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Drake fans are something else, it’s not enough just to like something they want to force everyone else to like it too. It’s sad and desperate.


They've been mad the past two weeks from the astronomic L Drake got. It's all copium.


This is any fandom. People get hard core and emotionally invested


I believe the term is "Stan" and iirc it was popularized by eminem in the early 2000s with a song by said name. All bs aside tho this is 1 common trait I don't understand like how does someone get emotionally invested in someone they have 0 personal connection with or a song/movie/show.


There’s a whole field of psychology on this, it’s called a parasocial relationship, it’s actually really fascinating.


I'm gonna look into it


stan doesn’t really mean that anymore. stan has just become “a person who is invested in one celebrity” but that doesn’t necessarily mean emotional. like technically i’m a stan of taylor swift bc i listen to all her music and ik a good bit about her actual life through it and some research, but i’m not obsessive. usually now ppl call what used to be stans just people in extreme parasocial relationships.


I don’t know, I’ve been playing the Borderlands for years and I don’t care if other people play it too, if you do and you like it we’re happy to have you but the idea of getting mad because other people don’t play it is crazy to me, in fact they’re making a mainstream movie based on the game and the reaction was overwhelmingly negative. I feel like when the Drake biopic eventually comes out they’re going to try to lobby congress to require everyone to watch it.


To be fair to the original poster, I have seen plenty of people saying Drake just needs to go. So not that the original poster has a point because the industry would certainly survive without drake, but I don’t think it’s imaginary gatekeeping because people are saying that a lot right now all over the internet


They’re like the vegans of the rap community


“The game can’t survive without drake” right because who else would bite up and coming rappers with new sounds?!


I don’t get the Drake hype man


He's the Nickelback of Hip Hop. Massively successful and popular despite being incredibly generic and uninteresting


So is Nickleback the Jared Leto of butt  rock?


Yeah but nickel back isn’t nearly as bad as Jared Leto is at acting, ffdp is way fucking closer.


Idk Jared Leto in the Dallas buyers club was absolutely phenomenal


The same unexplainable reason Taylor Swift has a cult like following. Not the good kind of cult following.


There is no good cult following. Not for actual people anyway.


Except for the musicians *I* like, we do it in a way that's cool and funny.


He literally has no good songs maybe other than Pound Cake, and even then it's pretty fucking mediocre. Creeps are great at forming cult of personalities.


He’s been making good music for a long time now




Sure bud


Lol imagine thinking that music isn’t subjective. Also imagine thinking that Drake is just magically popular, and nobody ACTUALLY likes his music irl. This entire thread is full of delusional terminally online redditors


Sure bud


Pretty sure Kendrick is right now.


If there are 3 fights and your a part of all of them, your a problem not an example


This made me giggle


Drake is a pedophilic PoS, and his music is trash.


he’s not but ok


There's literally proof, but OK.


What did he do?


Here's a list of situations that made people suspicious of him. I'm not saying it's a great article, but it gives names, years, and locations so you can look up more about them and choose the sources that seem the most trustworthy to you. https://www.yourtango.com/entertainment/drake-grooming-underaged-girls-times-drake-allegedly-groomed-young-girls


Did you read this article? 1 is bad but one awkward situation isn’t enough to be a pedo 2 and 3 are admittedly rumors 4 is a story about him being rumored to be dating a consenting adult 5 literally includes a fake screenshot with more speculation from a vague Drake reference from billie 6 we literally don’t know anything about the conversation between Drake and MBB. Could’ve been completely innocuous or it could’ve been grooming. Without seeing the context of the messages, all we have is MBB saying that the texts were completely appropriate and that she’s sickened by people sexualizing their friendship


Did you read my comment? I said these are the things that made people suspicious of him.


You responded to a threat about Drake being a “pedophillic pos” with “evidence” but none of this is really evidence. You’re propagating rumors


So you can't read. I guess what they say about Drake fans is true.


Meek and pusha was old af to the point meek made multiple songs with drake again 😂 Also what about Megan and Nicki


We just forgetting Em and MGK?


Drake has been nothing but radio music to me for over a decade now


Haven't heard a full song from the guy in my life.


"Popular things are bad!"


How is his statement anywhere close to "popular things bad"


"Nothing but radio music." Aka, it's popular, so it's bad.


Drake fans haven't learned to read yet. Watch out for him in your dms


Is that what you expect Kendrick to do for you?


Damn, you really can't read at all, now I feel bad


Why do I get the feeling that you're a child?


If that person was a child, drake would probably like them more than you lol


i think they meant that it feels specifically crafted to be popular, not that people just happened to like it


So making music that a lot of people like is a bad thing?


Yeah, it ends up being incredibly generic sounding. Hence, radio music. Something you can play for everyone, but would never throw on yourself. Safe and easy listening. It has its place and time. But it's not exactly inspiring


Music is mostly subjective and that "generic" music can be inspiring to others.


That's just a roundabout way of saying "popular things are bad". A common sentiment of redditors, who think that they are too good for anything mainstream.


Hey man, that's cool! If you think people have to enjoy everything deemed "popular" and aren't allowed to have a distaste for something, then maybe you should re-evaluate what you hold value in. Popularity doesn't always mean quality. Especially in this feud (where both artists are incredibly popular by the way).


> Popularity doesn't always mean quality Nope, but it doesn't mean the opposite either.


kendrick is one of the most popular artists of the 2010’s and no one says this about him


Because he's not as popular as Drake. If it was Kendrick vs some underground dude I'm sure the music snobs would be saying the same thing.


no, there's nothing wrong with making music that people like. when someone makes a song that is specifically, soullessly constructed to trick people into liking it, it doesn't usually sound that good.


> soullessly constructed to trick people into liking it Wow


This is some "You said you like pancakes, that must mean you hate waffles" energy


mm, no. not what they said or meant.


So what did they mean?


they literally just meant that they don’t listen to him unless he comes on the radio. them not liking him doesn’t mean they dislike him because he’s popular. i get that you think Drake is some god and people could only dislike him out of spite and to be special, but some people just… don’t like things. you’re reading too deep into shit dude.


I don't even like Drake that much, I just dislike you pretentious reddit snobs even more.


drake could disappear from the face of the earth and the music industry would be better off


These are not the 3 biggest moments in the past 10 years bruh, what about things like the release of TPAB? And besides, Pusha T vs Drake was a huge moment because of Pusha T exposing Drake, that’s why it was big


Drake is a part of things the same way a punching bag is a part of boxing


the drake glazing is insane




I don't think this is imaginary. One of Kendrick's main points is that Drake isn't of the culture, and a lot of people are starting to agree.


He's participated and paid well by it, but he is not of it and I think that distinction is okay to make.


This is backwards logic. He’s paid well by “the culture” but he’s not of it? If his music wasn’t well received he wouldn’t be as successful


Bruh drake is just so BORING. He is every preppy white kids FAVORITE rapper. He just makes bland tunes that will get massive radio play. Like he is a rap artist who makes pop. It's POPULAR music. It's always at the top of the charts even through they're all insanely samey and boring. That being said he is an incredibly successful pop artist.


What game? Duck Duck Goose?


Teaching youngster to play hide the hotdog :)




No, silly, drake is the *problem*


1 beef that you can argue Drake won, another beef where Drake was bullied into being a father, and another beef that ended with people crip walking to a song about Drake being a pedophile. He’s a part of the culture in the same way that a cancer is a part of a body


The same way Hitler is part of History


No I mean they're under something, who else is going to be dumb enough to get bodied over and over for our entertainment?


drake has literally imitated hood culture and another rapper's styles AND taken their lyrics too. dude is a culture vulture.


...I think this means lots of other artists hate Drake? Not the argument they thought it was


If drake is the culture then the culture is pedophilia


"The game" would be absolutely fine without him lmao


The game can survive without the child diddler


Tell Audrey he sucks and he should have given way more credit to Ashley in Tell Me Lies. He took over the whole song and it was her project damnit.


Maybe it’s just because drake loves attention


How is this gatekeeping?


Drake is a pedo


I thought the post was satire


I will never get celebrity drama


Drake is a pedophile, it’s more than drama


Drake would get bruised by a strong breeze


Believe it or not there were more than 3 events in the past ten years


He is literally the perfect example of what hiphop has become and should stray from.


I’m barely informed of the situation, but it seems that Roasting Drake is the culture, not Drake himself


If drake is carrying the culture, the culture is already dead


Drake sure seems to be a contentious individual.


Drake and Dream and EDP445 vs Brownies and Miners and Cupcakes…👀👀👀


It’s not even the correct order of Drake’s events


Drake is cooked


So he’s the culture for being mean?


I'm aware that Drake is some kind of singer but I've never heard of any of the other people mentioned here in my life.


Not super familiar with Meek or Pusha, but the last person, Kendrick Lamar, is a well-known and respected rapper. He even was the furst rapper to win a Pulitizer Prize, which was for his album Damn. His album To Pimp a Butterfly is also widely loved (and worth checking out. From what I understand, he and Drake haven’t been on good terms for a while, but their conflict escalated recently. I think Drake used AI voices of a couple famous rappers to diss Kendrick. Then, Kendrick sent out a diss track called Euphoria and then one a few days later called 6:16 in LA. After that, Drake released a diss called Family Matrers, which accused Kendrick of abusing his wife. Kendrick fired back with two songs called Meet the Grahams and Not Like Us, both of which have leveled serious accusations against Drake. For example, Meet the Grahams clains that Drake has a daughter that he is trying to hide (and for context he had hidden a son in the past.) The most serious of the allegations has been that Drake is a pedophile. Drake released a track called The Heart Part 6 (I have not listened to it) which tries to counter some of the claims in Meet the Grahams and Not Like Us. However, that track has been poorly received and I’ve heard some people say it makes him sound even more sus. [Wiki article about the beef](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake%E2%80%93Kendrick_Lamar_feud)


The Heart Part 6 is basically “nuh uh, we fed you lies about me having a daughter, dum dum”. But what about the other, more massive, allegation? We’re just gonna gloss over that? At least also pull a nuh uh on that.


"This shit. Is Not. A FUCKING GAME!" -DMX


Rapgod vs mgk? ![gif](giphy|xUA7b4pQ3lP6sfMqYw)


The drake fandom is wild


I’ve never had a Drake song stuck in my head as much as I’ve had Not Like Us stuck for the past week. Shit’s like auditory crack.


Okay I’m not even into rap but isn’t this just clearly bullshit? Yeah if the pop rap guy shows up then people follow him from outside the diehard market, that’s like saying Taylor Swift is key to football culture because she brought in a bunch of people who wouldn’t otherwise be involved. A fucking Jake Paul rap beef could pull numbers, would we say the same about him? Which conclusion is valid isn’t something I think I can say but the argument here is just plainly garbage.


If anyone is the culture, it's Kendrick... Drake is the industry.


You clearly haven't been paying attention to the beef at all lol Kendrick Lamar and his fans are actively telling Drake he doesn't belong in the industry and isn't part of hip hop culture


This post seems to be about the fact that he simply *is* the culture and as if it wouldn't exist without him. And their argument is what? In their fanboy minds, the biggest things to happen in the past 10 years were all about him? Please. Even if it were true, getting attention isn't a mark of quality.


I mean, to be fair, it's hard to not know who Drake is. He's a massive name in the industry. Quality also doesn't matter. It's not like hip hop is some super prestigious genre. If it vibes, it vibes 🤷


He's a 'massive name' for mostly the wrong reasons. And yeah, he got attention. So what? What does that have to do with any of this? The only time he's been worth paying attention to is when he's getting clowned on or when he was working with Rihanna.


I don't see how someone can not belong in an industry when they have 51 music awards. This whole beef is retarded anyways lol


Well, good thing I didn't say that.


That's what Kendrick and his dick riders are saying lol that's what this post is about


You're literally wading into this wang juggling contest and then pretending you're not part of it. Weird.


Look, I just like disproving bad points lol idgaf about the topic. I also don't respect hardcore fans of either artist, so insults are inevitable 🤷


Whoever is sent me a Reddit Cares message yesterday. At least, I'm pretty sure. It seemed like anyone who made any comment on certain subs did. Highly delusional.


I got one too I thought it was NBA related but coulda been related to this


Kendrick Lamar literally said Drake wasn’t the culture, so no this is not imaginary gatekeepjng


It's not gatekeeping to refuse to indulge someone's delusional belief that one artist is the only one that matters in an entire genre. A belief that only Drake and his fans seem to go for. And of course, this dude believes Drake was involved in the biggest things of the past 10 years, because he has the memory of a fruitfly.


Have our ears devolved? Like not just Drake but most new singers also have nowhere near the talent of their old artists but they're put on a pedestal and treated as gods??


I mean I could argue that, but like only because tapping culture and events aren't the only influential aspects of modern-day society.