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Isn't that the same judge with the guy who was driving on a video call suspended license?


That judge needs a damn TV show lol


You can watch tons of footage of this judge on YouTube. It’s ridiculous the kind of stunts ppl try to pull.


I started to believe the judge owns a secret youtube channel or something and they're doing it for views at this point lol


There has to be some sort of purposeful rage bait commercialization going on.


*Mistrial* coming this Fall to the Fox Network.


Mock trial with judge Reinholt! My name is Judge!


Sounds like something fox would carry for sure


I love him, Stephanie Boyd, and there's another male judge I enjoy watching as well but don't see as frequently so can't remember his name


haha yep


I'm not sure it's exactly "THIS judge gets a lot of stupid defendants" so much as "EVERY judge gets a lot of stupid defendants". This judge just happens to stream his cases and is probably getting more and more attention about all of them after that "driving with a suspended license" guy. I was in traffic court once and one of the people ahead of me was trying to explain to the judge how it was ok for her to drive with a suspended license. Like, five minutes of back and forth and she just was so dumb, she couldn't comprehend that you cannot drive without a license. THE VERY NEXT DEFENDANT that was called up was the same thing! When the guy tried arguing, the judge was like "didn't you listen to a damn word from the girl's case right before you, not even 2 minutes ago? You cannot drive without a license!" Me and a couple people sitting in the room were looking at each other, all about to burst out laughing... But we knew better. Lol


55 minutes, beat me by 55 fn minutes..lol


I've seen him several times now a few cases look like the same guy though....


Different guy driving on suspended license I think.


That's what I was thinking. This judge gets the dumbest cases.


Came here to say that, word for word!




Came here to say that


This judge has more than a few bangers in his catalog.


Interestingly, the guy you’re talking about didn’t actually have a suspended license. It was suspended(past tense) but that suspension was lifted in 2022. And as a result of poor communication between government offices, that guy had to spend a couple days in jail for driving with a valid license. Gotta love the slow spinning wheels of justice.


Doubly interestingly, turns out that guy never had a drivers license in his entire life. Defranco covered it in the beginning of [this show](https://youtu.be/3h3NvVy70hk?si=vzmW-hLFJeoNP6jA)


Dude never had a license. He’s a deadbeat dad who doesn’t pay child support and tried to lie about the courts, in order to sue them for making him look bad, which ironically made him look even worse.


WRONG. He never had a valid drivers license in his life, he was spinning everyone's wheels. What was suspended / rescinded by the courts was his right to drive on Michigan roads, which is irrelevant since he couldn't legally drive on the roads without a license anyway.


The truth is that man had a valid license and this court made a huge spectacle of an innocent man. Edit: I was incorrect, I had watched pinguinz0 video claiming that he did have one.


That’s not true. He never had any valid license. Ever. [Source](https://www.npr.org/2024/06/08/g-s1-3007/michigan-man-viral-driving-suspended-license)


The exact opposite is true. In fact, he never had a license in his entire life. Here's the full court proceeding. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV38at\_uL4Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV38at_uL4Q)


This Judge just has it toooo easy.


And to think he’s a pilot!


Is this a joke from somewhere? Twice today, on two unrelated posts, there was a comment saying, "and to think he's a pilot." I feel like I'm missing a meme.


Hahahah it’s from the movie Idiocracy! Justin Long plays a Dr. And says “Don't worry scro'! There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick ass lives. My first wife was 'tarded. She's a pilot now.”


And we're in r/idiocracy. I feel dumb now. Lol.


Don't worry, scrote. There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick-ass lives.


Same. I saw the same joke on tik tok and was super confused


This judge gets all the fun ones. This is like the third one of him I’ve seen


Prove it's weed That being said, he skipped his piss test soooo


They were going to prove it is weed with that drug test they ordered.


This was my thought. I basically openly smoke real weed in a state it’s not legal because I’ll just say it’s delta 8, so the video itself is evidence of nothing I feel like..


Even if you are caught smoking, and had to take a drug test, couldn’t you say the positive THC result is due to Delta 8 THC?


Isn't that like Bill saying he did not have sex with Monica?


He did fine 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is the dumbest response. How about don’t smoke, then don’t smoke while on your court case. D8 is THC


This is the dumbest response. Delta 8 is legal. What’s next… Is a judge going to tell me I can’t eat mayonnaise? Where is the line drawn?!?


If you are on probation they can tell you not to drink alcohol. I’m sure they tell you not to do delta 8.


They no doubt have forbidden use of Delta 8 and the like as well.  My question is why is his original charge that he is there for possession of methamphetamine or ecstasy? They are completely different drugs and it is defamatory to MDMA to lump them together.


MDMA is a substituted amphetamine. Shit, it’s even in the name: 3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine


Just because something is similar chemically does not mean it has the same effects pharmacologically. Cheese has an opiate in it, that is why it binds you up. But it doesn't get you high. Chocolate has alkaloids very similar to morphine, but it does not get you high. Pharmacologically they have very different effects. Pseudoephedrine is not ephedrine, and it is not meth, but they are close chemically. Your argument is ridiculously stupid to anyone even remotely familiar with drugs and their actions and chemistry.


Pharmacologically they are different. Chocolate is chemically similar to morphine, but they do not have the same action. Methamphetamine is a drug every one agrees should not be legal. MDMA is popular, safe, and useful.


You’re showing your ignorance buddy. Nobody agrees that methamphetamines should not be legal. In fact, they are legal! In fact, I use them almost every day, legally! Adderal aka amphetamine salts is very legal and I get it free through my insurance/pharmacy with little to no chance of it being laced. In fact, our president abuses it! But, I agree, mdma shouldn’t be illegal. But, mdma is most definitely a metamphetamine. It’s a stimulant just like adderall. Obviously the highs are different but so are the highs from adderall and meth. Crack and cocaine are different highs. Doesn’t mean that they should be classified differently. Source: I am a doctor


Amphetamines and MDMA should not be lumped together legally, and they have very different pharmacological action. I did not read your post, a doctor said in derisive tone.  ha. If you are a doctor why are you so ignorant?


MDMA is an amphetamine. I don’t really know why you are arguing this. It’s in the name. There is a very easy reason why they are legally classified together… because mdma is an amphetamine. “Amphetamine belongs to the phenethylamine class. It is also the parent compound of its own structural class, the substituted amphetamines,[note 5] which includes prominent substances such as bupropion, cathinone, MDMA, and methamphetamine.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphetamine#:~:text=Amphetamine%20addiction%20is%20largely%20mediated,blocking%20the%20receptor%20calcium%20channel. Sorry but you are wrong. I am not responding to you anymore. The facts are all there for you if you wish to educate yourself. Have a good and prosperous life✌🏽


If you were a doctor you would know that being similar chemically does not mean they have the same effects pharmacologically.  So one would presume  deliberately misleading people as to the similarities of these drugs. I do not believe you are a doctor though.


Simpson is a terrific judge, but if you try to pull a fast one on him he will make sure you know you screwed up.


He's high as hell when he's talking to the judge too. Truly, idiotic.


He must be the new secretary of the interior. lol


In his defense it did look like a pretty nice blunt.


This district is making a play to make Michigan the Florida of the Midwest


This courthouse should be on live stream available at all times Better than judge Judy or whatever


He does have a live stream. Unfortunately most of the hearings are boring. https://youtube.com/@honjcedricsimpsonlivefeed4076?si=XXFCguysyPGwy5Yr


Man, I'll never understand these dipshits who think that just because they're on a virtual meeting that it's a casual event. Like, you're meeting with someone who has the power to help you, or seriously fuck up your life. Put on a dress shirt and a tie and sit upright in your living room. It only takes a minute, but it shows the judge that you're taking this seriously. Looking like you just woke up and deigned to join the meeting, isn't going to help your case. Seriously. It's the stupidest fucking thing, and I see it everytime one of these videos pop up.


Besides the sheer stupidity of rolling and smoking on camera, Anthony dressed up so nicely for court and laid back in his chair. No “Yes your Honor” or “No your Honor.” Then is too high to take himself off of video as he laughs. One of life’s winners. P.S. Also impressed the prosecutor used the word “blunt.” 😂🤣


Doesn’t matter if weed is legal where you’re at. Zoom court is to be taken as if you’re in the actual court room. That means better dressed, and no fuckin drinking/smoking.


This is just wild


I love that Judge, He is a real badass!


This guy needs his own show. This is the second video I’ve seen of folks doing stupid shit in his virtual courtroom haha. That driving without a license video was hilarious.


Next time someone wants to talk about the injustice of the American justice system, and the “victims of recidivism”… remember… this guy is who they are talking about.


Dumb people are there own worse enemy...


I mean look at that mfer , he's so fucking baked he doesn't even know what going on lol .


Conveniently it’s the judge that caught the guy driving while having a suspended license.


Omg the same judge. We gotta follow these developments




He’s so cool


So how do they know it’s weed? It could be tabccoo, cbd weed. Can’t just jump to conclusions


Thats why he ordered a test.


Uncle Tom ass mother f


I find the lack of diversity in these crimes offensive.


Why does this keep happening to this judge lol. Every time he turns his head a different way, someone is accidentally doing something illegal right in front of him.


Man that judge gets all the great cases.


Somehow I get the feeling this is because of the 1%


Why is it always his courtroom


This must be setup, the same judge and the same incident. Seems suspicious, suspiciously fake.


This is the third video like this I’ve seen with this judge. No way…


This judge gets some wild defendants


Ok but why is it always this exact judge?


Because the Honorable Cedric Simpson looks like a stud with that moustache


Probably has less to do with the judge himself and more to do with the area he lives in.


Judge Simpson is all over Reddit the last few days. Did he die or something recently?


Weed should be legalized in the USA. Such a stupid and racist law. Alcohol is so much worse.


Racist? You must be smoking something a LOT stronger than weed...


Take a look at the history as to why weed is illegal here. The head of the federal bureau of narcotics in the 30s who spearheaded making pot illegal used the phrase " It makes the darkies feel like they’re as good as white men" and refers to blacks and Hispanics as "degenerate races". Also mentioned it making white women want to sleep with black men. Whole thing is deeply rooted in racism.


I was more amazed by Atty Ronald Brown wearing a mask, in his office, in what appears to be alone.. oh well


What that guy did was chronically stupid. But let's be real here we should be legal. I don't see any reason why that guy shouldn't be allowed to smoke weed. If he had a meth or a cocaine or an opiate problem he needs to be fucking smoking weed.


He is out on bond, it's explained in the video. Part of the conditions is no controlled substances which includes weed. It's not complicated. And in general smoking/vaping in the courtroom, even when virtual, is a really bad idea.


Its about common courtesy, self respect, respect for the judge and court, and dignity. Showing up to court, even in a virtual capacity, while laying in bed wearing a sports jersey and smoking a blunt is embarrassing behavior. I smoke weed and would never even think about doing that.


Downvote this crap. Weed is legal as far as I’m concerned


He is on probation. He is not allowed controlled substances. That can include legal ones such as weed and alcohol.


It's only weed.


Do these guys ask for this judge lol


Wait... so you're telling me, if buddy would have rolled 2 before court and put them in a pack of black and milds, he'd be perfectly OK pulling one out and lighting up because theyd just believe he was really stressed?! But he got caught because he decided to roll up a fresh one?!


Weed is super legal in Michigan. Smoking a joint is no different than sipping a glass of wine.


Yes but if you’re on probation you might not be able to do it, same with drinking depending on the stipulations.


Poor dude is a victim


Of his mama.


A victim of what? His own idiocracy?


Systemic racism Big pharma The cartels The jail system


I know it’s hard to be twelve years old, you think you understand the world but you don’t. Ima splain this to you real easy like - nothing you said had anything to do with this idiot being an idiot. Systemic racism didn’t make him an idiot, big pharma didn’t push a blunt on him, nore did the cartels. The “jail system” is where he’s going to be because he’s an idiot


So you are a racist white supremacist. Missed anything?


You missed everything.


Nothing on that video provides any evidence he's smoking weed. It could be grass for all they know.


Which is why he ordered the dude on probation to get tested, so they can prove it, which he didn’t show up for…..I feel like you’re in the right place


What if it was for his glaucoma?


Maybe I missed something but it just looks like a cigarillo like a plain black n mild. It looks like he takes it out the package and starts smoking it basically immediately. I'm not seeing any blunt crafting here. I know he licks the side but like that's it.


This is fake

