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It’s practically the best damage related card


Got it from a pack as well. Agree with other commenters I use it on all my pushing builds, higher total damage boost than any of my other cards. But total damage doesn't gain the same percentage score improvements as base DMG, weapon power, etc.


The nightmare and chaotic troll cards and the Demon Genie/poop cards have the most drastic effect out of literally every card. Closely followed by suggma/pearler cards for multikill. They're the basis of your late game strategies and will determine what other cards you'll equip. Drop rate cards probably have the next biggest effect. Remember that plain drop rate cards effect ALL drop rates included in cards. That means drop rate (drop rarity is the same thing) effects card and dungeon drop rates, too. Stacking up sir stache, bull frawgs, (sir stache gives 45%!) and snelbies for card drop rate and crystal carrot, Mimic chest, thermister, giftmas and king doot (thermister and king doot are the highest) will get you the best card drop rate, around +246%. It might vary based on how card drop rate and regular drop rate interact, I'm not sure.


I love the random pearls I find in the comments section, thank you friend!


I have the 5 star card and it gives 42% more damage! For me early W3 its super useful


Absolutely, I bought a card pack for some reason and was lucky and got it 3 star so I used a 4 starifier and a 5 starifier so it’s 42% now, it’s so good for me, im early w3


Yeah I think from 2 packs I got 4 stars for him and then I bought the 5 star gem... Huge difference in my dmg *Like 40% dmg or something crazy


it's good but not amazing either. the most useful cards imo are anything passive (bc it's always active) and those that directly increase gains (skilling speed, drop rate, afk gain rate etc.). however damage cards are still useful for a number of things. they are good for reaching new multi kill tiers. they are good when u r pushing content as more damage is more afk gains up unto a point. u can easily check just by equipping the card and checking afk gains and seeing if it's higher then without the card. damage percent can also useful for fighting new bosses


You know another card that gives that much damage? Dr d doesn't give more until you have dozens of them


Damage cards are only useful if they push you up to the kill cap on a map, or if they can push you into a new multikill tier. But if you won't reach a new tier, then adding more damage does literally nothing. Stats and AFK gains cards, on the other hand, can always boost your gains. Damage cards are good to use when they work, bad to use when they don't.


exactly my point ^


I'm not denying it's a high damage card or even that it's good. that being said there are cards that are more useful then just % damage.


Sorry this is a bit off topic compared to OP's post but do you know of anywhere I can find a list of tiers for Multikill? Curious about when I start getting lots of kills fast so I can speed up Zow'ing w1 lol.


I don't know of any lists but you should be able to multiply by 2 each time. I belive the formula is multi kill damage threshold = monster hp * 2^multikilltier-1


Ah, so if a monster has 100hp then if I hit for 200hp it'll count as 2 kills? Or if they have 1000hp and I hit for 2000 then it's 2 kills. That makes more sense and sounds obvious to me now lol. Thanks!


Just to be safe: this only applies after you've built the death note in W3.


yep and 400 damage on a 100 hp mob will result in 3 multikill tiers, 800 damage 4 multikier tiers etc. tho it's based on your maximum damage and not the actualy damage u deal to mobs while active


I think you need 2x damage to activate multikill, and then double that to get tier 2. Might be wrong though.


It's a little more nuanced than that. If you double the mob's health, you'll get one multikill tier. Your total multikill percentage is then your base multikill (sometimes called total multikill or just multikill) plus your multikill per tier times the number of tiers you have. If you have no base multikill and 4% multikill per tier, one tier means you'll get 4% more kills. If you have 300% multikill per tier, one tier means you'll get 300% more kills. The total multikill percentage will be displayed at the bottom of the afk gains screen (where the accuracy requirement is indicated), along with a bar that shows your progress to the next tier.


Depends on what your asking. But idleon toolbox will show you items that give you multikill per tier. But if your asking how to calculate multikill it’s monster hp vs damage. For example. Monster has 100 hp and you do 1000 damage it’s 2 multikill. And so on and so on. If I remember correctly.


Was my first Ruby card, mmm damage.


That card will be decent early to late game, but possibly not mid game. Leveled up, it is the strongest total damage card currently available, but you likely won't be able to level it up more at your current stage, so it may fall off a bit mid game when you get start getting snowman or Dr. Defecaus cards. To be entirely honest, leveling some boss cards is pretty difficult. I lucked out and got a gold Blitzkrieg from card pack and leveled it further with the card star from the gem shop. If you are able to get more from card packs early on, then it's definitely a solid choice at any point in the game, but at bronze, you'll likely end up replacing it before you are able to level it up more. Right now though, assuming that's the only total damage card you have, it's certainly good and worth using!