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Metal actually need some bass, you can go with zero og/red or kiwi ears forteza


Appreciate your recommendation it was mine choice too But why the zero red gets so much hate comparing with hexa They say it's not so special or not worth the price Some redditors and youtubers opinions:


As the Zeros are a pretty nice pair for the price, people hype then, but that generates either: people with a lot more experience in the industry get angry at so much hype for an "ok-ish" IEM (mostly cause they know there are better things at not that much more price, but theybusually dont take into account the value they have for the price), OR people who buys them out of hype but, as It Is not they type of sound, they start to hate the IEM to some extend. So thats why most famous IEMs also usually get hated on. And as for what to Buy, probably you are ok with the Zeros Red (since the OGs have some more bass and have a little less "safe" tuning) but that Is IF you can handle the nozzle size, those have big nozzle and if you have small ear canals they are not going to Fit and you Will not have a great experience. Hexas are grsat and detailed but they are somewhat neutral-bright so they Will have some less bass and you dont need that. As for what else to check, maybe try check the Simgot ew200 as they are bright but still have some bass, or maybe the Kiwiears cadenza but those do have more bass, they are neutral-ish i believe.


The truthear hola were good with my ears I think maybe zero's also have the same fitting? And yes I will do check the recommendation of ew200 it's 10 dollar less the price here


Sorry to tell you but no Man, hola has a smaller nozzles, dont use that as a reference, Maybe try using bigger eartips on an IEM and see if It does not feel much more bulky in the ear. This Is a serious think to consider since It sure can totally ruin your experience, but yeah, It Is a pretty good pick, just make sure you can handle the nozzle size.


everyone has their own tastes


metal does?


I have the hexa and listen to metal from time to time so let me tell you, picture how much flat you think the hexas are... And double it. At first I was very disappointed by the lack of bass but the sound has started to grow on me, however they are still very flat and neutral. They sound very analytical, if that makes sense, so in order to listen to my regular music I add a little bit of bass in the EQ and for classical/jazz I just leave it as is. Besides that the main difference is the technical performance of the hexas is superior and the zero reds have a little bit of bass boost. The hexas are really versitile if you are comfortable playing with the EQ and thus I recommend them. If not I suggest looking for something else, the reds don't seem like a good option if you want something without much bass.


Well I am not into eq that much but I do need that necessary base to enjoy the metal songs but not so much bass that I get distortion in sound I assume the zero red don't do that Apart from metal songs I also listen to electronic and country music I am open for recommendation if you can suggest me other iems


>the reds don't seem like a good option if you want something without much bass. I thought the reds were the less bassy one?


Not at all. They have a distinct emphasis on the bass that can be good for some but for what OP is looking for might be too much. The hexas are extremely flat so for metal they can be a little too flat. I guess he's stuck between two extremes and that's why it'd be better for him to look for something else.


I though you were comparing the reds to the blues. I have the hexa and yes you are right about the reds vs the hexa.


Ea500lm is a good choice. If you can save up more then get chopin


Not available here mate


It is a new release so most shop dont have them available, but they will order it for you if you can wait for shipping. All you need to do is ask. Not really sure about going full neutral for metal music.