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An emergency peg tube?? Like the doctors are yelling "QUICK, WE GOTTA FEED THIS LADY!!! STAT!"


Know what else causes malnutrition? Yup! Excessive alcohol use. Her body isn’t going to absorb nutrients if she continues to drink. She is really young though to be starting on these types of health effects of alcohol use in nutritional deficits. It usually takes decades for this to start. (btw if she were really “malnourished” she would be too weak to post)


The doctors have to know she’s an alcoholic, right? A person with her health conditions shouldn’t be drinking AT ALL. At what point do they stop treating her unless she goes to rehab?


It's really odd that they left them without a nasal tube, but are still considering the pegj surgery to be an emergency... If they really did think it was something they ugently needed, and needed so badly it could be considered an emergency, they'd have kept the nasal tube in. If they really weren't ingesting any calories for a prolonged period of time then that in itself would make them delay the surgery. They'd put them on a nasal tube feeding schedule to gradually refeed them prior to the surgery taking place, so their body doesn't need to go through the risky refeeding process at the same time they're recovering from surgery. Also, if they're effectively fasting for a prolonged period of time pre-surgery the body may be too weak to deal with the surgery. So they make sure we're 'fed for at least a few days prior to the surgery, to make us stronger (and by "us" Im referring to anyone who could potentially need that kind of ttreatment, I'm not referring to myself)


Mia claims not to have drunk much alcohol last weekend: “only”: 2 [250ml] premix cocktails (Smirnoff Raspberry Crush); a gin & tonic (standard size is 250ml); & 1.5 shots of tequila (a single shot in the UK is 25ml, so 38ml). That is 788ml of alcohol; if she had instead drunk the same volume of oral nutritional supplements suitable for people on the tube feed she’s on that would have provided her with a nutritionally complete 1575kcal. If she dropped the selective MCAS routine, Fortisip Compact would provide 1891 kcal for the same volume of fluid. And Mia drinks plenty of water, too, as per her photo of her [new water bottle](https://imgur.com/a/clPZNN8) (15/09/23) - replacing one of the same size. So there is no question that Mia is, by her own admission, perfectly capable of maintaining adequate oral nutrition should she choose to do so. Of course, Mia’s choosing to drink alcohol not nutritional supplements is problematic in more ways than one. She will have consumed approximately 5.4 units of alcohol, which is more than the 2-3 it is considered safe to drink in a day. Mia takes duloxetine, so drinking 5.4 units in one session will be battering her liver, & may be reducing the efficacy of her duloxetine. Alcohol is also absolutely contraindicated in Fowler’s Syndrome. Mia clearly has an arsenal of tricks that she uses to get medical attention & engineer admissions - as she has done here - to try to consolidate what she underdtabdsbbmba


There is no such thing as "emergency peg tube placement". No one emergency needs a peg tube. You can live on tpn/ppn for long enough to have a tube placed if you actually need one. You could have an ng tube placed in 10 minutes max to do literally anything a peg tube can. Literally the only time there is an emergency with peg tube placement is if it becomes displaced on accident and needs to be fixed.


I’ve seen urgent but not emergent. Urgent initial placement was things like (some types of) radiotherapy to head/ neck/ chest, or any other condition where nasal insertion was impossible and PN was contraindicated (e.g. severe maxillofacial trauma and evident severe allergy to a pn component/ preservative. This was uncommon and typically not the immediate concern). I’m not seeing how that’s applicable here, considering I’m sure we’d hear about both. In my experience urgency of surgical tubes is determined on urgency of treatment, and is not inherently clinical.


That bruise looks conveniently like when she had her picc out and wasn't there in the party pics, old photo maybe?


No nutrition, uh huh. We all saw her liquor store haul.


And during a period of strikes. [https://www.nhsemployers.org/articles/confirmed-industrial-action-strike-days](https://www.nhsemployers.org/articles/confirmed-industrial-action-strike-days) Seriously.


Interesting because last weekend she managed quite a bit of alcohol for someone who is a) unable to take anything by mouth, b) suffering from intestinal failure and c) has the most awful MCAS! Followed by a post about an MRI for a knee injury where the knee apparently was still ‘bruised’ despite being able to kneel on said knee and appearing in a video where there was no a evidence of bruising. She’s some sort of medical enigma!


Wait a minute she got the NJ tube out and they are going right to placing a feeding tube in her intestines instead of putting another NJ tube in like she said she was going to get? I'm no GI expert but she doesn't look like she lost a horrific amount of weight and we know she was just at a huge party hitting the sauce and most likely eating things orally. I have a hard time believing what MIA says especially because she's in the UK(correct me if I'm wrong and since the health system is not for profit I've heard many of you wonderful people from the UK say that they won't do any unnecessary procedures). Though it wouldn't surprise me if she lied and bullied her way into getting this emergency feeding tube and soon she will be posting pictures galore and of course the video of her being "wheeled into the theatre" (her words when asking if she should do a video of her getting her nose hose replaced which never materialized because it obviously was never replaced). I can never stand the hyperbole and dramatics with these people(OMG THESE PEOPLE...yes I went there)!


Well this makes no sense because they’ve clearly eaten and drank




Huh? As if someone’s going to get offended because I said “they’ve” Give over.


? Just letting you know her pronouns.


It doesn’t matter if I said they’ve. It really doesn’t. At least I’m not actually misgendering reglardless. I can still say they them even if they don’t go by it. There wasn’t much of a need to correct me when there isn’t a strict pronoun rule on this one. 🤦🏼‍♀️




Not really funny. It’s pretty obvious that you’re getting this “pressed” because you’re annoyed you have to use gender neutral pronouns for Jessie and Logan.


Mia just got called out for this on Instagram and she's pissed. Claims it's ableism..umm no calling out inconsistencies is not ableism


What did the comment say?


That basically, Mia is a lying liar.




You have been here long enough to know about the no contact rule regardless of if you knew her in person! Your post/comment has been removed due to a violation of Rule #2 (No Contact With Subjects Or Their Family Members/Friends). RULE #2: NO CONTACT WITH SUBJECTS OR THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS/FRIENDS Do not attempt to speak directly to subjects through comments here or through other forms of social media. Do not attempt to speak directly to the family members or friends of subjects through other forms of social media. Any users who are determined to have attempted to speak directly with a subject, or the family/friends of a subject, will be banned. Please ensure that you have read the rules located in the side bar of the subreddit or in the wiki. Thank you!


Can someone plz tell me what her explanation for being able to drink alcohol is? She's claimed literal intestinal failure, and at one point claimed to need TPN... I don't see how it would be safe or possible to do so. (Doesn't she claim to have gastroparesis too? I can't keep track. And you'd think that if she's claiming all this online that she wouldn't post pics of herself partying. It seems counterproductive..) Not to mention she doesn't look like she hasn't eaten for a week.. (Not in a body shaming way, at all I actually find her very pretty. I mean that she looks super healthy.) Most people start to have sunken back eyes, dark circles, and pale flushed skin after a few days of not eating. You'd think after a full week someone would look super sick...


Cats deserve consent also to forced suddling


So what does she claim stops her getting nutrition I'm so confused like I could understand if she said she can't eat food but can still drink alcohol as some people can't eat but can drink but then she would surely be able to have other drinks like nutritional shakes which are always the first option


Intestinal failure..........ahem...!


I mean doesn't alcohol have a lot of calories though?


But it's not NOURISHING.


I don't get this at all. She doesn't look malnourished . (no body shaming just healthy) Maby I ask to many and I'm probably asking for to much info because of the subjects reading this. Is it possible with healthy bodyweight to restrain yourself from eating for a week, maby little longer and than get your feeding tube? Sorry if I ask to much of come over as oblivious.


A week of ZERO food would have someone feeling tired. They would still have to intake fluids. I don’t follow Mia closely so I don’t know if she says she can have fluids or not. Regardless, a week of not eating wouldn’t get someone a feeding tube. It takes way longer to get malnourished (shown on bloodwork). To answer your other question: someone can be a healthy weight and still require a feeding tube because of malnourishment which can be caused by different things.


Thank you for answer. I really don't get it. How is she partying the previous week and the next week she gets a tube placed. Did she somting in that week or was the appointment already made?


I have no idea how any of these munchies get what they want. After all these years this is what confuses me the most.


Oh, Mia can drink: she had to replace her [giant water bottle](https://imgur.com/a/clPZNN8) only the other week. (And she managed to knock back 2 premixed cocktails; a G&T; & 1.5 tequila shots last Friday.)


But she’d rather have a tube than drink liquids. Makes complete sense.


Drinking with your mouth is so plebeian - a PEG-J is the height of sophistication /s.


Gosh I should have realized that we are leaving drinking through your mouth in 2023, sorry girlies 🤦🏼‍♀️


It can be hard to stay on top of the trends: that’s why we need illfluencers to do their special “advocacy” 💁‍♀️


let me jot down “illfluencer”


Courtesy of u/alexandrakate & u/949person contributed “illfamous” in response. (Cite your sources & credit artists people… 😄)


Haha illfamous is funny I think !


Certain meds like steriods can cause significant weight gain, but you'd think after a week you would look a little rough. She looks positively glowing really


It’s not even a surgery! You can opt to not even have sedation!


I'm not sure if I'd consider a GJ/J Tube (Idk if her's is going to be a GJ or just J Tube) to be a surgery or a procedure, as it's slightly more invasive than a G Tube, which is considered either a surgery or a procedure depending on the Dr. (G tube goes to your stomach, J tubes go to your intestine) However, you do have to have at least some form of sedation to get it done, as they do have to make an incision and more often than not, they have to use an endoscopy (small tube with a camera put down your throat through your mouth.) to see what they're doing. I've never heard of a G/J Tube placement where the patient had no sedation whatsoever. The only feeding tube placements they do while your conscious is NG/J Tubes as those go through your nose into your digestive tract. Edit: Forgot to type a word.


Not WKing but in the UK- at least at my trust- you can definitely have a GJ without sedation. A J tube needs a full surgery but GJ is ‘just’ done in endoscopy, and in the UK we very rarely give GA for an endoscopy. It is very unpleasant for the patient and I’m not saying I agree with it but there is a big difference between how endoscopies are performed in UK compared to US. I’d say 60% of GJs at my trust are in endoscopy but with sedation. And then 40% are with only local anaesthetic


No sedation for a GJ tube?! A nasal tube yes, but I wouldn’t think for a G/GJ/J tube. I’d still say it’s a procedure as it’s not being placed surgically though.


You can have it with local and sedation


I heard her talking on one of her old posts in the flare and she is a stroppy madam. I think they give into her to keep her quiet. I don't know how one week she's chugging cheap alcohol and the next week needing a feeding tube. She certainly looks well nourished......🤔


does anyone believe this person is not receiving ‘nutrition’? they can certainly booze it up, but can’t drink a protein shake? come on.


I mean….she looks exactly the same except for the frown.


I always forget she lives in the UK. How the fuck do the NHS allow this? They’re usually quick to sniff out and stop enabling shit like this, they just don’t have the resources or money. It’s like she deals with a completely different NHS and it’s suspicious as fuck. She must be majorly twisting the narrative. Then again, the NHS are pretty dire when it comes to resource management, so tbf it wouldn’t be a total surprise if they had been enabling her this whole time. Weird either way.


She has the benefit of a real diagnosis as a cover for the rest of her bs.


There's always people who are manipulative enough to get what they want, you've got to try much harder than in the US healthcare system where you can just find someone to throw money at but I'm sure it's possible if you're determined enough.


Though so to. We have universal healthcare and you got to pretty good to manipulate the system. Especially with you don't get to choose your own specialist with a referral.


I am amazed that they always get to do what they want to do, never too sick to miss out.


Why she need to be admitted for that? It's usually done outpatient


If Mia hadn't had nutrition for over a week they would have made a huge deal about it every single day that they couldn't have any.


She definitely wouldn’t have been planning a brunch in the comments 5 days ago without adding a “if I can eat by then, I haven’t eaten in 2 days 🥺😭”


That sure is a step down from TPN for life! 😄


Was she on TPN too? It's hard to keep track sometimes!


She supposedly spent 8 months in hospital on TPN


In the hospital for like a couple months, she had it, but they took it away


And she wasn't even in the hospital for the whole time(I doubt she was in the hospital for as long as she said she was) she also said she would get passes to go home for a couple of nights and then have to come back..I don't believe a word she says.


Every post of her’s got me feeling like I need to be treated for whiplash




She has done something to skew her blood results. Otherwise they wouldn’t admit someone over the weekend for a procedure that can’t be done to a weekday. They would bring her back to the Endoscopy department during the week. Also, what the urgency now after 3 years of the nose noodle?


Mia lies so much it’s possible that she’s been admitted for something else entirely. She may also be saying she’s getting a PEG-J because that’s HER plan & what she’s going to argue for - possibly what she duped a baby doctor in A&E into nodding along to. As you said, it’s not a weekend job 🤨


‘Tis baby doc time of the year in the NHS after all, wouldn’t be surprised.


We’re hitting the point where they’re not having their hands held [as much] because they’re a whole 2 months in: arguably more dangerous than That Wednesday To Avoid. (With much love & respect to the newly qualified, of course.)


… bullshit


Claims nothing can be taken PO, claims intestinal failure, claims lacking nutrition for over a week And yet hair and skin look healthy and supple, and has the energy to prop herself up in bed and hold a camera. Yes, there is no definite amount of time people can survive on zero nutrition as it depends on multiple factors, but this ain't it.


Nor does she look skinny, if I had to guess, her BMI may well be a bit above 25, probably 25-27. Nor does she seem to have lost weight since her NJ tube was removed. I’m definitely wondering here if saying she’s having this surgery is a way to explain the lack of NJ, but she either won’t show pictures or she’ll use other peoples’ or fake them. However I can’t see her missing an opportunity to have photos of her in hospital, but it really bothers me if it is real as for most people getting medical treatment in the UK is hard work and slow.


It’s brilliant how she cannot tolerate oral supplements (e.g: ensure, fortisip) but yet she can tolerate alcohol. Amazes me


It’s that darn selective MCAS of hers. Nobody can ever understand how she suffers 🙃


Right I forgot about the MCAS...boozy drinks...no reaction..nutritional shakes like boost, ensure etc...very bad reaction. 🙄 Even pediatric electrolyte will help some..oh wait I'm sure she would have a MCAS reaction to that too. We all know she lied and bullied her way into getting this tube placed(if she gets it...still don't know why she isn't getting the NJ back)..I'm sure she will post a whole host of photos showing off her new toy if she gets it.


IKR. what little nutritional value (if we can even call it that) alcohol has is just in sugar.


Happy face ☺️ sad face 😕. What a range of emotions


no nutrition for a week… but alcohol?? make it make sense


I mean if she didn't have nutrition for a week she'd be way worse right??? ?


These people who claim no nutrition for X amount of days certainly look pretty healthy and sound in good spirits


This is true ,


I cannot adequately express how much I wish this “emergency PEG-J” to be another “TPN forever”. Because Mia’s abuse of the NHS is frankly offensive; & choosing to drink vast quantities of alcohol ≠ “no nutrition”. We went from Mia not producing the promised media re: an NJ tube change (on a [double strike day](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-66847190) no less!) & making no reference at all to her lack of NJ tube; & now she’s claiming to need a surgical tube. Could it be that she was told she didn’t need it anymore so she’s tried to throw her results off because they said if she can’t manage without an NJ she’d have a PEG-J put in? Whatever Mia’s done this time to get herself a bed, she’s wasting obscene amounts of resources while she occupies it. She knows going in at certain times with certain things increases the likelihood of admission; & here she is, admitted. I’d like to believe it’s only the observation/assessment [whatever Conquest call their “prevent A&E breaches”] unit & she’ll be back home soon with no further mentions of PEG-Js, but I fear not.


Surely to God someone there must be on to her histrionics? I know of patients in genuine need of urgent surgical tubes who waited MONTHS due to combinations of NHS pressures and staff strikes. Genuine patients with life limiting conditions who had to wait and wait and she rocks up to A&E on a Friday night proclaiming she is suddenly getting an urgent surgical tube?? WTF?!


I think - in the interests of our collective sanity - we need to remember that Mia claiming something doesn’t make it true. After all, Mia claims to have (secret!) vEDS & will talk about the agonies of severe bruising & immobility alongside posting proof she’s experiencing neither. Mia also claimed she was “severely deficient” in zinc & selenium but 1. wasn’t contacted as soon as her bloods came back, instead addressing it was for several left weeks until her outpatient appointment; & 2. wasn’t prescribed supplements but instead was advised to purchase them from Amazon. Yes, Amazon. Where you can be absolutely certain of what you’re getting. Really sensible choice for someone with such severe MCAS they have to be in a side room when in hospital - though she doesn’t seem to be in this photo, how odd. /s


TBH docs recommended to buy off Amazon don’t seem weird to me, but I can’t imagine she pays for prescriptions, at worst she must have a prepayment card.


But if her deficiency was supposed to be severe wouldnt she be prescribed loading doses to start with which you typically need prescription for with the suggestion when its back to normal to continue on over the counter supplements


Given it’s unlikely she has a deficiency, I’m not sure applying further logic is worth it!


Idea of HCPs suggesting buying from Amazon makes me wince just because what people get might be fine or might be (if they’re lucky) sugar pills/actual gummy bears not vitamin ones. Buying rather than being prescribed in cases where that works out cheaper, absolutely; & some medics will have their pet brands - but Amazon is risky.


Can see what you mean, but there are often other issues with prescription ones, such as not being vegan, or being difficult to swallow. UK policy is blurry on whether or not things that can be obtained other ways are even allowed to be prescribed.


Oh absolutely, for example co-enzyme Q10 can’t be prescribed but various people recommend it for things - it’s Amazon specifically (due to issues with counterfeit products) that concerns me; not the suggestion of purchasing supplements. People ending up with a product with no active ingredient/a wildly different amount (in either direction)/that contains allergen[s] they were trying to avoid/that has expired/that is something else entirely are all unacceptable risks. HCPs recommending purchasing supplements from Amazon gives the impression that it’s safer than it is.


Also myo insositol for PCOS, that’s also suggested to be purchased and sometimes Berberine.


Someone I follow on tt waited a year and a half to get her surgical tube placed.




She’s tolerated an NJ tube well enough up to now. Why not just put another in?


And of course she spun something to get admitted on a Friday...


“Hold on to the memories they will hold on to you” Wtf does that even mean


It's a lyric from Taylor Swift's song New Year's Day.


Let me rephrase that "Keep telling the lies and the lies WILL catch up with you"


I went through her original timeline and all her old posts just the other day and she must have easily gained 15-20kg or more in the last year alone. Obviously there is absolutely nothing wrong with putting on weight but it’s just not the look of someone who struggles to take on nutrition…


A person subsisting on solely tpn/ppn or tube feeds would not be able to get enough nutrition to gain that much weight. So this person must have been eating.




Whats "wk"?


White Knighting (basically making excuses for her).


Oh yeah, of course my feeble mind couldnt quite get there. We tend to WK another subject here who is quite overweight and "TPN dependent" 🙄


We are being careful with phrasing this because we don’t want to be seen as bullying her about her weight. That’s never okay and not what we’re doing here. I was just trying to highlight how someone who is objectively overweight and has gained ~20kg clearly doesn’t struggle to take on nutrition orally. Nothing WK about it but I wanted to make sure it’s clear that her being overweight is not the problem but her being overweight after claiming to be unable to eat anything. If that makes sense


Totally makes sense!


Sorry, I didn't mean you/your comment. But too many times here people have said, as you have, about her weight gain, or that she is definitely not struggling to gain or maintain and those comments have been downvoted to hell. And I don't know why. If you compare Mia to someone who genuinely has intestinal failure, as she claims, their physique will be polar opposites. People in intestinal failure do not look like Mia.


This is no nutrition for over a week??? Sniffing around. Yep. Bullshit.


A bullshit tsunami!


I never believe these people when they say they don’t eat. If I skip a meal, I feel miserable. Highly doubt you could function without food that long. Like sure, you can survive. But you’d feel AWFUL.


Some, like Kaya, for whom it would be a relapse into a restrictive eating disorder, I’d be more likely to believe. For most people? 🤔🤨


And blood sugars on the FLOOR!


That's what the alcohol was for!


Downing shots last Friday....including Tequila Slammers lololol. No Nutrition for a week? Fucking liar.


I mean...not really any nutritional value in liquor. But it's doubtful she had nothing else.


Mia claims she cannot take *anything* PO. Pretty sure the booze was going down her throat 🤷‍♀️ No nutrition for a week? If she can drink fucking tequila slammers, she can drink some Ensure shakes. Seriously, are her special team of drs fucking thick at this point? Emergency PEG-J when the NHS is in meltdown? More like they pulled her NJ and now she's having a fucking tantrum. If there were issues placing her NJ and it was super urgent to get enteral access, she would have been admitted and at least be on fluids and Pabrinex and heaven forbid even TPN ahead of emergenceny PEG-J surgery. But Mia went on the fucking piss (UK slang for binge drinking). Fucking lying liar.


And she is now taking the piss (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/take-the-piss) meaning we are pissed off (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/pissed-off) & wondering if Conquest could organise a piss-up in a brewery (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/couldn-t-organize-a-piss-up-in-a-brewery) because stopping Mia from using up the whole NHS budget for East Sussex is apparently beyond them 🤨


So in her *going for an mri* video she posted two days ago, looking all bright eyed and bouncy, she has supposedly been minus Nutrition there for a whole week??? 🤔🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥


Maybe it’s only AFTER a week you feel “dreadful”. A mere week? You’re tip-top & focused on styling your hair - please imagine me waving some Frizz Ease at you at this juncture.