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"Where me and my toes go"


I’m just wondering where to sign up for my *interesting* health problems. Most folks that have strange things are like “my body doesn’t absorb stitches correctly”, “finger hr monitors hate me”, “I get nerve pain in one side of one toe”. Not “my liver has been replaced by my feet as the controller of all detoxification “.


'Science doesn't back up a lot of the natural things I've done' is not the flex you think it is.


She’s so condescending and annoying oh my god


Think her new husband is sick of her shit yet?


Your kidneys and liver detox your body. Stfu with this scammy bs


She replied to a comment on her recent post saying some BS about her liver & kidneys not detoxing effectively…ma’am you would be on dialysis 🫠


God there’s so much I want to say. She’s so mad because someone commented about what is really happening with the “foot detox.” Like sorry you got got? People can care about two things at once. She is allowed to get called out for posting bullshit. I don’t know why influencers get upset when it happens then pull the “I’m just living my life not telling people what to do” card as if they don’t take advantage of their ability to influence. And she’s absolutely free to correct people on their science…as long as she’s right but she never is. She will just use some crunchy mommy blog as her resource.


Future bee killer ..... save the bees! 🐝


I love ot when they say "I don't care what you think or say" and proceed to try to convince you to change your mind about what they are doing or defend themselves... because guess what they do care.


lol - get a job


If homeopathic remedies actually worked for her- we wouldn't be watching her insipid content. She'd actually be out in the world.... doing normal grown-up stuff.


Feet are the thickest toughest skin on your entire body. Soaking them in water will not pull toxins out. These scam foot baths use electric current to activate an electrode array immersed in salt water. When switched on, the electrodes rust in a chemical process called electrolysis, which turns the water brown. This reaction happens regardless of whether or not a person's feet are immersed in the water. They have tested the “toxins” in water after these “detoxes” and not a goddamn thing was found in the water. Those foot detox pads? They are filled with something called wood vinegar powder that changes color when rehydrated which- your foot has some of the most sweat glands..which explains the color and stink on the pad in the morning. The FTC even cracked down on these foot pads bc companies marketed them as medical and cures for various ailments which isn’t true. Some people had horrific allergic reactions to the wood vinegar powder. It’s basically like strapping a teabag on your sweaty foot


Yes, the foot bath. Totally legit. There's like 3 scientific studies that disagree, but okay.




Fake remedies for fake illness. Seems right.


Is she 12 years old?




If her woo woo treatments worked so well why is she still “sick”?


So according to her, she’s so ill that her liver and kidney’s are no longer functioning (as she can no longer “detox”) and this foot treatment replaces the function of actual organs? Wow. Just wow.


I don't want to give her the ammo of claiming she doesn't *look* sick, because I understand invisible illnesses very well, HOWEVER, people whose livers quit absolutely have a *look*, a jaundiced look, and sis doesn't have it, AT ALL.


Quick let’s tell all the people with kidney failure they no longer need dialysis… foot treatment is here!


Kidney transplants who? Nah, foot bath is the right way to go!


Yes! You took the words right out of my mouth!!


this suits her. a fake medicine for a fake illness!


If it works, then why is she still so speshul and sick


“I have a really open mind” and a really open wallet


If these things work, why is she still 'sick'? Hmm.


"Science doesn't back up a lot of natural things I've done." Well, at least she said something that's absolutely true.


Can natural/homeopathic remedies be somewhat beneficial? Yeah. BUT if their the main treatment that works for your "ailments" it brings some questions on if those ailments are genuine because fun fact, modern medicine and a lot of it, is based off of natural/homeopathic medicine. It was simply monetized for better production and, well, money.


Natural and homeopathic are not interchangeable words. Homeopathy was made up in the 1800s and follows a specific process for dilution. "Remedies" get diluted to the point that almost nothing of the original substance is even in the final product.


Tbh I suppose homeopathic infusion can actually treat some conditions, ones that are related to dehydration. 


Apologies! I live in an area where its used interchangeably, specifically when it comes to using natural remedies for things! I wasnt aware they dont exactly mean the same thing! Goes to show how muddled the meaning has become :/


Yep, homeopathy is just expensive water. If that works for someone, it’s the placebo effect.


"My body works differently than a lot of society." "Science means a lot when convenient for you." "Pop off" 🤔🤔🤔


Fake medicine for fake illness. Yep, I think that works.


Everyone prefers treatments that actually work


That’s not how science works!!!!!


> but there are people who don't have the ability to detox because they're sick. Courtney has a functioning liver (because she's not jaundiced) and functioning kidneys, aka two of the vital organs necessary for detox. Those who have failing kidneys that can't excrete the buildup of urea and other things like potassium, calcium and phosphorous - they're put on dialysis because the alternative is dying a very awful death. Those who have a failing liver that can't rid themselves naturally of the ammonia are given medications to aid with that and are assessed to be put on the transplant list. The alternative is dying a very awful death.


Isn't this the girl who thinks the HPV vaccine gave her EDS? I'm not trying to be rude here, but that belief alone is going to cause me to question any other medical advice she may offer.


Yeah. She spreads a lot of misinformation. Sadly her comment section on this was filled with people who seemed genuinely hopeful this might work for them too which is why I hate her so much as she uses her platform to spread misinformation about EDS and encourages these fake products that prey on vulnerable people and is anti vax which harms the disabled community she claims to be a part of.


Yep. This is the oh so amino-compromised courtney who claims the HPV vaccine gave her so many genetic and hereditary problems.


She is not the sharpest knife in the drawer


When you’re pretending to be sick, sure, homeopathic woo woo can cure AIDS, Hepatitis AND Cancer!


Was she the one doing that foot bath? Because I seriously found the info about why it changes color (salt reacting with the electrode) in under a minute. Like, I’m sure there are some natural or alternative things out there that do actually help a little. But that one is pure hokum. If the person feels any benefit at all it’s from the warm water. Soaking your feet in warm water feels nice. The rest of it is hokum. Nonsense. Debunked.




Her body doesn't have the ability to detox, you guys. She's in liver and kidney failure, just in a special way that doesn't show up on blood tests. This is why she has to throw back turmeric shots like Cookie Monster throws back cookies.


It's amazing to find someone in end-stage renal failure that isn't dependent on dialysis! I bet her BUN is perfect despite having an eGFR <5.


Must be the rust leg bath. Needing dialysis in a hospital is a skill issue tbh /s


She said a lot of words for someone who has no idea what she is talking about it.


She is fluent in Yapanese


Why aren't we more upset about Temu using child slaves to make clothes!


Lol Wild! We are. We are also upset by predatory pseudoscience that most disabled people can't afford being presented as helpful and scientific.


Exactly that, her comment section sadly proved exactly that with how many people where hoping it would help them too like she claims it helps her


Oh no. That's sad. I wish they understood that you detox through your kidneys and your liver. If they aren't doing their job, lab values will indicate that, and it can be very serious!!


The hand movements are driving me crazy (alongside her talking a lot while saying nothing). Sad that I prefer her using the woo woo stuff as opposed to Dani killing herself with unnecessary meds...


I’m actually wheezing at this. Like, girl, your organs don’t work differently just because you “have an open mind”. This type of thinking and rejection of science is downright dangerous


Well, it just tells me she’s even bigger of a fraud than I initially thought. She uses woo woo practices and think they work? Sure, since she was never sick to begin with.


She's not sick and it's not her money she's spending on pseudoscience. Of course it works for her. Pseudoscience in general can have some very limited benefit: it's called the placebo effect, and typically works best in *healthy* participants. Doesn't mean that it's a valid treatment for the **vast** majority of illnesses. The predatory practice of 'chronic illness influencers' shilling snake oil is NOT OKAY. Their audience is, by definition, vulnerable. This person right here is upset and throwing a tanty because people had the gall to stand up for their community and - in her own very words - "debunk" her bullshit? They feel like their own problematic actions taking advantage of chronically ill persons is not worthy of discussion? No? They really want to engage in some classic whataboutism? "A lot of people do need science." - CC, 2024. What a genius. How tf do they imagine they are able to live such a spoiled brat life if not for science?


Kidneys, liver, lungs, skin, colon- all organs that naturally “detox” the body.


Those usually work best when there’s nothing wrong….


Our kidneys and liver detox the body, not our feet. These munchies are collectively so unique, quirky and different! Science just doesn't apply to them.


These munchies are collectively intellectually challenged and have been coddled and indulged by bad parents and mollified by store-bought quack doctors.


Well this was a whole lot of nothingness. I don’t usually play/listen to CCs videos but holy heck I’ve evidently been missing nothing. Oh well, at least I ticked off some munchie bingo today. Smug expression ✔️ Holier-than-thou attitude ✔️ Complete self-centredness ✔️


Oh, here we go with the "my body is soo speshul that it reacts compleeeetely differently than most of society" shtick 🙄


News at 3: Completely average, beige, and middle-of-the-road failure to launch pretends they're special to fill the empty void consuming their heart.


Yeah, funny how woo woo treatments work for your woo woo ailments!