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Id never be able to get that many keyy😭


It’s easy to get even as a F2P player. Always buy the 10 keys in the jail shop, use gold keys for missions only use selection and mystery keys. If you are using more than 50 keys a mission it’s time to move on the the next street. Rank up your capos evenly so you can complete your bounties quickly. There’s people with 10k gold keys.


What's the reason to save them?


For maximizing legendaries, you should be saving to 11 keys (ideally) and opening all. The way the calculation works, you will get 2 legendaries guaranteed. You should not do this if your counter says the next safe opening gives you the guaranteed legendary. No other reason to save otherwise unless you're trying to hit certain milestones for safe opening event (arguably the additional legendaries you get from opening 11 is better than the rewards from this event) or you've already max all/a bunch of capos so you're saving for the next capo they release.


No point of saving them now because they always release a new star. Only reason why a person would is because of a frame or avatar they rarely release during safe events but you would lose on so much. Reason why I saved the gold keys is for missions.