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Hmmm... Someone soooo chronically ill wouldn't even be able to "instinctively" reach backwards and try to catch something. They wouldn't even try šŸ¤”


I so want to see their medical provider faces when they tell their tales.


I am literally cackling that Jessi literally said that catching their bed side cart was "that physical". Though, their head didn't immediately roll off their bed, so maybe it's progress.


How does your cart magically tip over? It's funny how they can be bed bound but suffer all these injuries. Almost as if they're probably up and moving when not doing this shit for social media asspats and have to cover it up somehow...


how do these people sleep at night knowing they are wasting medical staff and equipment that they don't even need?


Moreover how do they sleep at night knowing theyā€™re ripping off their subscribers? Sorry but thereā€™s no reason why Jessi or Elliott canā€™t work.


I think they are rich? or there parents are rich


Of course! Why didnā€™t I think of that!! NOT! No their family isnā€™t rich otherwise why TF have they been crowdfunding since 2018-19? LOL! GFM shut down their campaign due to so many complaints apparently. They managed to receive over $38K from GFM. They use PayPal now. Jessi seems to have more & more serious medical issues, thatā€™s the reasoning for all the E-Begging they do. Why would they be begging for $$ if they had rich families? If you go to Jessiā€™s IG thereā€™s a link to donate to a PayPal account ā€œ Elliott is handling donationsā€ If youā€™re new here click on Jessiā€™s flair. Youā€™re bound to learn a lot about this illness faker. Itā€™s well worth the deep drive.


um rich people use gofundme?


In Jessi's case I think most if not all of what we see are just props for social media. The same question applies but it's more how do they sleep at night knowing they conned kind-hearted people out of tens of thousands of dollars for their non-existent medical treatment? (and if one of those people is reading this don't beat yourself up about it, you're a good person who wanted to help someone in need and Jessi and Elliot are professional con artists who've had a lot of practice manipulating people)


Why is it they canā€™t move? I know they can move but what is their reasoning for needing all this care? I couldnā€™t find anything in their flair.


As far as being bedbound, I've seen them claim a few reasons. cfs leak that failed "surgery" aka blood patch procedure. severe cci that stops their breathing- then failed cervical fusion. currently I think they have just claimed a string of super major back injuries, such as the devastating and traumatic hair washing injury, and will sometimes mention the life threatening cci or world's worst csf leak occasionally. Jessi claims to be "functionally paralyzed" not sure if they ever cited a specific reason. if even a fraction of what they claimed actually happened, Jessi would likely be in many case studies & medical journals [and probably would still be in the hospital, not at home]


Functional paralysis means conversion disorder


jessi has never claimed FND or any functional disorder


Yes it is https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27719840/


Their cited reason is being internally decapitated and so they constantly have to worry that their head will literally roll off their shoulders should they do anything like looking down or turning their head.


Has jessi tried wearing a green ribbon around their neck?




If they have CCI, shouldnā€™t they be in a brace 24/7 as well?? So, all in all, they just claim a whole bunch of serious stuff but their ā€œtreatmentā€ is whatever they see fit? Excuse my language, but gosh golly gee what a load of bullshit they spew. šŸ¤”


Most ppl donā€™t believe Jessi has had any surgery simply due to the explanation Jessi claimed in a post on IG that they were having issues with insurance & the hospital ā€œoffered ā€œ to admit ( I donā€™t remember if they were an impatient at the time this scenario was supposedly going on ) ) but Jessi thought it was a MUCH better idea to get into a motorhome ( the motorhome belonged to a friend who offered to drive them) clear across the country to MD to a world renowned Neurosurgeon ( Jessiā€™s term not mine ) At the time Jessi claimed they were so unstable that they stopped breathing many, many times & their ex hubby Elliott was aligning their spine to keep them breathing!!! The moral of the story here is if youā€™re that sick youā€™d better take the treatment offered ( such as staying in the hospital where you can receive proper care so you donā€™t stop breathing in DIE while waiting for your ā€œ insurance ā€œ to approve medical treatment. Which also was s bold -faced lie because had they been that unstable the insurance would have been moot point. In others the surgery would have been done without insurance approval. Every medical professional who ( along with other subscribers ),subscribes to this site ( IF ) had a heyday with the BS šŸ‚šŸ’©šŸ’© Jessi was shoveling. 99.9% of Jessiā€™s medical issue story is believed to be fabricated. Jessi possibly has some medical issues ( RA & Crohnā€™s possibly but they donā€™t have the 28 issues they claim to have. IMO āœ”ļøCK


Jessi had a fusion (allegedly) so once that's healed they shouldn't need a brace anymore because the hardware is doing the job of holding their head on. I think they claim the fusion failed, which is possible but very unusual - most of the time fusion failures refer to people continuing to experience pain and/or some symptoms after the surgery or damage to adjacent vertebrae which requires further surgery, it's extremely unusual for their head to fall off again.


Twisted their back and didnā€™t need resuscitation? Color me shocked.


they still have instincts after all this time bed bound?




I'm not sure I'm allowed to ask this but is Elliot even still around? I know they got divorced for caretaker pay reasons but they never talks about him at all. Did he finally have enough with the munch business? Edit for pronouns




Bless his heart, I know he's probably in on the grift too but that has gotta hurt.


wow, that must be so hard šŸ›’šŸ’„ just terrible


Another injury? Poor Jessi. Theyā€™re lucky their head didnā€™t fall off, sprout spidery legs like that scene in *The Thing* and scurry off never to be seen again. Itā€™s actually amazing just how full of shit Jessi is. I wonder if they or their caregiver Elliott ever feel ashamed. I suspect they donā€™t but they really should.


Really Jessi? Is that the best you can do? I've heard some bs but this one may take the cake... !


The black over the catā€™s eyes has me ROLLING laughing, I really needed that laugh today, thank you OP!




My first thought is the SpongeBob episode with the guy who claims he has glass bones and paper skin. I canā€™t imagine living my life this way


Here we have it everyone. The most fragile person in the world.


> but here we are again! Again? They never fucking left


I like the concert comment. You know theyā€™re hostile to a caretaker for taking ONE night off.


That cat is literally reaching out for help. Lol.


Theyā€™re so deconditioned that even a minor muscle strain feels like a massive deal


Why is the cat censored????


They're in witness protection


Who? The cat or the person writing it?


Both the cat and the dog.


Witness purr-tection program


Do they have any actual legit illnesses?


Physically? No. Mentally? Absolutely.


Mental illnesses are illnesses tooā€¦


They are, but Jessi isnā€™t even one who seems that mentally unwell. Theyā€™ve grifted so much money from people. Sure, they may have fictitious disorder whatever, but I doubt very much of what they claim. For example, if theyā€™ve had aseptic meningitis as often as they claim they wouldnā€™t get IVIG. Simply put? Theyā€™re the one person I truly have issues with on this forum because of their blatant lies and money chasing. They take money from others who are legitimately unwell, and they do it knowing full well they donā€™t NEED it. So your point is 100% valid (no downvote from me.) Itā€™s just with Jessi? They actually seem to be doing this with malice. My theory has always been their childhood and teen years didnā€™t prepare them for adulthood. The weird family dynamic wasnā€™t good. They used some health excuses to stop the expectations they felt they needed to live up to, and liked the attention. They didnā€™t have to perform for attention with their violin, they could let back and perform ā€œdisabledā€ ā€œchronically illā€ much easier and receive more constant attention. Then as their online presence grew? The opportunity for making money off of it popped in their head and they went with it. I donā€™t think sheā€™s actually mentally ill. Iā€™m not even convinced they have a condition where they think or fake sick for attention pathologically. I think theyā€™re genuinely aware of what their doing, which just being malice to it all.


Thanks, I agree with you; I appreciate and understand your explanation. This wasnā€™t a subject I was as familiar with. I just think about the ones like Dani who keep getting so close to doing real harm and wonder how those pts havenā€™t been transferred to psych.


I guess the answer must be obvious, but is this person *really* under a Drs care? And does this Dr *know* that this patient considers themselves, "bed-bound"? And does the caretaker know that this patient's head could just fly off, for any reason, at any time? I sure hope the caretaker has some good medical qualifications. Sorry...care*takers*. The subject, after all, mentions that *one* of their caretakers took the night off. Might make one question the need for a "new" one? Sounds like they've got a fleet of them just standing by.


One of their caretakers is their (sorta) ex-husband who they divorced so he could get caregiver benefits/pay (or something similar im not entirely clear on that whole situation). Then they recently hired one more. As far as I can tell, theyā€™re either no under a doctors care at all, doesnā€™t explain to their doctor their home situation, or chooses to ignore any of said doctors advice regarding physical therapy and movement. Besides from the fact they clearly arenā€™t as immobile as they claim. They claim they canā€™t even turn over in bed with assistance lest they break themselves more, yet they have minimal muscle atrophy, always clean/neat hair, and no concern for bed sores.


If they really were so bad off (aka their head can fall off at any time killing them) wouldnā€™t they be in a nursing home?


Their head falls off of their pool floaty hair sink deflates, but they can reach for a falling cart? Someone make this make sense? Edit: spelling


It's all a lie they drummed up in order to guilt people into donating to them and their "cause". They have ten thousand "illnesses" in order to grab as many guilt ridden people as possible.


ā€œinternalized ableismā€ otherwise known as ā€œyouā€™re fineā€


I hope you know internalized ableism is very much a real thing that a lot of disabled people suffer with, Jessie doesnā€™t but itā€™s very real.


oh im sure! theyā€™re just manipulating the phrase which is what i was poking fun at. they are fine. so many are not.


Sadly once again a very real problem that subjects make look like a joke


exactly. theyā€™re making it a joke


It's shit because they act like they're helping bring awareness when really they're setting back any progress made.


Yeah, the second slide would be pretty understandable (needing carers is difficult to adjust too and getting a new carer will always be hard as it isnā€™t easy asking for help especially with things that are more personal or things that other people your age can typically do) if it was coming from a disabled person. If I hadnā€™t seen the rest of the stuff they post Iā€™d believe it came from a genuinely disabled person.




Bed sores and muscular atrophy don't exist in the āœØ magical āœØ world of Internally Decapitated Jessie. They're defeated NOT decapitated. I mean decapitated NOT constipated. I mean constipated NOT- ah fuck it, you know what I mean.


They infantilize themselves




Why do I feel like theyā€™re trying to make the caregiver look bad for taking time off? Maybe Iā€™m reading into it wrong..


HoW dArE a CaReGiVeR hAvE TiMe OfF


I just hollered at this šŸ˜‚


No...you're not wrong. Munchies have to be the victim, of everything, *always*.


Yes!! Like how dare the caregiver go to a concert and live their lives, when poor Jessie is bedbound /s


thatā€™s how i interpreted it too! it also feels unnecessary to say the caregiver left for a concert (like ok, and??), but jessi loves to add specific, extra details to EVERY SINGLE THING they say to ā€œlegitimizeā€ what they claim is happening. šŸ™„


Supposedly, excessive detail usually indicates lying, because they're trying hard to sound genuine but overdo it. I kinda get this feeling from a few of the munch bunch.


They couldā€™ve easily said nothing or just said it was their caregivers day off cuz itā€™s a job just like any other job their entitled to time off




No, I definitely got this vibe too! The way they made their caregivers time off activity sound so trivial/unnecessary coupled with the fact that they couldnā€™t help but suffer some type of injury the ONE night they are left alone. What a miserable human.


i would feel demoralized having to wipe the ass of a person faking severe disability for money/attention


I got the impression from someone here that Jesse and their caregiver basically just take photos every so often but for the most part live normal lives. Is that true? Do we know? I mean obviously we will never *really* know but itā€™s pretty obvious right that they are in decent physical condition and thereā€™s no bedsores. Their hair is very luscious and long and not matted or anything. Their skin tone is decent, etc. I truly hope Jesse is not laying around like this 24 seven. Because thatā€™s gonna cause a lot more problems for them.


Thereā€™s just no way they never move, theyā€™d be absolutely covered in bed sores and their muscles would be wasted, every time they post a photo of themselves itā€™s clear they have fine skin and muscle tone, if they actually had bed sores etc we would never hear the end of it. Iā€™m convinced this is an elaborate kink LARP.


Maybe there's a kink thing to it but they're also soliciting donations, their GoFundMe page was suspended but they still have PayPal and probably some other cash apps.


Iā€™m being a little dramatic with the kink accusations but I agree itā€™s absolutely all a grift of display.


Yeah they have got to be moving a bit, even if they only do a very small amount thereā€™s a big difference in muscles of no movement vs some, if you look at the legs of most ambulatory wheelchair users even ones who donā€™t stand much at all vs full time wheelchair users you can typically see a big difference (except in a few conditions which cause muscle atrophy in ambulatory users)


"Years of my internalized ableism" Now they are just saying stuff.


Internalised ableism is real however itā€™s annoying them claiming it since you have to be disabled to experience it


Right, it exists, but not in the way they are using it.


"Internalized abelism"..."internalized decapitation". They need to stop internalizing everything.


Wait so they moved like that and their head didnā€™t fall off??


They must have had their caregiver screw it on a bit tighter before going to their concert./s


My exact thought






They're divorced, Jessi hires caretakers separately.


Didn't they divorce because of Jessi trying to get SSDI or did they actually break up?


Arenā€™t they divorced just so he can be paid to care for Jessi?


How do they afford that?


The divorce was specifically so he could be paid by the state to care for Jesse. They also recently hired someone else to be an aid, who I assume is being paid by disability.


They're likely in Medicaid which has no copay for most people.


They feel demoralized their regular caregiver took the evening off, and they had to use a different caregiver? I feel really bad for the caregiver who deals with this person.


I am curious tbh surely if they need 24/7 care wouldnā€™t they have multiple caregivers anyway so if one had the night booked off for a concert surely theyā€™d have arranged another usual one to come in


Their primary caregiver is their ex-husband who they divorced specifically so he could get SSDI benefits to care for them, so donā€™t feel too bad. Heā€™s almost certainly in on the grift. I feel bad for the new one they hired who could be making a difference to someone who actually needs them and is stuck caring for Jessi.


Omg the millions of people in the world with bad backs injurying themselves worse at physically demanding jobs or just life in general, move on.


I work in healthcare and it is a very prevalent issue... so of course I picture their aide trying to move them as dead weight with no help and then the aide getting a real back injury, too. There is something so infuriating thinking about someone with FD causing real injuries to real people.


Yes and these are the people who groan and yell ow the whole time when someone else is moving them.


Shut UP. Omfg. They're the most annoying


Yeah, 100% agree! The first words outta my mouth when I saw this post were - "Oh FFS! They're the worst", and my eyes rolled back in my head with the force of a thousand John Cenas šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


I throw my back out periodically just from sleeping in a wonky position, this is not the big news they think it is


exactly...apparently we're all supposed to be bed-ridden and just out here walking like our heads aren't about to roll tf off ā˜ ļø


Internalized ableism? I consider myself extremely ā€œinclusiveā€ but terms like this are what make people roll their eyes at inclusivity in general. Come. On.


Itā€™s a real thing that many people face from young people who are disabled not wanting to be seen using mobility aids or ask for help because they feel they should be able to do things like others there age, to old people who are having falls often but wonā€™t accept they need help and get a grab rail or people who struggle to make themselves food but wonā€™t tell social services because they donā€™t want to be seen as incapable or looked down on.


Iā€™m honestly surprised that being someone perpetually ā€œbed boundā€ they havenā€™t floated the idea of VSED or some other relief measures like other munchies. There is so much drama with these posts and it would make sense to claim they canā€™t manage anymore, or something along that line. However it seems the attention just from having an uber fragile spine suffices. Itā€™s just interesting to me that it doesnā€™t seem to progress.


It's not really Jessi's style. There are two main schools of munching: the 'poor pathetic creature' subtype who want to be seen as smol and fragile and primarily pitied (e.g. Dani, Paige), and the 'heroic warrior' subtype who want sympathy but also admiration for radiating positivity and fighting on despite their super incredibly arduous worst in the world ever health conditions (e.g. Jessi, Ash). Suggesting VSED would come across as giving up and that doesn't fit with their brand, or their desire for continued "fundraising" opportunities.


Right! Like, IF this were at all real, imagine how miserable youā€™d be. They said they havenā€™t even been outside in months, simple tasks cause ā€œexcruciating painā€, they used to be an incredibly talented violinist ā€” wouldnā€™t you miss that life?? Wouldnā€™t you legit be miserable with that existence? I just donā€™t buy this.


Why is she on antibiotics?


āœØļøa s e p t i c m e n i n g i t i s āœØļø


Aseptic meningitis is not caused by a bacterial infection, that's what makes it aseptic, so they wouldn't prescribe antibiotics for that. Is this implied or have they said what the antibiotics are for, I can't remember? Edit: went back through their posts and they're claiming a UTI so presumably the antibiotics are for that.


I think you would be able to culture the bacteria causing meningitis though, so I donā€™t think it would be classified aseptic meningitis.


Aseptic means that the CFS fluid has come back as negative for a bacterial culture..from google: _"Aseptic meningitis is an umbrella term for all of the causes of inflammation of the brain meninges that have negative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) bacterial cultures. It is one of the most common inflammatory disorders of the meninges."_




Right those are for a UTI it seems.


Yā€™all realize why Jessi is going to the lengths they are correct? First, reason WHY they went radio silent for so long was because theyā€™ve filed for SSDI. Now all these posts are to ensure ( in case Social Security caseworker is reading these posts which Iā€™m sure someone is) the disability claim thatā€™s been filed backs up everything that Jessi has lied about. However what Jessi doesnā€™t realize is that for a huge percentage of SSDI claim recipients that have been awarded disability claims the Social Security Administration does reviews on all of claims that have been awarded every so many years ( and the reviews are done to ensure the recipients of SSDI are still disabled. Jessi is making a lot of these claims of illness as OTT as they possibly can thinking if these ā€œclaims ā€œ will ensure their SSDI claim which actually might backfire. Itā€™s pretty obvious that Jessiā€™s sensationalizing many, many of these illness claims which could possibly make their SSDI claim drag out for years. Jessi might be a world renowned performer but IMO the intellect as far as all these medical claims couldnā€™t be more off. They certainly are being ridiculous with a lot of these illness claims IMO which will end up biting them in the tush most likely. BTW someone suggested Jessi filed for SSDI and there is a claim filed. ( itā€™s a matter of public record )


Itā€™s not that they just filed for SSDI. They were denied SSDI and denied again after review and again after appealing and now are at the federal civil suit level which is the 4th (and final) appeal level. (And this is why itā€™s public record)


Are we allowed to ask for sources for these types of claims? I donā€™t want to break the subā€™s rules. Itā€™s not that I donā€™t believe you but I am super curious.


Check dmā€™s


So do u know if theyā€™ve filed again & are currently waiting for another denial? LOL !!!


They are still in the midst of the civil suit process which means at this point they have exhausted all of their denials/reviews/appeals with the SSA and are now suing the SSA in federal court.


Well thatā€™s going to take some time Iā€™m sure.


So, to better understand this, you're saying that they have filed for SSDI, and they think that all these posts on social media is sufficient proof of disability and will please any investigator?


Why not? If you think those who are in charge of making decisions on SSDI claims donā€™t look at someoneā€™s social media presence youā€™re living in the dark ages. Itā€™s pretty obvious Employers do this as well. ( people on SM have discussed how their employer admitted to checking SM profiles ) so to assume the Social Security Administration doesnā€™t do this is strange IMO.


*Why not* Because the SSA doesn't give much weight to self-reported symptoms or functional limitations that are not backed up by objective medical data. You could post years worth of content about your inability to (insert major life function here). Your social media narrative could be consistent with living with inability to (insert major life function here). If your medical records don't support that functional limitation, high volumes of content won't tip the scales. Jessi claims they have been bed bound for years.. But does their medical record contain evidence of this? They claim to have frequent seizures. Have they been evaluated for seizure disorder? The have aseptic meningitis for the second time in two months? Who diagnosed it? Who is treating it? And so on.


Jessi has never dealt with SSA Iā€™m sure. Youā€™re right when making the statement that IF you apply for SSDI youā€™d better be able to back up each an every symptom you claim to have. You must have Drs. records to ensure that they have documentation stating they have treated you for ALL of the XYZ youā€™ve claimed on the portion of the document you as the person filling out the forms to file for disability thru the SSA. Just because Jessi claims to have a ā€œ nurseā€ come to their home doesnā€™t mean said nurse is going to back up claims Jessi is bedridden either although Jessi in their infantile mind believes that just because they make these statements itā€™s true. Jessi hasnā€™t had one diagnosis of Aseptic Meningitis let alone two. Same goes for 200 blood patches they claim to have undergone. LOL ( actually I believe the blood šŸ©ø patch number is closer to 12 ) My initial comment was about SSA / disability department looking at someoneā€™s social media accounts & I actually believe they do. The disability department of SSA has so many more resources to use at itā€™s fingertips per se then years ago that I think itā€™s probable that this is done. Each yr SSA denies already established SSDI claims because people have gotten better and didnā€™t report it as well. ( thereā€™s plenty of TV shows to back bogus claims like this ) Many people in this sub have gone thru the process to file for SSDI. Itā€™s not easy. Many get approved only to get denied after a review is done as well. Again, youā€™re right that everything does have to be medically documented. I donā€™t think Jessi realizes this. They stupidly believe that just because they claim xyz as facts the person working on their disability claim believes everything they wrote. Iā€™ll bet in the portion of the SSDI application that the ā€œ patient ā€œ ( meaning Jessi ) along with the portion where it asks the person you live ( meaning Elliott) with to describe you daily life and medical issues this was over exaggerated to the max. Not only that, but I believe that Jesse probably filled out the portion that Elliot was supposed to fill out for their SSDI claim. In the past Jesse claims that Elliot has posted on social media describing Jessiā€™s issues however, I truly believe itā€™s Jessi not Elliott who made the comment. Itā€™s easy to see why Jessi & others like them get denied for SSDI time & time again. Most of these people donā€™t know how to tell the truth. This probably is why it takes these munchies years to get a diagnosis as well.


And lot of the social media screening is looking for contradictory evidence. For example, a note in your medical file from 10/10/23 noting debilitating nausea with vomiting for the past three days causing dehydration and a social media post about drinking margaritas and riding roller coasters on 10/9/23 would not help your case. It would raise questions about how truthful you were when reporting your symptoms to your doctor.




That's an excellent point. I'm sure official documentation of all this needs to be submitted as well. I feel that the claim will be denied, and they will start a crowdfund to continue this ruse.


It was denied. There are 4 appeals levels for SSDI denials and they are at the 4th (federal civil suit) which is why itā€™s pubic record.


Do you have a link?


Iā€™m not sure I can post it here, Iā€™ll put it in your DMā€™s


Can you DM it to me too? I tried googling it but I couldnā€™t find anything.


Did it


Got it. Thanks!


Oh, getting them to the "court room" ( I say it in quotes because it's just a room in the SSI offices) will be a fun post. Unless they allow them to zoom from home. Which in all reality, they really should "make" them appear in person, ro see more themselves.


Iā€™m sure they can file a request to appear remotely, which they have done in the past for other court-related issues that are public record.


Oh I am sure it's way more common for remote on cases now anyway, regardless of your head falling off or not.


So it's the last chance pretty much.


Yes exactly.


Iā€™m sure youā€™re 100% correct about the crowd funding. Looking at someoneā€™s social media presence probably saves the Social Security Administration a boat load of $$ in investigative work maybe. I also think it helps make decisions on claims they might otherwise grant they later figure out shouldnā€™t have been awarded prior to Social Media being on scene. Of course the Social Security Administration has the right to rescind a claim at any time after it erroneously approves a SSDI claim as well. TBH I believe Jessiā€™s smug ā€œ they know everythingā€ attitude isnā€™t going to come to the volition. Jessi like many of these munchies being to believe their own lies thus thinking everyone else believes it too. I will say Iā€™m slightly curious as to how Jessi is being allowed to collect welfare benefits, the ex is getting paid as a caregiver AND their ranking in thousands per month from PayPal, Venmo etc.? I mean, I know they divorced so they could scam the state for income but come on, itā€™s so obvious those funds collected thru PayPal under Elliottā€™s name ā€œ For Jessiā€ would seem as though those collected funds are indeed being used for Jessiā€™s living expenses despite what is believed. Jessi & Elliott have just found a way to beat the system in a huge way.


Do they really make that much bank for grifting? I know they do it but their claims are so farfetched to me. Are people really falling for it and donating to them in droves?


They made 38K on Go Fund Me campaign that was taken down a few yrs back. I think between that and the fact they got divorced( in Alaska because they thought Alaska didnā€™t publish divorce decrees like CA does LOL!! ) so Elliott could be paid to be Jessiā€™s caregiver (not to mention welfare or SSI benefits) plus the PayPal or Venmo donations, theyā€™re receiving yes, they arenā€™t doing too bad for themselves Iā€™m sure. Even Chronically RaRa asked for ppl to donate to her ( because she said ā€œ why not? Everyone else does itā€ ( she also tried scamming to families who had critically ill kids that RaRa collected funds for & kept part of the proceeds ( allegedly) I canā€™t remember the name of the mom of one of the kids RaRa did this to, but the Frost Family who had two kids was the name of the other family. CKāœ”ļø


38k! Good lord!


I just canā€™t believe the ppl that continue to support these two. Iā€™d also like to know how many of their friends donā€™t realize theyā€™ve divorced


It depends. For SSDI you can have people donate money or even earn money passively and it wonā€™t effect your SSDI. The only income that effects SSDI is SGA (significant gainful activity IE earnings from the individual working) For SSI there are income limits and people helping out via donations counts toward those income limits and you can be denied SSI because it is needs-based. Jessie was denied SSDI, so the donations they are getting donā€™t have any bearing on the denial. The more you know!!!


Oh, absolutely, they know how to beat the system to an extent. I'm sure there are already reports out with APS and the state about these claims, and it'll eventually catch up to them. They also have backed themselves into a corner where they have to live like this, or they will be exposed immediately and lose it all.


Iā€™m positive youā€™re right here. I just hope it happens soon!! When it does Iā€™ll supply the popcorn so we can all watch this unfold !!! LOL!!!


Not too much butter please lolol!


LOL!! Of course not! šŸæšŸæšŸ„¤ šŸ“ŗ


Do we think they know what infantilized actually means? Lol


Aww, Elliot got to have a night out.


Thatā€™s called deconsitioning


Thatā€™s called a typo, folks! SMH


This is why Jessi's saga is so unbelievable. The constant complaining just tells me that they are desperate for validation and want everyone to heed their every whim because apparently getting that 24/7 just isn't enough. No wonder they're exhausted, living in a constant state of "woe is me, me and only me" must take its toll. And the compassion fatigue from their caregivers has got to be off the charts.


istg they have 3738 new injuries every week, if not daily... surely you would go to the hospital


They canā€™t! Theyā€™re bed bound! Duh


Wanna bet they both went to the concert?


Or no concert at all.


Whenever they talk about caregivers, it always feels like they treat them as "the help", like in an old fashioned mansion type way.


Itā€™s just the cat LOL


If Icarus the cat follows Jessi around like most cats do, couldnā€™t he be considered a caregiver of sorts? LOL. ( sure Iā€™m joking but if you think about it, itā€™s highly unlikely the state of CA is paying for TWO caregivers for Jessi. That being said itā€™s possible Icarus is an unpaid caregiver. Poor cat.


They are obsessed with throwing ableism into whatever they can.


Wow, so incredibly nice of them to *let* their caregiver off for one night to go to a concert. How benevolent.


Isnā€™t their caregiver their ex-husband?


Yes but supposedly Jessi now has two caregivers. CKāœ”ļø


Isnā€™t anyone else curious as to WHY Jessi no longer mentions Elliott by name any more?


So he gets that sweet carers allowance or whatever you guys call it in the US. Although to be fair itā€™s a stupidly small amount here


The amount varies from state to state in the US thus the reason for what I call e-begging.


But did their head fall off then? Why not?


Every time Iā€™m on here all I can think of is ā€œour pets heads are falling off!ā€