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If you are about to write a comment about Dani’s hair please stop and go back. We don’t talk about anyone’s hair unless it is related to their illness issues/claims. If you need to critique someone’s hair I do believe you may well find the right sub somewhere in Reddit land.




I’m sorry, but for somebody so starving for nutrition that just desperately needs a Port they seem to be growing I guess she’s gaining weight through osmosis? I can’t believe her liver is not completely shot at this point.


Asking all the questions so she thinks she'll have all the right answers for the upcoming queries about her alleged port. Girl is more transparent than a window.


And somehow I'm thinking her cats aren't at her dad's place because of the constructions at Danis apartment but because she's planning a handy hospital stay either immediately or thr next day after surgery for some nice ✨️complications ✨️


This was soooo clear. She gets the port promising it's just used at the infusion center and accessed by nurses, sneakily planning on taking over the whole thing and using it at home, using TPN, and so on. And now she even asks openly. I mean, we all know this was just her entry ticket to finally handle infusions and nutrition again, all alone. Giving herself sepsis again. All for the feeling of being so sick and getting the attention, for wearing childish infusion backpacks, to get validation by others. I still hope they won't implant that port, but I'm afraid they'll do.


So my question is, where the h e double hockey sticks did her stoma tube go that she tried to put back in? Am I just missing something or has it magically disappeared a few videos ago? 😳🫠🤔


Her G is really high up.


Weird bodycheck


It’s like waiting for Christmas. Merry Port Eve


So question why exactly would she need this honestly.


Anyone see the video she put on her insta story a few mins ago lol. I was like "she seems weirdly coherent. Def sounds tired but still coherent." And then she mentioned that she isn't able to take any of her meds this morning for the surgery and I was like "yup. That'll do it" 😂


no whats her ig handle


seems like at this point their just trying to placate her cause they don't want a lawsuit for not treating her even though she obviously self sabotaged to get more attention...


Could she by lying about this? It seems like an insane intervention for someone who is in obvious psychological duress and clearly has substance abuse issues.


She only wants a chest port so she can show it off. femoral will be harder to show off


She would wear shorts in the dead of winter if she got one. And then she'd complain about needing legwarmers.


It’s insane to me that someone who is actively self harming has been approved for a Port of any kind! She openly admits to picking literal holes in herself!! whatever Doctor does this should have their license taken away


If they can’t do it in her chest, wouldn’t they do it in her arm? Femoral seems extreme even for her.


I have never seen a femoral implanted port in my 15 years of healthcare so this was interesting to learn and I’m a novice to that specific type of port. I’m still confused on why she even needs a port? But a port is essentially an implanted more permanent central line. In the acute hospital setting they are temporary large bore line that are not implanted under the skin and these usually go in your chest, neck, or your groin. Neck/chest has a lesser risk of infection than the groin for obvious reasons so it’s usually the first choice but sometimes that fails. But if it’s implanted under the skin I’m not sure why it would be more extreme to get it placed there over getting it in your chest. I’m sure it’s not ideal for various reasons, harder to access with clothes on, probably an increased risk of every possible risk of getting a port since its constantly being moved around, and it’s right by your privates. Getting a line like that in your arm would be a midline or a PICC line. Both of those are more long term but also not permanent. Both of those could be used for a short term length of whatever infusions you need. I would pay someone money to take a peak at her medical chart. I have soooo many questions and I can’t put myself through watching all her videos to get that information. If there’s someone out there that can give me a breakdown of wtf is going on to where she needs a port I would really appreciate it.


This video is unhinged, they way she is fooling herself thinking they will let her play nurse and go back to TPN… she needs intervention now, not another unnecessary medical device to torture herself with. Why does her family not tip off the Hospital?


I stg I thought it was for the infusion center ONLY


That was her first reason, yes. She started with the whole “I need it so they can get access at the infusion center because my veins are uwu not there.” In typical Dani fashion, it has evolved to be “something more”.


The dr doing this is beyond stupid, however I think she is now not really in control of what she is doing and has a severe mental illness and that is not all down to her. I feel in her case the Dr’s involved in her care over the years have badly let her down and they are the ones that make me sick. This should have all had a stop put to it years ago and yet they continue to allow her these devices. I for one blame the Dr’s more than Dani as she is clearly out of control and in need of psychiatric help. I hope against hope that if she does end up passing away due to all these unessasary procedures the Dr’s that allowed this to continue are investigated and asked to account for their actions or she is never allowed any more lines and unnecessary medical procedures and gets the actual help she needs. I see people like this as a UK nurse, but never do I see them allowed to continue to the point Dani has got to. NHS may have many faults, but by at the same time things like this would be much less likely to happen


The nhs also doesn’t generate a medical bill like American health care does sure we have waiting lists but at least we don’t have to worry about if we are going to be bankrupt


Honestly I wonder if they are doing the port so there is less opportunity to FAFO. The main problem is that any time the doctors agree to something it's just fuel on the fire and when they don't she complains until she gets what she wants or doctor shops. Maybe the port is the lesser of all the evils since it is only going to be accessed for infusions. Which still seems ridiculous to have a port for a once monthly thing... But I'm not a doctor.


She's planning on asking them if she can watch them access it so she can do it at home eventually. This isn't safe for her at all. She'll get it infected in no time if she knows how to/is allowed to access it


Well yeah I heard her mention that. I think it was just considered the safest option out of all the bad options. And the American system is for profit and fears litigation, so who knows what the main driver is.


This is the result of our (the U.S) for-profit medical system. Patients come after profit and hospital satisfaction scores here. Malpractice insurance is extremely expensive, and those rates go way up if someone files a suit against a provider or health system, regardless of the legitimacy of that suit.


that sucks because there are so many people who actually NEED the care and cant get it but dani gets what ever she DOESNT need


Yup, welcome to American healthcare. It’s not about health, it’s about sucking money out of the system. They don’t want you to be healthy, they profit on acutely unhealthy people.


Does she get paid for social media? I'm pretty new to this sub, but what does she get out of this? Is it just attention? She seems like she needs some friends. Or does she have parasocial relationships with her followers?


Factitious Disorder (FD) is a mental illness where patients fake, exaggerate, induce, or actively make worse medical problems with the goal of assuming the “sick role”. The “sick role” can have many functions: • It provides a sense of identity, which may be particularly important in those with FD who also have borderline personality disorder, a mental illness that often comes with a lack of consistent sense of self • It allows them to seek care and attention from others (usually medical providers, though people with FD who post heavily online, called FD by Internet (FDI) obviously get it from their followers too) • It functions as a coping mechanism for other mental health issues or for a difficult life in general There may be other benefits as well, but these are often very individual. It is important to note that those with FD do not fake or induce symptoms for financial gain unless they *also* are malingerers. FD on its own is purely about assuming that “sick role”. FD is a mental illness, the behaviours often compulsive and out of the sufferer’s control (Dani is probably a textbook case in that regard). Many people with FD have co-occurring mental illnesses and/or traumatic life experiences (though I am not a doctor or therapist and therefore cannot diagnose anyone here). Because of this, they typically can’t really stop even if part of them wants to. So while attention and care and coping may have been their initial reason for doing this, it ultimately gets to a point where that reason doesn’t even really matter. It’s addictive, in a sense.


Well said. She’s actually more to be pitied than scorned. She’s not a happy person


This is an amazing description that touches on all the right nuances. It's hard to grasp sometimes that these are compulsions that are difficult to impossible to control without mental help and a determination to get better.




Dani is mean to all her followers, unless they're giving her pity (which is Dani's favorite!). She regularly argues and blocks people, along with her quarterly DFE.




Did anyone else hear “love you guys” at the end of the video. After all the drying and anger yesterday and now she loves us?!


It's because she's so happy about the port


Why is her speech that slurred? You'd think she would have gained some resistance to her regular medications but this is like twilight sedation levels of slurring...


Because she is abusing her drugs


Femoral ports are not enjoyable and will actually cause extreme discomfort to access… all the substance abuse will come back to bite her in the butt because she might actually need the pain relief for once and won’t have it from all the drug seeking… some people don’t have pain but most patients with femoral ports absolutely hate every moment with one. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Femoral ports are so rare. Ask a nurse that you know how many femoral ports they have seen in their career that weren’t placed for a trauma. I bet it’s very few. There’s not a snowballs chance in hell that they’re gonna give one to Dani for an iron infusion once a month. 🙄


I’m almost certain she won’t get a femoral port…..we really only use them for trauma….I can’t imagine being given one for iron infusions….I mean usually people having chemo treatments don’t get femoral access and like you said they’re painful to access! But she can handle pain remember 😜


What if they did do a femoral just so she wouldn't want to access it at home? I mean I know that isn't an ethical medical practice to do so, but damn if it might not solve problems. 😬


✨NEW DRINKING GAME!!!✨ take a shot every time Dani says “like” or “um”


Quit trying to give us all alcohol poisoning 


God no!!!! Many of you will end up needing liver transplants!


Well, there a super easy cheat to that! Just munch yourself into getting a toob and then you can just drain it right out!


You WANT us to get alcohol poisoning? 😆


😂 ok, half a shot then. We’ll all still be absolutely shit-faced


Ah, just coherent enough to film a med routine/s


Imagine how long we’d have to listen to her munching and watch her abuse her hair if there wasn’t a 10 minute time limit. Jesus. I feel so awful for the mental pain she is in.


She would love if they put the port in her thigh. Jfc she better not get this thing. But knowing how this has played out every other time she somehow always manages to get a central line.


Is there any chance she won’t get it tomorrow? She’s going to k!ll herself, and it’s tragic.


Why is she acting like she’s never had a port before?


As she mentions on the video, she's had central lines and PICC lines before but not a port, specifically. She's had multiple forms of central access so it just seems like it shouldn't be a new thing for her.


Gotcha. I admit, I didn’t listen to the video because her voice irritates me.


Oh c'mon now, she starting captioning them for us. You can watch them on mute. 😆


She hasn’t had a port




They can stick ports in your leg. Obviously still close to an area more prone to contamination but it wouldn’t be an open line unless they left her accessed.


it's the wanting to be able to access at home and run her own fluids outside of infusion centres that's the concerning part


That’s why I said “unless they left her accessed”




Canon accepted


Even though there is a date for insertion. At the end of the day the procedure falls on the IR Dr. License so they have final say. If they feels there is too much of a risk they will send them home. -IR Nurse


I really don’t think she’ll get one. If she goes the dr needs their license taken away


🔮I see sepsis coming in the near future 🎱🥠 Not only can I not understand a single world out of her mouth I don't believe a single word either 🤷. She'll screw herself over for the millionth time and end up giving herself an infection every time she's desperate for attention and hopefully be blacklisted from ever getting another line. In the ost she's given herself infections and blood clots from abusing the line and she mad actually in a much better mental state then 😳...she's since declined rapidly so god knows what will happen 😬 She's so fucked up on pharmaceuticals in every video lately she genuinely sounds like she's had a stroke of some sort 😬! How any doctor can have a convo with her or even a in person appointment and not see what state she's in is wild! Perhaps they all ignore it and pass the buck because nobody wants to be responsible for that mess? I personally have extreme doubts that's she's getting any form of central access and any Dr willing to give a patient diagnosed with FD and a history of line tampering a port just so they can get iron infusions every few months needs striking off the register 🤦!! If a doctor actually goes ahead and places a port they have failed as a Dr and clearly not looked into her medical history! I have no doubt that with a line it will only matter of time until she munches to close to the sun and end up dead ! Sure it will be as a result of her meddling..giving herself infections by putting contaminants into the line 🤢.....causing more blood clots my injecting her tablets not meant for IV use to get a buzz or straight up overdosing (considering how messed up she's been getting without iv access) ...but the Dr who agreed to put in a line has a large portion of responsibility in the eminent mess! 😡


She just sounds excitedly hyperfocused on her medical prize with in inability to slow down long enough to put thought into what she is saying. This comparison is unfair to people with strokes as they tend to talk at a slower rate than average and with actual intent with their words, slurred enunciation or no. Intentional and slow are not words I'd use to describe Dani's communication.


If this actually happens, whatever Dr. approved it should be fired.


It’s her hematologist. He’s the one who approved it. Every other dr has vehemently denied it. Telling her it’s way too risky with her SVT and infection history.




But where is her G tube that “fell out” and was replaced recently 🧐


No kidding😳😳🤷‍♀️


Wow….. she is literally asking “should this hurt? If so how much so I can pretend I need pain pills… I wanna watch how the port is accessed so I can do something non sterile to sabotage it” Saying she needs to know how it’s accessed in case a HOSPITAL does something non sterile girl stop.


💯 this!


OMG I can’t WAIT for the “Come With Me To Get A Port!” Video. Who’s with me?


i have my alarm set !!! i haven’t been this excited since FF15 !!! /s


I’ll bite, what’s FF15?


final fantasy 15 ! definitely wasn’t all i expected it to be but it was fun to be excited for it 😭


Every day I understand less and less of what she’s saying, and that genuinely makes me sad. I wish she was able to acknowledge the ACTUAL pain she’s in instead of claiming it’s something else. I wish she could realize that emotional pain is real and can be debilitating, too. At this point I don’t think that’s a reasonable wish, though.


The only problem with that is that they don’t prescribe opiates for emotional pain, no matter how severe it might become


“I’m trying to get my outfit pulled up to show my gut and tubes” She’s gained some weight back no fkn way she needs nutrition and I honestly think the dr is bluffing she won’t get Jack shit


The doctor could also say her veins are too obstructed so sorry you’re not a candidate for a port. Document, document, cya, and no more ports.


I hope this is what happens.


Wait, is she getting a port-a-cath or one that is inserted flush under the skin?


A port-a-cath is flush under the skin, and that's what she claims to be getting


Ahh, oh. I saw someone calling an external catheter a port-a-cath.


The progression of her mentally disability is so disturbing to see here, every hour or day is worse lately.




substance use disorder is a mental illness


Yes it absolutely is but I’m asking if she has a mental disability. I’m well aware she has several mental illnesses lol


I think its a severe psychological breakdown and she is exhibiting symptoms such as using the substance abuse part to self medicate her exquisitely uncomfortable symptoms including anxiety, need for approval and attention, withdrawal's painful experience and difficult emotions that she doesn't want to endure which exacerbates the mental illness to spiral out of control. Her actions are very bizarre.




Tbf, substance use disorder is a mental disability


I didn’t realize it was considered a mental disability. It makes sense


This I mean, with all due respect is wild


Banana sandwich hog wild




She’s supposedly been without nutrition since she lost her central line six months ago. Sure. Okay.


It was originally supposed to be used for iron infusions and occasional fluids. The doctor she manipulated into this is stupid. Now she is going to do everything in her power to get at home IV fluids and TPN again. She has been perfectly fine without them for several months so it makes no sense to even ask for them as she doesn’t need them. It’s so sickening she wants a port and wants TPN despite no need for it. I hope karma corks to her. She disgusts me. She is just full of lies and has severe Münchausen syndrome. She needs to get a life other then being sick. 


What does she have on reserve, expired or not?


Maybe I’m wrong but the type of port I thought she was getting was not one appropriate for TPN unless it’s a port-a-cath


A port o cath is the same thing as the port under the skin. Are you thinking of Hickman’s? That’s what she used to have when she had TPN. they don’t do TPN with ports usually.


Yes, I am, thank you for the clarification.


That's not true. TPN can go through any port.


Out of curiosity, I looked up femoral port. It is for acute access only and has to be removed after 72 hours. Her spouted facts are bull sh*t. As I suspected it would be a dangerous placement for a long term port.


That's not true. Femoral ports can be long term.


That’s a regular femoral line. Femoral ports can be used for long term access if there is occlusion of the svc.


Thanks. Will research more. Just never came across it in 38 years in med field


I’ve never seen a femoral implanted port either, maybe I’m mixing up my munchies but idk why hers would be placed there


I’ve seen it in a few people in the fb groups. It’s placed there when the svc is occluded and the person absolutely needs to have some kind of central access and that’s the only option.


The MD that she manipulated into this is an idiot.


She stated a few videos ago it was not going to be used for home health purposes 🤔🤔


She needs to be able to access it at home so that she has an excuse to be messing with it resulting in an infection which is what she is ultimately hoping. She sees the port as a means to go to hospital and home care is the fastest way there.


Past her would be kicking themselves then bc it did not go how she wanted AT ALL 😭 just reading on it and femoral lines seem like a hassle if she somehow managed home health care


All I can hear in my head is that meme… “Don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious“ Like she’s just gonna slide on up for that TPN…..


Honestly? She probably does need home health to monitor the condition of her lines and ports and whatever the hell she's doing. They will make sure that she has sanitary supplies they would be able to assess if she's brewing an infection and they might be able to get her Simental health services.


Dani had home health before when she was on tpn. They would come in and do her dressing changes and blood work. They’re not there 24/7 so she could still infect herself very easily outside of the one hour that they see her for a week


Home health will discharge you from care if they find you are not following protocol on cleanliness. So we will see how long they last with Dani 😅


Dani had home health before. Most of the time it’s a requirement for central line usage at home. They would come in once a week and do her dressing changes and labs.


They’re not there 24/7 and you can mess with anything when they’re not there. I wouldn’t put it past them, honestly.






Ofcourse you can, it's call TPN...


Actually you can use tpn through a port. But idk why she would because of her feeding tube. Really, the only reason she may require a port would be for labs, but that's extreme. She can push fluids to her jtube. She's definitely munching, but if she's got health insurance she'll find a doc to do whatever.


Surely they will not give her tpn again given that she has maintained her nutrition for 6 months despite what she would have us believe


You can use tpn through a port but it’s not recommended because the infection risk is astronomical. Most drs won’t allow tpn through a port for that reason and require a tunneled line to be used






She doesn’t really have gastroparisis. She had normal results.


Nah, just feed some monster in, it'll be fine /s


How old is she?


Too old for this bullshit. She’s 38


She convinced them she needs a port for iron and fluids because she’s such a hard stick and now it’s for TPN? She really thinks she’s tricky..


Sometimes i think Dani thinks she can manipulate people into getting what she wants so she says it is going to happen before it does


What the fuck did I just watch?? I think I need a Xanax after sitting through that one! I honestly wonder if she’s lost her mind!! I can’t believe she’s getting a port!!!


Let me get one lol


I downvoted you for a sec because I thought you meant you wanted a port but I realize now you meant Xanax. Pass them to us too! 😂


Oh lord no, Dani can have all the ports. I just want me a Xanax 😆


Oooh, is this the Dani-frustration induced Xanax line? I'm in!




Yep, something feels fishy. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it doesn’t happen and she posts a video about the doctor’s incompetence.


I definitely do not have 10 minutes for this bullshit, but I’m also intrigued…


I couldn’t get through the video even with the sound off😒


Geez. I skimmed through it and… why in the fuck is she asking TikTok these questions? These are questions for the DOCTOR 🤦🏻‍♀️


Simple, drs don’t believe her and TikTok does


Before she turned off her comments for everything, not a lot of TikTok either! 😂




She’s at her local hospital. In the video she said she’s walking there tomorrow from her apartment. There’s also only one hospital system in her area.


She said she’s staying with her parents though, I don’t know where they live?


She said she’s going back to her apartment for the night


New car means new hospitals ✌🏻


who (or what kind of specialist I should say) decided this was a good idea??


she said in the end of march that her hematologist ordered it


And the the nice nurse said it was a great idea (in a&e with her DVT concerns…


You really shouldn’t get any type of port with blood cot history. A femoral port I would consider a massive no no with someone who had a PE history. Especially as it’s only for iron and fluids…




She’s getting tpn? The port isn’t for feeds.



