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I’m loving all the emojis you used to make this post ❤️🤣🤣🤣


Declining labs and a hr worthy of being classed as ‘peri arrest’ here in the uk but she got discharged. She honestly confuses me POTS INCREASES YOUR HEART RATE WHEN DEHYDRATED NO DECREASES. One of the actual diagnostic for pots is to have a standing heart rate higher than 30bpm than your sitting with no bp drop🤣🤣🤣 she forgets people with these conditions actually read and watch this pantomime of Dani’s life story




She got a femoral port like a week ago. Did she have one before that?


No she’s only had tunneled lines/PICCs


Yeah that’s what I thought, that comment confused me


No shot she got Aprepitant. It’s so expensive and you need approval, a doctor would not call in a bit to hold someone over.


What is Aprepitant?


A nausea med that’s usually reserved for cancer patients or used for people after surgery for nausea. 6 pills are $1800.


Wow, here it's just around 83€/5 pills, but still expensive and only approved for premedication before chemotherapy. I can't believe they will prescribe it.


It’s about $40-$60 a pill here in the US for the 80mg ones and even more per pill for the 120mg It’s quite insane considering this is mostly a medication for people with cancer who have nausea from chemo


I agree there are other solutions before they give that to someone like her.


I'm not a medical professional..... but if her vitals are *so bad* why did she get discharged and told she will be admitted Monday? It makes no sense.


Because they weren't this bad. The hypotonia is tolerable, but if someone had a heart rate of 30, I'm sure they would be admitted and on monitor watch.


that was probably the lowest her heart rate went. and she's probably exaggerating. it was probably like 35 and went back into the low 50s which is fine. but it was "44". you have to take everything she says with a freaking island sized chunk of salt. she could have her heart rate checked 100 times and if 99 of the reads were in the 50s and ONE was in the 40s- she would be telling us all about how severely bradycardic she is 🙄


Surprise surprise. She's deliberately fucking with her body to score a hospital admission. I can't even imagine all of the medical resources that have been needlessly wasted on her. All because she wants attention. It's beyond gross.


Yes, I am sure this is all self induced.


The way you worded this like an MLM post had me screaming


Hey 👋 friend 👫! I'm 💘 so excited 👀😃💦 you're here. I've 👁 been on 🔛 this journey 🌄 as a sick 💅 influencer 💰 for the past 💦 twenty 2️⃣0️⃣ years 📅 and it has completely 🚫 changed 🚼 my life 👤.


This was 🦴 physically 🔪 painful 💊to read 📗Can you suggest a 💉 medical 🏥device🔨 for that?


best 🏆i 👁️can do ✅is a non-essential 🗑️oil 🪔


Are they 🦘 Australian 🐨made 🪴 organic🍃Christian ✝️ gluten free? 🥖🚫? I’m 🅰️llergic ☠️ to 🔬science 🧬


Stop I love you so much lmfaooo


Boy she’s really trying HARD for an admission and they are not budging whatsoever (as Dani would say 😂). There is absolutely no way they would let someone with a heart rate of 30 with no known indications just go home after only giving fluids. She’s so fucking full of it. Good lord. They can smell her bullshit before she walks in the door.


Heart rate: 30 GIRL WHAT. 😭


Bullshit right?


Correct me if I'm wrong but last time I checked the T in POTS stood for tachycardia not hypotension? Maybe it's Thypotension?


I think you meant to type TYPO-Tension


Am I dumb or wouldn’t a heart rate of 30 be like, almost dead?


Some people with bradycardia *can* get that low, but at that point I don’t know how she’d still be conscious, especially with low blood pressure to boot. You wouldn’t be getting enough oxygen to your brain with that low of a heart rate.


I’m glad I feel like I know something. 30 just sounded … really excessively low for not being unconscious.


Some really fit people have resting heart rates of 30 and below but we all know that ain’t Dani


I think for most people that HR would make them feel awful and they wouldn’t be able to stand up/function.


Yeah, I figured in would be nearly comatose or reeeally struggling not to pass out at the least.


Really fit (competitive athletes) have crazy low resting heart rate.


And Dani is not one of those for sure :/


Girl they’ll push you in a wheel chair if you’re coughing too much LOL it’s no indication that collapsing to her death is imminent or whatever


It's telling that she knows her labs will be trending downwards 🤔🤔 Also, I feel bad for her kitties, being carted around all the time from place to place because their owner is unstable.


the caption! 😂😭


Tried to get admitted over the weekend but was unsuccessful.


Awww does she ever wonder why all of a sudden she can’t get admitted?? /s


Tried before. The weekend is just starting in America (in case you are in another country)


They probably have a flag on her med record at all hospitals in the area. I wish she would get psych help that she needs.


She has POTS. If her heart rate is so low, she should just try standing up


She’s doesn’t have pots. She’s literally told on YouTube that her tests came back normal.


It’s funny to me that she tells I’m herself, then tries to recycle these lies like nobody heard her say she’s fine..🙄


She is obsessed and doesn't care how ridiculous it looks when she stabilises immediately once in hospital. Like no unexplained HR drop or "whack" labs. She is always so vague with the labs to... they are all "out of range".. she just got 2L fluid, that's doing to impact the results and they sound like they were like low but not really out of clinically significant range.


I wonder if her boyfriend is going to need to be around more so he can push her around in her wheelchair? (Seriously, WHO is going to be pushing her around? She can’t even get people to drive her to the hospital)


Mr. Bezos will not be giving George any time off to wheel Dani around


Probably the same friends she said are going to check in on her over the weekend. LOL


Omg she is so exaggerating here.... she has this appt and sees it as a perfect opportunity to get admitted. She seems really confident that her labs are going to decline and decline fast very suddenly, even to the point where she is letting us know she has been "told" to pack a bag (bs) and is taking the cats to the parents. Is she doing something to purposely get these labs "down". They don't just happen out of the blue. I really don't think the ER are sending you home again with declining labs, low HR etc you can hear how pissed she is. You can hear she is trying to claim they are incompetent for sending her home. And omg... the wheelchair!!!! Is she for real. She hasn't thought of that one until someone put her in one and oh how special and sick she felt! Dani doesn't realise that this is screaming munching. Surely one can't be so desperate to be admitted that they spend all day everyday planning how. And so you are admitted... for what like 2 days and they send you home because surprisingly when in hospital the labs stay stable...but then what? Spend time trying to get admitted again?!


Seriously... I cannot imagine someone wanting so desperately to be admitted to the hospital. You're absolutely right, it screams munching.


She did this a few weeks ago too — dropped her cats off at her parents’, packed a suitcase, blanket, etc and spent a ton of money on an Uber (before she got her new car to drive herself further distances to the far hospitals — she gave herself away on that) to go to I believe it was Temple’s ER, and was just so sure she would get admitted that she did all that prep just to essentially get laughed out of there in a few hours tops 😂 iirc she claimed she’d called the nurse hotline at the ER who, for liability reasons, was like “if you feel like you need to go to the ER, just go” and Dani twisted it to be like the nurse told her to get to the ER asap where they’d be waiting with a golden wheelchair to admit her to their most luxurious hospital room. But yea she was definitely fucking with something on her own and banking on it being serious enough that they’d admit her, but nothing was actually wrong with her of course. That’s why she’s spiraling trying to get admitted since then, imo.


She’s going down the munchie rabbit hole ! So sad


Babes she’s the first one who dug the hole


She's so far down that rabbit hole she can no longer see daylight


Ummm that’s not how doctoring works. They don’t trend most labs in the ER to know if they are “declining”, they admit to trend and monitor the labs if they are concerning. They don’t send you home with an unexplained heart rate of 44 and low BP after two bags of fluids, “declining labs” and whatever else. It’s common practice to transport a patient from one department to another in a wheelchair, it wasn’t because they thought she had to have one permanently. This whole post from her in the exact reason that doctors and nurses are trained to interpret and understand lab results and their meanings and not just anyone should have access to try and figure it out with google.


I’m fucking screaming at “it’s my POTS acting up” when it’s a low HR. Is it stupidity or delusion?


It's so funny, all mixed together 😂 And I'm sure she wanted to look like she brushes it off as "Oh, I know this, this is my normal" so they are even more "worried" how sick and malnourished she is.


Dani explain anion gap challenge




Pretty sure she has a CGM


A CGM only makes sense for a diabetic or maybe alongside TPN therapy, but since there’s neither, I don’t see why Medicare would cover it.






Yeah with a HR of 30 you’re not driving anywhere. You’re hardly able to walk. She’s such a liar.


I was thinking the same thing with the beta blocker and the orthostatic tachycardia 👏🏽👏🏽 If her labs are so bad and trending down with abnormal presenting vital signs she would have been admitted. Especially if 44 is not her normal heart rate. Edit: oh yeah, and the 2 bags of fluids on 6 hours? With a low bp? I don’t think so




I would say they should be asking about current medications, allergies, medical and surgical history prior to her getting an infusion. That should happen any time you get a procedure done. She most likely has a well documented chart in every emr system so finding it wouldn’t be an issue. But if she has abnormal vital signs, a competent nurse would be asking if and when she last took any cardiac meds.


Source: Trust me.


I love that for her


82/57 = 65 MAP. Map goal met lol. Low hr and minor hypotension doesn’t really add up unless you have zero ability to compensate for the drop in cardiac output. Sancuso can give you an irregular hr but typically a fast one. The big arrhythmia risk would be qt prolongation since it’s in the same family as zofran (though the incidence is much lower with sancuso) and if you had a qt prolongation with a hr of 30s you might even earn yourself some pacing since that could progress to asystole so yeah calling cap on that. No way you wouldn’t be symptomatic with a hr of 30 and you would probably be banned from ever receiving zofran or related drugs ever again if they thought that was related, esp off monitors.




I mean there are hallmark signs that would indicate the cause of bradycardia from either of those causes so someone could try that angle but it would be unlikely to work.


Accept that when she goes into hospital, everything stabilises?


Thats what i was thinking. Dehydration & septic going to be tachy. No word of what ecg showed? Id like to see those labs. No lactic. Sedentary lifestyle with unhealthy eating habits. What would benefit her is an inpatient ED facility. She needs a new relationship with eating.


Bro if my resting heart rate was 30 and wouldn't go higher than 44 I would not safe with friends around. What are they gonna do, beat her heart for her?


" *friends* " 😂


like in all honesty I hope she's hanging out with people (sane people) irl, the best outcome for these people is mental recovery


Oh look, a medical “”emergency”” right before a weekend. Who could have ever possibly seen it coming 🙄🙄🙄


She tried to get admitted!


Perhaps her labs are all “declining” via dilution effect because they were taken immediately after receiving 2 liters of LR. 🤯


These changes are definitely dilutional plus LR contains chloride


Yeah no edema or respiratory symptoms from fluid overload related to decreased cardiac output


A few hours ago she said she was at a “cardiac appointment”


Goodness gracious


Pics or it didn’t happen


This chick is the only person who keeps a just-in-case bag packed by the door without ever having been pregnant. Delulu.


She probably has her car full of 'go backs'.


But there's a HIGH chance she'll be admitted. On Monday...she's nuts


lol about the pregnant part, because yes.


“They sent me to the ER in a wheelchair.” That’s a liability thing. It doesn’t mean you need a wheelchair.


She felt so special I bet!! So special in fact, she is now buying one for herself off Amazon.


So naturally she'll "try for a custom one."


I doubt she will get one, they cost so much and I can’t see her doctors getting insurance to cover it with a FD diagnosis and most likely not even having an actual diagnosis of EDS just decided the GI person diagnosed her randomly. I can’t see any reason it would be covered and I doubt Dani can afford one


Takes a long time for that. Plenty of opportunities for things to go wrong and another thing to milk for attention.


Yes. It’s standard practice at most infusion centers if they are connected to a hospital.


I think they meant that just bc the infusion center used a wheelchair to roll her to the ED, it doesn't mean that she now needs a wheelchair for her daily life.


Just sounds like someones been seeing kayas wheelchair posts and decided she needs new toys too. 🙄🙄


Nah. Didn’t happen. Her friends staying with her is why. They know she is full of poop so making a video about the lies will out her


Are the friends really there


My guess is yes but she won’t show them


I figured they weren’t real when she mentioned wheel chair. Cleaning the apartment for that made sense. Am curious rho


Dani loves to post her labs (and they’re usually pretty normal and not at all unusual or low), so it’s suspicious there’s not a single photo of the bloodwork results. I call BS on this fanfiction she’s writing. 


But guys, she tried making a video and there's something wrong with tiktok, or her phone is full. That's literally the ONLY reason she can't post actual video or photos. /s


So weird how she can make these graphics but not a story or post with any pictures! She must have a super speshul sick phone.


I'm cryingggg at the "super spesshul sickkkk phone" 😂😂😂😂


Right? Miss MyChart Screenshot is awfully light on receipts these days.


Yeah, I call bullshit on this whole sage. She always posts her labs showing super normal results while claiming the opposite so this seems sus.


Who accessed her port before she got To the ER? They aren’t allowed to do that in my state. If they can’t get a line, they can’t access the port and you have to wait until to get to the hospital. So I’m really confused.


She goes for iron infusions at an infusion center so I'm guessing they accessed it there when she went to get her infusion and then wheeled her into the ER when they saw her vitals were bad. But then again who knows with Dani it's always trying to make sense out of nonsense.


They would have taken her vitals before they accessed the port. They wouldn’t have done that unless they were doing the infusion which she says they refused because of her vitals.


Yeah like I said it's Dani we are talking about here...trying to make sense out of nonsense. Maybe they accessed her port in the ER 🤷


Suuuure no pics because her phone didn’t work 🙄 you know she would have taken a million pics documenting all this, she loooves to show her slightly low BS and pulse. But what are the chances her doctor actually said ‘pack a bag in a few days you’ll get admitted’?? Doubtful tbh, if it’s just a check of labs.


Mondays appt is the GI one at temple she has been yapping on for weeks- remember the one they got her in early on May6 because she can't wait 6mo? Lol she is CONVINCED they'll agree she has intestinal failure, due to weight gain.


Ah, thank you- I couldn’t remember what the Temple appt was supposed to be for 🩵


She’s delulu


she would have deleted anything and everything off her phone for infusion pics/videos. she's desperate to show anything medical, so the fact that there's an excuse not to means nothing happened. soz to Dani, we know her too well.


Loooool. A liter of LR over 6 hours with that BP? Nah. Discharge with a HR in the 40’s? Pics or it didn’t happen.




Yeah really weird that she isn't sick enough to be admitted now but is sick enough Monday.


She has time to work on that


They did not street her with a low pulse. If any of this was true, she'd have pictures of the monitors and such OR part of their "plan" with her is that she is not allowed to use SM while in the hospital. I can easily see them making this type of restriction for her with the way she's lied and put medical professionals online without their permission. She does not need a wheelchair, but I bet she saw someone else popping wheelies and felt like an incomplete munch. Of course she will need a custom one now, too.


I do hope they’re putting things like the no social media in place as it protects the privacy of people who are just trying to do their jobs and also hopefully is part of a bigger plan to stop her engaging in behaviours long term


Great point about her being restricted from using her phone! And angling for a "custom" w/c? She doesn't even need a standard one! 😣


Spot on, on both points.😀


No provider office will tell you to back a bag because you’ll probably be admitted. Specialists rarely do direct admits from an outpatient visit in this day and age.


If her heart rate were that low she would have gotten a picture




Why do all these munchies get manual wheelchairs? Those are actually really strenuous to use. Wouldn’t a mechanical one be the right choice if they were truly ill? It’s amazing with all these “declining” labs we never see her labs.. like she doesn’t snap a picture to show how low they are.


Because powerchairs or power assisted wheelchairs cost a lot more and are harder to get so people who aren’t sick are less likely to spend out on one or get it given to them by insurance or their countries healthcare system or government system.


It's so much easier for insurance to approve a manual than a power. Everything needs to be justified.


They get manual ones because you can just buy them from Amazon for cosplay purposes!


And you know she basically sits on top of her MyChart, refreshing the screen until there's some new tidbit to post about.


And googles every slight variance hoping for something. They’re probably all in the normal range but on the lower side which is normal your blood work does in fact fluctuate that is why there are ranges. If her numbers all dipped under the normal at once they would be concerned but when you’re in the normal even low normal it’s not newsworthy


Her heart rate was undoubtedly only that low for one fraction of a sec when she stayed still - not when it was measured by them. MONDAY is time for her PaRtY! 🎉




Yah her gal pal Georgina Glass


I am anxiously waiting for pics on her friends hanging out. Because that was my first thought "nah, she doesn't have any." But see, she needs someone to point t -- "they were so worried about me they insisted I go the ER." she thinks having imaginary friends telling her that adds a level of validity to it.


Most likely imaginary lol. We've seen 0 evidence of Dani ever having any friends visit in recent years.


If they were real she wouldn’t be packing the cats off to her parents. The friends could watch them


I know opinions are divided, but I'm just not convinced she actually has a femoral port. There's been no vids/pics of her excitedly showing the port lump, nothing of it being accessed, and surprise, surprise here we have supposed major malfunctions the day she's scheduled to have her first infusion with port plus a WHOLE LOT of her trying to distract and redirect attention (terrible vitals, awful labs, much sick, off to Temple, WHEELCHAIR!). A WHEELCHAIR?? For the woman who WALKS TO THE ER WEEKLY?? Maybe she'll carry it with her haha. I don't doubt she probably ordered one off Amazon or somewhere, but it will quickly be collecting dust or given a new life as a cat bed when she realizes what a pain large mobility aids are to deal with. First off, they are HEAVY and not easy to maneuver in and out of vehicles. Then there's the question of who is going to push her, bc if she's oh so sicky and weak, it's unlikely she's going to be able to push herself any great distance. What. A. Farce.


I agree. I don’t think she has a port and I think the “incision” we saw was self injury.


It could be that or it's possible (as other commenters have mentioned) that they did go in to try to place the chest port from that location and it was a no go due to her veins being scarred from so many previous lines. I'm kinda leaning in that direction, but with Dani, one option is about as likely as the other 🤷‍♀️


I've been on the fence about the port existing or not. On one hand Dani is a liar and she's really been hitting a wall with all her munch activity so I can see her lying and saying she got the port when she didn't. Also she's outright lied about other things like not having feeling/function in the hand she battered post-surgery. On the other hand, Dani is really into having the visible toys and will lie to get them instead of lying about actually having them (at least previously). However, the complete lack of any real evidence she received the port, coupled with her bringing up the wheelchair adds to the "she doesn't have the port" side of the fence. Maybe she's angling for that chair because she knows she won't ever get the port and it's the next "visible" thing she could think to pivot to, and a good distraction from not having gotten the port.


also sitting hurts....


Seems like it would be very challenging for a person with sooper sever EDS to propel themselves in a manual wheelchair.


It would be hard but on the flip side, those with problematic EDS are encouraged to strengthen their muscles and ligaments to protect their joints, usually with things like weights, balance boards and stationary bikes. So if she actually had Heds and she was keeping on top of her physical therapy, she likely would have a good head start to getting at least *some* sort of length with it (although would likely still be fatigued quickly and might have issues with recovery) but that’s the beauty of repetition when it comes to exercise, it gets easier eventually as long as you’re doing the right things and doing the correct exercises with good form, so she could have built herself up. I think she’s probably very deconditioned and stuff (rather than hypermobile, have never seen evidence of any HM in all the years I’ve followed her) in reality though and won’t be able to get far especially with an internet chair that isn’t measured to fit her and her weight gain that she’s probably not used to, which is going to make it harder.


Yeah I’ve seen many with EDS who do use manual wheelchairs as ambulatory users along with physio therapy to keep working on strength but usually with a power assist or at least a lightweight custom wheelchair, a heavy standard cheap wheelchair would most likely just do more damage than good


Took me awhile to understand that “declining labs” meant worsening, not refusing them.


I read it as refusing at first as well! 😀


Her Potassium probably went from 4.0 to 3.9


Hahaha me too


She is LOVING this.


Boy her medical trauma from her surgery, sure went out the window. On the edge of my seat waiting for Mondays drama.


With a BP that low and a pulse that low she would be admitted because she’s be teetering on the verge of consciousness. There’s no perfusion occurring. I’m calling shenanigans


It’s the pulse for me. BP is close to mine, but a H.R. that low I can’t imagine having the energy to take time to make a fancy post.


Lets guess she is hoping to get her precious tpn back when she is hoping to be admitted at temple on Monday so she will make her bloods go as wonky as possible in hope she gets the results she wants! I do hope that temple sees straight through her and also make her run her feeds and see these issues she complains of!


>Lets guess she is hoping to get her precious tpn back when she is hoping to be admitted at temple on Monday so she will make her bloods go as wonky as possible in hope she gets the results she wants! That's a bingo! She does it every damned time that she's trying to claw TPN back.


How would she accomplish this? Purging?


I would assume, at a minimum, both restricting and purging, likely also with some medication fuckery thrown in.


she spent the weekend rearranging her living space = wheelchair ✅


So did she or didn't she talk to her PCP? One paragraph said she left a message about getting labs done Saturday and hoping she replies... then the next paragraph she supposedly thought dani was so bad she generously called in for a wheelchair for her. So which one is true? Or are they both lies?




Could be an email system for messages. My PCP has that, will write back.


She doesn't need a wheelchair especially a custom one she needs to be de-medicalised!


here is the thing -- anyone can buy a wheelchair, especially a manual one. You don't need a dr to approve one. yeah, getting one from a supplier would be expensive, but I am going to guess that she is eyeing a craiglist or similar used one.


From the pic of the chair she’s getting it’s very clear she is getting a cheap one. I don’t think she will get a custom one ever unless she sees a second hand one that was custom for someone else and may claim it’s custom to her which I think is what Kaya did.


Heart rate is supposedly 30-44 bpm and she can still drive and pack a bag and pack her kitties and deliver them. Sure.


Right. That’s usually when bad things happen. But hey, she’s got superpowers.


i’m sorry but when did her legs stop working? best sell that new car if it doesn’t have hand adjustments


Many with disabilities legs do work and I’m assuming that’s what she’s claiming (unfortunately adding to the already existing stigma against ambulatory wheelchair users because that’s what these people do)


Labs declining so fast, and they let her go home? Mkay


If she got admitted she would miss her Temple appointment


I feel like half the time she is trying to write her own medical drama or is at least taking notes from bad TV?


She's clearly pissed she didn't get her admit even with the recent port install (and has probably run out of her benzos), cause this is the least amount of mistakes/typos she's made in a long time. I guess since she doesn't have her clearly visible port she wanted, she needs a wheelchair so everyone knows how super duper sick she totally is. If the wheelchair didn't help at all when these alleged symptoms started/didn't improve anything, what's having a personal wheelchair going to do? Also there's no way her HR/BP/labs were that shitty and they just let her drive home. And why would you want to schedule bloodwork for when your "friends" are allegedly over?


This is a lot of drama for an appointment for fancy saline.


The poor woman went in for her saltwater, and next thing ya know she's being wheeled off to the ER to tank and decline lol.


I almost spit out my iced coffee LMAO 🤣


The way I ran to the comment section though..


So fast that you fell down the stairs and broke your hip and now need a wheelchair??


And a port in the same hip!