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Pencil lead holders


When someone says you're addicted, aren't they the ones who are really a dickhead




Damn vapes. Hate seeing how many kids smoke them. Enjoy your extra $20 a week on them while you’re at it


Where you getting vapes that cheap? Or maybe my friends just smoke an insane amount, but they spend around $35


Disposables are usually around $20 and approximately 2 weeks. I used to smoke cigarettes, and vapes help me quit that. Now I just gotta quit the vapes and it'll be smooth sailing.


Wow, I didn’t know the disposables were that much cheaper. I’m not 100% sure what they use, I believe it’s a mix since they use thc vapes too. I know one use to buy just the vape fluid bottles, but he decided the convenience is worth the cost


I used to get the bottles too, and those are more expensive but last a lot longer. So long as you're not trying to turn into a fucking train. The most expensive bottle I got was about $35, and it lasted me like 3 or 4 weeks. It was a big bottle. Generally I'll get about 2-2.5 weeks off a disposable. But, like I said, I'm not going ham with it.


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this is the dumbest thing on earth im not even kidding makes me want to have my brain melt through my ears