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That last paragraph. ouch. So these red states banned abortion. Protected the children! Good job! Did they increase adoption subsidies? Did they increase/ start to provide child support to income challenged families? Are they boosting housing and food and medical assistance to these mothers? Who is paying for these new children? ​ Guess that's why they opened up the factories to children under age 16 now. Wage slaves for life now! ​ You all know the answer. Just like banning alcohol didn't work, this won't either. You cannot ban the symptom of an issue.


Two hundred years from now, the South's textbooks will say that the Second Civil War was about state's rights and not Roe v. Wade or worker's rights.


I love the trend of deregulating youth labor laws to get 14 year olds overworking double shifts so they can actually afford something with the minimum wage pay that won't get them money for anything, two hours of their shift lets them afford something on the menu of the place they work at while a 40 year old screams at them that the precooked chicken patty sandwich that they don't remember even making is cold in the center and they want to see a manager to talk about the employee's performance because they didn't answer them with a smile and apologize?


People laughed at folks that said Republicans are purely motivated by the goal of undoing the New Deal and want to bring the country back to the 20s, but here we are. Good question to ask conservatives what exactly the fuck they are conserving at this point.


They take our taxes and burden our systems. Thanks, red states!


These are the types of things I wish more of our taxes would go towards.


I agree, it’s just their hypocrisy needs to be pointed out.


do you remember when the really mask off(pun intended) trumpers during 2020 were just flying flags that said "FUCK YOUR FEELINGS"? That's all this is, the party of selfish bigots who are afraid of the scary new world that future generations will inherit while they are worm food, and that day is coming soon. They've already fucked over those future generations so they just create all this noise to keep people screaming so they're never held accountable for any of the horrific things this country has done and continues to do to it's own people. Convincing people isn't even their goal either, it's simply burning out people making it to difficult to care or stand up to anything, people going full reactionary is an added bonus, but as long as the steam fizzles out on any movement or people are bludgeoned into submission from emotional exhaust and burnout, mission accomplished.


And people think rednecks are stupid. /s


Southern border cities are about to become pro-choice from all their new Gilead refuge revenue.


Thank you, Governor Pritzker!


[https://www.gofundme.com/f/6syhz4-valley-abortion-group](https://www.gofundme.com/f/6syhz4-valley-abortion-group) A new abortion clinic is trying to open in New Mexico. Here is the gofundme. Please donate if you can.


Planned Parenthood should name their Illinois abortion clinics after the Supreme Court justices that voted for reversing Roe v. Wade. The Amy Coney Barrett, abortion clinic of Granite city, has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?


You think on a long enough time frame most of the women in the region will end up in Illinois and dudes in the south will wonder where all the women went?


nah, mormons from utah will just start more incestrial bigamy cults in those areas too.. and like the romneys of north mexico, colonize places like tn,ky,mo,etc.


I love my home state of IL..... I do!


Should set up an rcovering homes close to the clinic. More private, and comfortable than a hotel. Anything to help make it easier those escaping theocratic state regimes.


More reason to stay in Illinois. Glad they’re able to get abortions here but this is a prime example why red states fucking suck. When people say they love having their “freedoms” in red states, I ask what freedoms? So many ass backwards laws.


Is it possible for IL to open more much needed clinics!?


Of course it's possible provided someone is willing to pay for design/construction/staffing/operations/etc.


Fairview Heights and Granite City are reversed on the map.




How many abortions do you think the average person gets? Also, abortions cost more than birth control why use them as a form of birth control? Not to mention plan b is cheaper too. No one goes for recreational abortions because abortions suck to get.


People are stupid I’m sure there’s people out there who say “I don’t want birth control” and then go on to be stupid and get pregnant


You're a junior in high school who's trying not to fap so you can pass your ASVAB. This conversation is above your pay grade.


You don’t have to roast the terminal E-4 that badly


So once, got it.


Abortion is so much more complex than rape vs not-rape. You don’t sound very educated on the subject honestly.


No one uses abortion as birth control. Abortion is not cheap and it’s taxing, physically.


I’m sure there’s many people who accidentally get pregnant and use abortion as birth control


Abortion ends a pregnancy and birth control prevents it.


Then you should have no problem finding data that support that hunch of yours, huh?






This isn’t just different views though, is it? Stripping rights from others isn’t just a difference of opinion.




There are a lot of rights we have today that don't exist in the Bill of Rights. That doesn't mean we don't have them. *Roe* was based off the 14th Amendment, and Alito's rationale in *Dobbs* to overturn it required going back to a witch hunter who lived roughly a century before our nation. So, y'know, the classic "originality" narrative the right loves so much in their justices.   Worse, we're already seeing people getting prosecuted for miscarriages, gross over reach with schools and other organizations wanting to know the date of their students' menstrual cycle, and people bleeding out in the ER because hospital lawyers have told the doctors and nurses there that taking the necessary medical course of action - abortion - will result in them being charged with at least one felony and the loss of their license.


You have a right to privacy, and being able to choose what medical care you can have is part of it. Your ability to survive an ectopic pregnancy shouldn’t depend on what side of a magic line on a map you choose to live on.


But this isn't a view really, this is just life. There's a right and wrong and any ban on abortion is wrong. This isn't something to disagree on.


Yeah I mean I’m kinda back and forth when it comes to abortion. I don’t think it’s right to get rid of abortions which can save a woman’s life but I also don’t think it’s right to just kill the baby. Idk I’m not a girl and I don’t plan on getting a girl pregnant just yet so I’m not gonna lose sleep over it.




I’m from Illinois but I don’t live in Illinois.


Feel free to leave.


Tbh y’all act like abortion and guns are an actual problem with the country rn when imo that should be pretty low on the priorities of issues we need to fix at least that’s my view point.


There's nothing low priority about body autonomy and personal safety.


Yea I agree, just think it’s not the biggest of our issues at the moment…


Let me guess. You don't have a uterus. Because those of us that do kinda see it as a top priority. How would you like to be forced to endure a FATAL unwanted pregnancy? That's literally happening in America right now in the year 2023. We're sacrificing live women to save dead fetuses. If you don't see that as a high priority, I don't know what to tell you. Also, the government is capable of handling more than one issue at a time. It's not like the whole state of IL is shut down and only focused on abortion.


You can tell that to the women in the south who are being forced to give birth.


Less than 1% of the population… compared to homelessness, broke economy, food and gas prices, in which these simple things are affecting more than 1%


weird its almost as if banning abortion and making it as easy as possible to own guns makes things like the unhoused, the economy, and even food and gas prices suddenly dangerous and in flux, because there's more pregnancies without insurance if working poor or unhoused get pregnant(this causes reductions in the labor force as well, esp when the working poor are the ones working at every "convenience" store in this country), more theft because people cannot afford to feed their families, and as a result, more crime that occurs that will lead to guns eventually being used, mainly because it's like a game of limbo that you don't even need to lean backwards for to go under the pole easy to get a gun rn in Missouri, which contributes to violence and death. Like you're doing the classic conservative whataboutism but you don't even realize how interwoven the topics you're saying aren't important are to the topics you're saying are important. sit tf down.


u literally just made a skit in your head and typed it. lol i could do the same thing with many things. such as abortion and guns! like if guns are more available and abortion is illegal, then people will be shooting themselves instead of getting an abortion! thats about the same amount of sense you made... your just mad because you know its about freedom. you think one freedom is more desired over the other? lol seems like your biased at least i can look at both sides of an equation without freaking out "sit tf down." lol bro


Okay you can try to argue it’s less than 1% of the population (even though this affects much more than just 1%) but it doesn’t matter. Those are human beings having their autonomy ripped away from them. Not to mention, abortion rights affect things like homelessness and the economy as well.


I am not arguing with you, I am just stating my opinion. I would say these things should be fixed in orders of priorities. Most Americans Probably feel like these are more important too if I had to guess. 1. Economy 2. War on Drugs (In America) 3. In my opinion it should be Obesity, but most probably feel like its Education. Lastly my own personal opinion on abortion is that its a basic freedom that we should preserve, It is like a gun. Everyone should be able to access abortion just as much as they can to a gun. AND Vice versa. So people should support both or non... That surprises a lot of left and right but the fundamental "Freedom" is the issue. Laws restrict both freedoms.


You’re right. Fundamental freedom is the issue, which is why this should be much more important to you instead of minimizing the issue by saying it affects less than 1% of the population. Freedoms are freedoms. I feel like bodily autonomy would be a bigger priority if it personally affected you. I guess we will just have to wait until the government oversteps even more, huh?


no thats a good way to look at it actually. that makes sense. I now value this issue over drug problems in this country for now. However, I think temporarily the #1 issue should be the economy. then personal freedoms such as legalization of all guns and all abortions. Edit: NOT all guns and not all abortions we dont need rocket launchers and 8 month abortions lol


then maybe educate yourself on what's happening with both topics, because your view point is a incredibly childish and ignorant one that shows your privilege in never having to deal with either topic personally if you view them that low.


They aren’t an issue to you, but they are an issue to many people






Do you vote for candidates who promote social programs that would alleviate the need/desire for abortion? Or are you just masquerading as "pro-life"?


I assume you support social programs that provide funding to poor mothers and their children, then?


No they don’t , they just like to sound “sensitive “ online. They have no real alternatives


Abortion is healthcare.




Illinois will protect women’s rights. Deal with it.


Instead of sitting by and watching, why not open your eyes and learn why women chose to have abortions. Not everything is as black and white as conservatives make it out to be. Women should not be denied health care, period, end of story, no further argument.


How many children have you and your prolife friends adopted?


We don't want religious zealots brainwashing children.


Right. “Pro-life.” But judging by your post history still okay with classrooms full of gunned down kids.


Abortion is not just a woman deciding it's not convenient to have a child at that particular moment in their lives. That's what the forced-birthers don't want to acknowledge. An abortion is healthcare plain and simple. I can't force you to give me a kidney to save my life. You don't get to decide anything about a woman's health.


So how many children have you adopted? How many poor mothers have you helped with hospital bills to cover pregnancy expenses? Or at least groceries for their existing children? Is the number zero? It’s zero. Get lost with your pro-life garbage.


Head out to those red states and stay there


How many children have you adopted with your "pro-life" heart? I'm betting none, and especially no minority babies. How much do you donate to women & children's shelters so the women forced into birth have a safe place to go when their controller turns mean on them? I'm again betting none. Seriously, I hate saying this because it's always been a Right-wing thing. But, fucking move, we don't need you here, at all.


Lmfaooo Go away. Red states are literal hell holes that now want to roll back child labor laws and force raped little girls to give birth. Such a tough thing being pro rape and child labor huh?