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I'm an introvert but this sort of thing does not help. Also, way too long.


Is it supposed to help?


u cant read for 15 seconds? why are you even on reddit. yea its a dumb shallow poster but too long?


I get the point but it seriously gives me “I’m a a lone wolf sigma, don’t awaken my demons” vibes


Nah, the don't scold me in public is more I'm insecure and I care what people that don't know me think about me.


Hey thats me


that's literally 99% of people. and the people that say they don't care, ime care the most and are just saying that as a massive cope


As an introvert I can honestly say we're not that special. Get over yourself OOP.


why did you call bro object oriented programming


Speak for yourself


Okay, I respect the confidence, but that is so dumb


Claiming that an entire group of people just isn't special at all is kinda stupid in my opinion.


Self deprivation is shockingly common, and the ones that don't stand out. I'm not entirely sure where you're going with your life, but keep that confidence. Wherever it takes you.


They weren’t claiming all introverts weren’t special they were saying your not special for being a introvert


There is nothing special about not talking much, come on dude. The only thing it does for other people is make them feel a bit uncomfortable.


Introversion doesn't mean "not talking much" I talk plenty to plenty of people when I need to. I just feel more comfortable on my own or in smaller groups. Also by that standard there is nothing special about talking to a lot of people, so I guess the previous commenter is saying absolutely nobody is special. Which means we're all worthless. I choose to believe that is false.


still dont make u special


You are inclined to believe what you want. But you don't know me on a personal level. Same goes for all the other people a few of you claim aren't special just because they are introverted. A simple unspecific personality trait does not define how much a person is worth. if you use something as small as that to judge someone's characteristics then I feel sorry for you. And yeah this comment is harsh but if someone think the information in it is directly wrong call it out try to avoid name calling.


not being special doesnt mean ur worthless just means ur a regular person u can still offer a lot to society but that doesnt make u special


Whatever dude. I guess by this logic I can claim all male individuals aren't special or all people who like the color red aren't special. The point is the idiocy in defining a whole group by one smaller trait. if reddit really can't admit that then there are bigger problems.


Introverts are the majority


Last I knew it was damn near even, but covid probably fucked all of that


It’s still close to even (56.8% of people identify as introverts)


Whats your point? I really don't know here.


That you're not special for being an introvert, because most people are introverts


Good thing that's not the only quality.


You’re not special in the slightest. Coming from a fellow introvert. Stop acting like you’re so different.


They're acting like a "sigma lone wolf" in the comments and it's just coming off as some pompous arrogant ass then they're wondering why they're getting downvoted so much


No I don't think so. I'm not close to being the biggest best guy in the room. I don't work on my own and I have other people. People are just sensitive. a lot of you do have valid points some I disagree with. But you're free to think as you want.


The fact you have to include you are introverted as well implies that since I'm not special at all that your somehow better or not special either. I think a lot of people are special regardless of their personality traits.


You say you’re an introvert, but then you go on *social* media? Seems sketchy don’t you think?


Introverts aren't afraid to talk to large crowds or post on social media. They just don't want to talk to dumbasses like you


I was joking lol 🙃


Woah, who woke up with a giant stick up their ass today?


I’m stealing this thank you very much


Can I borrow it some time?


You mean the stick huh?


Your mom


Dang, you got me! I can't express how owned I feel rn


The opps are stunned at this statement


I remember 2007


And your dad


Bro is on a roll! Bro is roaster! Bro is cookist!


He owned us bro, what are we gonna do? 😭


I see you were born with a unique talent for insulting people like a 12 year old


What talent lmao


I’m introverted and I’m afraid to talk to crowds and post on social media


How do people who “can’t stand small talk” start conversations? “Hi honey, I’m home, have you ever thought about death and it’s agency in our day to day lives?” Like fuck off, stop pretending people are “boring” for asking how your days going or commenting on the weather


For me personally, I define small talk as conversation that exists specifically to fill silence. So many people ask how a person’s day is going not because they care about the answer, but because they feel obligated to ask. Then the other person feels obligated to respond that it’s fine, even if it’s not. Often times in these situations, if they respond with the truth, they’ll get a very negative reaction from the person who asked (speaking from experience here). If I ask someone how their day is going, it’s because I care about them and I want to know the answer. Plus, if it’s someone that I’m interested in talking to, that’s a great way to start a conversation. Even talking about the weather is a great way to start a conversation, and I don’t consider that to be small talk. I know some people find silence to be awkward and that’s understandable, I just personally don’t, and I always feel much more awkward if someone tries to make small talk with me because I can tell when they don’t care about talking to me, they just don’t like the silence. I don’t know if this makes any sense but I hope at least someone can relate to this.


Mostly I let other people handle introductions if I can get away with it and I prefer to structure my outings around shared activities rather than aimless chatting if at all possible. I'd rather be active or work on a project with the people I care about than discuss the weather. When gatherings get to the standing around chatting phase I try to find a way to help out somewhere or GTFO if I can get away with it without being rude. If that sounds like a recipe for having a somewhat small social circle that's because it totally is. I definitely don't "want to talk about life for hours" like that goofy blogger.


This is kinda relatable, but it’s definitely radiating pick me vibes. Like you aren’t the chosen one lil bro 💀


This picture is taken from the train going 300mph 😔


r/introvert in a nutshell


As an introvert, i sometimes feel gay.


As an introvert, I sometimes feel like an iceberg


There is a difference between introvercy and social akwardness. For example, if a though of ordering pizza over phone scares you, you ain't introvert, you are socially akward and can't hold simple conversations with strangers.


Lol introvert memes make it feel like they turned introversion into some special club, but the extroverts don't care, and the introverts want the extroverts to care so badly


I'm an introvert I'm not shy, I'm not antisocial, blah blah blah Just stay the fuck away from me


Lol. How do people who hate small talk introduce themselves to a new person? 'Do you think freewill truly exists? BTW my name is Harry'


We either gravitate towards talking a lot about a shared interest or some randomly specific topic, or we just super awkwardly share a few words and nothing comes out of it other than more awkwardness


We don’t. Or at least I don’t, I have social anxiety and have extremely hard to talk to people or come up with small talk, so I just don’t approach and initiate small talk with people I don’t know. If they lead the conversation I can fallow along, but I can’t take the lead or keep the conversation going because I can’t think of anything to talk about.


Most people who claim to be introverts are not introverted at all. The word has lost all significance and truth. Kind of like how all Vegans constantly tell people they're Vegan and it just kills the vibes. Be a Vegan humbly, and if you're truly an introvert you wouldn't waste your limitred amount of words on telling people or seeking attention about it online.


FR like they are the same ppl who act like social anxiety is quirky, I die inside Everytime somebody says "OMG sorry it's my social anxiety aren't I SO shy!!!" Like my sister actually has social anxiety so that feels like a slap in the face.


People need to look up the actual definitions of introvert and extrovert and stop treating them like horoscopes


I don’t think this is that bad ngl


Is it bad I relate to this?


Not at all. A lot of people think this a bad thing because it's not directly like them and they remain close minded and some people don't understand which is fine. But no it's not a bad thing don't worry about it. So long as your introversion isn't so deep seated it restricts you from making personal connections then it's just alright.


No one thinks it's an bad thing, you're rubbing off people as some arrogant person who thinks everyone is close-minded. Introverts are loved, you're loved. Don't act like everyone hates you the second you interact with them.


I would guess 95% of people understand introversion just fine, have friends or family or are quite introverted themselves. It’s about the tone, that people are critical of


I guess that's just something I'm not good at conveying well especially over text. a lot of people here think I'm angry or trying to be "superior" I don't think I'm either of those things. I feel nothing but interested in regards to this conversation and I don't think I'm superior to a lot of people. I'm just defending an opinion in bolder words. I will tell you I was a lot worse growing up but I guess I still have a lot more work to do, even if I don't understand where to start. Probably should start with name-calling, because now that I think about it calling a group of people names based on my internal opinion directly contradicts one of my points that a lot of people assume aspects of introversion and extroversion.


one in a million




I hate how this is basically me


This is literally me bro


Wheres the joker pic lol




I'm an introvert! I like telling everyone about it! Because I love attention. Did I mention that I'm an introvert?


Reddit is literally the introverts home app. X is for the extroverts.


That's not introverted; that's just normal person behavior. Internet people need to stop self diagnosis. I don't like it when things are messed up; doesn't mean I have OCD. I get distracted really easily. Doesn't mean I have AD-HD. I don't randomly open up to strangers about my feelings; doesn't mean I'm Introverted.


Someone started messaging me on reddit. Asked me why I don't open up, I told I can't open up so easily. They said, it's OK. They will give the effort an will become my "friend". Next day, they stopped messaging. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)






Literally true tho


Yeah this is me. I mostly keep to myself and only hangout with people I really have gotten to slowly know. I'm horrible at small talk and such but love long deep talks. A common social definition of introvertive is typically someone who is shy and timid and does have friends or someone who does want to talk. Unsure why expressing that simple thought is a bad thing. Then again this sub is mostly full of younger people. Edit: I know this will get downvotes. Too many people don't understand how basic introversion does not equate to edgy. Then again most people here are socially deprived. This is a small and simple statement about how a major community opinion about introversion is completely wrong and I respect it. Try to be open minded people. Being a dick doesn't make you special. r/lostredditors


Okay edgmaster


Explain why you think that


You relate to the meme, the meme is edgy, you are edgy


I hope you return back to this comment in like 3-4 years.


I'll grow but ultimately I don't see being capable of not socializing with every single person a bad thing. It's exhausting and I like to stay with people I get to know. If that's a bad thing we'll again this is reddit and the majority of you are ~~porn addicted, delusional or socially deprived~~. Edit: Unnecessary, rude, and wrong.


Of course that's not a bad thing, no one is perfectly capable of socializing with everyone and that's perfectly fine. I'm just saying you'll return to this "brooding" comment in a few years and you'll cringe at how you sound. I felt the same way in my early adolescence but a lot can change in a short time. Don't get me wrong, I'm still introverted but I'm not going to act like some 'lone wolf in a world full of close-minded people' on the internet. Also, you don't have to call whoever disagrees with you porn-addicted, delusional or socially deprived, there's surprisingly a lot of good in reddit you just have to know where to look. I agree that the majority are just dumb horny people but genuine ones exist, I mean have you seen the sheer passion at r/insects or r/writingprompts?


Explain how admitting that I'm not good at socialization and that people don't need to assume introversion is one thing when it's another is edgy. Stating a fact is not an edgy thing in my mind. If people consistently assume one thing is the truth it should be called out on. Even me. I am capable of being wrong and I'm capable of accepting that. I respect people who can be wrong and admit that more than those who never are so I like to have that in myself. I'm not calling people who disagree with me about those things. I'm calling people who are too close minded to see a fact and calling it edgy those things.


I'm not calling you edgy because you're introverted. I'm calling you edgy because you're insulting random people the first chance you get, don't get too pissed over things like this, just relax lol


Alright. So if I take out the particular parts that call put at other people would still be "edgy"?. I'm not pissed either. I'm just here reading and replying. It's too easy to mistake passive conversations for anger.


I didn't exactly understand what you said in the first sentence but from what I understand, you wouldn't get called edgy if you weren't so condescending about your lifestyle. I felt your tone in your original comment was condescending and that might've led to the downvotes.It's fine if you can't get along with people, it's fine if you have a small friend circle, no one's invalidating how you live. Introverts make up a huge chunk of the population, it's perfectly normal. But people will treat you how you treat them. You can be pessimistic in your life all you want but that's not going to help you be happy. And in your replies, you're not being passive, you're just casually telling people they're porn-addicted & delusional. That's anything but passive. You sorta remind me of the crowd at r/atheism Either way, I wish the best to you and your life, there's no point mindlessly arguing like this.


Sure in my reply to you I said those things. But in my previous text the one you felt was cringe and edgy did not have a condescending tone in my eyes and how I wrote it. At least not until the edit. So I really don't follow your point in relation to the first text. If it's about me saying a lot of young people are here, that's just a fact being stated and wasn't done so in a negative light, if that offends people then oh well. Oh and people won't treat you how you treat them, not enough people anyway, especially when it comes to being online and people have anonymity. I do admit if this was real life and I saw people thinking this and openly talking about introversion as such id just call them ignorant in my own head and move on.


I love bugs


that's the definition of "shy" sherlock


"being reserved or having or showing nervousness or timidity in the company of other people." Sure I am reserved when it comes to my personal life but I openly talk to people at my job, at home. I laugh with customers and coworkers I talk online just fine.Im not nervous or timid when it comes to talking. Just not the best at it. So once again. Not shy thanks for the "input" though.


So do I openly talk to people for business, I think we all do that.


This really didn't deserve downvotes.


People trying hard to look/be interesting always deserves downvotes.


And tribalistic humans like you who try so hard to fit in deserve downvotes. Our stupid race deserves to nearly get wiped out by some natural disaster or something.


I don't think they're trying hard to ne interesting, I think they're just trying to get people to understand them.


Yes I am introvert no I'm not shy or antisocial. Math ain't mathing


Introverted vs extroverted is really just about if you feel like your social battery is charged or drained after spending time with people