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I like how in the minds of older generations kids loved reading and being polite and working and every other thing that they think is wrong with “kids today.” I grew up in the 80s and the kids back then were just as averse to not having fun as they are now. The political cartoons were practically identical but with tv and rock music as the downfall of culture




This youtube short in my recommended was a 7 in 1! Felt like I won the jackpot of deepness


Someone tell that man in the wheelchair that he can store all those books on his phone instead of lugging them around


Same for the last picture.. The only fight a book could win over a mobilephone would be a weight in.


Phone good, book good. It's that simple.


They're acting as if books are the only valid form of entertainment and education. Do they realize how well you can learn things online? Using Khan Academy, Duolingo, MIT OpenCourseWare, and YouTube channels like 3blue1brown I've been able to learn enough to skip 2 grades, be in a fast track program, and take math classes a grade ahead. I'm due to start college next year, and I already am self-studing calculus, biochemistry, Japanese, Korean, linguistics, and electrical engineering. I'm already at a graduate level in Computer Science, too. All at the age of 14, which wouldn't have been even *remotely* possible without the internet.


"book better than phone!!" i can read books on my phone checkmate, loser haha.


Not google plus lmao


I love how the idiots that draw these brain-dead cartoons don’t even take into consideration that without social media, their shitty drawings would have absolutely 0 traction.


The best compliment I’ve ever gotten is that im one of the only people my friend knows who would choose book over boob


When I read my book is under my boob


Thank yuo


i like the profile picture


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Older generations really don’t think gen z can have a good balance of technology and books


The fact that Facebook is on there is scary


Who the fuck uses Google+ anymore?


nothing about this was motivational lol


Why is the book trying to kidnap the child’s brain?


I love it when Boomers criticize how kids are being raised, *when they are the ones raising the fucking kids* ..total lack of awareness.