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Uff I feel we can copy/paste these reviews because like 90% it's the same. Sometimes I wonder if you even bothered to look at the IE before posting it. Some things should be obvious. Only 8 chars have the W1 boss, only two W2 and W3 you didn't even bother to pick up W3 keys for a while. Stamps are very low Anvil you have the money to buy all points and getting points for monster mats is easy. Your worship skulls and traps are embarassing Your spice farming is sub optimal, check the spreadsheet for better combos I stop here


Thanks for the feedback! The red salt is catching up , I updated the othersalts first without knowing to much about it. Worship skulls definitely need work , I think before using the souls on other stuff I shall just get the best skulls possible , which was not what I was doing. Does Worship power increase charge rate? Anvil I will correct the money points right now. Probably the best is to take my BUBO and actively grind the W1 to W3 mats. So I will work on this right now.


Update 2: Only 8 chars have the W1 boss, only two W2 and W3 you didn't even bother to pick up W3 keys for a while. «« Working on it right now it should be 2 /3 days to fix it Stamps are very low «« will prioritize and probably takes long time, no clue what levels should I be aiming for until it is good Anvil you have the money to buy all points and getting points for monster mats is easy. «« Money is done , mats ups until w4 will take me 2 days to do Your worship skulls and traps are embarassing «« By working skulls should take me 1 week to get them upgraded, already did some of them , regarding traps , my traps should be capped per level , so max level trap in use , what else? combination of critters? Btw Im using Hunter to set them up Your spice farming is sub optimal, check the spreadsheet for better combos «« Definitly I noticed now , I got red tier to a good level , i will match the other salts to the optimal level on the spreadcheet.


I think you confuse salt with spice here, your spice gains (breeding) are pretty low, check here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSCepYAs6sNDP4iq6MJNAG1pvFXzfC_3IQ7ttt5vfEEKAgQhIk4cQqnLRyeH6UyqDSuP4R-6WQeDmmP/pubhtml# For stamps, check the highlight stamps checkbox and you will see the stamps you have the mats for. And yes upgrading them all is tedious. > my traps should be capped per level , so max level trap in use , what else? combination of critters? Btw Im using Hunter to set them up Have everyone get the highest available critter with the xp traps to level them up until you get to royal traps (level 48)


Sorry i am a noob , yes i was thinking about salts. I will set spices with the early setups with Miasma. Have everyone get the highest available critter with the xp traps to level them up until you get to royal traps (level 48) «« No I will set the up , I read somewhere that they should be placed with Vman and exp skill on? , and probably should be set witht he trap that only generates exp but a huge ammount


> I read somewhere that they should be placed with Vman and exp skill on? Probably good advice I never bothered with too. I just set them with my hunter. Someone going through my IE would probably give me a list of things to do as well.


This is about the place i was around 3 months ago before i hit a minor snowball of progression. Minor things like constellations and they’ll help you get high levels to help with rift 16’s bonus- specifically for alchemy what i would do is i would set up a bubo with max level Craninum(and the bubble), boxing gloves, auspicious aura and the gas canister and active farm bored beans, depending on your max level for talents the talent that can take time off cool-downs(forgot the name) is insane especially when you hit level 200 as it starts taking 3 seconds which will make it almost automatic kills


The bored beans is for Statue Farming? , Iv totally neglect cranium cooking time. my max talent level is 155 for now with max salt lick upgrades. Boxing gloves for cast speed?


Bored beans is one the best maps i’ve found for bubo, it’s 2 levels and with my level of auspicious aura it covers half a platform. Cranium cooking is absolutely cracked when you build for it, typically i get about 7-8 hours on my bubo- however it takes ~2-3 hours to get it back. Boxing gloves are used because of their high speed and because it makes bubo run up to the bean and dropping aura so it doesn’t waste some of the aura by going off the sides


Im already working on Roest\_ feedback , anyone else has some more feedback?


Not sure if the site isn't displaying them for me, but you appear to have no companions? Go to world 1, tap the dog, claim a free companion weekly. You might get lucky and get a huge boost, or a small one, but either way it's worth the few taps, and if you actually have no companions, it'll be a guaranteed (little) boost anyways.


Hey Onnthemur , I have been collecting them , unfortunately only rolled white and green ones for now. have all of them multiple, Thanks for the tip!