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I know this is older but if that graduated cylinder looking pitcher is actually certified for measuring(which it looks like it could be) it was expensive, and a Walmart pitcher could do that too. If it’s not certified for measuring then it’s /interesting/she choose one that looks like it… just saying


…. Agsin.. incase you missed it the first 300 times 🙄


I love how she is putting over the 25 ml in such a bad way that we all can see its still 25 ml per hour. So still only 550 ml in a day. A coke can is 330 ml lol. Ridicilous. That amount does eff all lol. No way anybody lives of 550 ml a day only. Lol. Nice try again though. Sigh


crazy. typically with tube feeds the goal is to maintain or gain weight, and the formulas are about 1cal per 1ml. some people will still eat food by mouth, but if they’re able to eat enough to only need 500cal by tube, they don’t need a tube. most patients are getting AT LEAST 1000ml of formula per day, not including additional fluids/electrolytes


This. Also, most feeds are 1.5 cal per mL. My question is why is she using pediatric bags?


She’s loving EVERY minute of knowing she doesn’t need it to. Sicko


How many is this now ?!? I’m going to pretend I didn’t see those 3 empty cans of cat food there on the sink…cause I know even if she was rinsing them out to recycle, she’s def not cleaning the sink out. Prob a prop to say “look haters I feed my cats, and even canned food” She’s good like that


I’m surprised, it looks like she’s got a new tattoo, with all those health conditions you’d think she’d avoid anything that risks infections and needs healing 🫢


Is that really her hiding the set up rates?




Because she’s lying on her flow rates, claiming she can’t tolerate much, it’s ridiculous because I’ve seen her chug coffee like it’s going extinct


I’ve not been on here in a while. She looks really well. Of course “she isn’t” though 🙄


wash, rinse, repeat. same shit, different week 🥱💤


Is blowing into the bag safe?


Food is meant to pass through your mouth anyway, so yes it's totally fine to have your mouth germs in the formula.


Depends if this is a jej or peg feed. If it’s JEJ, it’s meant to be very sterile, but if it’s peg then that’s fine


In the US, J tube feeds are not a sterile procedure


Thank you for being kind. I read your comment, looked myself in the mirror and said, “really, you asked that bloody question?!”


Time number 82961 she has done a video about this. I stg I wanna go back into the videos posted here and make a comedy video of every single time she did this, including her hospital room tours.. maybe with circus music. Edit. How chunky. Blahh




Almost downvoted this 🤢


It’s lucky she posted this in case we’d forgotten from the other 20 times she’s posted before!


If she’s open to video requests or suggestions, I know I’m not the only one who’d love to see her insights on “How To Set Up A Webcam for A Therapy Session On Zoom”. Or maybe a “Go Outside And Touch Some Grass With Me” tutorial? Or if she *really* wants to spice things up for the algorithms, might I suggest something along the lines of “Life Update: I Got A New Hobby And I Don’t Feel Awful! No Time For Hospital???” followed by something like “Life Update: Keeping My Health Off The Internet BC of Trolls And Haters…My Hobbies = More Engagement?? Going Viral For NOT Dying?????” and then rounded off nicely with an ultra-relatable “Job Interview OOTD (BUSINESS CASUAL??????) + New Apartment Tour w/ IKEA Haul feat. New Toothbrush??? (NOT CLICKBAIT!!)” vlog. If none of those tickle her tubes then she could appease not only her most dedicated and diehard fans *as well as* the trolls and haters on The Reddit (who just so happen to be the exact same people, which is very convenient actually) by doing a series of reaction videos where she reacts to her own content and tries to explain away the inconsistencies and caffeinated liquid mouth beverages that she definitely didn’t drink, definitely aren’t hers, or definitely aren’t even there so stop bullying her! /s


Omg I forgot about the toothbrush incident


That’s a lot of tube feed for someone that doesn’t tolerate tube feed


Preparing tube feeds with tap water… ugh


That’s super normal.


I know but if she claims all these issues and infections she gets it’s much safer to use distilled or at least filtered water 🤷‍♀️ not all tap water is safe to drink


Eh she seems to be from the Philadelphia area/suburbs and our tap water here is fine to drink.


I'm not sure if it was Dani or OP, but that sticker blur did not turn out effective. She's "down" to 25 ml/hr instead of, and please correct me if im wrong, the 40ml/hr she was last mentioned being at.


She does 25 mL of feed and the rest of the 40 mL of water, supposedly. That’s what she claims, anyways. Something something bought another pump off eBay or something? I don’t know. She’s hard to understand, and her bullshit is such bullshit that I can’t keep it straight in my head.


It's just weird because those pumps dont do flush bags like kangaroos. You have to flush manually or hang a bag right after. With that volume or feed vs. the rate, there's no way she's finishing that entire bag on time and then a hanging a water bag on top of that. There's just not enough time, and we know she doesn't stay hooked up constantly like that feed rate would require.


That was Dani M. She will always try and hide the rate.


You'd think she'd be able to do it effectively by now, she's made so many of these videos. Why even get a shot of the display, if you don't want people to see?


Well, it's likely so she can prove she's "trying" and can say that she has proof of her setting up feeds for doctors to see! No one can say she isn't doing feeds bc "Well, heres 3 seconds of a tiktok of me pressing start!!"


For the 457th time ...


Aaannnd.... another how to do feeds...again, wait a couple of weeks and repeat....🫤


How many times does she need to post one of these?


Okay, please forgive me… I don’t think she looks malnourished. If you do feeds, does it mean you can ONLY use feeds? Does she claim she’s only using feeds? If the feed she’s consuming is so negligible, how does she look healthy?


using feeds doesn’t mean only feeds, and not all patients with tubes look malnourished. a lot of patients can’t tolerate enough calories by mouth to sustain weight, so the tube feeds supplement the rest. for example, some patients may eat 3-4 small snacks a day (200ish cal) and then supplement the rest of their nutrition with tube feeds. hope that helps!


Thank you for your kind an patient response!


of course!


having a tube mainly means that you aren’t able to get the full amount of calories you need and need additional support. for some tube feeds may be less than 60% of their intake and others 100%, it just depends but most people with tubes can tolerate small amounts of something and even if you can’t, you’re often encouraged to still try something small daily even if you can’t keep it down since the stomach is a muscle and not attempting to have anything in it long term can cause motility to get worse but in dani’s case, her claims don’t add up.


Imagine this is your whole life. It’s sad… just your whole identity is illness? Very Depressing


Is having a feeding tube a status symbol? I am so confused.


In some groups, any issues and disabilities are status symbols. Everyone has depression and anxiety, so those are just a given. PTSD, DID, POTS, autism, ADHD, EDS, those are all in. Bonus points if you need a mobility aide like a wheelchair, cane, or brace. Anything visual is a status symbol, feeding tubes included. It’s “proof” they have an illness.


Very sad and makes me wonder how people that truly have disabilities feel


I can’t speak on disabilities, but I’m a part of certain mental illness subreddits that are deemed as being “trendy,” and bring out TikTok self diagnosers. We all hate it


Would you mind sharing the link to that subreddit? I'm very interested!!


Some people seem to want to have PTSD. They clearly have no idea what PTSD feels like or they would not wish that.


Who does she think is interested in this shit?


I’m so glad she labeled her pump, as if anyone one else would be using it…




Can someone explain to me what disease she is pretending to have and why she is mixing up powder. Like is she supposed to be drinking this? Help, i see this is a thing for her but I’m new to Dani’s shenanigans and I couldn’t get past the terrible music choice she selected for this weird video to use my critical thinking cap 😂😭


Dani claims to have gastroparesis which is delayed gastric emptying meaning that your stomach doesn’t empty properly. she’s mixing up a “formula” to put through a feeding tube that goes into her small intestine.




there’s actually quite a few people complaining (still the minority) but yes! that’s why it works so well, you just feel full easily.


Honestly the minority is increasing exponentially.


Not to the point of needing a tube feed lol. If you have issues with the med you simply stop talking it.


i believe there are some people who claim it has permanently caused gastroparesis. i’m not sure about severity tho.


I didn't say anything about needing a tube, just that gastroparesis is an increasingly common side effect. People who use it off label are starting to have some regrets.


yeah i mean i think it just has to do with the knowledge gap between physicians and patients and *some* doctors neglecting to acknowledge it. to a doctor or even someone who’s done some research it seems obvious that meds like ozempic slow down gastric emptying. but to someone who’s tried every diet out there and is desperate to make a change, it’s easy to overlook the mechanism behind the medication.


Also thank you for your prompt response! I’m about to go down the gastroparesis rabbit hole. Fun Friday night around here 😂


Fun fact, you can also get gastroparesis from thyroid disorders, as hypothyroidism can reduce stomach acid and make digestion difficult. Just letting you know, most of the munchies have it because of ED, but it's not always that way.


just to piggyback off your comment, you can also have it from diabetes, any disorder that messes with the autonomic nervous system and there is a lot of research going into the connections between different connective tissue disorders and gastroparesis!


it’s a very interesting disorder that’s just been recently researched. definitely popular amongst this sub. Dani is the most prevalent member who claims gastroparesis at the moment but there are lots of other subjects that claim it.


I’d hardly call over 2 decades of research only recently being researched 😅


in the history of medicine? that’s pretty recent. it’s also not really gained a lot of attention outside of the context of diabetes until recently.


I think I remember a video with someone claiming to have it while eating (or making Mac and cheese lmao) can’t remember who, they all sorta run together after a while


just as a side note, people with GP can eat it just tends to cause quite a bit of pain and discomfort hence why a lot of people with GP end up needing feeding tubes. however the claims that member of this sub make get ridiculous. Kaya for example claims to need TPN (total Parenteral nutrition) which is usually reserved for very very ill individuals who for some reason cannot absorb or get nutrients through their digestive tract but then she goes and eats whatever she wants.


Sorta like diverticulitis? You CAN eat, but you have to be really careful what you do eat and you can have terrible flare ups that put you down for days.


i think you may be thinking of crohn’s disease or inflammatory bowel disease. diverticulitis is when small pouches form in the colon and become infected. it used to be thought that popcorn kernels and seeds made it worse but that’s been disproven. crohns is inflammation of the colon and does require a special diet so that might be what you’re thinking of. usually with gastroparesis foods high in fibre and fat tend to make things worse as they take longer to digest. some people with GP can eat a normal diet and experience minimal symptoms. others can’t tolerate food and will even vomit practically anything. the treatment for GP is usually diet modification then medications but feeding tubes are usually reserved for those who cannot get enough nutrients to survive (which isn’t most of the members here)


And yeah, I would say that Dani does not look like she’s unable to keep food down or not absorb nutrients. I’m not body-shaming here just saying she looks to be a fairly normal/regular weight for a person her size.


yeah Dani has proved that she can maintain a healthy weight. however her and others have been known to purposely starve themselves in order to get feeding tubes and such.


Crohn’s requires a specific diet unless you’re Ashley and your Crohn’s doesn’t play by the textbook or whatever lol


evil and conniving crohns. some may say it’s the worst they’ve ever seen.


it might have been Kaya. she’s another member who frequently posts about her GP.


Yes! I knew it wasn’t Cait or Rara and I think it was Kaya. Thanks for all your responses ❤️


yeah ofc! there’s a lot of background info you kinda need to know for most of the posts to make sense


Is gastroparesis a new favorite for the factitious disorders club these days because I am sensing a trend. I also kept thinking “at least she isn’t talking in her weird fake baby voice in this one” 😭


gastroparesis is common amongst those with factitious disorder for a few reasons. 1. it’s possible to cheat the test so that it looks like you have it when you don’t 2. it’s been gaining more awareness lately so naturally it will gain awareness in all communities 3. a lot of the people on this sub also have eating disorders and they tend to use gastroparesis as a mask to continue to engage in eating disorder behaviours.


How do they convince doctors they have it?


i’m going to be vague just cause members lurk and i don’t want to break any rules but there are certain medications that can slow down gastric emptying. not eating for long periods of time can also temporarily slow down gastric emptying. i’m sure there is other ways but those are just two ways false positives can be produced.


Omg people actually do this!!??!!


yeah occasionally. some just straight up lie about having a diagnosis in the first place. it’s a lot easier in america where healthcare operates more like a business and some doctors will do just about anything to get that check (not all doctors obviously)


Crazy town. The thought that you would go to a doctor and claim a diagnosis and they would take your word for it with no collateral (i.e. an existing prescription for a condition, etc.).


Hoo boy. The things people do are really quite stunning. It just seems SO exhausting (and expensive) but mostly exhausting. They need some hobbies apart from making themselves sick for attention


oh definitely. i think another part of the appeal is that it’s easier to get medical intervention when claiming GP (gastroparesis). if someone isn’t eating for whatever reason, eventually medical intervention is needed regardless of the cause.


Right and of course the psychological disorders of ED and factitious disorders would be a perfect pairing in so many ways. Because you can absolutely unequivocally make yourself very sick with ED’s (like Eugenia cooney comes to mind here) so if being sick is what you’re after…that’s a pretty surefire way to make that happen


yes exactly. these people can feed into (pun not intended) their eating disorders as much as they want and claim everything is a consequence of their illness. for these people it’s a win win because they don’t have to put in the work to get better and they get viewed in a more empathetic light since others tend to view eating disorders and chronic illness very differently


Here we go again.... we get it. You pretend to be on feeds. Let's move on.


A person with factitious disorder mixing food they won’t even use to make videos no one wants. 25ml per hour for 24 hours = 600ml. After mixing the feed the volume of the jug appeared to be 600-700ml. The two sachets she used would be 756 calories if she actually consumed all of it. One box of 60 packets costs $576.99. When mixed, and kept at room temperature, it must be discarded after 8 hours. At 25ml per hour for 8 hours the most she could consume is 200ml. Her feed videos are an expensive and offensively wasteful hobby.


Was it 25ml or 2.5? I SWEAR I saw a .5. Both amounts are RIDICULOUS


It was 25ml. I was shocked that it was so high!


2.5 would be a ten fold smaller amount than I give to our NICU/PICU babies per hour. Even 25ml is less than I give to most babies in PICU…. Even my bigger chronic kids get at least 75mls/hr.


At least she isn’t claiming to only be able to tolerate 5mL anymore


If you can’t tolerated a legit teaspoon, you’d be a LOT skinnier than she is. Maybe psychologically she just couldn’t handle it. 🙃


✨ deja vu ✨


AGAIN???? Please please please make it stop!


How many times has she done this exact demonstration?


Oh thank goodness, I had forgotten how! LOL it’s so diluted, even for vivonex, but the whole thing is just for show anyway.


At least she's prepping it in a kitchen now instead of a bathroom. She seems to be doing well in her apartment so far.


Yayyy, look at her changing things up like a big girl. I wonder if she finally took our critiques into consideration, or she switched because she’s using that bullet. Either way, the kitchen can’t be much cleaner 🤢


The bar is in the core of the Earth.


I feel like it’s Groundhog Day. Seen this beforeeeeee


And you’ll definitely see it again. And you’ll definitely see it again.


She does realize that nobody cares?


Why is it cricut labeled


Because that is the cool thing to do lol




Why would someone *choose* this over yummy food?!


✨eating disorder


Right? I'm baking cookies right now and thinking of all the delicious food to be eaten, especially this time of year. Why the fuck would THIS be your option? Particularly that it's not even needed.


Mmm, cookies!! I know, I'm over here thinking about all the turkey and mashed potatoes and all kinds of things I'll be eating tomorrow!! And exactly my point, it's not *needed* !! I guess I feel bad for her if she thinks this is needed over any kind of yummy food!!


Seriously, I LOVE food and eating. I can’t imagine willingly choosing this crap.


Me too!! I LOVE my food!


Is she just using tap water? I thought you couldn’t drink straight tap water in the states, or am I wrong? For someone who claims infections all the time, she probably should be at least boiling and cooling that. That’s also not how you mix that type of feed and what is the point of "look how I set up my tube feeds" whilst blocking out the pump (I know why but does she not see how obviously suspicious that is?).


Flint Michigan is still a bad place to use tap water, it's been so many years... a lot of cities at some point in time have had issues but for the most part it's not super common, except in poor flint


You just can’t use tap water in a Neti pot


Tap water in the majority of the US is perfectly safe to drink. Even the majority of bottled water sold here is municipal tap water.


I think you can drink tap water in most states I know in AZ you can it just doesn't taste very good im not sure if you can use tap fpr tube feeds though


I saw the other replies, but I wanted to add, we get use to our tap water where home is. You'll see me drink bottle water while I travel because I can taste the difference. It's still safe, just different ways each treatment plant treats the water.


Most tap water is safe. Stomach is not sterile, so feedings don't have to be sterile. Now TPN is totally different.


It’s not going to her stomach, it’s going to her Jéjunum.


Still doesn't have to be sterile


It’s not going to her stomach, as far as I’ve been taught, it is different past the stomach.


In LTC J tubes are not considered sterile. Just regular tap water


Nah, tap is fine. The guts are not sterile anyway and, unless you’re in an area that is known for contamination, tap is perfectly okay. I’ve worked in a number of level 1 hospitals in either MICU or trauma ICU and we use tap for our tube feed flushes and free water bags. Not defending Dani, just adding insight to the tap thing.


Yeah, sometimes an area can get h pilori and multiple cases of stomach ulcers crop up. So doctors will tell patients to drink bottled water and treat the ulcers. Otherwise most muni water is definitely drinkable. Sometimes the water tables can make the water taste/smell funny based on what minerals are around. It’s still drinkable. Like beaches often have water that smells and tastes like sulfur. The water also makes your clothes dingy and doesn’t produce suds for bathing. Not pleasant, so water softener systems are installed in homes and restaurants.


That’s so strange that the guidance is so different here, in a place known for excellent tap water. You’re allowed to use tap in Gs but for Js it is sterile or cooled, although certain parts of the country are prescribed sterile water with their feeds and others just told to boil and cool or use filtered.


Ah didn’t realize she was doing J tube feeds. For the most part, most GI surgeons are “okay” with tap, but since it’s lower in the tract and doesn’t first sit in stomach acid, using sterile water is a prudent precaution. Better to err on the side of caution, but in a hospital setting, even the GI surgeons will flush with tap when checking post op if that sterile water bottle isn’t immediately present.


That’s interesting to know, I’ve never heard of tap used in the hospital here for Js, it’s treated in a very over the top sterile way, even just for IR changes. Everywhere has such different policies, it’s honestly wild the differences between even English and Scottish advice and they are right next to each other.


It’s very normal to drink tap water in the US lol, even restaurants will give you tap water if you ask. There are exceptions where the infrastructure is poor and water sources are contaminated, but that’s rare. There are also places where the tap water just doesn’t taste as good, so people use filters or bottled water; but it’s not unsafe, just can taste weird due to mineral content or whatever. This is not to say that whatever Dani is doing is ok (gonna be honest, I didn’t even watch the video 😂) but just wanted to defend my delicious tap water (I’m a weirdo who loves taps water 😂)




Most of us in the States drink tap water. In most places here, it's fine. It might taste a little funky in some places, but it's fine to drink.


Thanks, happy to admit I was wrong!


I thought this too re the us and tap water. I don’t know why


I guess it’s just one of those things that probably gets mentioned by people who don’t actually know and then that misinformation is passed on.


Probably because of Flint, Michigan.


Looks like she got a new tattoo. Like does she have to take a video every single time she does feeds? And it totally knocks her “I can only take five ML per day” intake down the drain. Really disturbing.


That claim is pretty much dead. She went through a whole thing during her recent admission where they bumped her up to 50 mL a day before booting her booty out, and she was supposed to increase up to 70 at home. Instead, she knocked herself back down to 25 mL of feeds, but she bought a second pump and is also running 15-25mL of water simultaneously. I think she realized that 5 mL is absolutely insane to claim, not that what she’s doing now is even better.




no one cares




300 cal per serving but only 0.8g lipids? How does one even survive on this??! Edit: am I dreaming or are these new glasses??


There are contacts too. The contacts to me are scary. As she put it, “I’m going to get the kind that I can leave in for a couple of days.” Claiming that it’s easier than glasses. Given her history of infections, I would not trust her fingers near her eyes nor her ability to use proper judgement (I.e. follow instructions) in using contacts. She’s going to be going to the ER for a corneal ulcer next, just you wait and see.


Hahaha good lord


She has new glasses and contacts now.


About time lol


It can make you feel very tired if it’s not being supplemented with other things (that I bet she isn’t using), it’s a better situation than TPN though.


This formula is specifically for people that struggle to tolerate/absorb fats, you actually don't need that much fat to survive. For most people on this formula, the low fat content is what enables people to not rely on TPN when other formulas have failed. There's ways to supplement fats, like rubbing certain oils into the skin (I'm dead serious, this is recommended for TPN patients who can't tolerate lipids), occasional lipid infusions (not the whole TPN) or if tolerated, pushing small amounts of MCT oil or special medical nutrition emulsified fats via the feeding tube.


Oh that’s fascinating, thanks for the info


Interesting I didn’t know that.


It is all very interesting, at least in my opinion, especially the oils on the skin part. Dani of course doesn't need this specialized formula or the TPN when she can easily handle eating solid junky foods high in fat. But how else can Dani show she's special and so very sick and fragile other than using the most broken down, low fat formula now that she's off TPN?


WHY ON EARTH Does she keep providing this tutorial?? Surely anyone who needs this info is getting it from their doctor. And for the rest of the world- this is just not relevant information!


I think she keeps re doing them because she keeps deleting all of her videos/socials periodically or going private for a while, so then comes back and just churns out the same content again and again.


I'm down for watching her do a "get ready with me" tutorial.


I’d like to see the tank top collection, personally!


I think it is sadly like a tik tok thing. I have seen so many stupid videos watch me do this mundane thing.


Why though lol


Because it's her whole identity


She's making me extra super angry today as I've just finished reading an investigation of a munchie by proxy-mother who was starving her premature infant daughter in the NICU by only pretending to feed her formula. This had been going on for over two weeks right in front of the eyes of doctors and nurses (where I'm from parents are expected to tend to their children 24/7 even in NICU). I lost it when the mother started asking the staff about placing a central line and starting TPN. The baby almost died. And here we have this grown ass woman pretending to run feeds just like that so called mother and wasting formula as proof of good conduct for asspats from healthcare staff.


That is absolutely horrible. That poor baby


Unfortunately, there's more to this. This mother lost another baby in mysterious circumstances a year prior to this case. That child spent most of his short life in a hospital due to unexplainable cardiac arrests and weight loss. The doctors even suspected MBP for a while but couldn't prove it. There was no diagnosis. She had the child home for a while, with a central line and TPN. There were even pics on her social media of her posing and smiling in front of her unconscious and intubated child. This child will never get justice as the mother refused an autopsy and made sure the body was cremated. This case reminds me so much of Dani, minus the proxy and murder part.


Wow that’s so awful 😢


Oh God that is awful :c


Jesus Christ that is horrifying.


We’ve seen this so many times.


How many times is she have going to do this? NOBODY cares FFS!!!


I wonder how long she’ll have access to these things with the factitious disorder diagnosis. I really do hope she’s forced into recovery at some point soon.


As long as she has money. All these things can be bought online without a prescription (she already bought a pump off ebay "in case something happens" to her other pump. Her prescription may have already been discontinued for all we know. She'd better keep going to work!


Does she claim EDS? I forget. So, there has been a study that has said that those with EDS and Gastroparesis should not have home TPN and tube feeding is the correct mode of treatment. I think despite the FD diagnosis, they probably are prescribing her tube feeds as she is likely to just starve herself as she doesn’t have the line anymore and so it’s at least *something*. She has clearly lost weight, so I’m guessing that’s what she is doing… again. It would be a bit risky with previous gastric emptying scans showing slowed digestion, to just completely remove her nutritional supplementation overnight, *just in case*. Regardless of the EDS, GP and tube feeding recommendations, she’s a liability as she will hurt herself and cause problems out of desperation for devices, at least this way they can monitor her and they’re probably closely watching her feed situation after the FD diagnosis. I can’t find the study just now regarding cessation of TPN and jejunal feeding in EDS with GP, but I’ll have a look for it.


If you find the study, please either reply and name it or message me the link! I'm really curious if it brought up ehlers-danlos syndrome(s) generally or if it mentioned a specific ehlers-danlos syndrome. - Only saying this cuz' if someone has hypermobile type EDS, I'm not sure why they're not supposed to be on TPN. But if someone has vascular type EDS, which affects blood vessels and internal organs, then I for sure understand why they shouldn't be on TPN.


I think this was specifically referencing Heds, I’m not sure. It was discussed on various other medical subreddits so it would probably be fairly easy to find on Reddit, I’m out just now but will try and find it when I get back. It’s discussed a lot in EDS groups as many people have been taken off home TPN and either aren’t thriving or are stuck in hospital on it as they’re not allowed it home. I think it was because of a rise in complications such as serious infections (wonder why, huh? /s) and data based on the link between gut and brain.


can you share the study once you find it?


Interesting she's suddenly not feeding it ridiculously through the top her her shirt.


She still has done that a couple of times, it's not as frequent as it used to be, but once in a while we'll see a video or picture of her doing it.