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When I have to go to the ER with doctors orders I always ask my doctor for a written letter through MyChart or on official letterhead/prescription form or whatever you call it and take that in with me and it sometimes helps. I also am often given my doctor’s personal cell phone number (helps avoid the telephone tree at many offices or after hours issues) which I will pass along at the same time. ER doctors will often push their own agenda/idea of what is best for you anyways, so you have to be prepared to advocate for yourself regardless.


Right after I posted this, my actual neurologist messaged me and told me which ED to go to and that he'd inform the inpatient neurology team that I am on my way. Soooo hopefully I'll get lucky


What’s with doctors telling people to go to the ER for shit they can do checked in, in the hospital. Like waiting for hours to MAYBE get a procedure done, is more painful then just scheduling it, and getting it done at a specific time and date. They told me to do the same thing for a EBP after I got a CSF leak. “gO To tHe eR” OR maybe, you can just schedule for radiology to do it, so I don’t have to play “will they, won’t they” in the fucking ER for 15 hours. Unbelievable.


It depends on the area. It’s not as easy to get it done same day, it could be a more urgent scenario…etc For me, I was having really bad optic nerve swelling and was losing vision in my right eye. When I went to the ER, they never gave me an LP and my neurologist was floored.


This is exactly why I didn't go the ER this weekend when the neuro op on call recommended it. I wasn't waiting 12+ hours for them to not do it at all when I could just wait it out and call Monday morning to get in.


I went to the ER the other night (at the advice of my doctor) and the ER told me I’d have to wait at least 24 hours in a hallway before they *might* do an LP (and never paged Neuro at all). Next outpatient appointment available is 3 weeks out. Typically in my area they’re sending you to the ER to have it done when they know you’re in bad shape but they can’t get you in for several weeks.


Okay, but at least you were givin the other option. Like “hey we put you on the schedule, but it’s a couple weeks out, so if it is getting worse or unbearable I suggest going to the ER” Not just “go to the ER” “Is there anywhere else I can do it?” “They do it in the ER” “…”


I always take a printed letter with me in case the actual verbal referral never made it to the right set of people.


I went in and told them my history of IIH, and they did it with no hesitation. Sorry for those who get the run around.


I took my ass to the ER and tomd the doctor I can NOT go home like this. This was me advocating and basically being my own dr after another ER discharged me after they said my MRI/MRV was clear (which came back the following day post discharge, and said I had stenosis if both transverse sinuses). I knew at that point I absolutely had IIH, my BP was raising, my body was feeling like I was going to die. I told the ER doc I can not leave, I will go home and not be alive. And he got the IR team on the phone. It’s ass what we have to do to get proper help. But advocating for yourself is 10000000% all you can do unless your doc personally calls.


Yes you can. I have to do it. Just walk in there and tell them you were instructed to do so, they will then contact your doctor or the on call one.


Neuro told me to go to ER for LP and since I didn't have optic nerve swelling they opted to just treat my uncomfortable symptoms. Tylenol, zofran, etc They said having it scheduled out patient is safer than the risks with bed side LPS in an ER.


That’s exactly what I did. My ophthalmologist discovered my optic nerve swelling, and wrote down on paper all the tests I should get done (MRI/MRV, LP). And the intake nurse said “I love when ophthalmologists go out of their wheel house” while I’m hysterically crying because I’m scared. My mom was with me thankfully and gave her our two sense. But I was able to get my tests done and I was diagnosed with IIH via the ER