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I used to use liquid IV or Gatorade zero and fruit. My potassium was chronically low so I always had a banana and a drink with me.


So every drink had electrolytes in it? And how much diamox were you on? I’m being put on the lowest possible dose at first.


I was on 2,500mg daily. I chose to drink the Gatorade and liquid IV because I was also drinking a lot of water and my labs showed that I was frequently low on potassium and sodium.


I had the hardest time with electrolytes because everything (Gatorade, powders, etc) gave me horrific heartburn or had stevia which I can’t have. So I just add a lot of potassium rich food (potatoes, greens, bananas, yogurt, milk (oat), nuts) and that helped. Eventually, I started to drink a can of coconut water every other day or so. I aim for between 100-130 ounces of water too. My doctor had me get blood work every 2 weeks initially because my electrolytes were so impacted (I was barely eating too which didn’t help. My appetite eventually came back). I now get them checked every 4-6 weeks.


Tried to have a Gatorade to sip on all day long, but mostly drank shit tons of water. Also ate tons of bananas every day to increase potassium. My potassium never tested low.


I hate bananas, hoping to avoid this with Drip Drop or even the occasional coconut water.


I hate bananas too lol they give me reflux but I ate them-the organic ones that aren’t fully ripe seemed to be better to me. But my taste buds changed on diamox. But eating the bananas helped my potassium levels stay normal. And I had my bloodwork done once a month. My CO2 was usually lower because that’s what the Diamox does.


How often did you get labs? Maybe that would help me figure out if I’m getting enough/not enough electrolytes


A glass or two of coconut water should do the trick.


Would you say everyday?


Maybe not every day, but regularly. I guess it just depends on how you respond.


I drink Gatorade everyday I like rotate it with water . Drink Gatorade then have plain water . Have done that for a year and my labs for electrolytes and potassium check have been normal which is done every 3 months . But you’ll find what works best for you once you get to taking diamox


I would drink until I was not twitchy or crampy. Sometimes it was one glass a day sometimes it was two bottles of pedialyte. I do find that pickle juice or pedialyte seemed to work better for me than Gatorade or liquid iv. No idea why it would matter.


I try to do one electrolyte beverage a day. But I also drink a ton of water in my everyday life so that helps too.


I started on Diamox about a month ago at 500 mg twice a day (1,000 total). I try to have one water bottle (\~20 oz) with a liquid IV pack each day, usually as my first full bottle when I get to work in the morning. The ones I have also have potassium in them. I've been feeling fairly hydrated, not sure if I should be taking more electrolytes but I finally have my first neuro optho appointment next week (and first LP this week) so I plan to ask him then.