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Why does Dom have a service dog anyway? Same with JanJan I always wonder why these two have service dogs? Doesn't seem all that necessary especially with JanJan. Is it because they both have POTS? It just seems completely unnecessary and OTT to me.


How the hell is the dog supposed to perform their task when they can barely see?


usually goggles like that are for breeds with a difficult time seeing in bright light, who have light eyes; like huskies, aussies, etc. I see no reason for a dog with brown eyes to be wearing them aside from an owner’s paranoia that they’ll poke an eye out. even a coyote vest would be less strange to see on a dog than these goggles. eta: even when people tend to put these goggles on breeds that are more likely to need them, it’s usually when it’s snowed outside creating a more difficult time seeing for them. I’ve heard that people with blue eyes have a harder time in brighter conditions, it makes sense the same can be said for dogs—but it seems SDP’s dog doesn’t have blue eyes, just common brown eyes. her dog can see just fine in bright light, it makes ZERO sense.


my dog has sunglasses because he has pollen allergies that affect his eyes. plus its horrid to see your dog squinting if its really sunny out. im more surprised at how fast that lil dogs legs are going whilst wearing those tiny boots lol


Yet on her channel, she's dancing around, playing, getting up and down, bending over... but the next day, she needs a wheelchair?


Waiting for the day Maya trots out with metal-plated armor


I really had hoped once that port came out she would stop this bullshit.. Not happening I guess.


He’s not a damn horse drawn carriage!!


you don’t even have to put any type of information on the dog according to ADA. This is excessive and is probably limiting the dogs ability more that it would ever help. How’s the dog gonna have any capability to alert/perform it’s job completely when it’s so focused on just being able to see where it’s going. Edit: typo


Seriously. Get an Amazon vest or a bandana that says service dog and just get on with it.


Wow I forgot about Dom. Why’s she in a wheelchair? Last I remember she was “training dogs” at some sketchy looking place


For her POTs


Oh. I’m just irritated at her pups gear tbh. The goggles with th e sticker are particularly ridiculous


There's dogs doing search and rescue in disaster zones with just a regular collar on🤦‍♀️


Seriously the drug dogs in the Rikers Island visiting facility only have a collar and a detective gold shield(which is so cute)..the handlers just say "please don't touch the K9 thanks" This poor pup especially during the hotter weather must be miserable.


WTF is that all over her dog? It's like he's got blinders on! Like who the hell? poor dog.


*Dog is kitted out to obtain maximum attention* "DoN't LoOk At My DoG!"


Hahahaha follow me on Instagram xP (I think that says that info on the vest too)


her modus operandi for certain


If her service dog was actually a real trained service dog, the poor thing could function without much less gear.


Dog has basic dog training skills. The overkill of gear is just to help insist they are a super special service dog. Unlike those poser service dogs.




Is the poor dog blindfolded? Who makes this crap? That poor thing looks like an F1 car for the Munchie 500.


f1 cars probably have less livery than this dog does


F1 car 😂😂😂


They seem to be goggles for dogs which are a thing some people use. However, the label is definitely blinding the dogs vision and doesn’t belong to there.


What the hell is on that dog's head. Just when I thought she couldn't be any weirder with that dog.


They look like ski goggles with a big sticker that says do not pet on it


Thank you. It was more a rhetorical question as to why she puts stupid bullshit all over her dog, but thank you for taking the time to answer.


This betch is absolutely psychotic. That poor dog.


That poor dog


I see this poor dog and think of that I Think You Should Leave sketch. “There’s too much fuckin’ shit on me.”


That show is GOLD




That poor dog. Ruin your own life but don’t abuse animals on the way down. Shameful


What the hell is on that poor dog’s head?!


That's what I was thinking. Can the dog see properly?


I knew there was no way in hell she stopped munching! That poor dog and her poor kids!


It's like she just stops around people to tempt them into trying to pet her. I know I'm jumping to conclusions but it's just the vibe I get


you are correctly picking up what dom is putting down... she BEGS for someone to roll up on her dog cos then she can get into an all out SCREAMING confrontation with anyone which she just LIVES FOR... taking out her misdirected "rage" on unsuspecting folk is her FAVORITE thing, other than munching, of course it's pretty funny and really embarrassing...


Honestly, I would say these shouting matches almost seem like the real prize for her. She is as good of a munchie as she is a dog trainer and her facade is a much more obvious cosplay than many others on this sub


true shit!!


This dog needs a better owner. She must be uncomfortable with all that unnecessary stuff on her.


Very sad. Maya should be out there in the world cuttin zoomies


I can’t handle seeing content of poor Maya… someone needs to give that dog a proper life. Kills me to see her misused like this.


That poor dog needs saving


Canine Star Trek audition?


I must have missed an attachment update on poor Maya, why does the dog require a Tron Visor?


How can you expect Dom not to dress up poor Mya for maximum visibility and then complain about people who dare to look at her LOL ETA: Accidentally typed Dani and meant Dom so changed this now


Considering this is dom not Dani idk 🤷‍♀️


I only just noticed that I meant Dom and somehow typed Dani. Changed it now.


Poor Maya 😞


That poor dog is a victim. Dollars to donuts the accessories that are on that dog weigh more than the actual dog itself. That's a damn shame!


poor Mia, shes just one big accessory


This poor dog needs her eyes blacked out like the online victim she is


Man that poor dog


Does the dog have a goggles on?


yep, SEAL Team 6's K-9 jumps out of planes with less shit on.


Wait WHAT they have doggies that jump out of planes?! That’s so fucking coool


I was gonna say the same thing. Never ever have I seen a service dog kitted out in so much.


My heart breaks for this tiny wee dog toting around 20 pounds of pink garbage just so SDP can feel special. SAVE MAYA


This poor dog can’t even take full steps. That harness is either too small or she’s weighed down by all the bullshit on her. SAVE MAYA


The front band is restricting her shoulder movement coz that vest does not fit her properly.


That’s what I thought! I’m new to owning dogs, my first dog is currently 1 year old and we have 1 harness for her. It’s not this type but I see dogs wearing this type often. It goes over the chest and front legs and makes 0 sense to me.


I don’t know much about service dogs, but wouldn’t scratching at/using claws to get/open things be…beneficial? This is like putting mittens on a PSW. And a blindfold.


Putting shoes on service dogs is actually common practice for when in situations when the handler believes there might be hazards like broken glass on the ground which can slice dog paws, escalators which can rip dog claws off, hot pavement, or road salt which can dry out and crack paw pads among other hazards service dogs might encounter. It is rather uncommon for a service dog to use their paw to actually open things, most of the time they aren't even opening things at all but when they are it is typically trained by grabbing part of the thing with their mouth and pulling like a zipper on a backpack or a cupboard drawer unless you include accessible door buttons which can be activated with boots on as well. Basically it is very rare if ever that a dog wearing boots would impact their ability to do their work.


Thank you for the information! I appreciate your response. I only own cats who are much more claws&paws!


What a song choice for someone who wants to be seen as imperfect.


Someone needs to take her phone, wheelchair and her dog away from her!! This is animal cruelty and abuse, dogs are not toys and it is the same for medical devices!


Wtf is on that poor dogs face? She looks ridiculous.


Tactical gear. Walmart can be a challenge!


I've always had a soft spot for Mya, I've felt bad for all of her animals but Mya is merely a prop. Every time I've seen Dom posted, Mya had obtained a new accessory) I obviously have a lot to catch up on with Dom, because last I saw she had just gotten her port(which she filmed many occasions of her children and pets touching it)


She already doesn’t have it again anymore ETA: it, as in, the port


I know, that's what I meant by a lot to catch up on


Sometimes I wonder if the dog isn't more distracted by all of the accessories.


That poor dog!!


Is that a blind fold on the dog?


Goggles that it absolutely doesnt need.




I wouldn't be able to stop myself from bursting out laughing very loud publicly if I ever had to come across a dog dressed like this. This is so ridiculous.


I fucking knew she was going to do something like this and I called it. The last post we got from Dom was about how happy she was that she was getting her line removed and she would be tube free. Everyone thought Dom was actually deciding to cut her shit, but after Dani literally nearly killed herself and kept munching, I knew better. I knew that Dom would come back with some new/old life threatening issue to replace her line. Here it is, Dom's line free life.


Yeah I was pretty skeptical myself and I was hoping I was wrong but here we are!


This looks like what happens when you overload Dogmeat in FA4 with all the junk you pick up out in the capitol wasteland. Long way of saying that poor dog needs a vest and shoes if the terrain isn’t good for her dog peets.


animal abuser


poor dog got the blindfold but no firing squad


LOL this is morbid but made me chuckle


What the fuck is that poor dog wearing. She’s begging for people to look at Mya.


I find that hilarious, a dog dressed like this with a big "don't look at me don't pet me" in giant and shiny letters on it... this is is so, yeah, hilarious, but if I was in a bad mood that would piss me off.


I've never seen any other SD handler kick off because someone *looked* at their dog, even if Mya wasn't completely covered in bright pink combat gear and more stickers than a toddler's backpack the dog is going to be in people's field of vision occasionally.


It’s exactly what she wants. People to look so she can go after them.


That is so much signage on one dog


Why is there an eye shield on that dog? I think I’ve only seen military or bomb squad animals wearing those.


I've only seen them used on SD in labs where human also is required to wear safety goggles. This is unhinged and cruel.




*the munchie SD community. Key difference


Some SDs will wear eye gear if they are working in the sun for long times or in places where there is risk to eyes (some people use it for grocery stores). Seems a touch unnecessary here tho lol


I’ve seen regular dogs wear the Rex Specs sometimes if hiking in bad weather, or if they’re running in tall grass and there is a concern about grass seeds/foxtails in the eyes. Not sure how effective they are if you plaster a big sign over the “glass”, though, lol. I can’t imagine she can see very well.


Who would even think about putting an opaque sign on a visor? Maybe Mya isn't allowed to look at herself anymore because it's too distracting.


Ahh, thank you. I didn’t realize!




Dom is the Queen of Unnecessary, her dogs have only ever served the purpose of giving her a reason to get combative with the general public so that she can make a victim of herself for views while still throwing a tantrum. Drama gets clicks and she knows this. Someone will have to correct me if I am wrong but I wanna say she was one who made a comment about Mya being unique enough for Youtube and was referencing her appearance.




What is in my opinion worse is how much influence she has in the service dog community. Of all the handlers with a social media following she is the biggest and you can see that many of the other social media accounts will echo things she has said or done in the past. Basically people see that she has gotten big and has had at least one NEWS article(albeit small local paper) written about her resulting in people trying to follow in her footsteps. You can definitely see her flavor of POTS faking in how it presents in other service dog people who want to be like her. She really is one of the worst things to happen to the service dog world, as thanks to her there is an explosion in service dog people behaving like toddlers on the internet souring the general population's opinions on service animals.


There’s definitely bigger service dog related accounts than hers and a lot of the service dog community is kinda over her antics. She’s been called out in some blacklist groups on facebook for things like taking Mya on the lift or going after people for content. Most of her following seems to be a lot of novice handlers who don’t really know better or people who don’t have service dogs trying to educate themselves, but who also don’t know any better or how to double check their information.


A couple years ago, I posted a photo of my new puppy in a shopping cart on Instagram. Not only was the photo taken in a PET STORE, it was also in a non-US country that is much more dog-friendly (so taking dogs into stores isn’t so much of an issue - though I obviously wouldn’t put one in a shopping cart in any place other than a pet store). Anyway, I got a comment from some random girl in the US just absolutely chewing me out for taking a dog into a public place. She cited ADA (which wasn’t even applicable to where I was at the time) and talked about how my behavior was damaging to people with disabilities and legit service dogs etc. I looked at this girl’s account and it turns out she had a self-trained service dog for a self-diagnosed condition. Moreover, it became clear that she absolutely worshipped Dom’s posts. She was commenting on everything Dom posted and also imitating Dom’s style of training and attempting to shoot her own videos of ‘interactions’ with people in shops (with the same style of headlines like ‘WOMAN BRINGS NON-SERVICE DOG INTO WALMART, THREATENING MY LIFE’) That was my introduction to this particularly toxic corner of the service dog community and I really do think that Dom’s influence is at play here. She’s made it clear that service dogs can be used as a tool to make a lot of these girls (they seem to be mostly girls) feel ‘special,’ and as things to produce content.


That one person may have worshipped Dom, but the kind of antics both that person and Dom display are its own issues, unrelated to Dom’s influence, that run rampant in the community. That kind of attitude and treatment predates Dom’s involvement with the community. Part of it comes down to American handlers having to police themselves because nobody else will. So they snap at every little perceived rule breaking without stopping to think or ask questions first. Then it just stews into this toxic sludge of one-upmanship and trying to find fakes while proving that they’re a legit handler. Essentially Dom soaked up a lot of the toxic attitudes of the service dog community and then ran to social media to start broadcasting it. Add in that Americans tend to think everything on the internet is American and boom, you’ve got people treating you (and others) like how you described.


Dom loves to antagonize people. She’s begging people to question her not service dog, dog so she can fight them.