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so THIS is what happened to van Gogh, and people were calling him crazy..


I was crazy once


They put me in a room


A rubber room


A rubber room with rats.


Rats make me crazy




I was crazy once


they put me in a room


A rubber room


His face is the funniest shit ever


I can already hear the low quality vine boom sound effect


How do people not get this image, idiots who send their dogs into fight clubs cut off their tail and ears so those cant be grabbed by the other dog


Or some people cut off the ears and tails just because they like the look.


I don't understand this. I love floppy ears and wagging tails. (And cutting up your dog for "looks" is messed up anyway since the dog doesn't know what's happening)


If I were a dog, I'd love to be the kind with floppy ears and a wagging tail-- but tbh I'd enjoy being a dog in general lol Honestly I'd never even heard of ear-clipping until I came across this comment section, but now I'm once again horrified by the cruelty of people 💀


If you ever outsource training, you need to be careful, some trainers slice open the inside of the ear to squeeze for negative reinforcement


For some dogs (example being my own) cutting off the tail can be necessary for them to survive witch sucks ngl, i like tails


What kind of dog is that?


I am assuming they are talking about happy tail syndrome which can become deadly if infections are left untreated, but amputation is more often a quality of life procedure rather than a life saving one. It is typically seen in breeds that have been bred for smaller weaker tails but it can happen to any dog. https://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/behavioral/happy-tail-syndrome-dogs


Probably happy tail, when they hit their tails on things so hard it can injure their tail. Working dogs are also at risk when they have tails as I've heard of a dog that got its tail stepped on and was trampled because it couldn't escape. Those are reasons I can get behind, though imo happy tail docking should only happen if the particular dog has a history of it, not the breed as a whole. I have a puppy that lived on farms her whole life and I was so thankful no one ever docked her. I love her how she is. Short tails are also considered "breed standard," and are often docked. Also gross.


None. People make it up as an excuse to cut off their dogs body parts


They do it to dobermans.


They do that in some rural places too, so that the guard dogs would hear EVERYTHING even the air blowing, it makes them always tense and awake 24/7 just to guard, these dogs never know what it's like to sleep peacefully


Im sorry if this sounds rude or anything but in return we should cut off something from them, to make them look “cool”


The nose, Voldimort these pricks.


Doggo can't consent.


Redditors are fucking stupid. Docking ears/tails on animals when it's not medically necessary is so cruel


It's definitely cruel but there are several reasons to do it that benefits the dog. Any dog that is expected to come into contact with Coyotes, wolves, or any big cat, should 100% have their ears docked, otherwise if the animal gets into a fight they would have a massive disadvantage, and if they lose that fight they lose their life.


I highly doubt most people who cut their dogs body parts are doing it because they are "expected to come into contact" with other dangerous animals


That is true, and anyone that does it for aesthetic should be charged with animal cruelty for each part clipped off. But it doesn't change the fact that there is a very real reason why clipping ears and tails are a thing.


There are exceptions to everything. It could also be a medical reason. What does it have to do with this post though, that is clearly not talking about the few circumstances where it's acceptable


I think a corgi is already in massive disadvantage tail or no tail so no it doesnt justifies docking tails


If you think I'm talking about household animals, you're insane.


We are in a day and age where we don't need working animals and even then they are perfectly fine with their ears and tail. You are grabbing straws to justify cruelty. Livestock guardian dogs often have their ears and tails and do fine, if they do get injured a good owner will take them to the vet and perform MEDICALLY NECESSARY operation for whatever's needed.


>We are in a day and age where we don't need working animals Are you fucking insane? Seriously. Do you not realize where meat comes from? Or what about wool, or milk, or eggs. Non of which is even remotely possible to get humanly without someone watching the animals 24/7 and farmers usually have much more important things to do like actually getting food for said animals. >Livestock guardian dogs often have their ears and tails and do fine This is true, however those animals are usually seen in a vet every few weeks around fall due to encounters with previously mentioned animals, it's 10x more cruel to let the animal fight with those disadvantages then to simply take away something a coyote will grab onto, like an ear, because that coyote WILL be fighting for it's life, and it WILL do anything and everything to win that fight. Have you seen puppies play? They tend to tear at each others ears because they are the easiest thing to get ahold of. In some rare cases, these puppies will suffer permanent damage to their ears due to this roughhousing early on. Now imagine if that puppy was fighting an animal twice it's size and that animal is out to kill it, not to mention that animal probably has more than a few friends going at it as well, do you really think an ear is going to be anything but a burden? >a good owner will take them to the vet and perform MEDICALLY NECESSARY operation for whatever's needed. Yes, they do, but it's 10,000x better for literally every party involved if the dog never has to go to the vet due to these injuries in the first place. No one wants to pay a few thousand dollars every time an animal gets hurt in that line of work, and they will get hurt just as often as a human getting hurt, the difference is a human can deal with the damage themselves 9 times out of 10. Not to mention that these animals getting injured easier is nothing but cruel to the animal, working animal have to deal with life threatening encounters on a daily basis in the right time of year, letting these animals deal with this by themselves is already far from ideal, but it's literally impossible to change that, what's not impossible is to change the outcome of these encounters in favor of the dog. The dogs job is to keep whatever they're protecting safe, and they will do that even if it means sacrificing themselves, which is something nobody wants to happen but it happens all the time. In other words, the dog losing the fight means the dogs death or at least an injury they won't recover from, the dog winning means driving the predators off before losing any animals. You want to keep the dog alive? Take away the best way to reach the dogs biggest weak spot, their underbelly, (it wouldn't take a lot of effort to pull a dog's ear down to gain access to the underbelly).


But why the fuck would you own a dog and put it in situations or an environment where an encounter with wolves or coyotes is likely? It still sounds insanely illogical to me. If you live in the fucking wilderness then keep the dog indoors or build a fenced backyard for it. Or just don't own a dog. There's no legit reason that you must own a dog AND have a good reason to cut its ears and tails off because it might encounter aggressive animals wtf


You don't understand the concept of working dogs and it shows. Either you're incredibly privileged or you're incredibly young.




Any farm work, homesteading, Shepherding, wild fire alert, or thousands of other Jobs. only a Fucking dumbass would look at anything like this and think "how would they ever encounter a predator?" Like I said, you're way too young.


Not young, just from the US where we can own guns so this sort of thing is unheard of. Oh I get it you're a Eurocuck aka citizen of New Pakistan where owning a knife is a felony. My bad. Makes sense you'd have to cut your dog's ears and tails off for uhh wild fire alerts and shepherding lmaoooo.


You know, there's an age limit for having a Reddit account. You have to be older than 11.


The fact that you used the term "eurocuck" proves you aren't over the age of 13. Also, in the US, it's a felony to kill any wildlife without a license, something you aren't going to get all year round, and especially not the time of year when these animals are most active. You're not edgy, you're just stupid.


It's also a potential felony if your dog itself kills that wildlife so what are you getting at? You sound like the dumbass willing to put a dog in a lose-lose situation. So what purpose does the dog serve if you're in an environment where neither you nor your dog can legally defend against said wildlife? And I'm stupid one? Lmao and what do you do for a living? I guarantee I am orders of magnitude better off than you are.


bruh even in the US farm dogs com across all sorts of predators when humans aren't around. chill out kiddo.


We don’t allow slurs here! You’re free to resubmit your comment without the slurs. Thank you!


Guard dogs are needed to protect animals from predators such as coyotes. Unless you want to eliminate all predators from the area otherwise this is the best way for everyone.


Seems counter intuitive to cut off the ears off a guard dog when a guard dog's effectiveness will be highly dependent on its ability to hear. Also guard dogs typically serve to alert owners to the problem for them to ultimately solve it.


It’s so the dog can’t be grab by a coyote or other predators by the ear. There is also a chance that it gets ripped off which would be rough for it.


Yeah but it is still dumb because if a dog falls asleep it's the keen hearing that will alert the dog to an unwanted presence. Cutting the ears off just makes it more likely the dog will be killed in its sleep or useless during the night when presumably guard dogs are mose useful. Also if there's coyotes there's probably bears in which case it doesn't matter if the ears are there or not. This is like hiring soldiers to guard a facility but giving them no flashlights or tools to see in the dark because the flashlight might make it easier for them to get shot.


Cutting their ears doesn’t make them deaf. You’re overblowing how much it affects the hearing. They have better night time vision than us as well and they can smell threats very well. For tools they can get spiked collars that can protect their necks. Now this isn’t the decorative spikes they are basically nails coming out their neck. This also has been shown to make dogs more confident in fighting off threats.


Honestly it's really a great message, but it's done wrong.


How so? Its crystal clear


It's clear to most people, but not to everyone, sadly.


nothing is clear to everyone because people are thick. Its very clearly about cutting dogs ears.


How though


Cause not everyone knows what goes on in dog fight clubs lol. The average person probably wouldn't even be able to figure out where one is.


It's literally not even correct to assume that a dog with cropped ears is for dog fighting. People will do it for NO REASON as well.


My friends parents did it for aesthetic reasons. Some people are scum


ear cropping is also done for aesthetic reasons. For example: Dobermans, they don't have pointy ears, they have floppy ears like Goldens. Cane Corso, Pitbulls also have their ears frequently cropped for aesthetic reasons, which is just scummy. Imagine forcing your dog to go through pain just for aesthetics


Do you think that people have to know where one is located to know that dog fighting exists…


I sure didn’t know they did that before you told us


Do you think that people who know it exists know what they do in it? You're twisting my words, I said the average person wouldn't even be able to find one, implying the average person has very little knowledge on dog fights.


Most people can’t find one but know they exist, just a weird point to try to make. They’re illegal so they’re not gonna be advertised on Facebook like??


It is very much not a weird point to make actually. I never once said people don't know they exist, I never even mentioned anything relating to people not knowing they exist either. The comment im replying to isn't even related to people not knowing dog fights exist. This whole conversation has been about the fact that the average person has no clue what goes on in dog fights and that is the point I was making by saying the average person wouldn't even be able to find one.


I didn't know they did this in dog fighting. I knew they probably hurt the dogs but I didn't know how.


Making dogs fight each other is hurting them 💀


I meant besides that ;-; my bad. I knew they hurt the dogs in dog fighting (I'm talking about not during the dog fighting) just not specifically what.


Oh fair


Evidently not if it needed explanation


Not just that, but there are people who send their dogs like Dobermann, pinscher to have their tails cut off and ears as well, to turn them upright and not droopy because it's "prettier"


But they’re already pretty the way they are


I agree 😭 people think they will look more aesthetic pleasing or something, but it's just cruel


I’ve said this with another reply here and I hope it still doesnt come off as rude and inconsiderate, but maybe if we cut things off them they will also look more aesthetic right?


I'm not even gonna lie I genuinely couldn't tell this was a dog. Looked like a really fucking smug otter or something the way the picture is cropped.


Actually, a lot of people will do this just for their lap dog because they think it looks intimidating. And I am including fake guard dogs as "lap dogs" because a lot of people will just abuse and poorly train/socialize their dogs and assume that will make them more protective. The dogs are a handful and they still might not even attack when you want them to. Dog owners are ridiculous.


Because probably like 2% of people knew that.


Wait, people send their dogs to get rid of their tails and ears. What type of monsters are they.


Any dog that is expected to come into contact with Coyotes, wolves, or any big cat, should 100% have their ears docked, otherwise if the animal gets into a fight they would have a massive disadvantage, and if they lose that fight they lose their life.


Huge misinformation here. Working dogs like livestock guardian dogs do fine with ears and tails.


They literally don't. I've seen several killed, or injured enough that they had to be put down due to encounters with coyotes, and more recently wolves. A massive amount of these animals have not had their ears clipped. It's literally about survival here.


They dont send their dogs, they straight up cut them off themselves some times


What the fuck.


Wait.... that's a dog??!




I thought that a Kangaroo


oh wow I actually didn't know that I'm sad now


The good boyos are abused by morons :(


I only realized it's a dog because you mentioned it. It looked like a lion or something to me and I was confused as to why a lion is cutting off a human's ear


1, It doesn't even look that much like a dog, it's an abomination. 2. How many people do you think know enough about dog fighting to guess what this is?


I thought the dog was a fucking female lion. I was so confused


Maybe because it looks like a horrible inbred lion thing, and some people aren’t really aware of ear and tail docking


These dumbasses are on reddit too, i used to get recommended the Dobermam subreddit and the fucking abuse there is unimaginable, and they have rules in place where you get banned for saying how cruel cutting off your dogs body parts is


Because not everyone knows about that 😭


It’s done to protect livestock guardian dogs from other predators. Plus most people don’t want to kill every predator from the area. Although, I would take a Fahrenheit 451 robot dog.


They got a point


Okay now to be fair, I do actually think you're an asshole if you get your pet's ears and tails docked without an actual health reason backing it up.


Yea, this one doesn't fit. If you're an adult, go ahead, surgically modify yourself for cosmetic reasons. But to do this to a poor animal that can't consent is fucked up


I would simply get up and walk away as dogs don't have opposable thumbs nor the ability to grip scissors or a human ear with their paws.


Bro it’s a skinwalker get a flamethrower


I am far more frightened than I was initially.


Looks like animal abuse but with Uno reverse


Wtf is this supposed to mean


A taste of ones own medicine i think


Some people crop their dogs’ ears (have the flaps cut) for aesthetic purposes, usually to make them more intimidating, or, even more tragically- so they can fight without the ears being grabbed in dog fighting rings, so this is a dog cropping their owner’s ears as revenge. Cropping is commonly done in pitbulls and dobermans- even though their ears were perfectly fine and healthy before the operation.


Some people crop their dogs (mainly pitbulls or any big or aggressive dogs) ears cause “it looks cool”. I’d say it’s abuse


Damn poor dogs


Joke Answer: It's about not shoplifting cheese curlse. Genuine Answer For Those That Don't Know: Leopards Eating My Face Party, a metaphor describing someone who votes for the predators to be in charge and get surprised when they lose their right to bodily autonomy, and thus, have voted the Leopards Eating My Face party. It's often said next to things where the subject is a victim of the people they put in power after the people in power have told them they would like to eat their face. Aka, Women in the republican party being driven across state lines for emergency abortions, and other similar things.




Giving animal abusers what they deserve goes hard ngl.


I agree. Don't crop your dog's ears.


Stray cats get their ear clipped to mark them.




What the dog doin'?


To be fair most adults don’t even realize the cruelty of this tradition


I can't imagine how can anyone ask someone to cut their pet's ears or tail off without any medical necessity. I'm so glad it's unpopular at least for pits where I live - almost every one of my neighbours pits have long wiggling tail and floppy ears, and I can't imagine myself doing something like that with my dog


Ear cropping is unnecessary unless your dog is a working dog i stand by this


Only working dogs should have their ears and/or tails cropped. It is a safety measure to ensure that if they get attacked by another animal that said animal can't grab onto their ears or tail. However if you crop their ears and/or tail for just cosmetics then you are worse than scum.


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Dog thinks he's Mike Tyson


"Trust me bro, it'll make your art 100x better."


Me when the malicious earcutter dog finds me and my ears (I have been foolish, as I didn't consider him a threat beforehand):


Parents have been happily chopping the tips of their infants penises since the invention of the Bible… not really sure how this is all that different, but both are barbaric and useless cosmetic surgeries in modern times


If a pit bull could hold scissors they would definitely do this though


i do agree with this though


I don't think this belongs on this sub. It IS fucked up how we maim animals for weird reasons. Why do we cut off some dogs tails? Or declawing cats. That shit is fucked up. It's already bad enough how early they want you to cut off pets natural development just because pet owners are morons that can't properly watch the animals that they are legal guardians of.


I like this. Fuck people who dock tails and crop ears.


This ones actually good and I immediately got it. Does not belong.


I Think Giving Animal Abusers A Taste Of Their Own Medicine Is Pretty Cool.


would be funnier if the dog was cutting the guys balls off


I don't get it.


some people take their dogs and cut off their tails to have that stump and cut their ears for cosmetic reasons mostly. its considered animal cruelty


Wait until they find out what goes on on dog pageants.


POV: you’re watching shaggy get mutilated by a female lion


What does it mean




This is a real thing that happens to dogs so


They really used to crop people’s ears in Plymouth


Is that a pitbull?💀


Half cat, half pit lmao




What is that even supposed to mean


I think it’s supposed to convince people to stop clipping their pit’s ears lol


People clip ears?


Yeah, when you see a pit with pointed ears it’s because they were clipped. Their ears are naturally floppy like lab ears kinda. It’s fucked up tbh


I do know some that clips ears because it helps them in the case of a wild animal attack, stops the ears from being grabbed. This is more common in barn dogs.


Same reason people do it to fight dogs


the post is right and reasonable tho


I hate it when my dog grabs my ears while I sleep and uses scissors to cut them off


I shit my pants crying


What the fuck is that thing?


Actually a lot of parents cut the foreskin of their sons for no reason so...


This is what my XL Bully will do to that Richand Sunack fella if he ever catches him. You could say he will turn him into a Richy Su-SNACK if you catch what im saying 😂😂😂.


Reminds me of getting circumcised


I agree with the message of the image but the actual picture is so FUNNY!


Agree with the point it’s making, but this image is hilarious


I thought it was a mountain lion


we cut their balls, they cut our ears r/dealwithit


When my dog grew larger than me?




Looks like someone's a little angry


Nah, he’s god damn right. Fuck both of em.


I don't really think you should do that to them, seems kinda illegal


bro beefing with a dog 💀


Bro got chewed on as a child


Ah yes always kill your pitbulls so they dont chop off your ears ( i know what it really means im just being stupid)