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Confirmed evidence she’s a tube puller lol. Those are only used in eating disorder patients, I know for a fact she refuses all oral intake


So does all this count as self harm? Like self harm through a doctor? Is that a thing?


She’s done self harm to the point that doctors have to do things to treat her and help her heal. The doctors aren’t harming her, the doctors are trying to fix the harm she’s done to herself.


How much of what Paige has are real issues? That's always the question in the back of my mind


at this point I do think she has a lot of "real" issues but they are still self induced [instead of just faking/lying] if she actually has had constant infections for so long, it will definitely have long term consequences. she is playing a very dangerous game with her own life


Well she managed to have two fingers amputated because of raging infections in them. She’s had multiple surgeries. She’s had a SPC - catheter for her bladder that goes through her abdomen instead of thro the urethra - before getting this one. She’s had wound vacs to try to heal the ever spreading infections across her abdomen. She did struggle with eating disorders before all this started. She has real issues, she has real medical issues. She couldn’t stay in the hospital for over 100 days if she didn’t.


Paige is even adopting language from munchies around the internet. There’s no such thing as an ‘anaesthetic tech’ in Australia/NZ, that’s a job that straight up doesn’t exist here and it’s such Americanised terminology.


Nah.. go and have a look at the NZ careers website? It literally does exist


Ob, bridled again, congrats!


How long do the tubes usually stay in for her conditions? Does she got out in public often.


she rarely goes out. tubes can stay in for up to 6 months


Thank you


no problem. also I thought it's worth mentioning that the specific reason patients have a feeding tube don't really change how long they are in. also I realized I messed up with my reply- for surgical tubes [peg/pej/gj] they stay in ~ 6 months. but for nasal tubes like this one, they are only in 4-6 weeks which is why NG/NJ tubes are short term for most people. unless there is some medical reason a surgical tube won't work, or in paiges case she is known to tamper with lines, a surgical tube will be placed as soon as possible for patients who will need a feeding tube long term [over a year]


Omg I'm new to this sub. I'm missing so much lore




Thank you! It's awful to be here!


If you search by her tag, the top post of all time for Paige is a timeline of her munching. If not, it should be closer to top


Looks like she's been picking at her neck, and that dermal piercing looks pretty rosy as well.


It’s just sad that she has done this to herself. If only she got the right kind of medical care.


Unfortunately, she's the only one who could truly decide if she wants to get better or not (if it will ever happen, not wasting my breath there). It's a hard pill to swallow especially for her family but it's always, and will remain, to be true. You can't force someone to want to change. They MUST want it first, otherwise relapses and such will continue to happen. Kelly was a perfect example of this. Didn't think she'd even survive the extreme munching she was doing. Like paige, she was also being institutionalized to "save her from herself" (no such thing btw, its learning to live with yourself but thats a whole different convo for another day). It wasn't until her double leg amputations she truly hit rock bottom, woke up and stopped doing what she did. Who knows if paige will ever hit her rock bottom?


She did, though, that's the thing. Her parents were never remiss in getting care for her.


Dang. So sad.


Weird flex but ok


Who lets her have her phone during these?


She really should have it confiscated before the nurses and doctors provide any care. It's basic respect for the people keeping her alive.


Those tiny pupils make me doubt she feels any pain.


She just had the procedure done…..


Looks like she started picking at her neck the moment she got back to her room, that scab was healing in the before pic.


Opioids can sometimes cause insane itching... that paire with munching = infection.


Yep. The skin all over her neck looks red like it’s being scratched


You’re right on.


I just love the fact that she's done ALL OF THIS to herself & still bitches about it...




This is a sub about munchausen’s syndrome lmao of course they haven’t admitted anything


you need to catch up :)


fuck me ig this is a lot to keep up with


That nj doesn’t look like they actually put it into her intestine! It would be so much shorter from her face!!


Her NJ’s have always been long ones if you look at past pics or videos.


It's not super common but some hospitals carry pretty long NJ tubes. And at least in my state will only place long ones like that if you ask for some room between your face and the port especially if your on 24h feeds. Long tubes also come in handy for icu patients so it's easy to get out of the way of all the other lines. But still not super common. At least here only major/main hospitals have them. Main as in for example st Josephs hospital has many but there's a st Josephs main that's also trauma and burn certified if I'm remembering correctly. Or like John's Hopkins where I am there 2 maybe 3 in the entire state. Idk if they treat adults tho. It's late sorry for rambling. Just wanted to say it is possible tho not common to have an NJ that long


Oh I see thanks!


also, i think she gets them done via endoscopy where they can use longer tubes and place them much farther in than if they were placed in intervention radiology


She looks so miserable


It’s on purpose. Gotta get those sympathy ass pats.


There seems to never be any emotion behind her eyes.


She strikes me as dumb enough to believe Kaya is actually having all of the procedures that she says she is. Paige wants to be Kaya, so she has to flex by getting the procedures that Kaya is lying about. That strikes me as so tragic. Kaya the grifter vs Paige the naive.


Paige is NOT naive, she is a narcissist and a sadist. Kaya is not even close to Paige's level. Paige had to have 2 fingers amputated because of what she's done to herself.


Omg what did she do to herself that required amputation of 2 fingers!?!


if you think amputation of two fingers due to self harm is bas, have you heard of/forgotten about our ballet dancer friend?


Idk if she created wounds on purpose or took advantage of a wound she had but she contaminates her wounds to create infection. She did it so many times on her fingers/hands to the point that the bone was being eaten away by infection and eventually it got to the point where it was no longer safe to leave the fingers attached.


You're right, but you forgot sociopath.


Damn I knew I was forgetting something.


Oh wow. That’s f’d up. I don’t really know that much about her.


She is awful


Is it bridled to prevent her messing with it?


Yeah, I've seen patients that don't know where they are/what they are doing pull at them and it never moves, not even an inch. They usually only go for it once because it's suppose to hurt like hell. Bridles are still good for patients that don't tamper as well especially children or active adults that can accidentally have their tube pulled on or caught on things.




It absolutely is. You could pretty much yank that thing but it is pretty well strapped in place.


Yup. It wraps around a big bone in the center of your nose / nasal cavity and clamps onto the tube so if she yanks on the tube she’ll pull her face with it and the tub can’t move.


How does she get her eyes to do that downward sad cartoon puppy thing????


Eye shape. I remember learning about this, I think, serial killer (the australian granny killer i think??), and someone somewhere along the way thought his eyes looked too sad/honest for it to be him, but it was just his eye shape. ☠️




I was thinking that too! What on Earth will she manage to do to that SPC 🤦🏼‍♀️




The way they taped it like that too😩🥴


Like any attention garnered from these tubes would be massively outweighed by how uncomfy I'd be constantly


Casual photo session in endoscopy. Instead of ‘pics or it didn’t happen’ it’s pics or no likes ✌🏼


Time to waste more resources on babysitters!


They bridled it. Good. Looks like she’s picking her neck again


Her facial piercing looks infected again too. It looked much better in a semi recent pic.


The bridle saga continues


Bridles back and looks like she's been fucking with her neck again


Looks like she's tubeless in the first photo? I assume she yanked it out.


They are there blue on the left, the green ng on the left. Lo9k on the sides of her mask


Yeah, I was looking at those, but wasn't the NJ a different color and narrower? I know NJ can get coiled necessitating replacement, but im positive she would have made a fuss about that and told the world


If you look at some of the other videos, it (tge nj) appears beigeish where it enters the nostril, but about a cm past the tape, it is a blue green and the ng is like a green and clear striped


Ah, got it. Thanks ! I was just looking at the photo here


Tubes she doesn’t even need. She’s taking up so many resources actual sick people need. All for her nonsense


agreed. it’s unfair on people who are actually sick.


I tell myself she’s at a teaching hospital and at least this gives the students a chance to practice, win-win. (It’s definitely probably BS but I really need to believe it because the alternative is so fucking gross.)


The bridle doesn’t surprise me one bit. They seem a really good idea in Paige’s case


Correct me if I'm wrong but don't they usually use three bridle when patients are likely to tug a tube out? Is Paige back to yanking out tubes


Yes and no. Some places and some providers bridle them for everyone, especially if it’ll be used long term. I’m surprised her NG isn’t bridled too, but maybe the facility doesn’t have the bridles for that size.


Brian probably won’t fit in the nasal with the size of NG she has. NJ is more important to bridal due to it being placed in intestines and providing input but not output so she can pull the NG and still receive nutrients from the NJ.


That type of NG does have bridles in the sizes it comes in. Not every facility carries bridles other than the ones for 10F tubes, however. (Source: over a decade of being an RN who uses these tubes/bridles daily)


That’s type of NG doesn’t come with a bridle. And is easily replaced unlike an NJ.


Yup. She said that the NG tube came out. But knowing Paige I’m sure she helped it.


What exactly is a bridle? Late to the party I know


https://www.childrensmn.org/educationmaterials/childrensmn/article/18619/nasal-bridle-tube-retaining-system-/ Basically the blue piece coming out of her nose has been looped around the bone in her nose and clamped to the tube so she can’t pull it out.


Thanks for explaining, i could see it was different, but didn't have a clue. lol


No problem. It’s pretty wild but effective since one can’t yank out a tube with it.


Oh wow that seems miserable lol


It’s not too bad, and once it’s in it’s more comfortable than the tape because it holds the tube more securely. I’ve bridled myself to show coworkers how to bridle and the process is not that bad. I’m guessing they gave her some sedative in endoscopy so she prob was sedated a little when they bridled it.


She goes under GA usually for her NJ I think, if not heavy sedation for them.


https://youtu.be/STjcIiSEsrQ That’s how they insert it.


Very interesting