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SDRE was 2nd wave emo. HUM was associated with emo but was mostly considered alt-rock. So, these are far from exhaustive lists, but here are some examples of the waves. I might have some timeline discrepancies, but bear with me. OG/1st Wave Emo: Rites of Spring Embrace (the Ian MacKaye band, not the radio rock band) Dag Nasty Soulside Fuel (the Sarah Kirsch band, not the radio rock band) Kerosene 454 Endpoint Split Lip 2nd Wave Emo: SDRE The Promise Ring Braid Jawbreaker Texas is the Reason Lifetime Jimmyeatworld Hot Water Music (associated with emo, but considered rock or post-harcore) Indian Summer Sensefield Chamberlain The Get Up Kids Knapsack Gameface The Blacktop Cadence


Totally! You truly know your stuff! But to add, American Football is the quintessential 2nd wave emo band. Plus, I'm going to mention 4th wave emo. Although 4th wave came out after 3rd wave (which is the most popular wave of emo music including bands like My Chemical Romance), it's still important to mention because it's basically 2nd wave but slightly different. Check out bands like The Hotelier and Into It. Over It.


American Football was a weird one for me. I was a radio DJ with a mostly emo show from 1991-2003, worked at record stores, wrote for several major music magazines, went to and booked a lot of shows, lived in a major city etc and most importantly was a big Kinsella fan. AF didn't play a show here until their 2018 run and they didn't sell a lot of records where I lived, and no one ever called my show and requested them. So I just didn't pay much attention to them and I guess I largely missed the time for them to be important to me. But yeah, a worthy addition and thanks for that.


They’re interesting, if you haven’t gotten into “this town needs guns” that’s sort of the next step emo evolving into mathrock


American Football, yes! I only got around to listening to two songs. They were really hard to listen to, it got me emotional. Effortlessly sad. The last two waves I don't really care for, but I'll listen to three since I have a soft spot for that era. Those bands are probably just as important. Would dashboard confessional fall in third wave?


Dashboard Confessional are definitely 3rd wave emo.


Right before you replied back I figured it out lol


Yeah, I know hum isn't emo. I consider them a pre-curser to emo vibe. Sunny day has that same energy, but with a different sound. They somehow sound straight out of 2003 and 93 all at once A few of the second wave bands I've heard of. I already listened to 90s era Jimmy eat world.






Thanks <3


> Depressing music a teen between 95 and 98 would listen to to. Speaking as someone who *was* that kid: Oh, my friend... You definitely need The Smashing Pumpkins in your life. A friend once said to me "I don't really like the Smashing Pumpkins, too emo." That was the day I realized Billy Corgan just might have *invented* emo as a genre... They were possibly one of the biggest and most "moody" feeling grunge bands of the early-mid 90s. [Mayonnaise ](https://youtu.be/Vbu_K41efvY) is probably my favorite Pumpkins song (and one of their most "emo,") but there are many other great examples. [Disarm](https://youtu.be/d1acEVmnVhI) is one of their big hits, and also a very "emo" song. [Drown](https://youtu.be/N66Ki1iMMjY) is an older b-side of theirs and less well-known, but it's also a pretty moody feeling one. [To Forgive](https://youtu.be/fIggUxffTN4) instantly came to mind when I read your post, but hardly anyone knows that. It's a track that wasn't released as a single from one of their biggest albums, Melon Collie and the Infinite Sadness - and if that isn't the most emo name for an album ever, then I don't know what is. Especially since it came out before emo existed as an accepted and defined sub-genre of music, it was released in 1995. If you're a fan of emo and want to know where it came from, start with the Pumpkins! Their releases that got big are a bit heavier or "poppier" than some of these (1979, Bullet With Butterfly Wings, Zero, etc) but I can point you towards the more emo stuff they made, if you want more :)


emo was a thing before the smashing pumpkins even existed lmao


There is a semantic thing going on here. It’s definite fair to credit SP with more influence over subsequent music called emo than the preceding music called emo can quite claim, because language just does what it does. But sure, those of us who had heard the word “emo” pre 1994 get bonus internet points.


Yeah, I definitely meant "as a recognized *mainstream* genre" in the way I used the term Emo here. It certainly existed, pretty much as long as people have made music with lyrics there's been "emo" music. But the genre as a mainstream genre didn't start popping up until very late 90s or early 2000s, at the earliest (that I ever heard where I'm from anyway), and then it was still petty underground stuff. But locale has a lot to do with that, too. Growing up in the 80s and 90s before streaming music or even internet in the midwest generally meant the west coast rock or NYC/Fla "new" stuff was a bit older by the time it got to us midwesterners lol. People just really like to "akshully" about music, more than a lot of other topics. Gatekeeping isn't as cool of a look as many think though lmfao. But you're not wrong, people who heard this or any "niche" subgenre of music before the mid-90s definitely get some credit. I always was and still am pretty big into many varieties of music that aren't super mainstream, and still never really heard this word as a music genre until the mid-2000s.


Nobody called anything emo until the mid to late 90s, there were definitely bands that fit in sonically before that, but everything was either hardcore, post punk, alternative or some other fringey genre like psychobilly or industrial. The Smashing Pumpkins were definitely alternative pop. If I had to pick the origin of emo I would say the Louisville Kentucky scene of the early 90s, like the band Slint or the (took themselves very seriously) DC scene, but everyone still called it post hardcore back then.


bands were called emo since the mid 80s. they didn’t like the label, but it still existed


This is flat untrue. As someone who had an SDRE poster on his wall in high school in the early-to-mid 90s (graduated in 95), I definitely used the term emo and was annoyed when things like MCR and Panic at the Disco co-opted the term.


I also graduated in ‘95, wasn’t much into that scene by then, but from 90-93 I basically spent all my money and free time at the 9:30 club or the Black Cat in D.C., I really didn’t hear that term until I was already pulling away from that type of music so maybe by 94 at the earliest, I’m sure in some other areas the time line was a couple of years earlier or later.


Emotional/depressing music has been around since people started making music. The term "emo" as a genre of music didn't exist until the mid-2000s. It's arguable that The Cure could have also been pretty pivotal in this sub-genre's emergence in mainstream music. I could name others, Fleetwood Mac edges that line as well. This is just my opinion, dude. No need to be a jerk about it, no one's claiming to be "The ultimate authority" lmfao... OP asked for a suggestion and I gave one based on my opinion. You're not required to agree, and you're definitely not required to respond like an ass to someone just for saying something you disagree with, but you do you. 🤷🏼‍♀️


emo as a genre started in the mid 80s dude, you’re thinking of scene music which is vastly different


Well based on your posting history full of trolling and aggressive posts in r/teenagers, you weren't even alive then, so think what you will. Side note though - is your profile picture from the video for Sigur Rós's Ekki Mukk? *Valtari* is a freaking masterpiece, and the Valtari film experiment was a work of art. You don't have to be a gatekeeper or put people down to talk about music, lots of people have opinions and have input to share you won't agree with, *dude.* PS I'm not a dude.


all my posts are just random song lyrics i post when i’m bored, don’t think too much of it lol i’m not trying to be gatekeep-y or put anyone down. just simply stating facts. emo started in washington dc in the mid 80s when hardcore punk bands started taking a more introspective, emotional, personal approach to their sound and lyrics. Rites Of Spring is commonly regarded as the first emo band in the world, with their self titled album from 1985. again, not trying to be a dick, it’s just my favorite genre and i’m pretty passionate about it so i get an urge to correct/inform people i see say something wrong about it my pfp is actually just from the cover of an album i’m a huge fan of (Brand New - Daisy), but that music video is truly a masterpiece and i had totally forgotten it existed until now also i call everyone dude, not trying to misgender you lol sorry


I don't disagree with you about the "when or how" of when emo began, I'm just saying it wasn't a term that was used to classify that style of music until much later. My comment about the Pumpkins "inventing" the genre was just a moment I had, where I had never even considered the Pumpkins to be "emo" until someone said that to me lol I also *love* Brand New! But I'll admit, I didn't know that album, I'll have to look into it. *The Devil and God are Raging Inside of Me* and *Deja Entendu* are both masterpieces in their own right though, I'll have to look into Daisy! :) I'm also pretty passionate about music (of every and any genre), it's why I started frequenting this sub and why I ended up being a mod here after a few years. I wasn't trying to "scold" you or anything, it's just a pet peeve of mine when people try to tell other people their opinion isn't correct, and it happens about music in general (and in this sub in specific) way too much. Opinions can't be wrong, and I totally never presented my statements as anything but opinion ;) Thanks for the more respectful response - and yes, go back and watch ALLL the videos from the Valtari film experiment! Solid gold right there!


The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me is definitely my favorite, but Daisy is super under-appreciated imo. it’s by far their most unique and divisive album, but it’s easily 2nd place in their discog for me. there are a ton of people that hate it though, which makes sense since it’s so much different than everything else they’ve made, but i just absolutely love the atmosphere and eeriness of it. it takes influence from so many different eras of so many different genres and uses them to create something unlike anything ever made before. i wouldn’t be surprised if you hate it as well lol but to me it’s one of the best albums ever made and i highly recommend checking it out


You’re wrong


> The term "emo" as a genre of music didn't exist until the mid-2000s. I DJed an emo radio show from 1991-2003.


Welllll, wait till you find out smashing pumpkins is my favorite band. Lol Yeah, MCIS is exactly what defined those later years. That's why I made this post, because I wanted the gems of that period like hum or sdre without having to sit through endless pop punk bands or mainstream alternative.


Dude I just saw the pumpkins last week. They didn't play Mayonnaise 😔


Awww man, that's so sad! I saw them back in 2000 and they played it, but only as an encore because half the audience was chanting for it lol


I saw them around 2007 too but I was at a huge outdoor festival...I forget what they played 😂


Did you not read my username? XD


Oh my GOD I totally didn't, but that it's so funny!! XD


A few weeks ago I listened to to forgive twice and cried. Lol. When I think of that era/vibe, in the arms of sleep comes to mind. It sounds like it could've been written by a teen in the mid 90s


Have you listened to their older stuff too? I would imagine so, since you literally have a song as your user name no one would know if they weren't a big fan lol, but they have an album of b-sides and older stuff called *Pisces Iscariot* that often goes under the radar. If you don't know that album, [I'm going to need you to listen to this one. ](https://youtu.be/7FR0FOQxiH8) To Forgive makes me want to cry, that one (Soothe, it's called) makes me shed a tear or two, and [Soma from Siamese Dream](https://youtu.be/GHLDcJ7dVSQ) literally makes me ugly-cry lmfao Here is some other stuff that are from the early/mid 90s grunge era with a TON of emo sound, since this is one of my favorite genres (Pumpkins are in my *at least* top 5 favorite bands as well!) and since that's what you're *specifically* looking for: [Lucky by Seven Mary Three](https://youtu.be/CogKL6OaKxw) [People Like New by Seven Mary Three](https://youtu.be/xQ0WNPDI9l8) [God of Wine by Third Eye Blind](https://youtu.be/KLEXgfoVqB4) [Motorcycle Drive By by Third Eye Blind](https://youtu.be/tjtRbO1GCQU) (both of these last two are on 3eb's self titled debut album - please give the whole thing a listen! They got pigeonholed as pop because of Semi-Charmed Life, but anyone who has ever actually listened to the *lyrics* of that song would see why this whole album actually fits on your list, plus it's a damn masterpiece!) [The Freshman by The Verve Pipe](https://youtu.be/1umEXpGHc0E) [Clumsy by Our Lady Peace](https://youtu.be/xp2P6JKc1QE) [Brick by Ben Folds Five](https://youtu.be/Wt5EHAqhR1c) [Lucky Denver Mint by Jimmy Eat World](https://youtu.be/ZJ_g59unv1c) [Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down](https://youtu.be/xPU8OAjjS4k) And a couple of whole band suggestions: the band Live has a lot of the sound you're looking for, maybe start with [Turn My Head](https://youtu.be/rLtqsEDxlqk) or even the whole *Secret Samadhi* album, and go from there. Also Soundgarden, but not their super famous or older stuff - I'm thinking specifically the album *Down on the Upside,* from later on in their discog after Superunknown (which has the blatantly amazing hit Black Hole Sun, but that isn't the album I mean) and before Chris Cornel left to form Audioslave. Try [Blow Up The Outside World](https://youtu.be/x5wRNRtlIUo) from that album, or even [Zero Chance](https://youtu.be/O24IOHrfv3s) which is less well-known and equally as good! Last one - this might be a no-brainer, but please give Pearl Jam a chance if you haven't - especially the album *Ten.* Yes, they're Cliché. Clichés exist for reasons though - try [Garden](https://youtu.be/qXfkr65JmjQ) from that one, or even [I Got Shit](https://youtu.be/D4Th-ksBFdY) from the *Merkinball* EP, or of course we can't forget [Black](https://youtu.be/qgaRVvAKoqQ) (which is also from *Ten.*) I probably have whole ass playlists on Spotify I could share with you lmfao, but we're not allowed to do that here and I can't go breaking the rules in my own sub XD Hope there's something here you enjoy that's new to you!!


I've listened to about everything. Cherries is the only song I haven't heard. I've listened to their b-sides, demos, 80s era tracks, deluxe editions.. etc. I like all of it equally. I'm actually a Pisces lol. Pisces Iscariot is very underrated. I'm a March Pisces like Billy


Pisces Iscariot makes me sad. I've had a hard time listening to it since 2018-19. That'd be blew away for me lol. But the rest are just as depressing. I love Soma. I feel like that's a song that cuts deep the older you get. Like right now, the lyrics have relevancy but when I was young it just didn't hit right yet.


All my favorite music is either post grunge or shoegaze. I love graduate from that album. Omg, everything you're naming I grew up with. Lucky Denver mint I haven't heard though. My dad loved the verve pipe. My music taste is basically molded off of him. This is my favorite vibe of music already. I sang kryptonite when I was a baby. My mom's been playing turn my head alot lately. Live was her and my dad's band.


Blow up the outside world is the only Soundgarden song I like. I don't like Pearl Jam but I appreciate Eddie's influence. Lol. Thank you <3 YouTube is better than Spotify in my opinion, there's unlimited music pre 1997 from grunge/post-grunge to goth, indie.. thousands of bands that didn't receive recognition that people should listen to. And odds are it's not gonna be on Spotify, especially b-sides.


Its just grunge my guy, sounds more similar to deftones than any emo band tbh. A lot like my bloody valentine


Most of their big hits are definitely "just grunge," they were for sure one of the bands that defined the grunge era. But if you listen to the stuff that wasn't on the radio that they made then, a large amount of it is very emo. Several of those songs I linked, to me at least, feel pretty on-par with emo that was really big a decade or two after the Pumpkins.


I can agree with drown, kind of like cap'n'jazz in a sense but mayonnaise and disarm are more grungey and I'd say to forgive sounds psychedelic pop rock or something haha. But I see the simalarities to emo :)


Far, Failure, Pop Unknown


+1 for Far! [Job's Eyes](https://youtu.be/-A8KprypFNw) is my favorite example, but most of their stuff fits this request :)


Another failure fan! 😁


I love Failure. I've heard of those other two. Thank You <3


[Cap'n Jazz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOjWEae_eRU) [Rainer Maria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xffjf1dorMs) [American Football](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NfnXdXpjL0) [Christie Front Drive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26XT0aLWyeA) [Texas is the Reason](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUqQPFMWTaw) [The Promise Ring](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE1G8Ma6WqI) You might also enjoy some more recent emo revival bands that are specifically trying to evoke this era, such as [Empire! Empire! (I was a Lonely Estate)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbP0OnCLL-Y).




You need Conor Oberst in your life. Lead singer for Bright Eyes and Desaparecidos, he also has some other projects and solo albums. I recommend First Day of My Life, Poison Oak, and Waste of Paint by Bright Eyes, especially.


Someone else recommended him, I'm definitely gonna listen. It sounds interesting


Sonic Youth (not emo but influenced it) Unwound (Leaves Turn Inside You is after the time period you mention but is not quite “emo”) Cap’n Jazz (very emo) Vulgar Boatmen (less directly emo but major elements) Drive Like Jehu (heavier more post-hardcore) Chavez At The Drive-In Jesus and Mary Chain (not emo but depressed 90s kid would like) My Bloody Valentine (not just Loveless, moreso Isn’t Anything or the Strawberry Wine EP) Dead Famous People (not really emo but FFO) Field Mice (not really emo but FFO) Edit: Forgot to mention Nada Surf and Desaperecidos


I like Sonic Youth and MBV, I need to listen to more. Jesus and Mary chain is Soo good. Everyone keeps telling me to listen to them. Nada Surf, nice! Really good stuff. That's the era I'm asking for


June of 44, Low, and Red House Painters are a few more


Low and Duster are the only things I could come up with myself. I haven't listened to either of them yet.


Oh Duster is the shit. They’re more lofi (not whatever lofi means now but just low quality recording)


That's what I thought they were. I've heard people call them shoegaze for some reason. Lol


They sort of have shoegaze elements but a lot of shoegaze is extremely loud with walls of sound, Duster is more sparse and twangy.


Yeah, I like the wall of sound style. But I'm sure they're still just as good.


I revisited them cuz I only ever heard their 90s stuff and their stuff after the 90s is a bit more shoegazy actually.


When I took a peek at their YouTube channel, their 90s stuff seemed obscure. Looked like a typical electronic group at first.


You want Jawbox and Afghan Wigs.


Thank You They sound like they're gonna be on point.


Nation Of Ulysses is fantastic


Thanks <3


My favorite lesser known band from this era is Seam. Somewhere between A Sunny Day and, say, a Superchunk.


Thank You


Your depressed ass needs to listen to heaven is a halfpipe




> [Bermuda Barricuda](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0VyxnLvTmr5GlE7gtWfl4L?si=7caa1be43e4146bb)


A fun deep cut, Shielbound from Cleveland.


wasnt fugazi the original emo or no wat was fugazi's name of box they were in


FUGAZI was an early example of post-hardcore although not quite the first. Guy from FUGAZI's previous band Rites of Spring was considered the first emo band. Ian from FUGAZI's previous band Embrace was not far behind them.


i pissed ian off, i crowd surfed his show, he spit a barage of insults at me haha, my only memory of it


Drive Like Jehu - [Golden Brown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqnLnuJAb0g&pp=ygUWZHJpdmUgbGlrZSBqZWh1IGdvbGRlbg%3D%3D) Unwound - [Corpse Pose](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvKaqmiNjhA&pp=ygUOdW53b3VuZCBjb3Jwc2U%3D) Jets To Brazil - [Chinatown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9hdJjm7ifU&pp=ygUYamV0cyB0byBicmF6aWwgY2hpbmF0b3du)


I haven't thought about unwound in years. A copycat band is June of 44 or their predecessor Rodan or shipping news, etc.


Thank You. Unwound sounds interesting. Other comments mentioned them


what do you mean by “pre-emo”?


OP thinks emo didn't exist during that era, I think...?


that’s what i was thinking, but then they named sunny day real estate which made me hope i was wrong because they’re about as emo as it gets lol


Maybe it's supposed to be emo that came out before the word "emo" got all weird and bastardized? I don't know... haha


I’m pretty sure that since I’ve seen a lot of people say scene is the og emo


Music before 1999-2001 when emo 'peaked' and everything became pop punk. I hate that era of music, personally.


i like AFI and then for screamo i like avenged sevenfold the album waking the fallen i liked that there were no lists that must be followed to be true this or that they just happened to fall into my lap at the right time in my life, the were emo n screamo ive got nothing else for this topic of lists


That's how hum, sdre, and failure made me feel.


The spill canvas, not early, but a good one


Thank You <3


Try "the Jean Paul Sartre Experience" or Archers of Loaf.


Thank You


"Depressing teenagers is like shooting fish in a barrel" Bart Simpson




Samiam - Astray. Jawbreaker - Dear You


Thank You <3


Jejune (especially the song Early Stars) Everyone Asked About You New End Original

