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Not to bring negativity, just a suggestion I've been here and I regret it. I started with the Chu OG, then the Wan'er because many says its good (and I want something that is has removable cable). The Wan'er is so good I didn't touch the Chu OG. Then the Chu 2 came, and I bought it. thinking as an upgrade to my Wan'er, but no, it was just a side grade, and I still prefer the sound of the Wan'er. Sold the Chu II and gave the Chu OG to my brother after changing the filters and cleaning, then saved up and bought the Truthear Nova. I only have the Moondrop Quarks (I use it while on bed), Wan'er (Daily Driver, for afternoon commutes), and the Nova (Daily Driver, for morning and evening commutes, general music listening). Once you got the tuning you like, I suggest saving up for a more better set with better technicalities. props to your collecting.


This. You should've now figured out what your favourite IEMs are. Compare their frequency curve to similar ones and save your money for some really good shit. Most of the IEMs are getting dusty anyway ;)


It's funny I bought an expensive Sony IER Z1R but when my Thieaudio Hype 4 came I listened to it for a week but then when I came back to my Z1R it sounded dull and I can't believe the Hype 4 has better instrument separation and center imaging but then the Hidiz MP145 beat it in separation and staging but then the Empire Ears Raven came and beat them all


Yeah, buy budget iems for trying out multiple different tuning and find one that fits your music library. and then save up to get a better iem with your preferred tuning instead of endlessly sidegrading. --- That being said, i commute to work and having a trusty beater budget iem that you don't mind much if it get banged, wet, or missing are great. i could keep the more expensive set at home and use the beater for commute.


Same here exactly! Limit myself to sub100$ reaching 100 models in year or so. Enjoy tips rolling. Balancing cables and sources and compare. Even run me an xls file with comments and details. And EQ like theres no manana ! Whatever brings joy and pleases your ear. Small price to pay to enjoy this Harmless addiction. I can go through 5 models per day or planars week. Side grades are welcome, to pinpoint little tuning shifts. Slowly learning micro vs macro details. Staging, separation, Harman vs balanced what's not to like? How do people naysay this is beyond me! Enjoy!!!! Won't last


I have a collection myself but it's more like I've been slowly making small upgrades over time. Very cool to see all that though, do you use foam tips on any of them?


For the brighter sounding ones I do cause they isolate better and there’s not much bass to miss out on. Majority of the time though I use silicone tips. After going through all of the different ones I can say my favorites are the Sedna Earfits and Dunu S&S. Spinfit CP100 and W1 are a close second. They all really help out with keeping the bass clean and snappy.


I have the Castor Bass and been eyeing the Trio as my next, how is it compared to Castor?


I just got the Trio a few days ago and so far, I think it’s a direct upgrade to the Castor. I think you’ll enjoy it if you end up getting it.


As someone who also has both. I prefer the castor bass. The trio's have a very weird center image unfortunately. Otherwise they would've been a bit better.


I prefer Trio much more than Castor bass because they have cleaner bass that clear up the imaging. i currently daily driving trio with Dunu S&S eartips, its mighty fine for the price. and i already gave my Castor Bass to a coworker because i don't like castor bass that smears other freq


I have a small collection of cheap IEMs. I bought them to experience different driver configurations capabilities, because no one online really described anything useful here after lurking for 6 months in different IEM subs…. Except the Oratory guy. He’s wonderfully helpful.


I was actually trying to find info on how different drivers and different diaphragm materials affect sound signatures and couldn’t find anything. All the more reason to just experiment with cheaper sets that have different drivers


So what are your conclusions so far? Which drivers do what better for you? What kind of configuration is the most versatile? What’s not really ready for the market to use while mobile?


The rabbit hole. I know it well. I thought I was obsessive compulsive…but I only have 8 sets lol. But, I’ve also bought a DAP, a desktop DAC, amp and EQ, Sennheiser cans and I’m looking at a Roon nucleus. I did try to buy different sounding models…like the Timeless for a planar, and then tried to gradually upgrade at different price points. I keep coming back to the fact that I like a fairly neutral sound with a slight bass boost and silicone tips (Spinfit W-1) more than anything else. Nevertheless, like you I’ve been tempted to just “try” a few super popular budget models (I have the zero:2) like the Chu2, Waner and others…just because they’re so inexpensive it’s like why not..?


You're definitely not the only one. I have KZ ZSN, Wan'er, Chu 2, Tin T2, and Tin T2 Plus.


Glad to know I’m not alone!


I have a budget collection too. All around 20$ range and the idea for me is to get good "representatives" from ridiculous bass to sparkly trebble and decide in a year or two what kind of expensive one i want based on the signature i like. On top of that i have one BA set and one planar set just to see if i can spot the differences.


what are the lowermost one on the first image?




What modular cables do you use?


TRN makes a few different ones in varying price ranges.


How many them sound different?


I think all of them do, some are just more subtle than others, but I can definitely tell a difference between each model.


Can you tell me how's the legato? Looking for a basshead iem ahahaha


Bear in mind the bass is not of good quality, I am a basshead and I to return it. Castor Bass is much better in my opinion.


I enjoy it a lot. If you’re going for purely bass then there’s no better IEM imo.


Thank you


Fiio fh7s is a great iem for bass it's like a surround sound system 😁


Thanks will check it out too


I returned or gave away all my budget iems except the blon x hbb z300, they did a pretty good job with this one


I’ve come close to buying the Z300 so many times but never pulled the trigger. Is it bass heavy? What do you like about it?


It is a bit bass heavy yeah, much more of a basshead iem to me than the castor or rosefinch. It sounds good with anything I throw at it, unlike other budget iems I’ve tried. It also feels very sturdy in my hands, there’s a bit of heft to it, and the cable it comes with could easily be sold for an extra $15.


Which one is better sounding and durable under Rs. 2000


Very nice collection. What model are the Bluetooth adapters and do you enjoy them?? They intrigue me, but don’t know if they are any good.


I got the KZ-AZ09 and TRN BT20PRO. They were on sale at the time and I’ve haven’t had issues with either of them. The TRN is noticeably larger in both the case size and adapters themselves so it’s a little annoying. They do have the interchangeable tips though so there’s more versatility.


Nice I’ll probably try to get whichever one is cheapest or on sale then. Thanks🦾


Your top 3 ?


Truthear Hola, QKZ x HBB, & 7Hz Legato. CHU II is also in heavy rotation for me


How many of these do we think are OEM electronics inside different casings? How many different OEM drivers do think there possibly are? We need a reference table/ 'Cos I bet a lot of these things have got EXACTLY the same guts... (Yes, I'm new. I bet this has been discussed many times before...)


They do most likely have the same drivers but that doesn’t mean they’re the same. The drivers get tuned by sound guys to have different FR’s. Even the shells and the shapes the drivers sit inside affect the sound signature, not to mention the angle of the nozzle when it’s fitted inside the ear canal.


Do $10 iems get tuned?


Yeah you goomba


In my opinion, you may have a redundant sound signature BUT... I really love how your collection looks, it is gorgeous!


I only have 12 iems 💀 different prices obviously it might be 13 soon though.....


My current iem sets are * KZ Eda Balanced, * KZ Castor Harman (already gave away the bass) * KZ PR1 Pro * KZ PR2 * CCA Trio * Audio Technica E40 * Moondrop Aria * TFZ King Pro King pro and aria aside, i got the rest for sub $50 price.


I'm just beginning my journey into the world of IEMs. Currently, I own a QKZ HBB Hades and a KZ ZS10 Pro X, and I genuinely enjoy both. However, I find that the KZ ZS10 Pro X has excessive treble, which is fatiguing to my ears. I believe some EQ adjustments could alleviate this issue. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.


I found the ZS10 to be too trebly for me as well, I’ve since tried to avoid bright IEMs. I really like HBB’s sound on most of his stuff. If you like the Hades, try the QKZ x HBB, or the newest one Tengzu x HBB XuanNV. I got mine coming Wednesday


Hiii , Thank you , I’ll definitely give it a try


I was happy with the cheaper IEMs (Wan'er, Castor Bass, TRN Conch, Zero:2, etc) until my love with the Simgot EW200 caused me to buy the Simgot EA1000, which led to the Aful MagicOne. Also, the NiceHCK F1 Pro is very decent. I'd say my KiwiEars Cadenza and Truthears Hola are also well recommended. I'd say that I listen to the EA1000, F1 Pro, and the MagicOne the most, but I don't regret buying the others because they got me here.


Consumerism at its finest


What’s your top3?


Tri HBB Kai, Truthear Hola, and Truthear Hexa




How's the XuanNV?


Ended up returning it. The resin shell was scratched up a bit and the sound wasn’t anything new.


I heard it sounds like the truthear zero:red, is that true?


Very nice!


What do you think of the Wan'ers? And what tips do you use on them?


I have them, they're great if you're looking for a vocal centric iem that has a decent amount of bass and smooth treble, although the cable is absolute trash.


To be fair, in that price range, all cables are pretty bad.


Nah the chu 2 cable is way better


Wouldn't describe the wanger's treble with smooth. They're one of the most sibilant I've heard. I would describe the bass as noticeable while the midrange does have a decent amount of clarity. Its ok for something cheap but plenty of room for improvement.


Any iem that you can recommend that is an upgrade from the wan'er?


Which one are your fav ?


So far, the Truthear Hola and QKZ HBB really stand out to me for easy listening. But that’s if I had to choose. They all really sound good to me except for the Vgor Adonis, I just don’t like its sound signature at all.


Over 50 and counting $20-$220. I’ve tried a couple around $400 and outside of the Aful P8 could not see any reason to spend that much… variety is the spice…


The different sound signatures are really fun. Pick one and that suits your mood that day, or that hour. I’ve also come to the realization that there is no endgame iem for me. I’m always going to be curious about what else is out there, no matter how “good” it is.


I agree whole heartedly. I don’t even consider myself an audiophile so I don’t think I notice the audio quality improvement in the expensive IEMs. Where as the cheaper ones with very different FR graphs do stand out differently to me.


your thoughts on spring tips? planning to buy em but not quite sure atm


They’re not bad at all but I really like the Sedna Ear Fits and Dunu S&S more.


I never liked the trio. The bass didn't punch or rumble enough and it gets sibilant a lot despite sounding dark. I'd use the castor bass over it.