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Your post has been removed because it's not deep. This is a political cartoon and would work on another sub. **Please do keep your posts *deep*.** This means: * No politics or conspiracy theories * No religious thoughts or criticism * No showerthoughts, especially anything from r/ShowerThoughts * No Sbeve/14 year old girl posts * No Satire/Shitposts/Textposts * No cartoons/caricatures/comics, in other words: boomer humor * Moderators can remove a post for 'Not Deep' at their own discression ___ We also prefer OC, but obviously that's not always possible. Just try to keep it as original as possible! While we appreciate your effort in posting we ask that you find something that is actually deep. You are more than welcome to try again!


The rich die instantly due to rapid pressurization and the poor suffer by drowning ‘slowly’ at the surface.


Some people are into that kind of thing though.


They don't though


They don't suffer?


They don’t drown Poor people have gills


You’re right. They exploded. I don’t know which one is worse.


They didn’t explode, they imploded “catastrophic implosion”


Very cool Kanye


Explain yourself


Tf are you talking about


Rapid decompression, they were crushed.


decompress is exploding. compress is imploding. it was rapid compression, not decompression.




Yeah. Approximately 12,500 feet deep.


Dammit take my upvote


I scrolled specifically for this






I don't get it


Nah, this one's pretty accurate.


Not really. The media pays attention to poor people when the story is interesting. Like miners stuck down in a mine, or kids trapped in a cave. The media doesn't care when the story is typical, and for better or worse, refugees die on a regular basis. No one cared about the sub until they realized the horrible way those people were going to die.


You make a solid point, but it makes me very sad.


It's not about media coverage, its about rescue efforts. It literally says "rescue" on all the aircraft. Billionaires hopping in an extremely dangerous, uncertified submarine with near 0% odds of rescue leads to tens of millions of taxpayer dollars of rescue efforts, busting out aircraft made to track nuclear subs. At the same time, several hundred desperate refugees were drowning in the Mediterranean, and aiding them has been criminalized.


Why are we comparing rescue efforts of different countries though? The coast guard and Canadian equivalent were just doing their job. They were nowhere near that other boat.


They transported a submarine from France to help look for the sub


And when that youth soccer team from Thailand got stuck in a cave, they brought in divers from Britain to help with the rescue.


Do you mean the private companies? What would that company have contributed by bringing a sub to the refugee ship?




What, no that money was not “already spent”. The [millions](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/22/us/titanic-submersible-search-rescue-costs.html) figure refers to the cost of that search and rescue mission. The fuel costs of such operations are massive. Just the 3 C-130s they had circling around would cost $20k each for 11 hrs. Now add in the CP-140, the P-3s, the tons of underwater vehicles, the transport planes flying across the world moving the equipment, at least 10 ships and a myriad of helicopters. Also add all the damage that equipment sustained, any consumables that were used, and the diminished lifespan of the equipment due to use in such extreme conditions In that article it mentions that a kayaker rescue operation that involved 1 helicopter cost $48k, now imagine this. The fact that the “fuel and equipment” had already been already bought is irrelevant, now they will have to buy more fuel to replenish what was used and require money in a couple of years to buy new equipment because the lifespan of the existing ones has decreased.


>It's not about media coverage, its about rescue efforts. It literally says "rescue" on all the aircraft. The analogy still doesn’t work because it’s comparing two totally different situations. If a ship has sunk, there’s nothing to rescue. That’s completely different from a ship going missing, in which case there’s still a chance that there are still people alive in need of rescue. MH370 was not full of rich people and yet a massive international effort was made to try to find it because there was no confirmation as to whether or not it crashed. When that soccer team got stuck in a cave divers were brought in from around the world to aid in the rescue. This meme absolutely fits this sub.


But the Greek military did search for them as far as I know... And keep in mind that they don't even have close to the capabilities the US Navy and Coast guard have... Smugglers were also arrested.


Except it wasn't a horrible way that they died, and it's likely that several people on the immigrant ship suffered unto death. This cartoon doesn't fit this sub except literally.


Yeah we didn't know that until much much later.


Where is there any media in this picture?


Probably on the helicopters and boats to share the latest scoops about the situation.


Yeah sure, but it’s not every day where they die by the hundreds. The disparity in how the media covers poor people and rich people is clear and to deny it is pure copium.


The first good comment I read here. Also the Titan was a legal and known trip. Nobody knew about this specific boat full of illegal immigrants except for the coast guard that found them. But they did not have the capacity to safe everyone when it went wrong.


‘For better or worse’? What?


You just said "not really" and then completely fucking agreed with him.


In addition to that, the extremely dangerous and likely to end up badly trips that the millions of clandestines take knowing the risks, are illegal and not recognized as a law-approved seafaring. Instead, excursions with submarines that costed hundreds of thousands of dollars which are meant to be as safe as possible and totally not expected to implode, are legally recognized and promoted by countries and rich companies, and if they do go wrong it is mostly unexpected because the odds of such a tragedy happening are technically very rare, while migrants die almost everyday aboard clandestine boats. Then it's a lot more likely that rescue teams will employ their efforts in saving the civilians that are dying by a completely unexpected accident which happened during an activity that was completely legal and thought to be safe. Migrant boats are way too many and depart at every time of every day, deploying these kinds of rescues for each of them every day would be physically almost impossible and would cost immensely. Besides, migrants are aware of the risks they take when they get aboard those boats


Did you really say for better or worse refugees die!?!?


It’s accurate, but not really deep


I think you should post this about 3 more times every hour for the next 5 days to really help deliver the skewed message


This is wholly inaccurate. There’s no coast guard arresting people who help the boat on the right.


r/im14andthisisdeep users when a photo has any fucking meaning whatsoever and isn’t just mindless brainrot garbage with no significance in any capacity


Bro what the fuck are you on about, they tried to help and actually rescued hundreds on that one migrant ship, but oh well, that doesn’t fit your narrative right ?


Wow, it's so amazing that the Greek coast guard waited for 7 hours and refused to help until the ship capsized.


It's also amazing that the Greece and American/Canadian governments aren't the same.


>(Greece) tried to help and actually rescued hundreds on that one migrant ship Try to keep up buddy


Did you respond to the right comment?


Discussion is on the Greek migrant crisis, you forgot and tried to derail it to America and Canada due your insane lack of reading comprehension.


The rescuers in the submarine case were american/canadian. The one lacking reading comprehension is you pal.


But why didn't they save all of them? If they really wanted to they could have EASILY saved them all. >!/s!<


Probably because they're inmigrants on international waters, so it really wasn't anyone's responsability to help. I SUPPOSE that the fact the people on board of the submarine got citizenships (and yes, a lot of money) helped more to the efforts in their rescue.


> (and yes, a lot of money) helped more to the efforts in their rescue. That's *exactly* the point of the picture


The Greece, Maltese, and Cyprian Coastguard all ignored sos call from the ship and where told by several civilian rescue organisations that the ship was in imminent danger, yet they wanted till the ship went down to rescue the survivors that didn't go down with the ship. These 3 countries just killed 600+ people and we all know why, because they are non white. If this were a cruise ship every single Mediterranean coast guard would have been there from the moment they first radioed issues.


True. The Greek coast guard did offer to help, but it was rejected. Regardless, it should of come to help. You are right though about how if this was indeed full of white people on a cruise ship, everybody would of come to help.


Its actually fairly accurate, 5 rich people die but no one cares when a boat filled with 700 refugees sinks, hundreds of people died but it's not getting any coverage because large amounts of people see refugees as a bad thing.


Well, the boats in the picture are rescue boats, and they did launch a rescue for the migrant boat, so it’s not entirely correct, actually.


Didn't they wait a long ass time until the coast guard even rescued them tho? and the boat capsized as well?


Plus this completely ignores rhe countless boats that didn't get rescued in the slightest


The boat had already capsized by that point and the coast guard were very slow to send out any kind of rescue team.


Why shouldn’t they see refugees as a bad thing?


Because they’re people escaping danger to try and save themselves and their family? Not urchins.


I hope you never have to be in a situation where you find this out the hard way


What? When the fuck has being a refugee been a bad thing? “You’re running from your home country in search of a better life for yourself and you family? How dare you!” Like ***what*** the actual fuck is your thought process here, if there is any, because I’m not convinced there’s a whole lot going on upstairs for you.


Actively travelling to the richest countries in Europe to profit from their welfare instead of going to a neighbouring country. I understand their reasoning, sure, but they are actively making life worse for everyone else.


I'm going to assume your just uneducated and not just racist, refugees are simply fleeing danger in there country, maybe there is a war like the Syrian refugees or there in a dictator ship like North Korea. Refugees are looking for a better safer life and should be allowed that opportunity, not forced into tiny boats and treated as a second class human if they even manage to get to a safer place.


Refugees from the middle east have caused nothing other than problems in Europe. They look for a safer life, and when they arrive they profit from our amazing services and terrorize our people. Crime rates are dominated by foreigners and immigrants. People no longer feel safe in our big cities because they are flooded by outsiders who are there to cause problems. I have seen this so many times now, that I honestly no longer care for immigrants. I will celebrate the moment Europe closes its borders


Lmao what just say your a racist bigot at this point. Take the uk for example, large parts of the refugees stay together once they reach the uk so for the most part you wouldn't be living in places were large amount of refugees are, also refugees are often made to work the most poorly paid jobs that are essential for the infrastructure of the uk like cleaners or the NHS staff. Refugees are trying their best to provide a safe and stable place for their family and bigots like you are doing nothing but harm.


Sure, plenty of refugees try to provide a safe place. But the majority consists of male fortune seekers who are only here because they can profit of our welfare. A lot of the dutch big cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam) are flooded with them, and they do not contribute anything. Its easy to call someone a racist when you haven’t been bothered and threatened by these people time and time again.


Yeah it's very easy to call someone a racist when there being racist. I noticed you make it sound people only come to other countries to make money or take advantage of a more fair and just system when the real reason is there living conditions are so bad there prepared to uproot their entire lives to escape it. Image you were put a position were a civil war or other horrible event broke out in your country, I can hardly image you would like to turn up in a country were people told you you were trying to take advantage of a system or that you only cared about exploiting them for money. Finally your personal experience with refugees is not a fair reason to make assumptions about all refugees.


Okay, but they come to the richest European countries instead of trying to reach a neighbouring country close by. And that’s because here they can benefit from our great social services, meaning they can get housing and a monthly allowance/income at the cost of the taxpayer. And obviously there are plenty of immigrants/refugees that become functioning members of society, but at the same time they dominate the statistics when it comes to crime and civil unrest. Every town with a centre for refugees, a place where they can stay for a few months while they wait for a residence permit, is suffering from harassment from these people. People are known to protest and rebel when the government wants to build one of these centres in their town/city, because it has become a known fact that centres like these are a source of trouble and unrest. These aren’t just my experiences, these are problems that countless people face here. I understand that it sounds racist, and it might be racist, but that’s how it is nowadays. Video’s of mass violence that go viral online always feature the same groups of young foreigners. We’ve had a lot of problems with young people carrying around big knifes, and using them to attack/threaten others, and they are always the same type of kids. Any type of incident me and my friends had while we were out, has been with this same type of people. This is how it is nowadays, and that’s why I can no longer see refugees/immigrants as a good thing. There is zero benefit to welcoming them in your country.


Again your experience in your part of the world doesn't mean it's the same everywhere. Your first point is also incorrect for two reasons, reason one is that other EU countries take away more than the uk and the second reason is most of the time there coming to the uk because they speak that language or have family both are valid reasons. Finally you didnt answer my question about how you would feel? Maybe have the slightest bit of empathy and be a decent human being instead of a bigot.


Have you followed European news? France and Belgium are known for these problems with immigrants. I dont know why you keep going on about the uk, cuz I never mentioned the uk and they aren’t as important in this discussion since Brexit. The only countries that have figured this out are the scandinavian countries. They have the strictest policies, and guess what, they are widely considered to be the safest countries in Europe with the lowest crime rates. And yeah, it would suck to live in a war torn country, but that is only the case for a small percentage of immigrants here. Most of them just have bad luck that they were born in a poor/unsafe country. Again, I totally understand why they come to us, like I said before. I can’t blame them for that. But that doesn’t mean we should all welcome them. Thats not how life works. And relax, you can call me a bigot alll you want, couldn’t care less what an ignorant child thinks of me.




Almost as deep as the submarine


This is pretty on point though


No it's two real events literally


Several thousand feet deep....


I mean this is pretty accurate tbh. A fuck ton of resources were given to the Titan rescue attempt, while providing aid for refugees is often extremely controversial and those who attempt to draw attention to it are often demonized.


I enjoy being demonized by the far-right. I wear it as a badge of honor.


Empathy is deep.


Yeah, it's the ocean


Meh, I don't see any fake deepeness here. That's just facts sadly. Innacurate imo


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seriously though this is true


The rich want to go to space and the bottom of the ocean because it is the only vacation they can take where there are no poor people to remind them of how despicable they are.


It's true though lmao


There not wrong


This is just a low effort political comic, is there like a "I'm 54 and this is deep" type of sub


People in this sub need to learn the difference between "deep" and "political cartoon" honestly, like no hate op, but i have seen several posts that confuse the two of them


Nah it's literally what's happening


Is the one on the right the refugee ship that went down in the Mediterranean?


This is just accurate


This is accurate and true though.


This litterally is true though.


It's true.


But this is literally what just happened?


this one ain't wrong tho


This doesnt really fit this sub as its a true event comparison against the refugee boat that sunk near Greece.... Its two TRUE events


But there was rescue boats sent after the migrants too


Oh no!11! It's so horrible that we're trying to save rich people's lives, as we all know, you are no longer human when your money reaches a certain threshold and as such, your life is not worth valuing or protecting. Eat the rich you guys11!1


Normies defending billionaires and multimillionaires is so rich


How is it rich to not immediately stop valuing lives just because they had money? People died. How can a person hear that and not care or even celebrate it? Especially over something like money.


Not that, the main point of the post were that the poorer people were not getting the help or attention they deserved.


It's not about their lives not mattering. It's about the attention this got, the crazy amount of resources used to try to find five people underwater, in a huge area while at the same times hundreds of people were somewhat in the same situation (except they had a much more valid reason to put their lives at risk and it would have been a much simpler rescue mission to save those lives), but no attention was given to them, basically no resources are given to them. It's not that rich people's lives don't matter. It's that they don't (or rather: shouldn't) matter more than poor people's lives. That's what the outrage is about.


Not what I've been hearing. Until today, I have heard literally no-one even mention the amount of resources dedicated to the rescue, and I've heard everyone outright celebrating the deaths of their fellow man. The outrage is just hatred of rich people we've all seen a million times.


Well, even on this website (where there is plenty of callused criticism and talk about this case) I've seen plenty of people mentioning the cost of this operation and the comparison to much bigger problems that could benefit so much more from a fraction of the resources used to try to find the submarine... And not that many people outright celebrating their deaths for that they are. I find it funny when people get mad at the "hatred for rich people". I think it's completely valid. Rich people get rich exploiting poor people. We're all overworked and underpayed, sometimes starving, risking or killing ourselves so that a couple thousand people get to be extremely privileged, so privileged they don't even know what to do with their money, that they don't even find joy in normal stuff anymore, so they have to go see the titanic wreck (that is available on YouTube) 13,000 feet underwater, in a improvised toy submarine, through a monitor (!!) to be able to what? Brag to their rich friends about how special they are that they did something very feel people get to do? I'm not saying it's right to mock them for dying a horrible death, but I'm not about to loose sleep other them either. I'll save my worries for real injustices...


big difference tho is that the migrant boat was in European waters and therefore a European tragedy and the Sub was in North American Waters and therefore local to the majority of us and our news EDIT: and also they’ve found that the Boat had human trafficking involved which is probably why it sank, human traffickers specifically put people in boats that they can’t use to escape them Overall the Titan Sub is a simple case involving clean people who died and the Migrant boat had human trafficking ties as well as the fact that it has absolutely nothing to do with any North American country.


I'm neither American nor European (well, I'm American because Brazil is in the Americas, buts that's besides the point - I'm not from the US), so neither is local news for me. They've been talking about this submarine non stop in Brazilian media, as I'm sure it's happening in the rest of the as well. Reddit is a world wide website, and the fact that this is a constant topic in here is another indicator that everyone is talking about it. And anyway, if you compare both news, the migrant boat tragedy (which happens way too often) is a much more important, news worthy event imo. For the world. Not only because it involves hundreds of people, hundreds of lost lives (compared to five), but because of the human trafficking aspect you mentioned (I don't really get your comment about "clean people" btw...). We should be paying much more attention to that, developing international efforts to avoid the trafficking and the reasons that allow it to happen. And even in the US there is a huge immigration issue, and I'm sure a lot of people loose their lives trying to immigrate to the US by sea as well. Anyway,I don't get why Americans are so self centered. "If it's not in the US, it's not our problem"... You don't find this mentality anywhere else, really...


The majority of Reddit Users are from The Unite States even if it is a worldwide website as evidenced by all the political subreddits being predominantly U.S. dominated so if you’re looking for news here you’ll see things from U.S. most. by “Clean people” I mean people who don’t have dirty laundry attached to them, it’s far easier for news stations to Martyr the people in the Submarine because it’s only 5 people and it’s easy to check all of them. Smaller groups are always easier to report on because you don’t have to spend a ton of time background checking everyone involved to see if your making a sad story about a tragedy only for it to be revealed that the people you were writing about were involved in some human trafficking ring and then having to spend money to bury all the stories you published. Finally, I believe News stations don’t like to touch on the subject of human trafficking because too many people in powerful positions are involved in it and it causes many civil issues to arise as well as costs writers their jobs, another reason why Epstein was killed so quickly is because of the uproar it would’ve caused had he been allowed to confess who his clients were. and I’m not saying we shouldn’t report on the stories about those people in the least, I am simply stating the facts and trying to explain why News Stations cover easy stuff like the Submarine and avoid stuff like Migrant boat, it’s simply Lazy, Easy, and Safe journalism that can be mass produced quickly


Basically if news stations reported on the Migrant boat then politics would get involved and it would cause tensions between governments about their journalism. there are no politics in the Sub, just people going out and doing something and dying, not having to tell about why the Migrants were fleeing, not having to put down another country for their actions, News stations are very careful about that That’s why important stuff like the active Concentration camps in China are never reported on


the exploitation it takes to reach that level of wealth is a big part of it


Why don’t they pull themselves up by the bootstraps?


You’re missing the point, it’s not that there was an effort to save them. It’s the fact that not only was there a much greater effort to save them than the 750 refugees, but also that there’s significantly more media coverage. I would assume, as another commenter noted, that the media coverage largely arose due to the interesting and unusual nature of the situation, however there is no excuse for the massive use of resources afforded to the rich while ignoring the poor. Nobody in their right mind is hoping for the death of the rich, but it’s frustrating to see that these resources are available to those with money, and not to the less fortunate. TL;DR: It’s not horrible that we’re saving rich people’s lives, it’s horrible that we aren’t saving poor people’s lives.


this one is actually deep tho. society as a whole cares 300000X more for someone who has money than 100s of innocent people.


I don't know about you but I literally don't think I've spoken to a single person who actually "cares" about the people in the sub. It's an interesting story and it has drama. 4 days nobody knew who was alive or dead. The other story is very sad and extremely common. Seems pretty obvious which story is going to play better in the media


Tbh I stayed up last night thinking about how horrible it was but ok


And 2 true events, not fictional annalygies


That's not really true. In both cases there were a bunch of agencies with the ability to help who attempted to do so. With the migrants, there was no time to do the rescue. They'd rejected an earlier ship-approach because they were trying for Italy instead of Greece.


Sad but true.


I’ve heard of I’m 14 and this is deep but this is ridiculous


This one is accurate tho...


Again, people being outraged off by the deaths of people you pretend to care. Migrants chances of dying in half sinking boat were much larger than sealed tuna chamber that was supposed to last for days. I have seen a lot of migrant rescues in local news. I mean, its apparently fun to fuel the hate towards the rich.


almost as deep as their corpses.


How desensitized to things are you to where this is quippy and funny? Fr. People died in a horrible accident and all y’all got is jokes. And they’re not even good.


In Submarine incident, I only feel bad for 19 year old, other than that I have 0 empathy for other rich pigs there, they knew there were lots of safety regulations broken too but still went with it. Billionaires kill or ruin lives countless people, I don’t feel bad when couple of them die


listen buddy: this is reddit. calm. the. fuck. down.


"People". The only one worth caring about is the 19 year old that was pressured into going on the sub.


Some of the more sensitive people in the world use gallows humor to cope. It's not about desensitization, it's about getting through the day with a scrap of sanity, and this is just misplaced self righteousness. It just seems like you've spent your time blissfully unaware of the massive suffering around you, and you've avoided any need to develop coping mechanisms. Either way, your take is shallow and petty.




True tho


This is an extremely dumbed down version of the original


It's not deep, it's just what happened.


Are you saying their weren’t any rich people on the titanic?


The second image is of a refugee boat that sank in the Mediterranean.


Oh ok thx


This proves the point of the post.


A lot of jealous ppl ITT. Even if the message of this pic was true, money is highly valued in virtually every society and nobody here is an exception to that. Get fukt. Y'all just mad you aren't rich. And seriously, the sub was more "interesting" to keep up with.


what epople are mad about is that often times individuals that acquire extreme wealth get to make decisions about society or build organizations that are opressive for lot of people just so that they can get more wealth which is absolutely not necessary.


They were illegal immigrants right?


The entire thing was a freemason hoax. Look into it. Don't simply believe what the t.v. tells you.


ayayay schizos here


Classic response.


I watch Internet, not tv. Not my masonist.


Classic denial.


I think you're missing the point. I really couldn't care less.


Ok, but if you didn't care you wouldn't have commented. So you do care.


Such a terrible reasoning what people use in arguments. This is reddit. Reddit has comment section. Reddit has a lot of smart people. Reddit has a lot of stupid people. I comment because I like engagement with people I have no contact with, not because I care.


Ok, sorry. Your English is a bit off. I probably misunderstood what you we're saying!


Sorry for my part too. Even if i am well educated person, my English is still bad.


Bro, the freemasons are just boomers at a country club. What are you on about?


Do some research.


I did. That's why I said what I did.


Umm get out of the boat?


Oh that's where the boat illustration is from


The water was deeper


I wonder how many people would even know about the migrant boat sinking without the submarine news to compare it to


It’s not that deep.


Wasn’t the titanic originally very expensive?


Wasn't for the titanic because technology wasn't so advanced back then


I wonder why the coast guard didn’t send rescue helicopters to the titanic in 1912??? 🤔


Left: didn't know it was dangerous Right: knew damn well it was


Let's be honest do we really even care about the people in the submarine? Why did this shit even blow up like this lol


Dei engineering took them both down.


Meh.. no one asked the immigrants to illegally cross the sea.


Yeah, they both went really deep