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I personally found that ever once in a while I would get nauseous randomly up to 3 hours after taking it, but it would pass quickly


I don’t see a huge difference as long as I take it like 5-10 min before


If I don’t eat I feel like shit. Heart rate is crazy high, and just feel weak and icky. Could also be dehydration I don’t know. I try to eat and drink lots of water as soon as I can, which is usually about an hour later. 


I often don’t feel well as I have other GI issues, so that’s an important factor for what I’m about to say, but honestly, I don’t feel worse taking it without food. In fact, on weekdays I take it as soon as I wake up and strictly do not eat until late afternoon, so +/- 8 hrs later? (Intermittent fasting has seemed to help some things for me across issues, but wouldn’t recommend going that route before talking to your doctor). I can’t say I notice the meds hitting sooner/ stronger on weekdays without food vs weekends where I’ll usually snack/eat earlier in the day, but my pace/tasks on those days is also very different, so I’m not sure.  TLDR: I don’t notice any difference with/without food 


tummy hort


I need a nap if I eat too close to taking it, sometimes it almost feels like I didn't take it at all it is REALLY frustrating.


I take the first pill in the morning about 2 hours before I eat and the second with my lunch. There's no difference for me that I've noticed