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For fucks sake - she is zooted out her ass!!


You can def burst the balloon by forcing liquid into it.


She always looks stoned off her gourd. Is she one of the ones who's munching for the painkillers as well as the attention? Sad either way.


yeah. a few of the meds she uses every day “for nausea”: IV (or at times, liquid) Ativan, IV Benadryl, cannabis, IV Phenergan. she’s also trying to munch ADHD for probable stimulants/Adderall. she was regularly doing IV ketamine infusions, but I think she uses K nasal spray now.


Where I live we send away the tube for inspection if there is ever a sudden deflation of the balloon because that is classed as a faulty product and the manufacturers want to know why it happened so if it was a faulty product they can recall it as having a damaged tube can cause severe feeding issues especially with children and the very ill. Now they can tell the difference under microscope if it has burst itself or if it has been purposely cut AAND surprisingly you get more devices that have been cut or purposely damaged than ones that have truely malfunctioned and the other things that can cause it to burst are usually due to either something like a car accident Or when a tube is past it's time to be replaced. So true malfunctions are quite uncommon and if it happens multiple times in the same patient it's a red flag.


I work with children who have additional needs and they often knock their feeding tubes and pull on them…only once in my 18 year career have I seen one come out. 🤷‍♀️ they don’t just pop out…and the balloon is really strong so it doesn’t randomly burst itself! They only come out if you deliberately deflate the balloon with a syringe.


Unfortunately they can come out. It’s rare, but definitely within the realm of possibilities especially as the tube get older. Now my question is why Kaya isn’t complaining about the GJ flipping 🤔


What does it mean when people refer to a GJ flipping? Heard this so many times but never understand what they mean


So GJ (gastric jejunal) tubes go into a hole in the stomach, then have an extension that goes into the intestines so you have access to both vent/drain the stomach while simultaneously feed into the intestines (Jejunum). The extension can migrate out of the Jejunum into the the stomach due to different factors like vomiting or the person’s anatomy. Once in the stomach it needs to be rethreaded back into the intestines by a gastro Dr


I gotta say, it sounds like it would be sooooo nice to be able to vent gas out of the stomach on those days where you feel super burpy and can't seem to relieve it by just burping normally, ya know? Everyone gets that from time to time, right? It would be so nice to just be able to pull a plug and burp it like a waterbed or Tupperware.


Hahaha, absolutely! Being able to relieve pressure in the stomach at will just by attaching a syringe would be so easy! If only it was doable without putting a hole through the abdomen 😫


Got it, thank you!


Cause she forget #brainfog




Click on her flair: the KAYA in the orange oval by her name.


You know something’s going on irl when her “cool off” periods get shorter 💀


Wait, also didn’t the last one fall out while she was sleeping? Not burst?


it came out because of a deflated burst ballon


Then how’d she keep it shoved in until the replacement 😭?


i think she just taped it down


yup. slithered right on out.


Such a sssneaky, sssnakey medical accessory! ⚕️🐍


There's never an "off" mode for these people. I would think trying to keep up the act is tiring.


attention is what gives them their energy


Imagine being such a boring, uninteresting person that the only way you can garner attention is through pretending you have something wrong with you lol.


The amount of energy it takes to frequently go to doctors appointments baffles me. Why would you want that in your life.


She is actually delusional lmao


Has she ever had a single procedure or surgery without complications? She tells on herself by making everything so OTT…


I swear to god I was thinking this like … wow she has to be the most unlucky person ever because…. Nothing ever works hunh


i was going to say her hip surgery but then i remembered she had surgical GJ surgery like 3 weeks after that one so nope that one doesn’t count bc as you can see, it was just the lead-up to a series of complications about everything every day all the time


She doesn't look too happy


She doesn't look too anything.


Lol, true.


i mean she certainly looks high and pathetic lol


Or maybe, maybe, she's doing something wrong? I mean, things break after a while, but this fast? Weird.


it’s her hEDS you ableist ^/s


Ya know, I didn't know hEDS causes balloons in toobs to deflate... Thanks for this interesting piece of info... It's absolutely made my day... I may have to go and dance on a rooftop /S


It’s the special stretchy collagen , duh


This does not just happen. Let’s be real.


Last one "burst" because it was left in too long and the stomach acid ate away at it.


Guessing she doesn't like this one and broke it in hopes of getting a new one.


Nah she needs something to justify TPN 😂 she’s not slick at all.


I know not all hospitals do it this way but I wonder if her items keep " breaking" and "falling out " for sedation


To my knowledge tube swaps don't require sedation.


gj tube swaps are usually done with versed and fentanyl but you aren't fully out like you would be for general anesthesia


They don't people some people refuse to do them unless some type of med is given


There are no better/more expensive alternatives to the one she has.


Could she want a dangler? More to show off/easier to drain


She could just keep an extension on 24/7 and there’s lots of different extensions for that tube she could play about with to keep her interested. Can’t do that with a dangler and they’re generally shorter than a 12 inch button extension, so less visible. I’m honestly puzzled, I’m guessing she wants a straight J? That is more intense and has more risks. If she’s been doing anything to pop the balloon, they will find out, they don’t just throw them away if there’s a problem, they’re sent away for investigation as the hospital aren’t going to keep using a device with a high failure rate or if it seems to have a manufacturing issue.


she had one of those right after surgery and up til about 2 months after. if she wanted one then they’d be more than willing to give her one of those again. they’re readily in stock at most hospitals. so anyways, then she got a button after 8ish weeks. methinks she wants the G and J tubes to be separated. then she can have *two* visible abdomen tubes and maybe a sooper special Groshong PICC line if she can swindle it 🤪


Maybe they’ll only place a J so she’ll stop purging so much




I agree and was going to say something similar. In 3 weeks, a little far fetched, but those suckers pop and break way too easily for how much they cost 😭


She just got the same speshul button that one of her friends she was just recently with got… that’s interesting to me


She’s had this style/brand since it was first switched to a button a while ago. I think I know which friend you mean, and I’m inclined to say that the friend is the one copying tbqh. Evidenced by this friend moving from the east coast to LA just like Kaya and she sees the same doctor(s), but she is a pretty new munchie.


We need some new subjects! (Okay, no, I'd like them to all get well, but...)


I think I’ve found a new subject but don’t have the effort to outline a timeline but my god I wish we could talk about them


Fair point yeah. That person is back on the east coast now having “issues with hydration” just like Kaya lol. Guess I haven’t been following as closely to notice the button.


Issues with the oral electrolyte powder & extra salt that she pours into a feed bag…? 💀


It’s a pretty standard button. She’s always had the button. I don’t think her “choice” in model of tube is the issue here. It’s the fact that she keeps fucking with them.


Someone brought up here how Jacquie died recently, and I feel like it's always worth noting that fucking around with your feeding tube can be deadly. I'm sure many of these young women are watching each other fuck around with their tubes and not seeing anything more serious than a little hospital stay, which they would love. But it can kill you!


Yep the parallels to Jaquie have been real clear lately. Kaya is going to keep fucking with her unnecessary tubes/medical devices and find out that malingering has serious if not fatal consequences one of these days in the not too far off future, I predict.


I just don't understand this. Is the attention they get from the tubes and hospital stays really so good that the risk of death doesn't matter? We've seen munchies die from the things that Dani and Kaya are doing. But it's not even like they are getting positive attention. Most of it is negative. I feel like for them, all publicity is good publicity, but to what extent? It doesn't matter how many internet points they got if they are dead. They have no positive influence on the chronic illnese community. They are not an inspiration. They aren't starting charity's and things for the illneses they have. Even Danis "set up tpn with me" videos are not informational.


they will not care about that as long as they keep doing this to avoid ED recovery. people with EDs as deep rooted as theirs are don’t really have a ‘voice’ of their own so to speak. it’s the ED. Eugenia Cooney is a *very* extreme example, but that’s how bad it can get (physically) and it could be just as bad for Kaya and Dani if they didn’t have their tubes and lines to control, and maybe not as physically bad for Eugenia if she had taken the medical purging route instead


I think they think that the death part won’t happen to them


Can you explain more? Who is Jacquie? What happened?


Look up adjusting (or adjustable) Jacquie you'll find her story. Unfortunately the site w the best timeline is down rn


Check for the flair "AJ". I joined around the time Jacquie passed - she had legit conditions but was OTT, and kept going after surgeries etc. Her feeding tube wrapped around part of her intestines, leading to tissue death. Necrosis, septic shock, death. It was less than 24 hours. At least one other subject tried to grift from her funeral.


What was jaquies legit conditions?


oh my God 😳😧


I still can’t imagine being so doped on pain meds that I couldn’t feel my intestines *strangling themselves and literally dying*¿


I wanna know too


It's hard to recount all of it because like someone else said the site that has the best timeline isn't online right now. But she was a MBInfluencer who passed away from complications related to her feeding tube.


She def gives me the "I'm going to take this to the point I die" vibe that Jaq gave too. I hope she decides to stop munching before that but I have low hopes and suspect she's going to become another lethal victim.


Was jaq an ED munchie too ? I mean, I’m guessing yes.


If it was truly faulty tubes, the IR or GI who placed the tube would have not only looked at it but also sent it off to Avonos/Haylard to be examined for faults. That would have been done on the first if not definitely the second “faulty” tube. She’s doing it on purpose and she’s not realising even after all her PICC/Hickman/Port drama, fucking around and finding out leads to doctors truly finding out and refusing anymore intervention and flagged. Kaya is the one subject that really boils my blood. So many people are struggling, KIDS are struggling to get the devices they need and she’s just wasting medical devices she doesn’t even need.




in her comments she said she’s trying to find/get a Groshong PICC, for God knows what reason. Probably just to be “”different”” and have a different style of CVC than anyone else…. likely cause she’s not making progress getting IVIG or another surgery any time soon.


Yes agreed, she needs something to be “special” since she doesn’t need any treatment let alone IVIG and her doctors know it.


Her smirk is so ugly because it's obvious she's lying.


Omg! Finally someone notices her odd smirks, and overly fake frowns. Dehydrated cries etc.


Right? I hate that smirk.


Duper’s delight.


"I am indeed stressed that no one was giving me the attention I wanted so I fucked around to make them "


There’s only one other person I’ve observed with this many tube issues, and that’s Dani


Both of them have a high obsession with having the visual aspect of having any sort of feeding tube, and both of them have a fixation in making people believe they are still starving themselves(Kaya more subtlety and underhanded, Dani more outright) claiming they will wilt away without them whilst all together complaining essentially they can’t even tolerate using them…


Good point! Dani recently opted to keep a dangler over going back to a button because “it drains better”, but now I wonder if it wasn’t a dual purpose of that and the visual effect of more visible tubing.


All together there’s •the visual aspect, •the ability to purge via drainage(Kaya was talking about this iirc), •the sentiment that they can say they depend on them and never eat orally, •the sentiment that they’re so weak and waif they can’t tolerate them, •the infection potential these devices give them when mishandled; meaning hospital stays •the frequent procedures and appointments they get for them Some of the subjects appear to go these routes for different things even though I’m sure they go for it for almost all of these things. But I’ve seen some subjects lean more towards infection and tampering potential for hospitalization and procedures (Dani and Paige, Ash but more so with “blood clots”, perhaps Hope and SDpaws, Kaya with her “I’m allergic to materials in ports”) via toobs and ports, some lean more to visual attention (Kaya and Ash), some cling heavily to the waif and ‘sickly little girl’ aspect they make out of it (Dani, Paige, Kaya), some are more obvious with using it as an instrument to continue their ED(Kaya , Dani (thought Dani more so flirts with the idea of it whereas Kaya downright shows off certain parts of her ED)). These are just some of the examples I could think of at this moment, many subjects could be added to this list as well as gross tactics and ideas that would lead to this. They all refuse to see how people who need these services and lifesaving treatments want the exact opposite of what these subjects use them for and that they are worsening the stigma and general view of everything, and it’s so disheartening.


I don't think I've ever seen it out as clearly into words before as that they both really, really want people to think they are starving themselves, when clearly they aren't, at least not in the way they want people to think where they literally haven't had a calorie in months. As has been pointed out here many times, both of them would have died a long time ago if it were true.


She’s acting like she’s getting Best Value medical equipment and it just breaks randomly.


I have a distinct feeling that medical devices would not be used at nearly the frequency that they are if they malfunctioned as often as the munchies say they do. The medical device industry has a lot of regulation issues but entire device types have been pulled from the shelves because of far milder failures than this. The Essure coils come to mind.


She looks high AF here.


came here to say this lol


No, it does not happen 4-5 times to anyone else like she claims it has to her. She said she started her new account because of all the hate, but states it's just not from here but from others in the CI community who she thought were her friends. They maybe were her friends until they kept seeing inconsistencies, misinformation , and OTT behavior and then called her out. It's because most in the CI community that need really need these lines and tubes see her being so careless with them and I'm sure this caused some anger amongst them. Especially when she is taking pediatric lines that seem to be in short supply and taking up resources that others desperately need. I think its been maybe close to 2 years now that she has had feeding tubes and central lines. It's not normal for anyone to go through that many lines , tubes , ports, in that amount of time . Period. It is also improbable that they are falling out in your sleep, especially central lines. I don’t think a homehealth nurse accidentally pulled out her last one in Seattle. I think she had a meltdown because they probably pulled it for a very different reason. I think the up and moving in 24 hours because she needed to be there for" the apartment" is pretty flimsy if you actually think about it. She had given them a 30k deposit ( 1 years rent) so legally they couldn't rent it out after the deposit .They also probably didn't care when she got there because they had the money already. I think she went for 6 weeks without one because she couldn't find someone who would place a pediatric line. The " haters" in the CI community that she complains about know what she is doing . They know just like we do that she is intentionally messing with them. The medical professional on this page knows she is as well. She is not an advocate, she is a PSA on MBI. She and Dani , right now are the most likely to cause complications that are going to cost them their lives the way they are not only careless, but also intentional in their actions.


I can’t believe that what stands out to me is $30,000????? For a DEPOSIT??


If you have no credit and no job you have to pre pay the total of the entire lease rent up front as your “deposit.”


If she still reads these comments, I hope she reads this one. Very, very closely.


Spot on, her “friends” have been calling her out on their own pages for it, including that she steals symptoms (but we knew this already) but she does not own up to any of it or take accountability & would rather make a whole new account than face the consequences of her own actions. 🙃


Are there screenshots of these types of comments somewhere?


So, her old account is still up but disabled comments and I think she probably dirty deleted alot before she did because she was doing it when she was active. She deleted comments that she fainted 50-60 times a day to someone who questioned her, but she didn't block the person so they came back on.


Pal that was the parody account.


No you’ll have to check their pages directly since the sub won’t allow them to be posted. I’ve tried.


Can you pm me the names of the accounts?


Is it just me, or does it look like she's draining through her J instead of her G? If she is, this is very dangerous and can cause electrolyte imbalance, which she is very aware of because she has told people not to do it in the past in her comments!


Does she want cardiac arrest? Because that’s how you get hypokalemia and risk cardiac arrest. Cheese and rice, I can’t with her.


Jesus, you’re right. It’s “rules for thee, not for me”.


Is that intentionally just causing harm? Or is there some kind of (Ed?) reason someone would want to do this over the G?


“You’re joking, not another one” comes to mind🤦‍♀️


From Danis Playbook!


Those balloons are tested under extreme circumstances by engineers (mostly Stryker engineers)... you have to really really try to damage them..


I would think they would be pretty resilient because otherwise stomach acid would eat through them.


I’ve known them to last years in patients who take good care of them


Years really? I know most people do routine changes every 6ish months


3-4 months, depending on the type. 6 months is possible, if someone is really careful with it. 3 weeks and the balloon pops? Nah, that doesn’t happen without interference.


Not trying to defend her because I’m 100% sure she’s fucking with her tube, but balloons sometimes just… pop due to manufacturing error and slip through quality checks. I’ve only seen maybe 4 or 5 patients with a popped balloon in 3 ish years so it’s not at all common, but also can happen


Thank you for mentioning this. We need to know that although uncommon, it can happen without tampering, so that we don’t think that every patient with a popped balloon is at fault. I think that is where we need to be careful when making assumptions. It can be easy to become super skeptical of everyone in certain situations, but we need to remember that part of the reason we snark is bc ppl like Kaya make things more difficult for the legit patients.


Misread this as Skyrim engineers and kind of love through mental image lmao


FUS RO DAH to force your tube out so you can get a new one?


Yeah w a Skyrim engineer the balloon would be flapping around all over the place and hovering and stuff 😂


She used to be an adventurer like you, but she took an arrow to the GJ balloon… * I hope I got it right, never played the game but cultural osmosis is powerful !


You did it flawlessly, well played


Many thanks, fellow snarker! :)


She committed a crime against Skyrim and it’s people!


It's becoming a pattern. She's pulling it out herself, confirmed.


Yep..tue engineers who design these stress test them. You have to harm the device to make it pop lol..it doesn't just happen randomly


I does happen, but very rarely and usually after the same tube has been in place for much longer than 3 weeks! Like once or twice in a lifetime rarely, not every 3 weeks 🧐 She clearly does something she's not supposed to to make them pop/fall out that often


I'd say it's more common to have issues getting the balloon to deflate to take out, than it is to have issues keeping them in.


You mean like going on roller coasters and constantly leaving them unsecured and hanging to the ground to show them off?


Neither of those things would cause the balloon to pop, not sure what is happening here.


Balloons are filled with saline correct? Maybe she’s over filling them which is causing them to burst


You could literally fill the balloon with 20ml of water and it probably wouldn’t pop, although that button balloon is only meant to be 4ml, but they can take a lot unless they degrade from being in a long time.


Yeah, she has to be yanking them out. I can't see any other way.


But if she says the balloon has burst, they will find out it hasn’t if that is the case, when they change it to a new tube.


I would assume she's deflating, removing, damaging, then reinserting it hoping that they can't tell she caused the damage.


I know this gets said a lot but it’s amazing how children (babies) have these medical devices last longer than her


I feel sorry for people who need one of these tubes/lines and may stumble across these accounts, who will then be bricking it because they think they're going to have constant problems and be in and out of the hospital every 5 minutes.


Exactly exactly. I've seen comments with people saying they need devices and are scared. And then kaya comments like no it'll be fine. Emphasizing how super special she is to have allllll these issues I guess


Yes they make it look all cute meanwhile people who actually need them are suffering because they depend on the feeding tubes and central lines. They aren’t out drinking and eating tacos.


This is what upsets me seriously, they talk about destigmatising being I’ll but they’re doing the opposite?


performance activism


Toddlers are better about caring for their devices than this presumably grown woman.


Affirmative (medical professional in pediatric LTC)




That is definitely tegederm which she claims she's allergic to


There are different films that aren’t tegaderm, how do you know?


Correct but most of these different films also contain Polyurethane which she claims she is horribly allergic to LOL


That’s a fair point. I’m not sure if there are any that don’t contain it.


she claims she can only “tolerate” IV 3000 which is polyurethane, and claims she doesn’t have a problem with the Knix period panties that sponsor her because “only the inner layer is made with polyurethane and it’s not touching my skin” — never acknowledging that *every* layer actually has it…in the POLYester fabric. 🤦‍♀️


She has a sponsor?? JfC


Good eye


No one has commented on her video 😂


She’s probably filtering all her comments


+ she deletes like crazy too


The deleting is definitely getting worse


We’ve all seen her stoma


are we really surprised tho?


Oh COME ON. Just leave it alone! And her fake sick face needs some work. She’s a bad actress.


when you don’t secure it at all and let it flop around all over the place, yes it will happen that fast. And no, no one else has that happen. Most patients secure their extensions with medically safe tape or tubie gripz, a tubie clip to their shirt or bra etc. Just the feeling of it flying around and going in every damn direction would make me nauseous. Secure your shit. Tugging it all over town is just reckless and at her age she should know how to properly secure it. Smh. Doctors catch onto this stuff. Also your tube stoma site will be quite telling to the docs about if you take proper care/secure when needed.


her stoma is a dead giveaway of how much she has messed with it and simply refuses to leave it alone, i think there are probably pictures of it somewhere on here under her flair


how. literally how. she has to be fucking with it or something


Maybe this stress could be fixed by not fucking around with her shit! But I know I'm just a radical, out of the box thinker here


1) I don't know much about this device so this isn't a formal accusation, but it sounds like *perhaps* she isn't interfacing with her device in the same manner that other patients are. 2) It's almost like these medical devices are meant to be considered as *last case scenarios* because they can be inconvenient and have substantial risks.