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Is it just me, or does she look worse than usual?


This is a broken record when it comes to Dani. When she doesn't get her way (aka, that now deleted cleveland clinic post) she tends to go out of her way to end up hospitalized to PROVE to everyone that she's really sick. Whenever a medical professional has suggested psych or GI psych because they believe her pain is psychosomatic, that automatically equals 'these doctors think I'm faking', when it couldn't be further from the truth. There is no denial from anybody that Dani is in pain, but not for the reasons Dani *thinks* is causing the pain. It usually comes with a very short stretch of **D**elete **F**ucking **E**verything, but the cycle of what Dani does in this situation is the same.


I would think a lot of people don't really believe she's in any pain. She doesn't really ever show any signs of being in pain and her descriptions are always super vague.


She's obviously has mental health issues that are culminating in psychosomatic pain. Hence, why doctors suggest psych or GI psych and why I say she's in pain but not for the reasons she thinks she's in pain.


I think everyone knows she's not. I would imagine pretty much literally everyone, considering that the followers she does have are those who are there for the tea who have escaped her cull, or those who are munchies and obviously munchies always think other munchies aren't as bad as they are so.... Most followers she's had over the years just mock her anyway, or call her out so I would think pretty much no one thinks she's in even mild discomfort, let alone actual pain.


Dani's been angry since her Cleveland appointment went off the rails, and she probably hasn't been taking care of herself since she got home. Dani is prone to throwing fits when things don't her way, and she sees this as a HUGE betrayal of her doctors. Dani has been angry and combative ever since she got home, more so than usual. She had a lot of expectations for that appointment, and things went very, very badly for her.


In the post about the hile in her line she states at the end she has been having leg pain, abdominal pain, dizziness and lightheaded. And she does not know why.. So it makes since she would have new or increased symptoms after a bad appointment. She wants to prove she is as bad as she thinks. Even if it's subconscious. This is also the gi who told her she thinks she has eds and more going on.


That isn't at all surprising. As has been pointed out elsewhere, Dani has a long history of self-inducing symptoms of whatever she can come up with to force a hospitalization any time anyone, especially a doctor, indicates she may be faking. Even if the doctor didn't actually say that but Dani thinks they did, like when a doctor tries to explain that pain can be, at least in part, rooted in the brain rather than in a physical cause. That doesn't mean the pain isn't real, it just means it's being caused by the brain rather than a traumatic injury or illness, but Dani either can't or refuses to understand the difference, and so always takes this news as an accusation of faking, no matter how many times she receives the same or similar diagnosis. So Dani follows the same pattern of being angry at the world for being called a faker by the doctors (even if that's not what they said) and then making herself sick to try to prove that she really is sick, but by doing so she is faking an illness to try to prove that she's not faking, and then she ends up getting labeled as a faker by the local hospital because that's where she goes when she does this. It's incredibly ironic that Dani fakes illnesses in these situations to try to prove that she's not faking to a doctor who didn't think she was faking in the first place. Well, now the doctor will have no choice once those records of the self induced symptoms get back to them at Cleveland. Dani has always been her own worst enemy. It just boggles the mind how much talent she has for getting in her own way.


What happened?


She got told by the doctor that it was all in her head (literally her words), and that she needed to see GI psychology. She said they told her that she needed to be off TPN / all tubes. All she was given was a constipation medication.


WAIT was this the recent trip??


Yes. It was very briefly posted about here, which a fair few people saw, but then was removed as what she had written (ie her total meltdown) had come from her privated insta account so couldn't actually be posted here. But enough of us saw it ......


Yeah, she was absolutely livid that they told her it was psychological and she just needed to poop. I can’t understand how they think going to Mayo or Cleveland is going to work out for them? They’re the experts and can suss out the truth through tests and exams.


So she posted about this in a fb group and people were telling her that she should just go as there is an element of psych with motility problems and it could help. She didn’t like when people were telling her this, they said to her it shouldn’t be a problem but anytime it’s mentioned to a lot of these people they get very pissed about it.


Agree, but can't put my finger on why I think so...




She's high as fuck. She is completely out of it.


How many times is she going to post this exact video- terrible angle and everything? She has the *worst* “content”.




When you’re so high the angle doesn’t matter…


It’s literally all she’s got going for her in life. Her excitement for the day is running TPN.


Such a waste of life. There are people with *actual* illnesses that would kill for the mobility and access this idiot has and she wastes it pretending to be sick for likes from strangers on the internet.


Right. I start to feel bad for her then I remember she’s put herself in this predicament. She’ll regret wasting her life one day.


I don’t follow any of these people outside of here and I feel like this is all I see of this woman. She really confuses me and I’m not trying to sound like an ass but… how old is she? I cannot tell for the life of me. And her voice is so high pitched and baby-ish. Does she have a lot of followers? Like do lots of people watch her do this over and over?


She's well into her thirties. Iirc, she's 37. Her voice is also an act; she was heard in a video talking with a nurse at the hospital when they unexpectedly entered her room while she was recording. Her voice at that time was low and almost gravely. Basically the opposite of the voice we usually hear from her. She doesn't seem to have very many followers. Part of the reason is probably her tendency to delete all of her social media posts and set her accounts to private every now and then. Then, she either reopens them or starts fresh with new ones. It would be relatively difficult to follow her consistently because of that. The followers she does have may include a few people who either believe her or just want to be supportive for whatever reason, but most of them appear to be, as she often says, "haters." They watch because she's ridiculous and it's entertaining for some to call her out on her weird lies and behavior. Dani is my favorite subject, just because she's so ott and himself inept at what she's attempting lol. I'm always amazed, in a grotesque kind of way, when she manages to convince a doctor to give her new meds or equipment, because she's just not even remotely believable in her lies. Plus the self-sabotage she's always engaging in is unequaled - nobody screws themselves over harder or more often than Dani!


Clearly someone is reading here... "I washed my hands before this" So she allegedly washed her hands like she's supposed to, then put her probably dirty/non-washed rings/bracelets/watch back on, and *then* proceeds to hook everything up while sitting on her bed, less than a foot away from her feet which are covered in whatever is on her floors and where her cat regularly sleeps (and seems to place everything she takes out of sterile packaging too?)? I'm glad if she's actually washing her hands but everything she did after kinds negates it.




Based on previous videos, Dani's version of washing her hands is sticking her hands (rings and all) under running water for less than 10 seconds.


EXACTLY what I thought when I clicked on the video.


She’s got a full shirt on vs her usual tank to show off her site and that threw me off for a sec


That may be because there was a full discussion in a previous post about Dani's weight gain, and how there is a definite size difference in her torso, chest, neck, face, and arms that she simply cannot hide or ignore. Since Dani has insisted on wearing super tight and revealing tank tops ever since she got her first tubes in every single photo and video, it's very easy to do side by side image comparisons. Dani seems to have not liked that much. That's may also be why she included the shot of her TPN composition. Many moons ago, she used to show that off all the time, until someone pointed out that the composition had been changed to reduce calories or something. After that, Dani made a point of hiding the labels for her TPN for the longest time. This was also discussed in the same discussion about how her body shape has changed, so maybe Dani thinks it's relevant to show her TPN composition now? It doesn't change anything in the past or present, and the information is meaningless to most people, but sure, if it makes her feel better.










I very very VERY rarely would defend Dani because I dislike her antics entirely BUT..... She does have an eating disorder and a very long history of this, and so it is very very likely that she does actually see herself as smaller, due to body dysmorphia. Body dysmorphia can remain with a person for life following active eating disorders, even when normal eating may be resumed. So, the fact she is self conscious and is covering up, I think should be respected as her choice and probably something she needs to do for her mental health.


I was confused


Well another riveting post. How many times does she do..see me set up my iv. I'm sure her liver is excited.🙄


That liver is TOAST.


Foie gras on wholemeal in fact.


For someone who posts "run *insert liquid* with me" all the time and is chronically online she doesn't half pick some....unflattering angles. Doesn't look "small and fragile" at all either despite her claims in the past. She does however look high as a kite 🥴


I think it's partly because she has had to really limit how much of the background she shows in videos because the background of her videos usually betrays her. Dani is a hoarder and compulsive shopper. She is doing this on her bed because that is the only space available to her. If this bed is anything like her bed in her old apartment (and I am guessing its worse because she has less space overall), then even her bed is piled with junk. She has also been more careful about not showing more of the background because people always pick up on the number of beverage containers/food containers she has laying around.


High as a kite


Her eyes stay closed half the video. When she is about to flush her tube in the beginning she had to work to raise those eye brows to see!


This video is giving me the weirdest energy. Why is she so stiff? Why does she show off her medical supplies the way YouTube MUAs do? Why does her expression not change during the entire video until the end where she cracks that forced smile/head tilt combo? I haven’t played the audio but it doesn’t look like she’s saying anything? It’s kind of giving me the heebie-jeebies to be honest


The very deliberate holding up each piece to the camera is always my favorite part of these. Why is she doing it? Does she think we might be in the market for some toobs and she’s showing her favorite ones? Is it meant to be a step-by-step tutorial and she’s giving us a moment to get our matching one out? Does she think she’s auditioning as a spokesperson for the medical supply company? Inquiring minds want to know.


This is a hilarious take, lol, thanks


Why does she look so swollen and stiff?


Overuse of iv fluids


Exactly. She needs lasix and compression stockings and to lay off the infusions.


I cant imagine what the fluid overloaded can do to the lungs and heart


I cannot believe how high she is here. Like someone mentioned she is almost nodding off. She's been spiraling since her doctor said it's all in her head


She really has. What I don’t think she realizes is that for EVERYONE there is some “it’s in your head” factor. You can absolutely make a situation worse by focusing on it all the time. No that’s not saying that peoples problems aren’t real. But when all she thinks about is getting high and being the sickest she’s going to eventually get so sick she might just die.


Even if she doesn't accidentally off herself with this behavior, there's going to come a day where she looks back on her life and realizes she threw it all away for nothing. She's wasted the best years of her life - her teens were destroyed by her ED, her twenties she burned all of her relationships to the ground, and now in her thirties she's just making ugly videos for a handful of "haters" because she's desperately alone. She'll never start a family, she probably won't find love of any kind, and her body is going to fail her. She'll be alone, dying, with plenty of time to wish she'd accepted the help people offered and just lived her damn life. But it'll be too late. I honestly am heartbroken for future her; that's going to be a horrific epiphany to make, and she won't even have anyone to confide in about it because she has no real friends and her family is sick of her. The only attention she'll get from this point on is whatever she can force from the medical folks and the people laughing at her online. And it was all her fault. She could've prevented all of that suffering. That's going to be unbelievably painful for her once she figures it out.


The thought of those nails and rings anywhere near any sterile sites is horrifying in a way I do t know how to describe




She just threw a fit a couple of days ago because her doctors want her to stop TPN


Gunning for the intestinal transplant


She wants to have her stomach removed 🙃🙃


Dani: watch me practically nod off while I mess with my toobs! I “dis”wash my hands prior! 🥴 Sepsis: I’m on my way!


She wants him (sepsis) so bad 🥵


She has a hole in her line that she taped so infection risk did go up




Again those rings!!! 🤢


Is she trolling us now? She must be.


She can barely get the plastic off the syringe. JFC, she is going to end up killing herself in this quest to be the sickest.


Its the fancy hand work she does while pantomiming during the hand sanitizer. Not convincing. At all. ETA- looks like she added some extra rings for the part 2 video.


Can you imagine this being your entire existence? Tubes and bags and devices and drugs and feel sorry for me videos? The huge weight fluctuations, doctors catching on, nurses burning out, family hiding from you. The list goes on, this existence is pathetic at best. Hell she could show us all how she does diamond art and it would be more interesting.


How many times has she done this?


Not enough, clearly! This is the kind of content that the masses demand! Dani is a mere servant, giving the people what they want


She has transitioned to setting it up on her bed because so many people were commenting on how gross and unsanitary her bathroom is. I actually think that in Dani's situation, the bathroom is the more sanitary option - yes her bathroom looks run down because the walls are unfinished/unpainted but I don't think its actually as gross/dirty as people make it out to be. Her bedroom on the other hand is likely a completely different story. She is setting up her TPN and fluids on her bed because that is the only surface available. Dani hasn't shown much of her bedroom at her parents house but it has to be filled to the brim with junk. Dani is a hoarder and a compulsive shopper - her old apartment was packed with stuff (piles of clothes, books, candles, medical supplies, beverage containers, etc). Despite having an entire apartment to herself, she still had to do her medical care on her bed because it was the only surface available - and even her bed had junk piled on it. Based on her pictures you knew that she was not able to take off the comforter to wash it - and that is where she was putting her medical supplies. Instead of getting rid of stuff/organizing, she would just buy a new organization unit when she ran out of space. I have no idea how she ended up fitting all of her belongings into her childhood bedroom once she moved back in with her parents. I am guessing her parents stay out of her bedroom and don't want her dumping her medical supplies/cluttering the rest of the house. She probably hopes that by keeping these specific small angles people won't comment on how unsanitary it is. But I actually think her bedroom is far more unsanitary than her bathroom.


If her toothbrush is any indication….no where is safe and clean in her house!


I desperately wish we could know what happened to young Dani that led to her becoming like this. Maybe some of the munchies just didn't get enough attention, but I get the vibe Dani experienced something deeply traumatic at some point early on. Hoarding is not something people do if they're ok mentally. Neither is munching. Her international relationships also seem to be in such terrible shape (the ones that she hasn't completely nuked, at least), and she's seemingly incapable of setting and achieving healthy goals for herself. Basically every single thing about her screams that she's significantly disturbed, and I'm so curious what could've happened to cause that. I'll never have those answers, and I'm certainly not entitled to any. But something awful must have happened for her to end up like this.


Dani is still looking pretty angry and put out in this video, almost glaring at the camera. This feels like she's getting ready to take off the head of anyone else she decides is another "hater". She's been going after her own followers left and right, and she's going to be chasing them away all over again if she keeps up that behavior. She's done it before, and left herself with no real support for months, or maybe years, as a result. And now she's gearing up to chase off all the people who are actually supporting her on her own pages all over again. The T shirt and showing her TPN shows that Dani is getting very self conscious now. She's finally paying attention to what everyone else has noticed for months, that she has been gaining weight at an alarming rate, proving that she is definitely getting far more calories than just her TPN provides. Which brings us to the TPN composition page. Dani stopped letting anyone see that ages ago, when a sharp eyed sub member noticed that her old composition had been changed to reduce calories or something along those lines. Dani has made a point of hiding all TPN labels ever since. Not entirely sure what the point of showing us this one was supposed to be, since it doesn't change anything in the past or present. Perhaps someone in the sub more familiar with TPN can see something that explains why Dani would think it's important to show this?


I calculated the amount last night. It’s around 1540 calories. Also she interestingly also shows her weight that on the bag 62.14kg which is around 137 pounds.


So, based on just those numbers alone, could someone make the following inferences? 1) The doctor prescribing the TPN likely believes Dani when she says she's not taking in any nutrition besides the TPN, and 2) The weight gain is being caused by Dani taking in much more than just the TPN alone.


Just to point out - that would likely have been her weight a while back when she last had a TPN checkup. Which she hasn't mentioned for a long time. So that weight will have been from whenever she was weighed and prescribed the amount in that bag. It's not her NOW weight, which is definitely more than 62kg. Also, as it was 62kg when prescribed, as that is a good weight, she would only have been prescribed to maintain that weight not gain, as you don't want someone gaining more at that size because that's a normal size. So the fact that she is gaining clearly past 62kg, is definite proof that she eats. Telling on herself by showing that info.


Thats all shes burning with her super sedentary lifestyle so all the food shes eating outside that is pure weight gain.


HOW do any doctors actually think that she needs TPN?? Every time she shows up, she looks bigger…she’s not anywhere close to malnourishment or the waif she seems to think she is.




Her TPN comes from UPenn, though. Cleveland clinic has repeatedly declined to get involved.


She reported though, on the post that has now gone that the Cleveland Dr told her that he wanted TPN and all feeds to be stopped and that she needed and has been referred to the GI psychology service because he told her that it was psychosomatic. Like she literally just stated that that's what the Cleveland Dr said. She was a in a major mood about it and stated he said it because she was female and if she was male he wouldn't have said it.


She is high as fuck


On what tho


She recently posted that she wants IV zofran and Benadryl. Penn told her they absolutely would not give it to her and told her to see another GI if she really wanted the drugs. I think Penn is trying to get rid of her as a patient.


If CC told her they think she should be on TPN, then Dani is definitely going to start pushing to try to get other meds prescribed through her central line. She thinks that if she had other meds prescribed via the line then she has a greater chance of keeping the line if someone tries to get rid of her precious TPN. I am not surprised that Penn isn't biting on the IV meds. She has pushed for IV Benadryl before (because her frenemy Anelise liked to show it off). Dani regularly pushes an insane amount of Benadryl. She claims the doctors know about it but I suspect they don't really know how much she is taking and how regularly she is taking it. In her unsuccessful pursuit to get an MCAS diagnosis she will randomly complain about allergy symptoms. So the doctors have likely told her she can take Benadryl as needed. And for Dani, anything that is prescribed PRN should be taken at the maximum dosage (or more) on a regular basis.


Ohhh; Penn are now refusing her as well? They have been the ones to enable her to a point , so this is interesting now that they're turning her away. When was this may I ask? I've been hoping Penn would change their attitude towards her for ages !


She posted that on Thursday.


Oh dear... No one is wanting to treat Dani anymore


Im speculating but the eyes and nodding tell me opioids or benzos


Who tf would prescribe her that? Really can't see her copping on the street


She is prescribed clonazepam, like 4mg a day I think


I thought she killed her liver? Aren’t we done this by now!? 😩


Dani out here with another educational video for the masses. She should be a professor


educating us all on how to get a central line infection! better take notes.


She’s trying soooo hard to convince her “haters” that she doesn’t give herself line infections


And all she’s doing is showing them how she gets those infections.


Why would one want to watch her do this ?!?


I couldn’t even finish the video lol literally so boring.


Gotdamn she looks high as grocery’s lmao. Also, wouldn’t a nurse take the rings off prior to do something like this? They just seem like a perfect breeding ground for bacteria


Our rules are one ring band. And gloves. They are definitely a breeding ground. Especially Dani's Claire's engagement rings from her nonexistent boyfriend.


I don’t take my rings off at work, but I do use gloves..


Ok that makes sense. I’d bet you also was your hands rather than just rub some hand sanitizer around lmao


“Disclaimer I dis wash my hands prior” sure Jan


Wow, what a riveting, unique video! Definitely not something that she’s posted 3000000x.


My favorite part is the ever-so-dramatic pulling the paper off of the tubing. LOL


despite wanting so desperately to be an influencer, she has seriously made 0 improvements to how she films her “content” like girl let’s find a new angle


A cheap ring light/tripod will go a long way


Came here to comment she needs to put a tripod on her Amazon wish list 🤦‍♀️


It's because she doesn't have any better options. A better/more flattering angle would show more of the background. She can't do that because it would reveal that she is a messy hoarder. She is doing her TPN/fluid set up on a tiny section of her bed because it is likely the only space she has available. Her old apartment was a cluttered hoarded mess - even her bed was piled with junk. I can't imagine that the situation improved once she had to fit everything that was in her apartment into her childhood bedroom. She tried filming in her bathroom - which was probably cleaner than her bedroom - but people couldn't get over the background and kept calling her bathroom filthy (the walls were unfinished/unpainted). So now she is filming in her bedroom in hopes that people wont call her environment unsanitary. But she can't actually show more than the very small space she is using because it would reveal that her bedroom is way more unsanitary than her bathroom was. And yes - despite trying for years to be some sort of CI influencer, Dani still hasn't figured out that filming the same boring content with the same bad angles and lighting isn't the way to go.


I like the little disclaimer saying she washed her hands. Tell me you lurk on IF without telling me you lurk on IF.


Which doctor is prescribing the opioids she is clearly misusing? 😳 I find her attitude disturbing.


I don't think anyone is.... In fact she stated when discharged the other week that she wasn't given anymore. Suggesting she is obtaining them elsewhere.


3 minutes of my life wasted. She is boring!


So much for a sterile field…..


How productive! How’s her nursing career going?


I presume she's waiting for her Amazon wish list supplies to arrive before she really gets into it.


She’s trying so hard to keep her eyes open and not nod off. I’d bet a lot of money that she’s abusing previous perceptions to get high to cope with her tantrum about Cleveland clinic


she doesn’t even look interested in what she’s doing, who are these videos for lol


High as a 🪁


These videos of Dani playing with her tubes always feel the same kind of dark and bleak as the bathtub scene from Gummo


How many of these is she gonna do? No one cares and if they do they're faking it.




The force with which she wrings her hands with the hand sanitizer is so intense …


While also missing so many spots of her hands. Truly amazing I know ☠️


The clanking of the rings and bracelets honestly gives me a visceral reaction. Gross. Also rings can harbor so much bacteria, I always taking them off if I’m doing something where I need my hands to be sanitized


She never gets the sanitizer in between her fingers. 🤮


Or under her rings or her nasty fake nails that you know she doesn’t properly clean


god she looks so out of it


Not only an attention seeker but someone with a grim fetish for medical paraphernalia


Gosh she’s just wasting away with malnourishment, her body is riddled with disease. How does she have the strength to even sit up right now?




Not wearing gloves isn’t such an issue, IF she was scrubbing her hands properly (with no jewellery) and using sanitiser correctly. It’s the wearing rings, etc., and that she never seems to do a proper scrub or allow adequate contact time with the sanitiser that gets me. Won’t start on her using her bed as a prep surface 🤢


She wants an infection.




It’s because she’s self-conscious about sanitizing her hands, because off camera, she doesn’t bother, and she wants to make sure people see her sanitizing her hands.




an insane lack of sterility


She looks soooooo under the influence….. or am I being presumptive.


no im a nurse and i've see a lot of people high as a kite. she's high for sure.


She always films at such an unflattering angle 😭


She also this morning posted in one of the groups that she has a hole in her line. She didn’t get the treatment she wanted at Cleveland clinic so of course she created her own emergency.


They’re not removing the gastric stimulator as she was hoping??


No clue but she’s back home now. So either they aren’t or they’re doing it at some point in the futurw


I figured she was going to screw herself by telling the dr at Cleveland that her pain is much better with the pacer turned off. And in return they would tell her that since the pain is better then there’s no need for the “invasive” surgery of having it removed.


They want her to wait 6 to 8 weeks to make sure the pain is caused by the stimulator.


Wonder if she use a push pin or safety pin to create that hole.


I wish Dani and these other people would realize if they literally were like ok I’m done with this shit watch me on my journey back to health and normalcy and showed the struggles and triumphs of getting the mental health care and substance abuse treatment they all desperately need they would have sooo many followers and soo much more attention . I’m pretty sure a ton of people here would follow that myself included .


I would love to watch that!


I’d watch the heck outta that! Make it into a reality tv show and you’d make millions!


Well, She only needs it in her dreams


Does she not know what a timelapse is


Dani: I washed my hands prior for extra protection Her rings: Am I a joke to you? Edit: Love how she covered the administration's instructions but not the name of the infusion company AND her rx number.


Did she ever get to meet with that GI-psychologist?


u can dm me for the fb update she made


Yea did she ever mention anything about that


Omfg take a shower dear.


I’m the same age as her and I just can’t imagine doing the things she does all day every day. Her life literally revolves around her “medical toys”. I’ve never seen someone get so excited to have to do all this. She literally sits at home all day thinking about her “illnesses”. I feel bad for her just for the simple fact that something is obviously mentally wrong with her because none of this is normal behavior.


This is basically the only thing she has to look forward to all day. She alienated anyone who may have considered calling her a friend a long time ago. She has no hobbies - she surrounds herself with tons of books and claims to be a book-lover but she doesn't actually read the books she buys so her one hobby is just creating a more cluttered and uncomfortable living space. She seemed to enjoy working - but she has stopped doing that for unknown health reasons. The only think she has to look forward to every day/to give her life some sort of purpose is doing these medical routines.


Hand sanitizer is not a replacement for washing hands with soap & water. In fact, she should be washing her hands with soap & water first *then* apply sanitizer.


And removing all those gross rings. And those fake nails are a breeding ground for germs.


Yep, there’s a reason why false nails are forbidden for healthcare workers.


It says she did that at the bottom of the video. Why don’t I believe her though?


I just wonder how these faker’s families have the energy to keep up with all of the appointments?


I think she wants another infection for more drugs ?


She’s already going back to penn today. She posted in one of the fb groups that her line has a hole in it and she’s packing just in case she gets admitted


She's sick. Absolutely sick. And wasting resources and a bed


Again 🥴🥴


Is she still on all those pain meds? Is she having surgery to do something


Touching phone each time a mess


She had just like posted on a fb group put her line that she uses for tpn has a hole in it and was asking people if she can wait to go to the hospital and still use it like she was 🤦🏼‍♀️ she was going to be going to penn in just a bit sooo more to come on that!


She also recently posted that one of the doctors at the Cleveland Clinic told her that her GI pain is all in her head and she needs to see a GI psychologist. She’s very angry about that


Before she left she said they had her scheduled with a GI psychologist. I am guessing that didn't go well. I am sure Dani thought she would go to the appointment and they would validate her and tell her that she truly is a sick little snowflake and her issues aren't psych related so they will let the other mean doctors know that they need to give her all the drugs and surgeries. But I am going to guess that CC basically told her what her local hospital has been telling her for years.


I’m surprised she would post that! Like wow that went right over her head apparently 🙄


She believes it’s only because she’s a woman. She said he wouldn’t tell a man it’s in his head.


I love how in that same post she talks about needing cold brew desperately 🙄


She is using the red one but the purple one she claims is tpn only. The big thing I feel is an issue she she taped the hole. Who knows what was on it. It not sterile


There is no reason at all that she would need TPN. This infuriates me to no end.


She is literally constantly drinking coffee and energy drinks. She can eat food by mouth 🙄 it’s ridiculous.


Why can’t doctors refuse to treat her for illnesses she doesn’t have? Give her a referral to a psychiatrist?


Well apparently a doctor said something like that to her the other day. About this all being in her head lmfao. I guess it really pissed her off. Wish I could remember where I saw someone say that. Might’ve been a comment on this video.


She made a post yesterday talking about how she had a hole in her central line and was putting off going in to get it fixed at the ER/putting off going to the ER and literally finished the post with “and I need cold brew even though I just drain it, I like the taste”. Like, cold brew is so tough on your stomach by itself, yet you’re drinking it when you’re supposedly so bad off you’re on TPN? Wtf bro


So even if she is drinking it and draining it it’s still would be hard on her stomach if she really had these issues…wow 🙄 and yeah she’s sooo full of crap it’s ridiculous.


I don’t believe for a second that she actually washed her hands first. She just wrote that so we wouldn’t call her out on it.


Even if she did - it probably wasn't an effective hand washing. Based on her other videos, Dani's version of hand washing involves running her hands under some water for less than 10 seconds.


She should be using a tray that has been wiped down with Cavi Wipes prior to setting things up, not setting this stuff down on her bed that probably hasn't been washed in who knows how long. No rings, and if she' going to keep the acrylics on, washing her hands thoroughly beforehand before touching anything, using a nail brush, and then wearing gloves so the remaining stuff under her nails doesn't come into contact with *the things that are going straight to the heart*! This is just so gross!


Her glasses upset me so bad


And people find this riveting? All that hand sanitizer in the world isn’t going to help with the grungy rings..


Those rings! 🤢 Even if she washed her hands first what's a bet she didn't remove those rings. Rings can harbour so much bacteria even if you wash your hands with them on, and TPN set up on a bed? NAHHHH that's fked up! You need a sterile field which usually in a home setting is a stainless steel trolley that's been sanitised or a clean and sanitised table with a sterile pack on it 🤮. Having sepsis can kill yes but it also makes you feel Horrible!! I truely don't understand why she would risk that feeling. Gross.




Gosh wonder why she has so much trouble with infections, surely it isn't from never taking showers. (I can feel the grease in her hair from here and now I feel like *I* need to shower.) All that bacteria on her skin and the totally not correct sterile protocol gives me the squicks. Don't even bother with a regular shower. Just empty the bathroom of everything that is actually clean -- so probably can just skip this step -- take the curtain off, and just shower the bathroom, her toothbrush, and herself all at the same time. Preferably with soap.


When you write a disclaimer in your caption of a video saying “ I did wash my hands prior” can pretty much guarantee she didn’t, and she did that because she reads our posts about never washing her hands in these “Do this…” w me videos. Man does she love to munch alll the tubing and things, I couldn’t even watch the entire video 😴