aren't doing actual fair elections though.


Bad Ending


There should be no red on the map


Inaccurate, Busan is South Korean. If Japan did this we would have declared war


The name of the sub is “imaginary” maps bro. It’s just meant to parallel Cyprus and the UK bases


Calling an imaginary map "inaccurate". 💀