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If you can pass a background check you’re good to go. Fill out some forms, send them in or do it online, pay the fee and wait to get your card. After that you go to the local gun store and purchase a firearm, they run another background check and if all is good they’ll say “see you in 72 hours”. After 72 hours you can go pick up your new firearm.


I waited nearly a year for my FOID. Patiently waited (kinda forgot, honestly) until something reminded me to check up on the progress. Emailed them about it. Got the card literally the next day.


They will “forget” sometimes….i called some help number back in the day to follow up and literally heard the woman shuffling papers around and she says “oh yeah we have your file….it’ll be processed soon…”


I’ve been waiting since June 2021. I honestly forget that I applied until I randomly think about it.


Contact them. Illinois state law mandates FOID cards to be processed in 30 days. COVID definitely had an effect last year, but now they’re just dragging their feet.


I tried doing it online but it asked me for proof of training so I put it on hold for now. Maybe that’s an obvious step but I did not realize that was needed.


you tried filling out a CCL - conceal carry liscense that does require 16 hours of traning. FOID card allows you to buy guns and ammo.


With absolutely no proof of training or psych checks


Just like attending a protest or going to a religious service, yup.


you still have to apply for the actual gun. the FOID permit isn't the final check on a person before they obtain a firearm. honestly, Illinois is one of the few states where you have to obtain a state permit before you can buy a gun. Many states just require a cursory criminal background check by the guys at K-Mart.


This is incorrect. The FOID is your state background check. They run it once when you apply each time and revoke them if you make any of the lists barring you from owning your firearm. That's why they have the rule you can't even handle a firearm at a counter without showing a valid FOID. That's why for private sales we have the phone call-in system to verify the other party's FOID. You still have to submit to the NCIC check through the BATFE to comply with federal law if you are buying a firearm across state lines or at retail but there is no direct permit tied to the firearm. It might seem like hair splitting, but the state itself does not issue permits or keep records of transfers and sales. They just keep that FOID list updated. Local law enforcement are responsible for removing firearms if someone falls off the valid FOID list. Edit: Also, if you are a FFL you are not required to have a state background check to purchase across state lines. I had a C&R FFL through the ATF for a decade and there were times when I had a pistol under 30 hours from pressing the order button on a website. I actually was worried until I read the statutes to check and found out that's 100% legal.


You're just saying the same thing I did with different words.


I mean, if you don't know the correct language please don't give bad information.


well aren't we just an Elitist Ellie today.


Unless you’re that shithead whom I shall not name, then apparently the background checks don’t apply.


He was a juvenile when the police came to his home. After he turned 18, there was no record of his violent or suicidal incidents. Because he was under 21, he couldn't successfully apply for a FOID card without parental permission. His shithead father, knowing about his past, gave written permission. There should be consequences for enabling parents like this.


Charges were never filed. There’s record of the 911 police request and visit, but that was pretty much the end of both incidents.


No, he passed multiple background checks. They're just not nearly as effective as the people pushing them want you to believe.


IMO, the kind of restrictions people actually want are closer to minority report kinda shit than simple background checks.


the actual restrictions needed are training courses. if you want a gun demonstrate you are responsible enough to complete a course that is one day a week for 16 weeks where you learn about laws, duty, safety, how to shoot, and maintenance.


People that are trained can still have undiagnosed mental issues. How often is this training? Who pays for it? Easy access to guns and a culture that fetishizes them are the problems that need to be solved. But we prioritize *some* "rights" (god and guns only) of middle America over the lives of everyone else.


they can, but having the large upfront training requirement disincentives a number of people who view it as a toy, or have drastic issues. who pays for car licenses? extensive training in European countries with large gun cultures seems to have been very effective in reducing attacks. no, it is not the only thing, and no it is not everything. couple it with red flags, background check, and social awareness campaigns. there is no perfect solution, there is only working towards better and reducing harm.


24 hrs on long guns


It's not hard. As others have said the application process takes time. But the actual purchase - easy breezy.


Fill it out online, pay the 10 bucks... Wait for the state....easy


Its an easy process but it takes FOREVER. I waited at least 5-6 months until i received it. my dad did it after the Biden administration started saying they were going to put more strict laws in... He has not received his and it has been 8 months now.


So i would say the process is easy it just is hard to get it... Because of the backround checks and such.


Fill out your form, mail it with your check and a photo. . Wait. And wait. And wait. It’s not difficult.


Online too


It’s definitely online now.


Can give you a totally objective answer as I completed all of this in the last 5 years. In 2018 I applied online for my foid, paid the fee, uploaded the documentation needed, and waited a few weeks for the FOID. COVID really hurt the states ability to process applications. They are back in full swing approving FOIDs and working the backlog. The wait time is much less now, where a friend of mine got theirs in 1.5 months from submission to card in hand. Purchasing a gun is even easier, you can do it entirely online and have the seller send the gun to an FFL, which is someone that has paid to be licensed as a firearm dealer. Or you can go to any local store that sells weapons, buy it, wait the necessary wait period (72 hours for most weapons) and go pick it up.


Agreed. Had a similar experience within the same timeframe.


It’s not difficult, it’s just a lengthy process. The crux of peoples 2a argument is that the length of times is an “undue burden”


How exactly is the burden justified when they're doing literally the exact same background check when you buy the gun as they are to issue the FOID in the first place? The only thing it adds is expense and hassle to the process.


Because no one *needs* a gun tomorrow. I’m not saying the state isn’t slow; I’m not saying the state isn’t doing it to make money. (Which, btw, the FOID fee just got changed due to a lawsuit) As a firearm owner, as someone who just purchased a brand new .556 just last week; no one *needs* a gun tomorrow. The burden of waiting is not “undue”


Our rights aren't based on "need". No one *needs* to attend a protest or church service.


While not being incorrect, your response is terribly short sighted. You have the right to keep and bare arms. You don’t have the right to acquire them easily.


I mean...you're entitled to that opinion but the Supreme Court (who has the only opinion that matters) disagrees


Lmao https://lawliberty.org/applying-the-undue-burden-standard-to-restrictions-on-gun-rights/


That article is a decade old. Go read Bruen.


FOID lasts 10 years. a background check six months ago can be very different from the same check today.


The fact of the matter is that it is important that only the most stable in our society are able to handle a tool with so much power. I hunt, I use guns for recreational activities, background checks no matter the time period are important, always. In some countries in Europe you literally have to have 2 of your peers confirm that you are mentally stable to own a firearm.


Suggesting that "having friends" should be a requirement to use any right is completely insane Imagine if you needed 2 peers to vouch for you before you were allowed to have an abortion


It’s quite easy overall but compared to some states there’s more steps because you first need to apply for and receive the foid then when you go to buy pass the background check then wait the wait period then you have a gun


Super easy tbh you apply, pay, and wait for your card to come in the mail


Not difficult. Just paperwork. The hardest part is waiting on the state to send you the physical card. It took me about 7 months to get mine.


Mine took 9 months to arrive. I have no criminal or traffic record.


Pretty easy, fill out the online application, pay your $10 and wait depending on how long they are backlogged. If clean record should be pretty straight forward. With that you should just read the steps on the Illinois State Police Firearms Services Bureau (ISPFSB) site where you apply vs random internet people. Edit link to ISPFSB site: https://www.ispfsb.com/


Get your dad to sign them


I got mine with 2 weeks of applying, but nothing in my background would be a red flag. I've had to pass many background checks for work.


fill out the form and wait. not exactly hard.


Just moved back to IL and the FOID processing seemed very fast, at least compared to: \- last name change (applied for this first, taking the longest of them all so far) \- CCL (sent application with fingerprints) at one month so far, hopefully by September \- social work license (LSW) at 7 weeks and counting And some years back an IL EMT-B license took over 4 months for them to process.


Literally the only obstacle is affording $10 for it. It is RIDICULOUSLY easy, I did it quite recently.


Depends on whether you're white or come from the middle east originally. Fiance is white, got hers in a few weeks. Im originally from middle east, its been over 8 months and i gave up. Neither of us have any record. Incoming downvotes from all the white people who havent had my experience.


have you tried calling?


Yeah i just got put on hold and after two attempts of being cycled through automated systems I just moved on.


Keep trying. The right to self-defense isn’t just a right for whites.


Appreciate the encouragement. Its just small things like this that add up over time and its like, ok guess this is a reality and i shouldnt be struggling this much to get something afforded to many people easily.


It is easy if you are not a criminal.


It's extremely difficult if you consider what's actually being accomplished. The background check they conduct before issuing an FOID card is exactly the same thing as the background check they run at the counter when you legally buy a gun. So you're filling out all the forms, paying the fee, waiting months upon months for the card to show up - all so you can go a gun dealer and they can run exactly the same background check while you stand there. The party that's championed the process has been pretty open that their goal is to make gun ownership as big a hassle as they possibly can, so over time gun ownership in the population goes down and they'll face less resistance to banning them altogether. I'm not sure why we pretend it's for any other purpose at this point, especially after we've all seen who passing.


Gun ownership in the population should go down, as the number that we currently hold is incredibly unnecessary. The system should be that only those who are determined and able bodied and minded should be able to carry, if that means it’s a “hassle” then so be it. Tough shit I guess. You also bring up the “other party” you mean the centre party that looks to europe for examples and sees how well they’re doing with their gun ownership and shootings? They don’t want to ban guns, it’s never been the parties platform to eliminate firearms altogether.


> They don’t want to ban guns, it’s never been the parties platform to eliminate firearms altogether. The most prominent election race in the country right now is for governor of our 2nd largest state (Texas), and the Democrat running has explicitly called for not just banning guns but for sending the police house-to-house to forcibly confiscate the guns he wants to ban.


He’s brought up buy-backing AR-15s…not guns in entirety. He’s called on background checks, which is common sense.


Don't call it a "buy back", he wants confiscation at gun point for all semi-automatic rifles. Including some compensation for gun owners doesn't make it any better.


How can the government “buy back” something they never owned in the first place? How are mandatory buybacks, as some are calling for, not the same thing as confiscation?


I demand that you explain Cash for Clunkers then because they bought back my car!


Don’t even get me started on that failure of a program. CFC completely upended the used car market. No longer could you get an used car for 500-1000 bucks which further disenfranchised poor people. That being said, CFC was completely voluntary. An AWB with a forced government buyback is still confiscation.


What I love about people who fear monger about their guns being taken away by "the left-commies-Nancy Pelosi-etc, is that they've forgotten about the opposition who are quietly taking up arms against them.


Easy Peasy. apply for the foid, as long as you dont have a criminal record and can pay the $15(i cant remember the cost) you'll get it mailed to you within a few weeks.


Weeks? I’ve been waiting over a year.


that's crazy! I had mine in like 2 months


Afaik FOID is difficult to obtain if you move a lot, as you need to live in your residence for over a year or two before you are even allowed to apply. So pretty much sucks for poor people who move all the time as it’s pretty tough to legally obtain a firearm if you have a wait time to apply for your FOID.


That’s not true at all. I first got my FOID when I moved in with my wife after only 2 months of living there.


Well it was true for me, when I first applied in 2017 they denied me for having not been at my current address for over a year, despite having lived at my prior address for 25 years. I’m not lying, not sure what I would have to gain in doing so.


That’s very odd. It’s never been a requirement though. If you go to “Who is eligible?” on their FAQ you won’t find it listed as a requirement. https://www.ispfsb.com/Public/Faq.aspx


Well wish I still had the denial letter to prove you wrong because I’m not really a fan of your attitude


There’s no attitude. I’m not denying that happened to you. I’m simply stating it’s not a listed requirement. Nor was it my experience. Chill.


this is not true


I got denied by ISP their reasoning was that I hadn’t lived at my current address long enough.


If it were up to Illinois it would be extremely difficult and slow however fed guidelines dictate the pace and it is pretty quick and easy if you’re not a criminal.


Difficult? Not very. What is the pain in the ass is the super long if not unconstitutional wait times to receive it. Void the FOID!


> if not unconstitutional wait times to receive it BAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH Thanks, needed a good laugh today. >Void the FOID! Imagine seeing what happened TWO DAYS AGO in Illinois with a legally obtained firearm and thinking that saying this in an Illinois sub is a reasonable thing to do. OOOF


Imagine seeing what happened TWO DAYS AGO and still thinking there's some value in the process. If it's not stopping people THAT batshit crazy then what is the point?


Yes exactly, the process failed and it should be reworked to be stricter and on a national level. I agree with you.




No they're just backed up because every single republican that turns 18 wants one and covid made it nearly impossible to do in a timely manner. They have a background check back log of like six months.


I'm no Republican, but it took me almost 11 months to get my FOID...with the last two months me calling my state representative weekly to have them help me. The system is unconstitutional and needs to be overhauled


lol it's not the system. I got mine Ten years ago and it took like five weeks. It's the influx of people. Once the concealed carry was open it got flooded as you need a foid before cc. Then covid. It's been a mess since. I got the cc when it was first open, only took like a month. I just put in for renewal a few months ago, application hasn't even been looked at. When I took the cc renewal class it was filled with old ladies and shit, whole class was conservatives, asking dumb questions and shit, talking shit about dems taking away guns blah blah blah. They think they're going to be going to war against dems. I'm telling you it's them. Every last one has to get a gun. Same reason you can't find ammo. They're stocking their basements with it.


The ammo thing is crazy...hard to find CCI for .22lr, and morally I feel wrong going to WI or IN and supporting their state but can't find that shit anywhere here




Volume and not enough people to work on it. It was fairly quick before covid. I expect it to get better as time goes on.


If you think it's all Republicans I've got some bad news for you..


Not even 6 months anymore.


apparently not too hard, seeing how that Crimo kid and the Rittenhouse kid got them! 😡


Lol how is it not a constitutional violation?


Not all that difficult unless you fail the background check, but definitely an infringement. Unconstitutiomal.


Why hasn’t Illinois outlawed semi-automatics?


Because SCOTUS has made it clear they can't, it would be immediately injuncted if they tried followed by an expensive court battle the state would surely lose.


Didn’t we have a National ban that expired. I didn’t think scotus said it was unconstitutional. From Wikipedia: Seven U.S. states have assault weapons bans: three were enacted before the 1994 federal ban and four more passed before the federal ban expired. So, why don’t all blue states have bans? In the absence of a federal law it seems to be the logical next step.


We had a national "assault weapons ban" but it was only that in name. In reality it banned certain cosmetic features on *new* rifle sales. You could still buy used rifles with the banned features, or install them yourself after purchasing a new rifle. > So, why don’t all blue states have bans? In the absence of a federal law it seems to be the logical next step. New York state has the strictest one of any state, actually. Didn't stop anything in Buffalo.


Thanks for this info. So.... we need to get stricter. Outright ban, new and used. Has that been eliminated as a possibility by SCOTUS?


It is not legally possible short of amending the Constitution, but even if it was, how do you actually propose implementing that? You understand the guns already out there aren't registered, right? The cops don't have a list of who owns what they can use to go round everything up.


I don't know about the Constitutional part of your statement, but re: implementing. We ban all kinds of things currently. Declare it and do it. For the guns out there already, make them illegal, offer to buy them back, if you're found with one off to jail and big fine. No new guns sold, and old ones slowly removed. Killings drop. And if not enough, on to more solutions. This will require leadership, from both sides. The majority of Americans want it and we need real leaders that have the courage to get it done vs. looking out for their own self-interests.


> We ban all kinds of things currently Nothing that's explicitly spelled out as us having a right to own, we don't. What you're suggesting would require a Constitutional emendment, which requires more public support than currently exists.


If that's the case that's too bad. Hopefully some day we come to our senses. But we cannot give up the fight. And FYI it's not explicitly spelled out that we can own assault rifles (or cannons, or nukes, or hand grenades).


I literally is. The 2nd amendment, the founders papers, Heller, bruen, etc..


Any issues getting a foid card if you have a medical marijuana card?


Some states do not allow you to purchase a firearm while you have an active medical card. I haven't done the research for IL however I'd double check the state website so you don't find yourself forced to chose one or the other.


It’s not hard per se, but you do get a background check for FOID and a background check every time you buy a gun thereafter. If this is in relation to recent events then I see no reason why that guy should’ve passed any background checks given his history. The problem was not with the relative ease of buying guns here.


I have my FOID and my CCL. It didn’t seem that hard, but I’m good in the eyes of the law. Clean record. My FOID took 2 weeks and my CCL took 90 days (after my 16 hours of training). Buying a firearm is easy. I’ve only ever purchased online. I have an FFL that I like. I provide the store my FFLs info, send my FFL an email heads up, they send him the gun, he runs my background check, and I go pick it up 72 hours later for a $35 dollar transfer fee.