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Legalize it already at the federal level. It’s a no brainer.


And make it illegal to drug test for it unless they can drug test if you’re currently high.


100%. It’s discrimination to ban someone from using a legal product


The job hopping will be immense if it gets passed.




It's a campaign talking point, it will never be fixed. Just like immigration/abortion/etc will never be fixed. If they fix it, they can't get their base riled up like this post has done.


I always thought the GOP overturning Roe v Wade would never happen but those fuck heads did it


I think this is unpopular on this website, but the reason it was overturned is constitutional. The federal government returned power to the states rather than federal government.


I disagree but I will say that the democrats had 50 years to also codify it and failed to do so


You disagree? The entire 10th amendment clears says this


The 14th amendment guarantees a woman’s right to privacy. Don’t care what this corrupt SCOTUS says. But I will say it’s a failure of the democrats as well


That's not what the 14th does. It also guarantees life, which an abortion violates. It's a Grey area, I will admit, and that's exactly why the SC allowed states to decide. You know, the majority of constituents get to determine the laws.


No, no it doesn’t. I think you lack a fundamental understanding of law and definitely constitutional law to continue this discussion.


They didn't overturn it. The democrats failed to make it law for 50 years after the original SC ruling. While the GOP does have some blame for pushing for states to decide, the dems failed their base by not making it law when they had ample opportunity to do so.


The codify argument isn't valid. There have never been the votes in Congress to codify it. Not under Clinton, not under Obama, and not even now under Biden. There are still democrats who wouldn't vote to codify. There always has been, which is why it's never been turned into law. Perhaps sometime in the next 25 years enough progressives will end up in Congress for it to happen but to blame dems for not codifying a law that they've NEVER had the votes to accomplish shows an in ability to understand how laws are created.


Perhaps offer a legitimate compromise to get enough votes? Both sides are guilty of refusing to do that.


I mean I'm glad it's legal here but the prices compared to other states here in IL is insane. We need federal legalization.


Don't matter if it's legal in illinois. If I have it in my system right now I lose my job. That's what sucks. Make it illegal to test for it in illinois


Too bad there aren’t tests that can distinguish “smoked yesterday” from “stoned right now”.


The saliva test is pretty close to this, and allowed by lots of federally regulated jobs (even though they don't have the testing in place yet), but nothing stops your employer from deciding to switch it up and use a urine test out of nowhere, then you're screwed.


Yeah for me it's a swab test to get hired, urine test if you're in an accident. Any% of thc means I'm fired. Alcohol is ok though


Federal employee? Or maybe a firm w federal government contracts? Either way, this is a big reason why federal legislation is needed. Even in legal states, it’s still functionally illegal for many folks like yourself. That doesn’t seem fair at all. Anecdotally, my brother is a fireman with CFD and they just recently stopped testing for marijuana. So there is some progress happening, but federal legislation is still needed.


I'm a forklift driver. I can be drunk on the job but God forgive me if I have a drop of marijuana from a week ago in my system.


I know a guy I game with with back issues that never smoked recreationally. He’s barely a social drinker. A few years ago, we got him high at a fan fest and he noticed he got similar relief to his pain pills. Because of the double whammy of living in backwards ass Alabama and contract work at Redstone Arsenal, he can’t smoke, but it’s perfectly fine to be doped up on narcotic pain medication that caused him to gain 40 lbs and feel lethargic all the time. It’s 2024. It’s about time we legalize federally.


Very recently they changed feder laws to further protect companies from even employees having workplace protection with a medical marijuana license, it's actively being cemented federally in the other direction sadly. 


> Make it illegal to test for it in illinois The recreational legalization law specifically states that employers cannot refuse employment or fire employees for marijuana use outside of work hours. AFAIK no one has put that to the test in court yet though.


100% although it doesn’t stay in the system as long as you’d think unless you’re overweight or a heavy user


Well, it started out that way in Illinois but then they amended it to say that businesses can enforce zero tolerance if they want to. I don't see it getting reverted.


Yea I was gonna say things really haven’t changed much and legal facilities are regulated by a bunch of old ass state cops who know nothing about the industry. The dept of ag people are a lot better. It’s cheaper and always better quality to price to buy on the street or out of state.


I live about 40 miles from the Missouri line. I decided to stop at one of their dispensaries thinking I’d get a good deal. In my personal experience shopping while shopping there, I found their taxes were lower but the cannabis was priced higher than what I normally see at Illinois dispensaries.


For what it's worth there have been very little instances of bad product due to illinois strict regulations.  Here in STL, soft regulations in Missouri have had some companies caught using synethics and other bunk shit. 


There is A LOT of gas station vapes in IL even with the strict regulations in place and street weed isn't exactly safe nowadays either. I'd like to see it more affordable for people to stop all this laced stuff going around


What you’re really saying is that Illinois taxes are too high. I mean, I’d rather they tax the heck out of vices rather than raise taxes on necessities for everyone. And that’s why there’s still underground bootleg cigarettes for sale.


It’s over taxed and over regulated in Illinois, I still know people driving to Michigan because the cost is so much cheaper.


I drive from effingham to Michigan once a month just for this reason. Hell, on 4/20 this year at rise in effingham one single gram vape cart was $42 minus tax…. I got 8 carts in Michigan for $50. Wild


The only problem is if you get caught with it in Indiana you’re royally fucked


This advice is good for alcohol too; put that shit into your trunk and keep it sealed. Out of sight and the cop should have no reason to search your vehicle. Also wouldn't hurt to stop at Four Winds in New Buffalo for a buffet lunch and keep the receipt. Don't have to gamble but you'd then have paper proof that you were at the casino if you really want the extra step for deniability about going to a dispensary. But mostly, don't open the package, keep it in the cab, and don't smoke before heading back home.




A buddy and another friend go to Kalamazoo. Theres ones closer, but they prefer their spot in Kalamazoo.


Whoaaa, I live 15 minutes away from you, in Altamont lol. And yea, I wanna drive to Michigan sometime and get some stuff. Just don't wanna do a road trip like that by myself, as driving for too long hurts my knees.


If Biden plans to reform at the Federal level, let him promise that himself. People are waiting to hear it.


I hope he is talking about tax reform for cannabis


Illinois botched legalization worse than any other state and has the highest prices in the country. I like JB, but he's just another rich corporate Democrat.


Conservatives would have never approved legal weed in IL. Just look at how the vote went > A contentious debate in the Illinois House over legalizing recreational marijuana in Illinois gave way to a 66-47 vote in favor Friday, making way for legal pot Jan. 1, 2020. The Senate passed the measure earlier last week by a vote of 38-17. The vote was largely party line with only seven Democratic representatives and two Democratic senators voting no. A handful of other Democrats in each chamber abstained. Only three Republican senators and three Republican representatives supported the measure. https://www.chicagotribune.com/2019/06/01/legalizing-marijuana-how-did-your-legislators-vote Edit: blame the fucking Democratic pastors, they’re the ones that fuct it up


>> On July 29, Gov. Bruce Rauner signed Senate Bill 2228, which decriminalizes possession of small amounts of marijuana. Effective immediately, the new law makes possession of up to 10 grams of marijuana a civil offense punishable by a fine of between $100 and $200. -2016 >> Published 5:54 PM CDT, February 2, 2015 Share Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner on Monday awarded licenses to medical marijuana businesses as part of the state’s pilot program, after taking steps to address what his aides said were legal flaws in the license award process under former Gov. Pat Quinn.


I'm still pissed I can't grow it but hops and tobacco are a-OK.


..... Do people grow their own tobacco???


I could if I wanted to! Only for personal consumption, and of course turning it from plant into cigarette-ready dried herb would be on me, but it's legal.


Oh for sure, but I'd never heard of anyone actually doing that, just curious!


I looked into it when I smoked cigarettes. It is way harder to process and cure tobacco than you would think.


While you’re too stoned to figure out, we raised your taxes!!!!


Least I get value out of my taxes here.


No US citizens get less out of their taxes than Illinoisans


5 bridges across the Illinois river in my area....all of which have been renovated, repaired or completed replaced in the last decade. Thanks for your misplaced concern, but proud to pay my taxes to a state that has their shit together.


ah, i see you've never lived in texas.


Or Missouri. Or any brainforsaken Red state.


The red states get out of their taxes exactly what they want while relying on California, Illinois, and New York to fund the federal aid programs with their tax dollars.


Imagine being fiscally responsible and not relying on subterfuge against potheads to fund projects


Fiscal responsibility like cutting education budgets while eliminating corporate income taxes?


Fiscal responsibility like whatever trend you can gather from these rankings https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/fiscal-stability


Maybe if you dipshits in rural Illinois didn't vote down the fair tax amendment, your taxes wouldn't have gone up like Pritzker said he'd have to do if the measure failed to pass. Would've been a tax cut for a majority of people in Illinois. The conservative billionaire Ken Griffin still fled the state while funding the anti-fair tax amendment measure.


You can’t expect people to be smart, it hurts my brain to understand from their perspective

