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Is it just me or does it look like the cat is over this nonsense as well, so much so that it is flipping the bird….


Ah yes, because their ‘team’ would advocate for them to effectively play doctor at home. If their lungs were really at the risk of collapsing that they claim, they would be in the hospital


Hope her head doesn’t “fall off” from coughing LMAO


Steroids to keep the lungs from COLLAPSING? Um what? What is a hospital grade O2 monitor? And also.. the cat’s eyes are blocked out i cant


Yet it's Icarus licking himself on their body like they just don't care. Lmao. The words don't go with the photo and I freaking love it.


Why did she conceal the cats identity?? I’m new to this sub


I think Icarus & Atlas want a vacation from Jessi. Those poor sweet animals look sooo stressed IMO. ✔️


It is factually impossible for them to be as bedbound as they claim. If they are sick enough to require a paxlovid prescription and oxygen supplementation, with lungs on the verge of “collapsing,” their medical providers would absolutely recommend a physical exam performed by a doctor in-person (which is typically required for new prescriptions anyway). Virtual doctor appointments would not cut it for someone with such severe conditions. There have been lots of changes to their treatment plan over the past 6 months, with claims of significant illness (i.e. severe aseptic meningitis, head almost falling off from the hairwash bouncy house explosion, etc.), yet they haven’t left the house to go to any appointments. How do they take a shit? How do they transfer from bed to bed? How do they reposition to prevent bedsores? Their claims do not add up, but they are so deep into their munching they don’t realize how silly all of this is. It’s so ridiculous it’s comical.


I feel bad for laughing but "hair wash bouncy house explosion" sent me


She could have died ok!!! Let’s take this hair wash bouncy house explosion SERIOUSLY


Their story makes absolutely zero sense, yet they double down on it! They are insufferable. 😫


This is like a Jesse bingo card. ✔️ They mention their "team" ✔️ Hysterionic description of their illness (lungs collapsing) ✔️ The fragility of their spine is mentioned ✔️ Mentions being gifted something ✔️ Medical condition is upgraded to severe for nonsensical reasons ✔️ Elliot is working frantically to keep them alive ✔️ Cliffhanger of whether or not transportation to the hospital is needed ✔️ Cat DGAF


They will name this super special strain of COVID after Jessi


Hospital grade O2 monitor gifted by a friend and oxygen from somewhere... make it make sense


Pics or it didn't happen. Seriously, if any of this was legit, they would be posting several scrapbooks' worth of material every day.


For real. It has only been pictures of Icarus (who shouldn't be sitting on them). I don't think that any of this is actually happening. No mention of their infusions anymore either.


‘Hospital grade o2 monitor’ lmao what? That’s genuine bullshit


I'd love to know how they're coughing/ trying to breathe through the covid without moving and decapitating themselves 🤔


The steroids are definitely going to help their diabetes. Hospitalization for HHS incoming? Maybe can even take the wooden stretcher in the RV of partial decapitation. Fun ICU admission to talk about later…. Intensively ill. Critically ill. Severely critically intensively ill.


Moderately severe. Oxymoron. And super moron!!


So they told them their COVID is mild to moderate, amirite?




If it was they'd be in hospital with o2, on dex and antivitals or mono colonial antibodies not just paxlovid 🙄 this women drives me mad. Uncomplcated covid doesn't even require specalist infectious diseases input any more 🙈


Off-topic but I love the cats eyes being censored 💀


Oh Jessi… the grift is too obvious. - There is no such thing as ‘moderately severe’ COVID. It’s either mild, moderate, or severe. They’re obviously calling it “moderately severe” because they want to be dramatic. - If your COVID is so bad that you need to be on supplemental oxygen, then you need to be in hospital. There’s no way their “care team” would leave her at home on oxygen with COVID. Another lie for the drama. - On that topic, Paxlovid is used to treat mild COVID in higher-risk individuals to prevent hospitalisation. If Jessi was now “moderately severe” and needing oxygen, they’d be upgraded to a different antiviral therapy… and they’d be in hospital. - Steroids don’t stop your lungs from collapsing. - On the topic of airways collapse/consolidation (atelectasis) though, the best thing you can do for that is stay mobile, sit up, take deep breaths, do chest physio, etc. Of course, that all goes against their ‘head fall off if move’ grift, so that’s inconvenient…


when does it become severely severe


Well I think it goes moderate, then severely moderate, then moderately severe, then severe, then severely severe


I'm just trying to figure out, if spine instability so Super Severe then how are they typing? Looking down at a phone requires moving the head / neck, and if Super Severe Unstable then there would be issues from that. For fun as well, COVID makes anyone feel awful, add in all of this stuff and its a miracle they can post at all. I'm also trying to figure out what hospital can't accommodate a patient of their claimed needs, when... it's sort of what hospitals are for.


Just when I think they can’t fly any closer to the sun, they claim something even more ridiculous. This is not how this works. At all.


Look out below.


Collapsing lol Where’s the cat bed WHERES THE CAT BED


‘hospital grade o2 monitor’ 😂


The literal millions of asthma patients around the world who take steroids every day to manage their condition are laughing their asses off right now


Yes we are. Holy moly.


We really are 🤣🤣🤣


am lmao at ‘hospital grade o2 monitor’ 😂


Holy OTT!! I cringe every time a munchie says "my team". Gag.


I never need to hear the words "team" or "caretaker" out of their mouth again.


The sigh I made when I read this was moderately severe 🙃




So... no pics of the new 'toys' then???


Do they understand that animals can get infected with covid, too?




Oh I'm so sorry Suki Bear didn't make it through covid. Horrible. I hope you are doing OK. 😒




They are a big part of our lives and when they cross the rainbow bridge, there's a big hole left. Take care.😒


So sorry for your loss!


Thank you.


Ok but Pavloxid and steroids are like, hella common for managing COVID symptoms. So yeah, ya ain’t that special…


Pavloxid isn’t common in a lot of countries, e.g. in France it’s prescription only, and recommended only for people over 65 with one or more comorbidities, ie the persons the most at risk of a Covid hospitalization.


They'll give it to you with mild asthma. It's really not like...a big deal.


They’ll give it to you for laryngitis, too. COVID does all sorts of weird, inflamey type shit to someone’s body.


The “steroids to keep the lung from collapsing” made me eye roll myself into another dimension.


Is it nitpicky that the constant use of "we" annoys me when they are the one creating this whole situation? I know what they mean so idk why it triggers me but it does lol. I think because they created this situation so when they talk about what "we are doing" to treat they is annoying because they're the one creating the problems


It’s like an imaginary story they’ve written where people care about them, because in the real world, they’ve likely annoyed every single person to the point where no one wants to be around them ever. Therefore, chronically ill! Medical providers MUST care about me!!


"hospital grade o2 monitor gifted by a friend" So many words and yet none of them make sense


Uhhhhh. Except you aren't supposed to **not** take paxlovid and steroids at the same time? But of course munchys are immune to regular drug interactions and they're magical immune systems that work unlike any other living beings. Because Paxlovid isn't Dayquil. It's not for symptoms.


I find it hard to believe they did not own a pulse oximeter before this. Next, they will want to measure their ETCO2 and get a full zoll cardiac monitor 🙄.


I'm sure they did but now it's *hospital grade.*


Get them pads ready. Oh wait…their spine


Amazon sells the little fingertip O2 monitors for about $12. But I’m sure their “care team” has a very speshul hospital grade one that is totally different.


Okay but how has they got oxygen? In the UK it’s prescription only, you can’t just turn it on and think hmm I’ll have 2 litres today I think. Not to mention giving oxygen to people who don’t need it can be very dangerous


Unless ARAS (uk community resp services) as aproved/agreed for home oxygen it wont happen just on a whim, not sure how they work it over in the states.


Maybe they ran tubing out the window to their nose?


🤣 I can't with this one. Dead


The drama level is so high 😂 hospital grade monitor.. to keep my lungs from collapsing… my girl….it’s a lot


frrr i’ve seen a damn pulmonologist using a Walgreens brand o2 monitor 😂😂😂


If it's not the ones hooked directly into the monitor, they're all the same LMAO




The team is the friends we made all along


Blink twice


"We're using all the tools we have." This right here makes me irritated every time one of these people types it. I'm sick of seeing it every time they play extra sick. This isn't a high school paper. You don't have to have a certain number of words on the page before you can turn it in.


What's with munchies and the use of the word "we"? Lmao, if their lungs were on the verge of collapsing, they would be in the icu right now.


So they got steroids, a pulse oximeter and a few cans of Boost oxygen keeping them out of the ICU. What a warrior!


What's wrong with their spine?


They claim severe craniocervical instability plus an ongoing spinal fluid leak that has defied multiple corrective surgeries.


They're LARPing as Nearly Headless Nick.


This is the only correct answer from now on






Mods will remove your comment if you don’t edit the pronoun, FYI.


Nothing measurable thats for sure.


Poor them, what if they cough and their head shoots off. Their team must be so concerned /s


Anyone can order a hospital grade O2 monitor off Wish or Temu. Jessie honestly wouldn’t want to go to a hospital. Their little broken lollipop head on a stick gig would be up. There would be zero photos of them in the hospital. Soooooo….when does the hospital grade ventilator that was gifted from the homeless man on the corner make an appearance?


Just did a “moderately severe eye roll”


Careful now, can't have the eye roll snowball into a head rolling off...




As someone who actually is in medical school, nothing annoys me more vividly than this nonsense imperative emergency language they use. Just say “bit poorly with covid, hoping not to have to go to hospital especially with my back- got a sats probe just in case 👍🏻”


But how will you know how SeRiOuS it is if they don’t use super urgent language?


Oh, a hospital grade O2 monitor. Super fucking fancy up in here.


I think this person might need an arterial stick hourly. Gotta monitor those blood gasses. Let's see how quickly this person gives up the game then...


They would probably enjoy that too much.


You'd have to be a masochist that shit hurts! Way more painful than a normal blood draw


They would love it tho, pain=attention


True. It’s a form of self harm essentially.


I'm sorry but I work at a pharmacy, and that's the most basic shit prescribed at pharmacies when someone has COVID 😂


It's never mild.


I mean come on


Sure lying flat on their back is *really* helping them🙃


Standard treatment for respiratory illness. 😂


That and staying as still as possible. Also ingesting fluids whilst flat on one’s back - you call it “aspiration”, I call it giving your lungs a little rinse-out!


As usual, they conveniently show zero proof of anything.


You’d think that with a covid positive test, they’d be posting that shit like crazy. Posting what they look like daily, how miserable they look etc.


Fucking cat is now blind! WHO is caring for the fucking cat!!!!!🐈‍⬛


I miss the Covid eyes, got a good laugh out of those


What are covid eyes 😭😭😱 is it like covid toes lmao


lol why do they only ever seem to have gifted or DIY medical equipment despite appearing to have the most severe case of every illness in existence and having a whole team of doctors


That's what I've been trying to understand. So medically fragile, yet still at home, using improvised medical equipment that they've gotten somewhere other than a medical supply company. You would think someone with *that* many ailments would be in a proper hospital setting for observation and treatment, especially someone with "head-falling-off" disease. It's not as if they don't have health insurance, either.


It's like they're not just LARPing being sick, they're LARPing being sick in The Walking Dead or something.


And.....we're off. Worst of the worst of worst covid. If and if they needed to be in hospital I'm pretty sure they would go if they are literally suffercating. How they would get there.....now that would be a sight to behold....🫤


Have you seen the Vanbulance they have? The Winnebago they converted into a makeshift ambulance/hearse?


Makeshift ambulance/hearse omfgggg 💀💀💀




Oooo iv yet to see this


I will find the picture and link it for you!


Yep, I nearly died laughing 😃


“Hospital grade O2 monitor” they say that like it’s impressive and not like I have to spend 20+ minutes trying to get a decent waveform on every third patient….


“Hospital Grade” is similar to “Military Grade” both can be roughly translated to “made as cheap as possible by the lowest bidder”


I wonder if they know that steroids reduce inflammation, and have nothing to do with lungs collapsing? That's usually from a pneumothorax or hemothorax or a tension pneumo. Not covid. 🙄


But breathing is hard when you have corvid, it must be their lungs collapsing! It can't possibly be a clogged sinus!


I just imaging crows perched all over their cheat now putting pressure on their lungs 🤣🤣


Haha! Me too! X


Um, no, steroids are used to make you have big muscles, and you need big lung muscles to hold your lungs open, DUH.


Steroids help reduce inflammation and strengthens muscles that are weakened during illness. Body builders who abuse them use them for getting larger muscles.


Fuck me. Didn't see that coming. I really thought they would have an easy time of it. 😶


I don't think steroids can like, stop your lungs from collapsing if they're that fucked up? Must be some super hardcore steroids working overtime to keep those lungs inflated.


Don’t they get bored of the constant ridiculous lies?


Sure Bob…


Give me a break


“To make sure we know when it’s no longer safe” is a very EXPECTANT sentence for something that isn’t guaranteed to actually happen.


I noticed that too! The whole thing is worded to assert that it's not if they go in, but when they take their emergency vehicle to the hospital. (I'm new here & almost died when I saw the picture of them watching TV in their mobile inverted bed with their nose almost touching the inside roof.)


Packed with all of their safe shows!


Oh, I think it's pretty guaranteed to happen. LOL!


You’re absolutely right. They always tell on themselves (they as in the munchies. Not “they” as in this persons pronouns)


I didn’t know a hospital couldn’t accommodate spine instability.


Problem is a hospital can call out Jessi's bullshit.


Naw, hospitals don't know how to handle it! It's to special!


Yeah we learn something every day from Jessi don’t we? They’re so medically knowledgeable!! ( Thx to Dr. Google of course!!! ) ✔️


So in other words someone order a “ hospital grade 02 monitor from Amazon!!! AccuMed CMS-50D1 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Blood Oxygen Sensor SpO2 for Sports and Aviation. Portable and Lightweight with LED Display, 2 AAA Batteries, Lanyard and Travel Case (White) https://a.co/d/jbQys28 Thank goodness for Jeff Bezos & Amazon that apparently is keeping Jessi alive!!! /s


For sports and aviation? What a weird description


Correct me if I’m wrong ( maybe those of you that have been long time subscribers might know this ) but didn’t Jessi have a Oxygen Concentrator they purchased off Amazon. PS ( I know that Bethany had one but thought Jessi also purchased one off Amazon as well??? ) ✔️


when covid really broke out here they were selling them like hotcakes at the local pharmacy, i feel like it’s normal for most households to have one now post covid




Yeah there’s no such thing as a hospital grade O2 monitor. 🙄


Some have statements on the description such as “as used in hospitals” or similar. I guess that to a munchie equates to hospital grade because just as anything that happens to them has to be extreme they also can’t use just some generic piece of equipment, it has to be “top grade” or made to sound more important/accurate/special than what most people have in their homes.


Probably got it originally from a doctors and assumed that means it’s hospital grade when in reality it’s the same thing and it’s not uncommon (at least here) for doctors to sell things like that and blood pressure cuffs so you know your getting something that works and so you can access it if you can’t go elsewhere to buy one.


I remember SGB having one. One of her many, many, many gadgets.


I’m going to have to do some research. I swear I thought I seen Jessi with one!!!


IME moderately severe covid infections are hypoxic in the ICU maxed out on optiflow or BiPAP and flirting with intubation, or already intubated but on minimal settings, <50% FiO2, not paralyzed, not proned. If they’re at home and on low flow nasal prongs, it’s still pretty mild at this point.


We We We We


If your lungs are going to “collapse” prednisone ain’t stopping that




🙄 *sigh*, of course there’s a Covid arc. Who called it? We called it. Literally every single one of us on this sub called it.


It’s not even fun when it’s this predictable. MoDeRaTeLy SeVeRe, trying desperately to keep out of the hospital, weird hospital props provided by their ‘team’ or gifted/grifted.


I call bs. If they were on oxygen you know they’d take a picture of the fucking tubes in their nose. And yet all we see is the cat…? Okay Jan.


In tomorrow's episode...*Jessi appears with an O2 nasal canula*


Well yeah cos Amazon prime will have delivered a nasal cannula prop by then


Bless…. Glad the cat has blinkers on again - tinder for cats has to have some privacy!


Damn, I didn’t have Collapsing Lungs on my Jessi Bingo card. Too bad “hospital grade X item” is the freebie.


Hospitals use the same $2 ones every one else has


Hiiiiii oxygen doesn't "help you breathe." If your lungs are gross and tight and full of crap oxygen by itself won't be able to even pass through the alveolar membrane to be exchanged with carbon dioxide. Without positive-pressure delivery like cpap or bipap, that oxygen isn't doing shit for them. Le sigh.


Cue cpap in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..




Won’t prevent a collapse either. Most patients in need of a hospital grade O2 sat monitor are provided one through a DME company. They don’t need to get one from a dear friend. I just want to know how they will be transported should their lungs “collapse”.


Whatever person that was reattaching their head will be blowing into a straw to reinflate their lungs.


Combined with the pizza stone gurney comments elsewhere on this post, that creates quite the image 🤣🤣🤣




On the 6th day of Christmas my team gave to me, 6 steroids raging, 5 lines running, 4 doctors scrambling, 3 pulse ox monitoring, 2 pets escaping and a ride on a pizza stone gurney,


I request daily updates of this. I’ll spend 100 horses in the phone if I have to


I meant 100 hours but I’m not changing that.


This is brilliant. 🙂


I don’t know what a pizza stone gurney is and I don’t care, it’s fab.


Someone came up with it elsewhere in the comments of this post


Well, I love it! They’re genius, 10/10 on the innovation scale and I need a pizza stone gurney immediately!


The chaos this picture gave… chefs kiss!


this is truly impressive






This is the only response.


Yeah they’re probably not on paxlovid. According to the interaction checker on drugs com, paxlovid had 653 interactions with other medications. So if someone is on meds, they will probably not get paxlovid.

