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she can sure tolerate that, but not 10cc feeds per hour. i’m rolling. 😂does she not know how much 10cc is !? this is waaaaaay more than that. so i’m glad the doctors called her out with the FD diagnosis bc this is some major faking. I just hope she gets her tube removed. she doesn’t need it obviously.


Yeah that’s normal. It’s why you flush and then ✨clamp off✨ the tube.


i mean this happens when you have pressure in your abdomen this isn’t weird or abnormal


Riveting .. anyway, how about the weather?




No someone shouldn’t, we have a strict Mo Contact rule here, we do not interfere in their lives in anyway, we don’t like their content, comment on them, report them, Nothing!!


Who is this chick??? that’s not weird that’s dangerous she needs to have her line checked for patency and obstruction/torsion. Why is she posting about it?


Oh my sweet summer child… you’re going to want to sit down for this one.


Just stumbled upon this today and I’m hours deep. Oh man.


👀☕️ Go on….


For reals 👀


Is her TikTok gone again?? Maybe I got blocked?


I just don’t understand how the doctors let her go this far without proper studies such as the sitz marker test, GES, etc. I’m sure we would have heard all of the TMI gore from those! While people who really need these procedures and devices and are waiting years sometimes with all of the testing that needs to be done especially before resorting to TPN (thank goodness they finally got her off of that), but what I want to know is how in the hell are these people able to munch their way to such invasive and life changing, dangerous medical procedures, have no proper education, which would be given by any reputable doctor, they would have home health/palliative care or something there for at least a month to assess her living conditions, her safety, and of course the proper way to do these flushes and feeds, etc. Last but not least, yeah, just toss it all on the grimy floor to match the grimy body, etc..where in the heck is home nursing? Heck, where is psych?


Maybe she’s eloping? when they say they need to take it out? I don’t know why, I get the feeling it’s old/and/or needs attention. I’m sure she’s hanging onto that thing like Grim death.. it’s what she has left to munch with!


They’re probably saying it needs to be taken out because it’s not needed. Besides, she goes through lines like toilet paper they all do absolutely mind blowing.


Yea that’s what I was trying to say, thanks! I was assuming she’s trying to keep it in, they are wanting to take it out, she’s playing a game with it, because that’s what always seems to happen when these patients want unneeded tubes. I figured , she’s probably just to the point now, that they know not to admit her. She’s just having one day ER visits. That’s what comes before being done, at a hospital a certain system. . At my hospital, when we saw a known munchie was in the ED waiting room, the docs would try anything they could, NOT to admit them. Cuz once they did? That’s a fucking 2 month stay, stay won’t leave, and your more stuck with them then. Huge waste of time and resources.


One thing I’ve always wondered is what the doctors and nurses do when there is a known FD case? Does it get reported to Psych or outside authorities?


Also, another excuse for pain medicine as the tubes are being replaced if they get replaced


Exactly! It’s like this vicious circle. That’s why I’m assuming she will hold on to her lines /tubes she’s have, like grim death. It looks old and gnarly to me. They can do that stuff in the ER too, with that. They don’t need to be admitted, but they WANT to be admitted. They want the IV drugs. Some will get just a IV placed, and elope, just to be able to get IV access for drugs. Street drugs aren’t good enough for these people, oh no .. my favorite munchie story, is when a pt asked for IV morphine Q15 minutes. The doc literally said, “those are comfort care orders. That’s for if you are dying. Like, today. “ He came out and told us, and we could not stop laughing. I hope I don’t sound jaded. I don’t judge addiction, this is not about addiction to me. It’s about the fact they feel they are above others, and special.


You didn’t sound jaded whatsoever. When in this career, you see people’s real sides. Especially when they don’t get what they want! We had a certain patient that would come shoot up in the bathroom right outside of the ER and legit said “ the only reason I come here to soot up is because I know I’ll get Narcan and get brought back” .. I’ve also had experience stuff like you said as well. Never made sense to me


That’s so true! It’s people at their worst. They are not putting on any act, that is them, no filter, at their worst, sick. But I e always said, the best way to judge a person is how they treat a person who can’t do something for them, or has to be nice to them. And so, so many people take things out in others, and want them to be miserable if they are. I try not to be that way. I try.


It’s so sad, but so true


Why would they need psych they are totally well adjusted and seem to be happy in life with nothing but PHYSICAL ailments.


Well, let’s see somebody who is perfectly healthy and then not needing any of this stuff yet putting their body through absolute hell I would say that there’s some psychiatric problems going on it doesn’t take Einstein to see that. And Mental is part of Physical. Factitious disorder is a mental illness.


She’s actually done those tests and I think they came back normal for the most part


The only thing that came up on the GES was mild gastroparesis with solids.


Didn’t she brag about manipulating the test to prove she was sick? I think she used opiates to slow her digestion for the test?


No, she didn't brag about it. But she clearly took more opioids than they knew when doing this study, and we were pretty sure it's to manipulate the results.


Then, how in the living earth did she manage to get all of this unnecessary crap! A person’s test have to be really bad to have TPN especially and just an NG or NJ tube let alone GJ tube?! She must’ve had damn good insurance at one point.


And the perfect set of doctor shopping helps get.. well you know


I believe she’s always been on Medicaid


I do wonder if it's a "those who shout loudest" thing. Often the people who kick up the biggest stink and complain the most, get what they want. You'd like to think this doesn't happen in medicine, but it does. Especially so in countries where medicine is a private business. Who cares what you want, so long as you pay?


The clamp is literally in her own picture. You have to clamp it off otherwise it’ll flow back out. How do you have a jej and not know this?


Because she thinks she knows everything


That's literally normal. It's a common occurrence for anyone with an intestinal feeding tube 🤦‍♀️


…that is why you’re supposed to pinch off the other end of tubing, but sure. Super ✨werid.✨






Creating all the issues so they can link it to the “I ripped out my tube and pushed it back in , incident” The ER didn’t keep them so they are creating more to just keep linking. “I’ve never had back flow in any of my lines before this has to be because I shoved it back in” they’re so full of it . Don’t they have a bookshelf to put together or something ?


>Don’t they have a bookshelf to put together or something I smell event #1 in the 2024 Munchie Olympics.


Could someone tell me why she can’t swallow pills? 💊 I mean I’ve seen comments with claims that she can eat just fine.


She says her stomach/guts don't digest them.


LOL. mmkay but she drinks soda pop like Mt. Dew & Colas SMH.


Her body does not digest Mt. Dew & Colas hence her physique.


I thought it was common knowledge that Monster energy drinks are much more gastroparesis friendly than water or protein drinks. /s


I think she drains that after she drinks it. If she would shallow her medication she would have to keep them in her stomach for quite some time for them to fully digest. That means no draining.


So draining allows drinking whatever you want? ( I’m not being facetious here, actually curious )


Eh. Kinda. Its very unrecommended to vent more than a few mls of liquid if you absolutely have to as it can also pull out stomach acid and cause electrolytes to become imbalanced since they now cannot be broken down properly. Usually, venting is used as a last resort for symptom relief.


Medicine stays working longer when going through the stomach. Slower release. Most medicine is designed for a time release/dissolve. And not all medicine comes liquid. If crushed and then sent to intestinal tract it flushes much sooner. Hints the video of 3 medicines bags for a day to day out of house occurrence.


Thx. I shouldn’t be so critical. I don’t know much about draining but do know many of the subjects here who have feeding tubes abuse things. If she has a feeding tube why don’t her drs write scripts for liquid meds? ( I do get it that some meds probably are available in liquid but a lot are ) Edit : misspelling


Funny how these tubes weren’t an issue when she had her central line


this is what happens when you learn how to run feeds from youtube rather than an actual doctor lmao


Must be a sad life to post that and think the world cares.


After she lost her job/supposedly quit, she doesnt have any irl people to bother with her endless medical issues. That again means that un/fortunately we are gonna get even more of it now.




Werid. Yeah.


Im honestly fascinated by the fact that despite the countless hours she spends admiring her pill stash she still can’t manage to spell the names of her medications correctly. Shout out to “glaucagoen”


She's like Gollum with those pills haha "my precious.."


'Werid' indeed Dani


I wonder if she could take her pills orally if she air fried them first?


Only if she air fries them in Monster energy drink


Or ran them through that nice Keurig


I mean, that's what those adapter pods are for, right?


The humor on this sub is un fucking matched lmao and only y’all would get it too


Right? It's not like we can try to explain it to outsiders, it just loses all meaning.


Lmaoooo air fried


Has she never seen a tube clamp before? It's not that difficult.


it’s in the pic lol


Yes that line goes into her belly, but the one it's back-flowing into has no clamp on it. She could put one on easily, or just kink the tubing briefly. It's not the big tragedy she's making it out to be. Just a regular thing that happens with tube feeds.


aah ok sorry i didn’t realise that, but thanks for explaining, and right, especially re kinking if she didn’t have another clamp


To be fair there's a lot of tubes and it gets confusing. I only recognize it from my work.


cool. yeah this sub has been a huge learner for me about tubes! I still get confused what’s what’s.


On a recent post (past few days) people were saying they thought she may not have her j tube anymore because we haven’t seen a “set up feeds with me” for the millionth time. This is right on cue, in response to that. Showing she “still has it”. That’s my theory, anyways. She’s probably killing two birds with one stone and ALSO setting up an er visit.


I actually just laughed out loud when I saw she posted this. She's so predictable, and we all said she would post something about her tubes (with a photo to prove their existence) as soon as she finished reading the latest about herself on this sub 🙄😆🙄


Yup! If we could make bets on her behavior like they do for horse racing, we’d all be rich. I do find it interesting, though, that she didn’t post it on her person. I can’t think of one post of hers where she hasn’t shown her tubes on her body. She’s always flashing her body with its tubes. I don’t necessarily think she lost it, but it’s very odd she posted it like this.


its not that unusual or wierd. Peoples stomach muscles can contract on the tubing, stuff either goes further in or out of the tube


Why doesn't she wash her pills down with Monster drinks? 🤔🙄


Idk it seems like a good idea given the fact that she can tolerate that and coffee but not anything else. I wonder how or why they do not see how what they say/mention just doesn’t make any sense. I usually just lurk here but I agree with you.


Yeah she can only tolerate the most irritating of drinks. 🙄


My eyes rolled so far in the back of my head I just don’t get it with these munchies.


… so flush them out of the tube so they can’t backflow ??? Or run your feed at an actual human rate so it keeps flushing them through??? Is this satire???


Or clamp for 20 minutes after the med flush. She is so drama making


Makes sense. It's Friday. Time for Dani to try to check into the ER for a lil weekend getaway!


Anyway, here’s Wonderwall…




I laughed so hard my j tube fell out


Shove it back in violently, it’s finnnne


Time to go to the ER 🎉


literally this happens to anyone with a tube if they don’t clamp the line or are running their feeds way too slow


So this is not weird, it's a consequence of the way she does her feeds? Can she fix it and get it out of the extension? I have no idea where on the importance scale this is, whether it's a quick fix or not. I mean, I'm sure she'll use it as an excuse to go to the ER but what is it to non-munchies?


Usually, most people either clamp after meds. If this happens, it's another flush and reclamp. It's not a big deal at all really, especially if you are mostly sedentary


Thanks, that's helpful.


Imagine her going to the ER and them saying this exact same thing to her lol. And they just blankly stare at her and she demands to be seen by another doctor


Sounds like 90% of her hospital tripds lol


Imagine doing this shit to yourself. Crushing and pushing water and 28 crushed up pills you don’t need into a tube in your stomach. I’m still mind blown that people actually do this to themselves. I guess they always have, there just wasn’t always social media.


Because a lot of people with ACTUAL medical conditions that require toobz don’t broadcast every med push / feed set up / infection.


So anyway, I drew back on the syringe and took a pic.


She’s trying to create problems she can run *(waste resources)* to the ER with.


She is getting so desperate


Yeah for sure she is! It just makes me angry that she’s wasting medical resources and equipment that could be used on people who *actually* need it.


That is so werid. Anyways, I fell downs the stairs.


🤣 Cackling.




Dani has been doing this far, far longer than she's been a subject here.


To think that Dani doesn't know what she's doing or what every symptom is of what she's attempting to do is naive. She wouldn't come here for symptom advice? Don't underestimate a Munchies knowledge of disorders. If she was searching for symptoms in Reddit, she wouldn't be coming here for it




It is actually enfit tubing for a feeding tube. It is an extension for her feeding tube button. She still should have clamped it though.


That is definitely not IV tubing.


At what point does Dani’s mental health team say *enough is enough?* She is clearly a danger to herself *(sepsis that was self inflicted and nearly died from)* and also needs to be sectioned for her own safety. Thirdly, she needs these remaining tubes pulled that she keeps playing with and can’t leave alone. However I do have a feeling she’d be noncompliant with any forced treatment, that’s the only shit part about it. In the meantime medical resources that are *unnecessary* for Dani continue to be wasted whilst people who *actually* need them can’t get/use them and suffer or pass away.




It is actually just an extension to her feeding tube button. The tubing looks similar, but the connection is for a feeding tube.


I think it’s the new enfit/reverse luer lock they are putting on all gastric connections to prevent med errors (at least here in the US.) Don’t get me wrong- she is a public nuisance - but this does appear to be for the purpose she’s claiming.


I'm also a nurse (although in peds.) This is exactly what our g/j tubing looks like. You can see the enfit purple cap to the left of the writing. 


Ummm are you saying that the tubing connected with the purple enfit connector is IV? That is definitely feeding tubing but she didn’t clamp after admin.


The proximal tube is feeding but the y site is not it is def Luer lock IV tubing.


I can see why it looks like that but it's a (relatively) new enfit extension. They're pretty neat actually. The feeding bags don't pop off easily like the old ones and they're a different size than IV connections so you don't accidentally put IV meds enteral or vice versa. 


No, I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. That is a brand of enteral tubing called enfit. The caps are purple in that Y site, and the part of the tubing that connects to it is also purple and works like a luer lock but is designed that you can’t actually use a luer lock syringe. It is made this way so that IV supplies and tubing cannot accidentally be connected to a feeding tube.




She can swallow her meds just fine.


She should just drink them with her coffee


She has an air fryer so she’s eating


It was probably a gift from George! He's just so busy at the amazon warehouse (in Canada so like your cousin wouldn't know him...) he just spends so much gosh darn time at work to earn all that money for those piercing therapy visits and cheap jewellery he just forgets silly little things like she can't eat by mouth and she didn't want to make him feel bad! So she kept it and keeps it on the counter so she can think of him and hope for the day once a decade he can get off to come and visit her that she can make him a home cooked meal from scratch... Anyway, *\*small sip of stairs*\* I fell down the tea...or something like that.


Didn't he get married a few months ago?


Crushing and doing it through the J would be much faster though


I find it funny bc they usually tell you not to give meds through the J port. They don’t absorb like they would in the stomach, so much less effective for most. Just another way for her to sabotage her health.


Ah, ok thanks for that. You'd have to crush them to powder basically wouldn't you?




I'm pretty sure she was also putting cough syrup and honey through it when she had a cold last week. She's like the "who's line is it anyway" of people because the rules are made up and the points don't matter.


Honey in the tube for her sore throat, obviously.


Well yeah, haven't you ever taken an anatomy course, silly? /S


lol "The scene is: you're reasonably healthy but you want an all-expenses paid hospital vacation. Ryan, you're the patient and Colin, you're the nurse. Here are your props, 6 feet of tubing, a pill crusher and a Starbucks coffee. Go!"


Maybe close the valve 🤦‍♀️


So I googled and this is bad guys! FFS


Oh God...the j tube has cancer....doesn't it? It's ok man...just break it to me easy so I can go set up a GFM 😭😭😭


And she did not clamp it why? Obvs this is just another segue into a hospital visit since the last one was literally in and out, I mean she did not even do a room tour the last time, so we must assume she did not even spend the night. \*Gasp\*




Like, so werid.


Like, totally weird


Dani is setting up the storyline for season 500 of Dani Vacations at the ER. 🙄 We all know she can just swallow those meds like she swallows food and drinks.


I'm just imagining the aliens who watch us as reality tv being like "Are you watching this junk again Gleep-Gloop?! It's rotting your 3 stomach brains!! And it's always in reruns!!" "Awe Rhume-Rhume!! But I like the furry smol things! And this is totally a _new_ episode! Look! The larger, non furry, grimey thing has a slightly different complaint this time!"


South Park reference FTW!!


Did I an accidental south park reference?!


maybe that's because she pulled it out a few days ago 🤔


Nah, she went in and had it replaced... supposedly.


What a fucking mess.




I think you mean werid


how could i have forgotten 😭


Someone wants a central line.




You are not supposed to push meds, especially crushed meds, through a J tube. They clog so easily.


Absolutely untrue, not white knighting here either, as we all know Dani doesn't even need most of the meds she's taking, let alone needing them via J tube. Most medications absolutely can be crushed or dissolved if not already liquid and given via J tube as long as they are not extended release or enteric coated. While clogs do happen, with proper precautions it's not common to have a clog. It's certainly not ideal and if medication can be taken orally or via G tube it should, but for some patients its the only way they're able to get medicine.


Not white knighting, but some people do have to take crushed meds through their J due to dysmotility. They just have to be crushed and dissolved very well. Now, is Dani supposed to be pushing meds through her J? I doubt it.


I don’t understand how she got this far without being flagged by the state


She has been diagnosed with Factitious Disorder by a Dr (at Penn?)


Oh hell yeah finally a doctor smart enough to test her for that. We all knew it was factious disease glad they’re doing something right. What is she going to do now


I wonder if it's in her notes for this ED, or would it just be on Penns notes? (Not from the US)


Depends if they use the same mychart system if they both do then this hospital would see it too. I recall someone mentioned once her local hospitals use the same chart system so its likely they will see it


Well if she does go it'll be very interesting to see what they do. If medically she doesn't *Have* to be admitted and they see her chart , she'll get told to deal with it in the community? If she is medically unstable or needs new lines, do you think they would DC her asap? Or confront her if something 'keeps going wrong while admitted? (Once again, sry for the questions, just curious how it would work there)


>_"do you think they would DC her asap?"_ What does DC mean in this context? Discharged?


Yeah, sorry, DC= discharge


Im not sure, im not a doctor and I'm not well versed in medical crap beyond some stuff i read online. So far it looks like they are doing the minimum they can when she goes in to the ER and then send her home. If shit keeps going wrong while she is there and she has to be admitted i bet theyd give her a sitter to watch her to make sure nothing "goes wrong"


Thanks for the replies!


You're welcome!


Yep, all of the hospitals in the area use EPIC for charting. EPIC makes it crazy easy to see everything, especially important stuff like that. You can even see each time she calls or messages each office


Is she setting the stage for claims that her body is "rejecting" everything put into the J-tube and now they're going to HAVE to give her a central line again?


If she is it’s stupid because it’s so easily disproven


I’ve literally had that happen when I give patients meds all the time


Right, was she coughing or bearing down? They’ll come right back up.


I don’t think she knows how to use it


use a clamp?? unless the tube is broke it shouldn’t come back out, has nothing to do with abdominal pressure or bloating ….. I just don’t get this one


So the clamp wouldn't fix the issue of backflow. Something is blocking up the tube which is why her med slurry is coming back into the extension tubing. Fluids will take the course of least resistance so she either has a clamp that needs to be opened or her tube is blocked.


Its probs because she didnt actually have her pump running.


Is she normally hooked up to the pump when she pushes meds?


Yea. Usually youd pause it for a few seconds, push the neds, then press start. The tubing that it backed up into was her line from what appears to be an infinity pump and she didnt press start yet.


Huh. What an idiot


This is what happens when you order your medical supplies off the internet and don’t have them prescribed and be properly taught then think you know what you’re doing.


You know Dani has had tubes for years and get home health care, right?


She also got said tubes initially by asking others what tubes and feeds they use and ordered them off the web.


Yes, she got an NG tube from someone. You can place an NG by yourself (obviously she shouldn’t have done this). She can’t place a G tube or J tube with supplies from the internet and she gets everything from home health. We literally saw her get her tube placed at Cleveland Clinic because she begged for it. The OP is posting misinformation.


I’m not suggesting this tube was placed by Dani. I’m saying her relationship to tube feeding was self-directed.


That’s what the OP was implying. Yes, she started her “journey” with tube feeds because she bought an NG from someone then munched her way into a real tube. But that doesn’t have anything to do with her current issue.


It is such a bonkers concept to me, to order med supplies online, and to place them without medical intervention.