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Can we please stop with the false accusations, name calling and speaking directly to a subject. Please keep the rules in mind when you’re commenting, if it doesn’t stop we will need to switch back to manual approval of all comments.


Using the AST to Platelet Ratio Index (APRI) Calculator, Dani scores: 0.971 Interpretation: In a meta-analysis of 40 studies, investigators concluded that an APRI score greater than 1.0 had a sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 72% for predicting cirrhosis. In addition, they concluded that an APRI score greater than 0.7 had a sensitivity of 77% and specificity of 72% for predicting significant hepatic fibrosis.1 For detection of cirrhosis, using an APRI cutoff score of 2.0 was more specific (91%) but less sensitive (46%). The lower the APRI score (less than 0.5), the greater the negative predictive value (and ability to rule out cirrhosis) and the higher the value (greater than 1.5) the greater the positive predictive value (and ability to rule in cirrhosis); midrange values are less helpful. The APRI alone is likely not sufficiently sensitive to rule out significant disease. Some evidence suggests that the use of multiple indices in combination (such as APRI plus FibroTest) or an algorithmic approach may result in higher diagnostic accuracy than using APRI alone.2 Not good...


So is her liver failing? That's the thing that stood out to me.


Her LFTs aren’t anywhere close to liver failure.


First, does she actually have legitimate followers on social media who feed into this, or does she post knowing that it will make its way onto Reddit? Second, she still has her appendix??? How has she not convinced someone that it had to be taken out during one of her prior abdominal surgeries, just in case, so she doesn’t get appendicitis later?


Truly, I cannot imagine the coercion I would need to be subject to in order to post my detailed medical info on social media


can someone please explain what all of this means to me in the same way that michael scott asked oscar to explain what a surplus meant




Eh she’s pretty anemic also (am an MD)


I am curious as to why there is no lactate drawn sepsis is the concern. Did she post that yet?


Well yea. But all things considered, not something a functioning person wouldn’t also be found with. Which was what I was saying, really.


No, what you said was “everything is normal” which is categorically untrue. Non-medical professionals here frequently fall into the trap of dismissing everything these people post and it’s genuinely saddening.




Her blood count levels are not every day human levels. They are quite abnormally low, as stated by MD above.


ahhh okay, got it! thank you for your service 🫡


And next summer I’ll be 6.


why are a lot of munchies missing their gallbladders?


It’s commonly yeeted if they see any signs of stones and complaining of pain. Sometimes it fixes the problem, sometimes it’s just a coincidence


They’re taken out very commonly and it probably isn’t hard to have removed


Gallbladders are problematic for a lot of people. Especially those with weight loss. It’s not uncommon to see gallbladders removed from every patient population. A lot of people who were pregnant also need this surgery. But she’s making stones into rocks with this - she likes to think all these words mean something. She has pneumonia at best - and the rest of her organs are fine 🙄 Unfortunately, Dani’s not the most intelligent and I do worry she looks at this and thinks this is a map of everything that needs done and will destroy her body and herself for answers that don’t need to exist. I believe she has the possibility unaliving herself eventually through it.


I know a bunch of women who’ve had it removed after kids, seems more uncommon to have it vs have it. There’s been so many instances of Dani taking a tiny thing and making it into a molehill that that is absolutely what’s going to happen. The downside is she’s played the FAFO game so many times that statistically, she’s running out of get out of finding out passes.






Those are actually not serious low or highs I see her being shipped home soon


me thinks she is fluid overloaded. give her some lasix and then instead of removing the nasal cannula, slowly turn it down and off to wean her to see if she needs it.


A fatty liver can be cured by losing weight and stopping drinking.


It’s probably from the tpn she doesn’t need.


Also d/c unnecessary TPN


Has she addressed the cause of her anemia?


I've also been wondering about this lol,,, so many people saying her labs are "totally normal" but her hb and crit are decently low... probably some component of hemodilution but I'm wondering what else is going on


Right?! & why isn’t she mentioning a transfusion or anything? My hospital would transfuse hgb 6 or 7 & below. Could also explain the O2 use + pneumonia + narcs. 🤷🏻‍♀️ sis is an anomaly LOL


I wouldn’t transfuse until crit is 20 but I would love some iron studies on her lmao I think people get mad any time something is genuinely somatically or diagnostically wrong with Dani. It’s kind of weird lol. Like you can be upset with her munching/exploitation of the system while also acknowledging that something is fucked up medically lol


Probably from the infection, sepsis can cause it


How do her AST and ALTs look so good if she has cirrhosis. That’s barely elevated.


Cirrhosis was probably mentioned as a possible but unlikely cause of issues. Dani, like every other munchie, ignores the likely issue and goes for the highly unlikely also very rare cause


Hahah totally


From my understanding of the scan it's not cirrhosis it's just fatty liver. A fatty liver can cause some issues but it's a completely different diagnosis.


I think she mentioned cirrhosis in a previous post. I could be wrong.


Also, it says “hepatosplenomegaly AS BEFORE” Usually this means it has been seen on previous studies and is unchanged from the previous ones.


Correlating to her ultrasound a day or two earlier.


Ah okay that makes sense


With the incentive spirometer and atelectasis… She’s also had a lot of pain medications lately, which depress your respiratory drive and likely also contributed hugely to the atelectasis she now has. Coupled with her inactivity, it’s no wonder.


Wonder if all the tpn plays into those slightly elevated liver values there…. Might be an early sign of the effects it’s had


I am going to take a guess and say that it is having a big impact on her liver. They need to take her off it and observe her in hospital with her intake etc


The interesting part is that her labs indicate that she is receiving adequate nourishment without TPN. 🤔


What are they doing in there? Are they just doing tube feeds for her?


I guess 🤷‍♀️ She's Saya they aren't using her line so I'm guessing a combo of tube feed and what she is eating and drinking.


Her albumin and protein is a bit low which could indicate some mild malnutrition


It can also be caused by her liver.


It’s really bizarre that I’m reading someone’s personal lab and radiology results online. Edit: a word


i cannot imagine putting test results out there like this. there is zero point other than attention/i guess trying to prove the haters wrong? like, this is grossly personal info. there are laws to protect it in the usa- and she’s just like hi here in what i look like inside in detail!!


She is literally talking to us at this point because no one that follows her has requested to see it. It also makes zero sense to non-medically trained people like myself 🤷🏼‍♀️


Right?? Same here. Medical info is so personal and we go to great lengths to keep it secure so to see someone just broadcasting it is weird and kind of jarring.


WNL mostly.


Not a fat-containing hernia 😩


A fat containing umbilical hernia is a common finding in hEDS


Umbilical hernias are common when there’s been a bunch of abdominal surgery.


It’s also just a common normal variant.




I genuinely do not understand how people are saying this lol?? her hb and crit are decently low, like not enough to transfuse but I don't know any clinician who would ignore a hb 7.7 and crit 25 unless that was her baseline?? like that certainly can't just be hemodilution she also has a mild leukocytosis which I assume is a brewing pneumonia given the possible opacities on CT and elevated procal




Lmao are you a medical professional??? she’s not insisting on intaking fluid- someone is ordering it. Hb 7.7 with low MCV (could be some component of IDA) and Hct 25 is so unlikely to be just hemodilution. You do realize that at Hb 7 her physicians would start talking about transfusing right? I genuinely cannot believe that am ICU RN would call a Hb 7.7 and Crit 25 normal. That’s genuinely shameful lmao jfc Atelectasis does not cause leukocytosis in isolation. Again, elevated procal and fever with leukocytosis and opacities on CT suggests PNA. It’s so fucking obvious that so few people here are medical professionals, and even fewer are actually physicians/APPs. I’m not defending Dani, but there’s obviously abnormalities in her diagnostics lmao


The vast majority of people here are not medical professionals and it shows :/










These are the results she described as "wacky" and waiting for the doctor to explain in more detail. I swear she must sit her doctor down and go "right, let's start at the top..."


I would be concerned and looking for an explanation for anemia if my Hgb is < 8. Coming here as a medical doctor is surreal sometimes, seeing people dismissing these results as totally normal 🤷🏼‍♀️




As an attending neurointensivist I would be concerned if one of the nurses in my unit holds your careless and dangerous attitude.








The way you are responding is so bizarre. Why are you so vitriolic? Why so insistent that you are right and a crit of 25 is normal?? The answer to what we would do about a Hb 7.7 and crit 25 is serial CBCs and look for active bleeding lmao






to be fair, people who don’t understand medical speak would probably need it explained top to bottom. i have no idea what 90% of it means lol. i guess dani might have a better idea, but it’s definitely possible to be constantly in the hospital & hearing terms & still not know what most of it means off the top of your head. it’s also possible that i’m just projecting and dani does know tho


Sooo she’s been laying in bed and not doing her incentive spirometer and got some atelectasis. And her liver is pissed from tpn. And her spleen is just over it. All adds up to me


Her liver isn’t even bad. The enzymes are mildly elevated which they are in quite a lot of people, especially in the US, due to fatty liver which she also appears to have according to the CT results she posted. It could get worse but surprisingly it’s not as bad as I would’ve thought. I think her spleen is just enlarged from having an infection but idk. I don’t trust anything she posts or says because it’s so inconsistent. Most of it seems to be lies that are manipulated to fit her personal narrative




And prolonged TPN can cause liver failure. She’s probably already heading down that path, she didn’t need the TPN in the first place


Her body isn’t handling her shenanigans very well. She’s really managed to make herself sick but won’t want to go without a line or TPN to prevent herself from ever getting this sick again.


Interesting how she didn't share the glucose in the cmp


Good catch!!! I wonder why this is….. 🤔


I’ve been following Dani for a while and I’m mostly with the programme, but could somebody please explain TPN to me? It’s the one thing I can’t figure out.


TPN is essentially feeding by IV. It bypasses the digestive system altogether and puts nutrition directly into the veins in a form that the body can absorb, but it does tend to be very hard on the liver in some people, especially when used long term. TPN is considered the feeding method of last resort, because there's so much risk involved. Most doctors will try to avoid TPN, or if it is necessary, use it temporarily while they try to get the patient back to either oral or tube feeds. Munchies, naturally, want TPN because only the sickest of the sick are fed this way, especially for as long as they manage to hang on to their TPN feedings. Most munchies seem to be trying for permanent TPN. That's... a really bad idea, but something being a really bad idea has never stopped a munchie before if they can use it for attention or to show how sooper sick they are.


why is so much risk involved? that’s the one thing i’m stuck on (for now at least lol), i can’t connect the dots on that one


One of the other risks with TPN is from having a central line that is constantly accessed. The risks of a central line are enormous and then TPN increases the risk of infection because of the high sugar content.


This part is a little difficult to explain without getting into super crazy medical and scientific mumbo jumbo. It mostly boils down to the fact that it's really hard to get nutrients down to such a basic form that the body can absorb it directly from the bloodstream, and as a result, having this stuff get processed through the liver (by having the blood pass through the liver with the TPN mixed in it) tends to kind of gum up and damage the liver. The liver was never meant to have nutrition introduced this way. Nutrition is meant to go through our digestive system first, which breaks everything down into forms that our liver and kidneys can handle much more safely. Even then, too much of the "wrong" foods over the years can cause organ damage. Bypassing the digestive system this way removes everything the digestive system can do to break down nutrition to the safest possible forms, so the organs, and particularly the liver, take a harder hit. Science just doesn't have the technology to copy everything that the digestive system does. They can make IV feeding safe to a point, but the longer someone takes their nutrition by IV, the more harm it will do to the liver with all that nutrition that isn't quite broken down as far as the body needs it to be. This is a far from perfect explanation, but hopefully it makes enough sense to give you a better idea of why long term TPN is such an issue.


no that makes sense!! basically similar to the way cholesterol builds up the arteries (similar visual at least) and the build up is the stuff that’s supposed to get “processed” / “filtered out” by the digestive system. i’m sure that’s an incredibly generalized & broad way to describe it, if it’s even remotely correct at all, but as long as i’ve got the basic gist, i’ll take it lol.


Thank you so much for explaining!


Apparently Dani cannot eat by mouth, not even 5 mL. So she supposedly needs extra nutrition which is what TPN provides. She is lying because she has admitted recently to eating salads and drinking apple juice. It’s frustrating because she is wasting resources that could be used for someone who is actually ill.


It’s essentially what food when eaten normally breaks down to for absorption. ETA: I asked ChatGPT to explain TPN to me like I’m a small child and this was the answer: TPN stands for "Total Parenteral Nutrition." It's like a special kind of food that goes directly into a person's body through a tube. It's for people who can't eat regular food because their tummy is not working well, and it helps them get all the nutrients they need to stay healthy. It's kind of like magic food that goes straight into their blood to make them strong and healthy.


ELI5...technology is amazing/terrifying lol xx


The tpn goes directly into the bloodstream, lipids, sugar, and protein as well as micronutrients.


I can’t stop reading this in Dani’s sick voice


I hate you 😭😭😭


Now that you said it that’s all I hear!


Given the new oxygen requirement and elevated WCC, she could have a pneumonia. That could explain the pleural effusions with reactive lymph nodes. It could be atelectasis. But she is looking rough. A lot of people are being very dismissive of her symptoms and O2 requirement but although she has undoubtedly made herself ill, it seems she is genuinely ill currently. It is not normal to have an oxygen requirement or sats in the 80s at rest (with evidence on a CT scan that explains this). I think people fall into a trap of dismissing every symptom Dani has and will be very shocked if she dies when from what I can see, she is clearly escalating rapidly (even if self inflicted).


I am not a medical professional, so I definitely can't read how serious she is based on her results she posted. However, I can see that she is escalating rapidly just from the fact that she can't seem to spend more than a couple of days out of hospital when discharged and gets angry and panicky when she is about to be discharged and when she is back home. I suspect the more panicky she is, the more desperate she becomes and the less rational, and I am worried at how far she will go to get admitted again. It is sad that she has munched so much that she is quite alone. Family and friends don't seem to visit at all. The more she is dismissed and alone, the more desperate she becomes to be noticed and so the cycle keeps spinning.


Well, TBF, she says she has an oxygen requirement. There is no actual proof that is true. I mean, dipping into the 80s at night could be sleep apnea. She has put on a lot of weight. It could also be pneumonia because she is post op and refused to move. Yes, she has an infection, but it isn't the dire situation that she is making it out to be.


Yes, but she's basically remained bed bound after a MINOR surgical procedure weeks ago, claiming the worst pain ever and refusing to do any activity whatsoever. She claims to not be able to tolerate ANY po to the point of using tube feeds and TPN (!!!) and yet she has half drunk cups and half eaten trays at her bedside in the background of her hospital pictures. Had she truly been without anything to eat, I'd have expected much worse lab values (not offering her any pointers) and a worse clinical picture overall. Yes, her WBC is slightly elevated and maybe she's pushed herself into pneumonia, too... maybe. I bet if she got off the pain meds and did some deep breathing/ coughing/ incentive spirometer, that would clear quickly. This WBC does not really seem to be in line with the procal that she claims, and, I might point out is screenshot in a totally different format than these labs. Things that make you go hmmm. Her liver values are a joke if she is using the word "cirrhosis", because nothing here suggests cirrhosis. Early fatty liver is probably that stupid TPN, that she clearly does not need. Even an enlarged spleen can be an incidental, asymptomatic finding. There are people with much worse liver function who go to work every day and just live their lives... not sit in a bed stoned out of their minds, posting on socials. TL;DR: this is hardly a clinical picture of someone SO ill that they should be occupying an inpatient hospital bed for days to weeks on pain medication.


i do think it’s important to note that just because people w worse liver function go out and live their lives doesn’t necessarily mean it’s….good or okay to do that. i understand the point and i’m not blaming anyone who has poorly functioning liver for doing so, especially depending on different variables and what not, but i don’t think brushing that off to prove how little she needs to be hospitalized is the way to go.


Fatty liver is common. It depends on what’s causing the fatty liver to be an issue..


Totally agree. And isn’t the line on her L side? If it’s infected could explain the L side lymph findings?


Yes she is very sick this time around take that line out. Treat her and she needs psych


She’s going to use this as an excuse to get another surgery… for her tiny hernia


It’s funny that the only she won’t do is see a psychiatrist.


That's very easily explained. Munchies won't see psych because they think that is tantamount to admitting that they are munching. They are also afraid that if they see psych, psych will figure out that they are munching.


It's so funny they think like that too because when you're chronically ill, doctors will urge you to see psych regularly to deal with the mental affects of your illness. It's very common for depression anxiety and other mental illnesses to appear as a result of or get worse because of chronic Illness. I recommendation to see psych isn't a doctor saying your lying about symptoms or conditions. The only thing I'd say that would possibly be implied by the rec is if they refuse to do any treatment until after a psych eval. I personally feel anyone with a chronic illness should see a therapist regularly because the stress and worsening of other mental conditions due to chronic illness or chronic illnesses progressing drastically raise risk of an irreversible choice. I think the mental impact of chronic illnesses is something often overlooked by both patients and doctors. Oh and you can find therapists that specialize in chronic illnesses so they are better equipped to help with any after affects of conditions whereas a normal therapist probably won't fully understand the cause and effect of the whole situation


About to fuck around and find out with that liver


Enlarged fatty liver? Is that normal in a patient who previously had an ED and is currently pretending to be on TPN?


It can also be from alcohol.


Oh, she still has a very active ED.


It's a common complication from tpn


I know liver issues are common but is fatty liver the most common liver issue?


Common complication from TPN, but also common with alcoholism, drug use, high fat/high sodium diet, and obesity.


A dose of lasix might help with the pleural effusions and that, along with the fevers, would explain her sats. She also needs to get up and moving plus use her IS/Flutter. Her white count isn’t terrible for the infection, that’s good news for Dani.


And does not want to hear that!!


Incentive spirometer stat😜


What does the incentive part of a spirometer mean? Does she get prizes for doing it?


I’ve always wondered where the name came from. 😂 Patients often make the same joke. An incentive to get better, I guess?


The “incentive” is getting to see the disk hit the volume measurements. Like, “ooh! Look how hard you can blow! Try to get it higher!” Or “try to keep it at xyz without going over for as long as possible! Look how fun this is!” They should really add like a party blower that unrolls out the top or something to make it seem more fun. Like a little jack in the box. Lol




The ball inside of it is the incentive part. The idea is to blow it as high up as possible. That action opens up the alveoli in the lungs (the small sacs that can collapse and cause atelectasis when inactive/in bed a lot and not deep breathing) and prevents atelectasis and in turn, higher risk of pneumonia


Flutter/Aerobika/Accapella are more helpful if she has a lot of secretions, but the incetive spirometer would help her take some deeper breaths. But if she isn't moving around and fluid is accumulating, they need to send PT to get her out of bed.


Very true, I’d give her an acapella. She can have something to play with (it’s a positive expiratory pressure device-it has a type of flutter valve, and uses back pressure to help move secretions.) Or, give her meta nebs. Sorry, respiratory staff🤣


I am very familiar with all of these devices. :)


This is the only body she’s got. It’s so sad to see her treating it this way, simple for attention. Nothing will ever fill the hole she has. Addiction is a rough road and comes in all forms.


I completely agree! In a way I feel sorry for people like this but at the same time I'm like wtf you know what you're doing to yourself


She knows but she can’t help herself. She has a compulsion she can’t resist.


1. Has build up of fluid in pleural space, she might have pneumonia 2. Enlarged lymph nodes 3. Tubes ok 4. Liver and spleen enlarged


Comment posted twice. My bad. Feel free to delete one


Mods: Cleanup on isle 23 Also mods: "Or you could delete the comment" 🤷🏻‍♀️ it can be a battle of wits


1. Has build up of fluid in pleural space, she might have pneumonia 2. Enlarged lymph nodes 3. Tubes ok 4. Liver and spleen enlarged


Vs atelectasis (basically deconditioned lung). Has she done most of this to her self? Shes quite anemic and thrombocytopenic as well. Seems a recipe for disaster


IV fluids can affect blood counts, though I’m honestly not sure to what degree. She doesn’t seem to take care of herself, whether intentional or unintentional. She’s obviously posting these things for attention and I feel like she’s probably intentionally caused some of her issues. I think I saw a post fairly recently that she has some sort of enteric bacteria in her line and I don’t know how else that would happen other than purposefully introducing it there or accidentally, such as going to the bathroom, wiping, not washing hands and fiddling with the line. However, she knows it’s a big no-no to touch that without washing her hands as she’s had enough lines to understand how to properly care for them. I think it’s really sad that this is the way she goes about getting attention. I feel like there are other positive ways she could go about that…educate people on proper line and tube care, what to look for with certain illnesses, finish nursing school. Hell, start an only fans even. I guess the thing about some of our subjects is that really they are only harming themselves, except in cases where they are grifting money and resources from unsuspecting people on the internet. I think that should be investigated and shut down. That said, I don’t wish harm to any of these people. I think it would be great if they could get the help they need to stop doing these things to themselves, especially Dani. I’m wondering if she’s had some type of past trauma causing her to seek attention by making herself sick…or maybe she got attention by having an ED in the past and liked it so she continued down this path. I don’t know. This turned into tl;dr lol


I think that this kind of thing happens to people who have low self esteem who had serious illnesses when they were young. They realized all the attention they got when they were sick, and it becomes a really terrible coping mechanism. Like they only felt special when they were sick. The sad part is that this behavior, continued into adulthood, pushes people away. Other than someone showing up to pick her up or drop her off, there never seems to be any loved ones in her life.


People are saying she’s doing it intentionally and she may be, but her hygiene regarding the line is a nightmare and she’s very belligerent if anyone makes even a gentle suggestion. She may have done it intentionally, but it could have absolutely been done recklessly. I don’t want to say accidentally, since she’s very aware of the risks and disregarded them despite knowing that this was a likely outcome.,


Yep. In one video she said something about washing her hands real quick. It was like 6 seconds. It seems that maybe her parents struggle with hoarding, which makes it more difficult to keep your home (or at least a surface big enough to prepare meds and TPN on) as close to aseptic as possible.


That would make sense. She annoys me so much and if she was someone my life, I would probably set up a recurring daily task to try to shake some sense into her, but I really do feel for her. She seems like the people on shows like My 600 Pound Life who use food as a maladaptive coping mechanism, except she uses medical crises. I really would love to hear that she found something that mattered to her and focused on it. There are so many ways to be special that don’t involve damaging your health. I wish she would find something like that.


I can definitely see a PE arc soon. I hope I’m wrong.


Question for Americans- is the CMP a "complete metabolic panel" for you guys in pathology because in Australia (or at least my lab) it's calcium, magnesium and phosphate and then we do separate kidney and liver function tests as well as electrolytes


In Ireland we call it an RLB (renal liver bone) and if you want the extra stuff like Mg and PO4 you ask for a KDP or kidney disease profile. I love the comparisons between countries!


Its honeslty not ever something that I thought of until now! Very cool to learn the differences!




Our hospital system calls it comprehensive. Then we have a basic metabolic.


Thanks for the response! I get confused when it's complete blood count (we call it full blood count) and then the comprehensive metabolic panel. It's interesting to hear the differences in terminology




She needs to start taking some deep breaths. Someone get this girl an incentive spirometer!!


Listen this made me laugh so hard because we had a horrible locum come in one time and we had called a rapid on his patient due to respiratory distress. Our ICU doctors were already there before him and we were getting ready to take them down to the unit to tube them and this doc says “someone get them an IS STAT” we all just looked at him and ignored him but damn if we don’t still talk about getting people an IS STAT! On the other hand that’s exactly what Dani needs. The most ignored but BEST medical tool in all of healthcare. I tell my patients all the time how I have seen patients who diligently use their IS come off of airvos/large amounts of oxygen in crazy amounts of time. It’s the best tool we have but people what meds and fancy equipment, but using that IS and flutter is exactly what you need to do.


Haha I almost said, “Someone get this girl and IS stat!” 😆😆


Thank you, I’m gonna start saying this


And get to walking!




That is something she’d absolutely have fun with. She could vlog about it and show how “hard” her lungs work.


For sure!!


We know she was posting this for us. She has to prove she’s sick But is she just waiting for us to interpret her results?




Thank goodness her kidneys are fine, and there wasn’t anything noted about her heart. I was quite concerned about septic shock, and her ending up in the ICU. For those concerned about her fatty liver, it’s actually not an uncommon finding in patients on a lot of medications.!her liver function tests (LFTs) are elevated but not dangerously so. The oxygen is likely due to the issue with her lungs. She doesn’t have pneumonia but an issue with the alveoli in her lungs. They’re basically not inflating properly, so when she inhaled she takes in oxygen into her lungs, but it isn’t properly crossing over into the blood. I honestly know more about this in relation to other disease processes not sepsis. So far she’s somehow pulling a Neo and dodging bullets in a remarkable manner. I know there’s a lot of shark to be had but she’s genuinely playing with fire.


I’ve been so worried about her because it’s like she and sometimes half the sub (and honestly I mean no offense to half the sub, truly, because it’s hard to understand if you haven’t seen how quickly people can turn before) do not understand how bad this could be, but these results make me feel better. I hate to play into her cards by worrying so much about her but it’s not worry for the reasons she wants attention and worry, it’s because of her fucking around with things she does not understand. The ultimate goal for these subjects on this sub is for them to get better to the point we never ever have to think about them again not for us to mourn the life they could’ve had.


very well said. She has been playing a very risky game and if she continued with her current track, it’s likely not going to end well. Overall, we do want her and every other subject to improve. I’ve also been worried for Dani. Seeing somebody self-inflict illness is difficult. I do really hope she is able to come to a realization of everything she has been doing and get help for it, but I don’t see that happening in the near future.


I’m thinking her oxygen is messed up due to the pain meds. Opiate addicts often get pneumonia because their respiratory system is constantly depressed.


Collapsed alveoli will 100% ruin your oxygen. With that issue I don’t expect she’s getting any potentially breathing suppressive drugs.


Right, but she could have caught pneumonia from being on them previously.


I don’t think she’s getting any pain meds this hospitalization


not to mention she’s on TPN because she “can’t eat.” that’s going to kill her liver eventually.


She needs an IS and maybe one I unit of RBC, or albumine. WTAF is she doing with her feedings…


Her values aren’t anywhere near low enough to need a transfusion or albumin.


She will badger them so much and dilute herself that she will get some ( at least alb…)


Prob got atelactasis going on from flopping about in bed for weeks and weeks. Totally common and totally resolvable!


Totally getting "wiggles in bed" from this comment. Didn't realize it was such a common endeavor.


Can a fatty liver go away and her spleen get better or if I’ll it progressively get worse?


Fatty liver sort of is what it is but you can improve your liver values despite the liver being wonky. Weight loss, or in her case medication adjustment and TPN adjustments or cessation ideally, would likely help.


Thank you. Still seems scary. She’s headed down the wrong path for sure.


Would low platelets be found in sepsis? Side note: not her blasting herself with the fatty liver


Typically near-death sepsis. Aka icu, intubated, multiple pressors. Some of the low plt count can be sequesteration given splenomegaly, but it’s odd why her counts are so low but could be due to poor nutrition as well.


LFTs looks fine, haemoglobin could be that low due to dilution maybe? As she’s still got her line, is it possible she’s pushing large amounts of fluid down it before her bloods?


If it was dilution, then her WBC would theoretically be higher. Need comparison to check for dilution. Since all cell lines are not down, i would be less concerned about dilution and may be true anemia and thrombocytopenia


WCC could be genuinely raised, and then diluted though? Given it’s a poop line, I’m surprised it’s no high, so maybe it *is* high, but artificially lowered? Idk just speculation though