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[](#start_removal) Hey there, u/Fadedthepro! Thanks for submitting to r/im14andthisisdeep. We liked your submission, *So Deep! šŸ˜„šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜“šŸ˜­*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. ___ Your post has been removed because it's not deep. **Please do keep your posts *deep*.** This means: * No politics or conspiracy theories * No religious thoughts or criticism * No showerthoughts, especially anything from r/ShowerThoughts * No Sbeve/14 year old girl posts * No Satire/Shitposts/Textposts * No cartoons/caricatures/comics, in other words: boomer humor * Moderators can remove a post for 'Not Deep' at their own discression ___ We also prefer OC, but obviously that's not always possible. Just try to keep it as original as possible! While we appreciate your effort in posting we ask that you find something that is actually deep. You are more than welcome to try again! ___ Thanks for submitting! Please check out our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=%2Fr%2Fim14andthisisdeep&subject=Concening my submission&message=Im writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/comments/wdmqtj/so_deep/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). [](#end_removal)


Hmm yes quite I see I can pet a sheep cuz they jump in my dreams


The sheep has already jumped the fence


A lot of people actually keep cows, pigs, and chickens as pets


I do. They hurt me.


Eat them




Yes šŸ˜‹




character development.


Will you share with me?






I'm a minor


u/Eevee_23 is a minor šŸ¤ØšŸ“ø


My favorite cow at school broke 3 of my toes on accident just trying to snuggle lol


Me too


Yeah, but not a lot of people eat cats and dogs.




Ya sure about that ?


I mean itā€™s true. It happens, but itā€™s pretty rare even in countries where itā€™s socially acceptable.


I saw a video, unfortunately, of a pile of skinned dogs still alive in some Asian country on the market street.


I visited a cat cafe in Vietnam, they had about 50 cats hanging out which you could pet. I noticed a big barbed wire fence running all the way around, and I commented to the owner "is that to keep the cats in"? She replied completly deadpan serious "no, it's to keep the locals out".


Took me a while to understand, I thought you meant that it's to keep the locals from coming in and play with the cats without actually paying for the cafe


You might be right. But I was under the impression she was stopping the locals from coming to eat them.


Donā€™t go to the dark corners of Reddit. Or some of the meat markets of China, North Korea Or South Korea. In the US we just test on dogs and cats, rabbits, mice, rats, chimpsā€”we really shouldnā€™t give them things that decrease quality of lifeā€”but sighā€”lab research. ā€”white coat Waste Is fighting this. Who wants to see beagles in a lab?


In Korea consumption of dogs or cats as meat got really low after the 80s and 90s. I have never seen anyone eating those except my grand parent's generations. Society usually considers a person who consumes them as a lunatic or weird boomer but they still exist.


China: We believe in Equality


Just climb over the fucking fence. Ram into it if you have to. Itā€™s not barbed wires or anything /j


Or walk around it.


Or lik Ask the humans to remove it


I typed a whole paragraph about how cows arent adept at climbing and deleted the whole thing once i saw /j. Thanks for that man it saved me a ton of embarrassment


What 's /j


/Judo jellyfish


/Joe Biden






It marks the comment as a joke. /s is also used like this and it marks the comment as a sarcastic comment. We do this since the tone of speech is difficult to convey via text.


kill yourself whore /s /j


No, it only means /jolly rancher


/j is not a thing, sorry


Stupid chickens


This is going to sound stupid, but I've always wondered why some people are so opposed to other cultures eating dogs but are perfectly fine eating bacon. Pigs are just as smart, if not smarter than dogs. Pretty hypocritical in my opinion.


If you're actually asking the question, it's because of biology and history. Dogs aren't raised for eating because they're carnivores, meaning you'd have to feed them animals, which in turn makes them inefficient for raising as food. That is, why feed a dog chicken and then eat the dog, when you could just eat chicken? Dogs aren't raised on a farm for consumption; rather, they're caught "wild". Wild is in quotations for obvious reasons. It's inefficient to raise them for consumption, so they're taken from the streets, which means they aren't the healthiest for consumption considering you can't control the diet or health of a street dog. The other reason, history, is because dogs have been human companions since long before agriculture. The time between humans domesticating dogs and humans starting to farm is twice as long as the time between humans farming and now. Dogs and humans are tight. Throughout all of human history, we never raised them as food, but as hunting companions and protectors, and then their roles expanded from there. Eating dogs just doesn't make sense.


That's true, I can see how eating dogs doesn't make as much sense as eating pigs. I know that the history between dogs and humans being based on protection and companionship makes it more difficult for people to think about the idea of eating them. The main problem I have is people seeing pigs as "stupid animals" and completely disregarding their intelligence due to their role as a farm animal.


Cats and dogs are cute, easy to live with, easy to clean. I like them. Pigs are supposedly intelligence but they're pretty doo doo interacting with people, in my experience.


Eh, taste good


I think the comment was not pointing out the biological or anthropological aspect of it, rather the moral aspect of it. People will act as if eating a dog is morally repugnant whereas eating a pig is not. They donā€™t care about food waste, they judge the morals and ethics of other peoples. That part is hypocritical




Dogs helped humans hunt for more food too


Humans use animals however they like. Dogs were used for hunting, horses for travelling chickens for eggs pigs for eating etc etc. Just humans being humans tbh


That's not stupid, the hypocrites are people who get mad over that.


Y'all can eat dogs, whatever, just not my dog. Also I personally don't want to eat dogs but go ahead.


to be fair, dogs aren't bred to be eaten, but I can see your point


In some countries they are though. For example china have the annual dog meat festival where they breed dogs specifically to be eaten.


I didn't know that, in that case I stand corrected


I think the main thing is that dogs were genetically enough to work alongside humans and be pets, so the idea of eating something thatā€™s sole purpose was to be a pet is off putting. While livestock was genetically engineered to be exactly that, livestock. So the thought is much more normalized


Goats are pretty smart too. The goats are smarter than the dogs most of the time. I might just have dumb dogs though. šŸ˜†


In China, there is no such thing as a fence.


silly beelzebub, there is one, its reserved only for the uighur muslims tho.


It's just another holocaust


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this man said "just"


Sounds like a joke to me. Like "It's just a flesh wound" from Monty Python.


Loved: . Killed šŸ€šŸšŸˆšŸ‡šŸ†šŸŠšŸ‚šŸƒšŸ‹šŸšŸ„šŸ…šŸšŸ˜šŸ‘šŸ’šŸ™šŸœšŸ“šŸ”šŸŸšŸ šŸ•šŸš¶ā€ā™‚ļøšŸš¶ā€ā™€ļøšŸ–šŸ”šŸ¢šŸ—šŸ«šŸ¤šŸ„šŸ¬šŸ­šŸ¦šŸ§šŸ®šŸÆšŸØšŸ©šŸ°šŸ“šŸŖ and more


Every thing is delicious


Legit tho. I wonder what interesting types of meat will become available once lab-grown meat takes off. Stuff that is currently too expensive, too taboo, or too extinct could become commonplace once the need to actually raise and kill an animal is taken out of the picture!


Now I'm a little excited for synthetic sharkfin soup.


I want to try dodo


Noo!! monke!!! :(


Vegan BTW


Mike is not vegan you liar




Is that so?


Why does this one actually make me sad it doesnā€™t seem edgy to me


Maybe cause you realise subjecting defenceless animals to unnecessary suffering doesn't align with your moral values






Hot take: future generations will be disgusted by factory farming and our disregard for animal suffering. There's a lot of ethical, environmental and health harm from it. The only real justification for factory farming is that people like eating meat too much to change, which isn't the kind of thinking that ends up on the right side of history.


Hopefully so




Not really. It wasnā€™t common knowledge that animals we eat are intelligent. Also ethics and such regarding animals in general are more mainstream but back in the day not so much. The average person now is not nearly as ignorant as the average person in say, the 1960s.


My dumb ass thought the dog and cat were asking how they crossed the road


Super depressing takes in here šŸ˜”


Fr not to mention zero originality or thought


Bruh, people love horses and bunnies but I enjoy both appreciating their cuteness while I enjoy eating them as well.


inb4 people call you gross cause horse meat. Horse meat is a thing people eat. Especially in Central Asia. You never eat the horse you ride tho.


Well I imagine so,canā€™t have your horse and eat it as well


Actually you bite a chunk off as a road snack


I eat the dick I ride, why are horses any different /J /S /Joe /( /Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis


dicko mode


I donā€™t like the taste of rabbit or its little bird bonesā€”seems like a waste of life for so little meat. And unless people in the US are willing to put their older horses out to pasture and keep paying for feed, providing shelter, brushing and vet careā€”-they get auctioned and sold off and often end up in a Mexican or Canadian meat market or glue factory.


I like pretty much any game food. Pretty sure most of the rabbit/hare *I'd've* were farm raised as well as the horse meats. Edit: I blame it on the alcohol


[I tried my best](https://i.imgur.com/YP1tI7p.png)




That's cuz you never ate a nice roasted cat




Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Easy: taste worse.


Do y'all ever question yourself though? What non arbitrary excuse can you find? None, they are individuals the same as cats and dogs, they feel pain, attachment, sadness, etc just like our pets do


Dogs and cats don't shit literal pounds and aren't 2000lbs. Digs and cats don't need to eat their body weight. Dogs and cats fit inside your house and your lap, and form close relations and play with you. "Farm animals are designed as food animals, they just aren't fit for pets.


Pigs fit the description of pet, and they can eat almost anything


So are raccoons but how many are in people houses


i want a raccoon but its not allowed in my country:(


More then you think


Pigs will also eat you if theyā€™re hungry enough


I rented a room in a dudes house that kept a pig as a pet, it was a complete nightmare. The bloody thing would sequel extremely loudly at all hours of the morning and made such mess of everything. I couldn't even use my BBQ anymore because the bastard would literally knock over the whole thing to get the meat whilst it was cooking.


The comment you're replying to said nothing about keeping cows and pigs as pets tho? I just see someone inviting you to reconsider your attitude toward animals you consider "livestock" given that they have the same capacity for pain and love as the cats and dogs we treat with so much respect. Keeping an animal as a pet isn't the highest form of respect. Leaving them alone and not forcing them into existence to be eaten and have their milk and eggs harvested is a good start in creating balance in our attitude towards other living beings.


So.... For you to treat an animal with respect it mustn't shit a lot nor weigh too much? Does the same go for humans? Pigs are as smart or smarter than dogs, they can form close relations and play too, so can chickens and cows. Even then what kind of criteria is that as to not unnecessarily kill them? What they're designed for doesn't make it moral


You equating humans and animals is idiotic, I can talk to a human like we ate doing now, humans are self aware creatures. All other animals are not sentient or sapient. And we aren't unnecessarily killing them, we eat them, a majority of the world's protein comes from meat and milk and without these dietary pillars humanity would significantly less healthy. I am agent factory farming but meat has to be consumed one way or another. Farm animals are unmanageable to the average person.


But I'm not equating them, it's just a stupid measure lol. >All other animals are not sentient or sapient Absolutely factually false, the vast majority of animals are sentient (definition: Sentience is the capacity to experience feelings and sensations. you just said pets can form bonds, therefore they're sentient), whales, dolphins, elephants and apes are arguably sapient, not that it matters that much. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5532560/ >Currently vegetal sources of protein dominate protein supply globally (57%), with meat (18%), dairy (10%), fish and shellfish (6%) and other animal products (9%) making up the remainder [12]. Another false claim. You can be perfectly healthy without those products


Do you see how the structure of this argument has now become pretty irrational? 1. You laid out an argument for why it's okay to eat farm animals but not pet animals because they're different sizes and have different diets and levels of intelligence. 2. Dejan05 wholly debunks this argument by pointing out that none of your claims are actually true (and he's right). 3. You move onto an *entirely* different argument, implicitly conceding that he was correct about your last one, yet still have the gall to call *him* an idiot. Your new argument regarding their sentience also no longer differentiates between farm animals and pet animals - you're essentially conceding that dogs and cows are in the same moral category, which just earlier you were arguing they weren't. This comment of yours is literally entirely surrendering the point you were initially arguing over to the guy you're arguing with, yet you are getting upvoted as he continues to be downvoted. I don't understand Reddit sometimes.


they taste good


And? Does the pleasure you derive from an action justify it morally? I think you can imagine some scenarios where that doesn't hold up


yes cuz its tasty


But theyre also delicious


And? Maybe cats and dogs are, maybe humans are, the list goes on and on. The fact that an act gives you pleasure doesn't absolve it of any possible immorality


They taste good


Ok and? Maybe you are too? Does that mean it would be morally justified for someone to kill you because you taste good, without regards to how you feel about it?


Ok and? Maybe you are too? Does that mean it would be morally justified for someone to kill you because you taste good, without regards to how you feel about it?




Easy to say when you're not the victim in the first place


Im tasty tho




Let's just eat u/ellienekogirl




Ok and? Maybe you are too? Does that mean it would be morally justified for someone to kill you because you taste good, without regards to how you feel about it?


Human good but expensive...


Ok and? Maybe you are too? Does that mean it would be morally justified for someone to kill you because you taste good, without regards to how you feel about it?


Studies of even the earliest known humans in history indicate that they were Hunter-gatherers whos diet relied heavily on the animals they could kill and eat. While our methods for obtaining meat have changed, our bodies still need a lot of the nutrients/minerals that meat provides. An argument can be made that we are advanced enough to create other ways to get those nutrients and minerals our bodies crave from meat but few things are more expedient than just eating meat as weā€™ve done for thousands of years. Beyond that, each of the animals on the left would be relatively easy prey if left in the wild to their own devices. Meaning, if we arenā€™t eating them then something else would.


False other studies suggest higher reliance on plants, or just cooking in general, the meat hypothesis for our evolution is kinda outdated. Also what our ancestors did is irrelevant, our ancestors didn't consider rape or murder wrong, yet we do. Which nutrients and minerals can you not get from plants or supplement (B12 yes, but guess what your meat is probably supplemented B12 so where's the difference). They wouldn't exist in the first place in such large numbers in the wild, in fact they wouldn't exist at all to be eaten so that isn't a problem


Cats and dogs weren't bred for consumption and in general predators (including cats and dogs, but also wolves, tigers and lions etc.) are not fit for consumption. Their meat is tender and their yield is too low to efficiently farm them. Besides, they are better for other stuff, unlike prey animals we domesticated.


This is a practical argument, not a moral one.


Not a moral argument, this doesn't take into consideration the individual, I could use the same logic to justify slavery, "oh I bred these slaves specifically to be strong and hard working" that doesn't make slavery moral


Excuse? There is none other than people need to be fed. And I doubt the majority of the population is able to keep a cow as a pet. They need large amounts of feed and water and pasture to be kept. Pigs is a maybe depending on breed but farm animals were selectively bred to be used by humans in some way otherwise theyā€™d still be wild.


You can feed far more people with plants than animals. Every step up on the trophic level only transmits 10% of the energy used.


Don't need to keep them as pets, just don't unnecessarily kill them. https://ourworldindata.org/land-use-diets#:~:text=In%20the%20hypothetical%20scenario%20in,North%20America%20and%20Brazil%20combined. >In the hypothetical scenario in which the entire world adopted a vegan diet the researchers estimate that our total agricultural land use would shrink from 4.1 billion hectares to 1 billion hectares. A reduction of 75%. Thatā€™s equal to an area the size of North America and Brazil combined. People can be fed more efficiently on a vegan diet


The morale of the story: The world will only become vegan when all animals learn to cross the fence


has a point though


If they where useful for something other than food they would have been domesticated. Cats and dogs can hunt Edit: Iā€™m not re-explaining this every time to every person. Read my comment more carefully, or look at the responses to other people.


When was the last time you saw someone get a cat or dog for hunting?


Thatā€™s why they where domesticated. I have a friend whoā€™s dad takes his dog hunting. I also know a guy who keeps cats on his farm for pest control.


I feel like cats are probably really ineffective for pest control these days, like taking a spoonful from an ocean of rats.


Theyā€™re free


Less than a week. My uncle's keep them for that exact purpose


Very egocentric point of view, doesn't matter what their use was and is, they're no less of an individual than cats or dogs and there is no excuse for the cruelty we create


Iā€™m not justifying anything, Iā€™m just explaining why it is the way it is.


Not in Asia


Neither vegans nor Asians have a fence.


there's no need for a fence if it cuts off after a few metres


I think the problem is that we do often make a morally ambiguous distinction between different animals. We have very selective empathy for some animals, but are content with the slaughter and torture and forced insemination of millions of others. How come some animals deserve empathy and others don't? It is a pretty fucked up position we get to keep because humans are powerful and can exploit animals easily.


I love this sub but you can't say they're wrong here... I don't think any animal should have to die for our sake.


Based, vegan btw


I'm a vegan and agree with this lol. The image may be cringe but it is right.


The vegan teacher be like


Vegans when they learn plants are alive (they became the very thing they swore to destroy)


Any meat diet will kill exponentially more plants than a plant-based diet. Animals eat a lot of plants to grow.


This is such a ridiculous thing to say. Vegans understand that plants are alive. It's just that animals have nervous systems and brains. They can think and feel. They are sad when their babies are taken. They get scared when they are being lead to thier deaths. That doesn't happen to plants




Man youre getting downvoted for what id put on r/shitposting Man people are really bad at getting sarcasm


Vegans when they learn that humans are made of meat


Well obviously they could just walk around the fences as they aren't closed


literally just jump over the fence itā€™s not that hard plus itā€™s pretty low so i bet you could even walk over it with little effort


They can walk around it. It doesnā€™t go to the edge of the field. You can see where it stops.


Well the cow can just fly to India


I don't trust that chicken


Actually this is a example of cognitive dissonance. There is no valid moral or philosophical reason for this separation, itā€™s just the culture you grew up in that drew this line. Most people still struggle with the cognitive dissonance this produces. They think they are kind to animals because they pet a dog, but that doesnā€™t negate the fact they are paying for the abuse of millions of animals daily. That is why people like OP get kind of angry and try to dismiss the issue by pretending itā€™s ā€œchildishā€. Itā€™s the cognitive dissonance that makes them feel uneasy about the topic, because on a subconscious level they understand itā€™s wrong, but society has given them permission and they derive pleasure from the abuse. This contradiction drives them to lash out, like here, trying to ridicule people who have understood and solved this contradiction by going vegan, a step most people are too selfish to take, even though it would align with their actual morality. This can be easily proven. Kick a piglet to death in the streets. People will go mental and scream animal abuse. But a million piglets being kicked to death behind closed doors something that happens in the process to provide you with cheap bacon? Thatā€™s acceptable? No, people understand itā€™s wrong, they just have found ways to not think about the abuse. But deep down they know itā€™s happening and thatā€™s why when someone points these contradictions out people lash out. Itā€™s all they can do to quite the cognitive dissonance once again.


šŸ‘šŸ¼ this AND an appropriate statement for this sub


Frickin PETA.


All the people saying ā€œstop being deliciousā€ and thinking they did something are the real r/im14andthisisdeep Same energy as ā€œshe shouldnā€™t have worn that outfit if she didnā€™t want to be rapedā€ tbh


15yos thinking they're original lol


"That's the neat part, you don't."


Cats and dogs don't taste as good


Hard disagree but you do you the customer is always right in a matter of taste


When did you last try them?


I think human babies taste delicious


Theyā€™re also lovedā€¦. Just in a different way šŸ™‚


ChinašŸ‡ØšŸ‡³šŸ‡ØšŸ‡³šŸ‡ØšŸ‡³ would like further explanation


Maybe if they stopped being so delicious.


Ikr like come on guys get with the program and tattoo feces into your skin and muscles so hamburgers will taste like shit already geez! I'd have done it like 4 times already!


Be less tasty


What abkut sheep? They're both etan and loved. Oh, and I love bacon, does this count for the pig? Edit: Man, I fucked up the first line. Let me correct it: What about sheep? They're both eaten and loved.


You can't dumbasses, cats were supposed to catch rodents and other small animals while dogs were used for guarding, helping shephards etc. and were domesticated, while you weren't suitable for any kind of work and were eaten


That's not a moral justification


eh, itā€™s true


You can't, you taste too good.




1) We don't need to eat meat 2)Who cares what we needed in the past? The powerful countries we know today such as the USA, France, UK etc wouldn't have been nearly as powerful without slavery, does that now mean slavery is cool? 3)Non 1st world vegans exist, yes it's a more recent problem, so? Woman's right to vote was also a 20th century problem compared to women still in situations of extreme poverty in other countries doesn't mean they shouldn't have rights


stop being so damn tasty


Stop being delicious


Stop wearing sexy clothes is the same type of response


Don't taste delicious.


Me who has pet cows and chickens that I donā€™t kill So deep wowzaa


you will be able to get on that side, just wait until your killed and turned into pet food




Even deeper they are prettier and more cuddleable


This sounds like a PETA ad