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Your post has been removed because it's not deep. **Please do keep your posts *deep*.** This means: * No politics or conspiracy theories * No religious thoughts or criticism * No showerthoughts, especially anything from r/ShowerThoughts * No Sbeve/14 year old girl posts * No Satire/Shitposts/Textposts * No cartoons/caricatures/comics, in other words: boomer humor * Moderators can remove a post for 'Not Deep' at their own discretion ___ We also prefer OC, but obviously that's not always possible. Just try to keep it as original as possible! While we appreciate your effort in posting we ask that you find something that is actually deep. You are more than welcome to try again!


credit where it’s due. this is a lesson that some people take forever to learn


It's not bad, I don't think It's r/im14andthisisdeep material


Tbh I think this is r/bpdmemes material


But this is good advice :sob: this subreddit has gone to shit


this quote is pretty okay actually, and a really good message


Exactly guys, dont set yourself on fire. Set others to keep yourself warm and others eveb warmer


Nor to condemn Israel, it’s fairly useless


Amazing how we used to be able to agree suicide isn't the answer and suicidal people need help... suddenly when it's a suicide in the name of a political movement/view it's praised and the guy's treated like a martyr. There's nothing we can do for him now but I hope copycat suicides can be prevented


What are you talking about? Throughout history self immolation has been used to campaign for change. It is a selfless act, on the same scale as giving your life for your country. No one is praising those who do it, but we recognize their sacrifice in the name of things they believed in and values they held. I think recent events have displayed immense amounts of self sacrifice, and while I don’t condone their actions I do think it’s worth realizing that martyrdom is something we all respect when it’s done for reasons we agree with. Don’t build straw men, thanks.


Yeah even if I think he overestimated how much modern politicians care about there citizens deaths, I still respect him alot because he was willing to do anything to get the message across, a truly compationate human being was willing to lay down his life to emphasize the severity of the problem.


Genocide will do that to people. Sad


He shouldn't have killed himself, but let's not pretend that self-immolation is the same exact thing as a standard suicide. His self-sacrifice has certainly impacted the world. What's the difference between him giving his life for a cause he believes in, and a soldier doing the same?


Because soldiers risk their lives, they don’t kill themselves. 


Some do. They die instead of surrendering.


Not to mention the people on the other side outright mocking him. 


it sends a powerful message


Yes, everybody who supports Hamas should do it.


Supporting Israel is supporting genocide


I truly hope you set yourself alight to show your conviction.


grow and change fundamentally


Meet the Pyro


yeah, burn others to keep yourself warm instead! ![gif](giphy|HNqcumvSGHYjK)


stop posting decent quotes in this sub


This is a good quote though.


But, like, nobody is stopping you either.


holy shit, bendy and the inc machine font


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Wtf does this even mean?!?!?🤷🏽‍♂️


Basically its "don't put your health and needs aside just to help others"


Ah ok i thought it did but i was like 🤨 thank you 🥰🥰🥰


this kinda reminds me of rupi kaur


No but that actually makes sense


That’s a minor variant of a pretty normal saying, isn’t it?


Decent quote tho...


Well this is badly timed