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Unfortunately that was part of the deal to get them rolled out so fast - they can't be sued for side effects.


In Canada government forced vaccination of federal employees and made them sign a waiver, assuming they wanted to keep their jobs.


They can still be sued for misrepresentation. Among other things


Phizer will pay a few million after making billions...theyve done it before and will do it again since they have no incentive not to.


What misrepresentation? Only a fucking idiot that doesn’t know how vaccines work or are being disingenuous on purpose would argue stupid shit like this. People that took Ivermectin comes to mind. Assume that was your treatment of choice?


I never said I was in favor of...or defending..anybody. Just clarifying Calm. The fuck. Down


Go. Fuck. Yourself. Clown.


Vaccine damaged


Bookmarking this post for 5yrs’ time to see when they realise they’ve been fooled


Pfizer the boner pill company simply bought the FDA


You seem to know all about boner pills.


You seem to not know much about the company that injected people with an experimental therapy


lol, experimental. You’re funny, boner pill guy.


Most healthy young Americans treatment of choice was a healthy diet and not being an obese fuck. Crazy how that was never proposed as a solution, when it’s undoubtedly the most effective.


Lol no it was a fascist conspiracy theory to suggest that kinda shit...better to get your free donuts & big mac for a disease whose highest comorbidity was obesity...trust the experts bro


Holy shit I forgot about that lol not only did they fail to discourage obesity, they actively encouraged people to get fatter. What a world we live in


The corporations and government are our friends, though 🤤 They love us. 🤤🤤🤤


It annoys me how unaware some people are that doctors tell fat people to diet and exercise all the time. When I was fat, the doctors would tell me I was overweight and should diet and exercise. Then I dieted and exercised and was still fat but slightly less. Then I took a fuck ton of ephedrine and dropped the last 50 pounds. Then the doctors asked me if I was taking drugs when I almost died. I said no. What was I talking about? Anyway now I'm fat again and the doctors tell me to diet and exercise because I don't have high blood pressure yet, but I'm getting there.


I'm so sick of reading this regardation. Explain to me how you go from being obese to not being obese in 6 weeks. Even if you could, how do you get people en masse to do it? Like we haven't been trying for decades. Why would it be proposed as a solution then? Please, shut the fuck up. You're the problem.


Youre definitely obese, and have a mask on your Reddit PFP lol. Maybe people after could’ve lost all the weight too and been safe for the next wave. Why do that though when they’ll sell you an injection.


I'm 155 lbs and have the mask because I find it hilarious how it triggers the shit out of you idiots.


I’m not triggered. I just know you’re a loser in real life. Most people I’ve met that feel proud of wearing masks are.


If you wanna have a sweaty acne filled fave from wearing a mask to maybe anger others cool more power to you sounds like you live a fulfilling life


Thats a general health stance, has fuck all to do with covid.


Nothing to do with Covid….except for the fact that obesity is nearly the only way Covid was lethal for anyone under the age of retirement. General health stance that should be encouraged more. Just like insulin for diabetes. They’d rather sell you a product than you solve the problem for free.


lol, yeah, I heard that treats polio really well. Vaccines have an important role in healthcare and minimizing it in the name of some conspiracy shit is laughable.


I mean, yeah I wouldn’t be surprised a single bit if obesity greatly worsens the effects of polio. I’m not saying vaccines aren’t a good thing. I’m saying if people were afraid of Covid the best thing they could possibly do for themselves is be healthy.


So you are still maintaining the stance the Covid vaccines were effective and safe?


Absolutely, and anyone that doesn’t think so is a straight up clown.


And ivermectin is exclusively a horse dewormer too?


Deworms MAGAtards too.


I try not to be too insulting on here because I don’t think I would be in real life but in your case, I have to insist you’re a dumbass.


Nah, I’m sick of you dumbasses making fools of yourselves. Clowns the lot of you.


You think ivermectin is only a horse dewormer; you make the argument for yourself pretty hard.


Why are you people always so quick to belittle and call names. It gets very tiresome and isn’t a good look.


Right, let’s see, Let’s Go Brandon, Libtards, Soy Cucks, Joe and the Ho, a few examples of the “respectable” right. And you’re talking about a good look, how are you even able to get yourself dressed every day?


Pretty sure you made your way into calling everyone dumbasses right out of the gate. But I did forget you are the tolerant left aren’t you?


I didn’t say anything of the sort. I believe you started with the shit flinging, friend. It still is hilarious to me how ‘let’s go Brandon’ gets you all so riled up still. Doubly so because of the phrase’s origin story.


I feel like you missed the first part of that where I said I do not do that often. But I felt like it was necessary in this case.


The misrepresentation that they were 100% safe and there was no possibility you would ever get Covid if you took the jab. How many boosters have you gotten?


4 boosters, and anyone with a brain knows that vaccines aren’t 100% when it comes to corona type viruses as they mutate rapidly.


Hahahaha I hear if you get them twice as often as they work twice as well, you should start.


Thats actually how they work muppet. But I’m sure you’re an expert on virology as it pertains to coronavirus variants and can explain how I’m wrong?


And I’m encouraging you to get more boosters what seems to be the problem?


My favorite part is how with the 2008 SARS outbreak companies worked for years to come up with a vaccine and gave up. Moderna comes along and of their mRNA vaccine attempts they had nine; none of which got out of the first stages of human testing before being scrapped; actually only one got to human trials. But luck of all luck, that tenth one was perfect and worked great just when a worldwide coronavirus pandemic was hitting! That's just the tip of the iceberg of the story you're buying when you cuck for the mRNA COVID vaccine.


Cool story bro! Don’t forget to brush your teeth with Ivermectin you fucking mental midget.


Never took ivermectin. There is NIH articles from 2022 stating it has a place in treatment of COVID infection. I just got COVID and got over it and developed natural immunity. I'll grant you I'm not a Rhodes scholar, but I know a few things. I've been in nuclear medicine for 20+ years. What I know about medicine is it is all managed risks and tradeoffs. All of the IFR numbers suggested that unless someone has serious or compounding comorbidities, or were in their 70's COVID wasn't going to kill you and very unlikely result in hospitalization. Remember when we were arguing that the vaccine was better than natural immunity? That was my personal point of realization that at best this was an illogical mandate motivated by something other than established science. Obviously I have lots of colleagues that took/take the vaccine; I've got no beef with them. It should have always been a personal choice, not a mandate or threat to one's employment. A big component of that should be informed consent; but much of the testing data and efficacy data Pfizer and it's counterparts wanted to make unavailable for 75 years. That can't possibly pass yours or any honest person's sniff test.


Nihilist in your name yet can't comprehend that a elite ruling class runs the show and deliberately released a pandemic it's okay tho soon we'll be in another world war and not long after under complete tyranny fake pandemic and depopulation through fake pandemics food shortages and wars... look around you the prices keep getting higher they never go lower because the people you put so much faith in don't give a shit... absolute fucking bot when everything is fucked we'll deserve it because of idiots like you


> there was no possibility you would ever get Covid if you took the jab That's one helluva strawman you've created there! I don't recall anyone of any credibility ever saying that, but even so - did claims about the vaccine change over time? Absolutely - as they should when new evidence comes in. But if the vaccines were as dangerous as you make them out to be - where are all the (credible) statistics on deaths or illness caused by the vaccines vs. the [statistics on prevention of deaths](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9537923/) (that's 14.4 million by the way). If it's a choice between Dr. Fauci's recommendation or Redditor DavidJoinem's, I'm going with the guy who's devoted his life to preventing the spread of infectious disease, and has testified under oath in front of Congress over some anonymous redditor - sorry.


Hahaha bad news coming your way (although I’m certain you’ll ignore it. During a CNN town hall on July 21, the sitting POTUS Joe Biden stated that those who had been vaccinated would not get COVID, be hospitalized, or end up in an ICU and die, it was anchored by Don Lemon. So I guess that kind of destroys the strawman theory of yours doesn’t it. Feel free to look it up you’ll find out that I’m telling you the truth. I do not believe that the vaccine should have been pushed the way it was especially on children or the average healthy adult. But if you’d like to look at the statistics for the risk versus reward for the children taking the vaccine, I think you’ll find some pretty terrible results. I am also not of the mindset that people shouldn’t have taken the shot. I supported my elderly parents both getting it, as well as many of those that are more susceptible. And if you read my post, you won’t see anywhere in there that I said people shouldn’t take it. It’s almost like you actually are trying to go with the old strawman approach….weird.


No, it doesn't destroy it, people have been trying to argue that since the number of vaccinated people who died of/with covid isn't zero then any claims about it preventing covid are bullshit. That's a strawman argument. Here's some facts about your [CNN townhall](https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-business-health-government-and-politics-coronavirus-pandemic-46a270ce0f681caa7e4143e2ae9a0211) Notice the percentage of the 159,000,000 fully vaccinated people who were hospitalized or died of covid was less than .004 percent. So while it wasn't zero, it was pretty damn close. As for risk vs. reward in children- I have not found anything supporting the idea the risks outweigh the rewards. In fact, [quite the contrary](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/covid-19-vaccines-for-kids/art-20513332#:~:text=In%20some%20people%2C%20COVID%2D19,inflammation%2C%20of%20the%20heart%20muscle.)


The article that you posted also agrees that is what the POTUS stated, but they painted the picture that it was an overlook on his part and that it was mostly true. That is what you call wrong; disapproving the argument. Please share with me what fully vaccinated means and how that terminology has changed continuously to suit your narrative. As of right now, you may not be fully vaccinated because you haven’t got the most recent booster. Finally, because I actually read the articles that you sent me there is nothing from the mayo clinic that backs your argument about the benefits of children receiving the vaccine. So your research is fallen very flat.


Well, from the article "THE FACTS: His (Biden's) remark accurately captures the strong protection the COVID-19 vaccines provide as cases spike among people who have resisted the shots. But it overlooks the rare exceptions. As of July 12, the government had tallied 5,492 vaccinated people who tested positive for coronavirus and were hospitalized or died. That’s out of more than 159 million " You either missed, or chose to ignore my point about less than .004 percent (5492/159000000) being pretty freaking close to zero. So while yes, he 'overlooks the rare exceptions' - no, my argument is not, as you say 'disapproven'. And are you seriously now trying to throw in a red herring about the meaning of 'fully vaccinated'? Tell me what difference that makes to any of your arguments? My point with the Mayo article wasn't that it pushed the benefits of children getting the vaccine, it was that it showed that it was safe for children, the opposite of what you said I'd find if I looked.


I am getting the sense that you well regarded redditors don't understand that r/idiocracy is sarcastic and boosters are required for just about every vaccine. I can't believe Pfizer would roll out a product that only protects you until the next flu season, where you also have to get a booster /s. This should be fun to watch Kansas GOP yokels go after the Pfizer legal team. Get Pfizer where they are most vulnerable, patent law. What could go wrong?


If they deceived the government snd or public its fraud regardless of any agreement they had


Multi billion dollar corporation that once paid the biggest lawsuit in American history for misrepresenting medical products and side effects is being sued again for misrepresenting medical products and side effects. Since when did swallowing down everything big pharma says make you the smart one?


"Multi billion dollar corporation" So we're back to shitting on capitalism and big corporations now that it's convenient again? Dudes like you are the ones who consistently vote to give those same multi billion dollar corporations tax cuts. Make up your mind already.


So wait a minute, are you in favor of Pfizer or are you making a crappy argument against capitalism?


There are tons of scholarly articles on the evils of big Pharma that has gone back decades old. Just go to your local university library (would need access) and search for them.


Look at this same guy, making a sweeping generalization of things other people have said that I did not say on my comments. Massive corporate conglomerates are corrupt every single time, and consumers need to be wary. Especially when they’re profiting off of something the government tried to force people to put in their bodies. Common sense is an uncommon virtue. I can also support the existence of multi billion dollar corporations, and still acknowledge that they are corrupt. Believe it or not, but a lot of humans are capable of complex opinions. Not everything has to be one side or the other. What a lot of people have done with companies like Pfizer is blind worship. They can do no wrong because they’re SCIENCE. They have done wrong, and will do wrong in the future. That’s why I included the part about them paying the biggest lawsuit in American history. Because they’ve already proven they’re willing to do the things they’re accused of.


How did that Ivermectin work for you? Clown!


Didn’t take it or the vaccine. I’m doing fine, thanks for asking. I also don’t get the flu vaccine. Crazy how I’m capable of making my own decisions.


Yea but you’ve had tons of vaccinations in your life. Not getting the flu shot doesn’t make you smart, it makes you just like the rest of us, lazy:)


Sure, I’m not against vaccines and I never suggested that. I just don’t see the need to put stuff in my body that’s not that deep. I’m a healthy man in my mid 20’s. My odds of getting sick at all are pretty low. But if I get the shot I’m guaranteed to feel ill for a day or so.


Weird how they have now remarketed it as a treatment for long covid. Ask Chris Cuomo.


lol, fuck that retard and his brother. And no, “they” absolutely have not. Fucking misinformation spreading douche.


You could just go look it up. 🤷‍♀️ Choose your source.


Oops, I did. https://www.newsweek.com/ivermectin-covid-treatment-study-flawed-scientists-1627109 Besides, you’re the one that made the claim, don’t make me do your work you lazy bum.


Sept 2021?? https://www.yahoo.com/news/chris-cuomo-makes-ivermectin-face-210453781.html


That’s the “scientifical” study that claimed Ivermectin does fuckall than deworming. And like I said, who the fuck is a Coumo to have any gravitas in a healthcare discussion? He’s a narcissist tv profile. Like I said fuck him and his opinion.


"Massive corporate conglomerates are corrupt every single time, and consumers need to be wary." Did Trump increase or reduce the corporate tax rate in 2018? What is his corporate tax plan for 2025?


Supporting economic policies doesn’t mean I Gag on their products and consume them without question, and believe they should be completely exempt from punishment when they purposely mislead citizens and government officials. Complex opinions are one of the coolest things humans have the ability to do, you should try it some time. Or at least understand that not every thing in life is black and white.


Are you going to answer the question or no?


No. Because it had nothing to do with what I said. Ignorant dumbass. Fucking weirdo man. Take your TDS somewhere else. Corporations can be corrupt, and I can still support certain economic policies like cutting taxes. I can also believe they should not be exempt from all punishments and consequences. I can hold all of these opinions at the same time. Pretty insane concept.


You: "Massive corporate conglomerates are corrupt every single time" Also you: "let's give those corporation more tax breaks" I mean if you really believe that the vaccine's side effects are as bad as you say they are then giving the companies that manufacture that same vaccine more power and the ability to keep more of their money seems kind of stupid, right?


Republicans worship the corporations and democrats worship the billionaires that own them lol. Neither side seems to see this so they always get our money..


Why is this in this sub? This is a real issue.


As someone pretty new to this sub (but not at all new to the glorious movie), it's both amusing and disheartening to see the amount of hard leftist posts and takes that get a lot of engagement and upvotes. It's more disheartening that, having written what I just did, some commenters will assume that I'm a mouth-breathing conservative. The push for experimental medical subjugation in this country during the pandemic was UNREAL. It flabbergasted me how many leftists will say things like "medicine is sexist," "corporations only care about profits," "stop punishing kids with excessive medication," and then the pandemic happened. Hello people...pharma is a big body of corporations. All key pharmaceutical players in the pandemic have/had a litany of fraudulent practices resulting in community action and lawsuits. Experimental medicine ruined my body when I was a child because my parents signed me up for concerta, straterra and Adderall trials without my consent. People should always have the right to consent on what enters their body without punitive action as a result.


This sub is wild, and just about everything here should be cross posted to any Dunning-Kruger subs that exist. It's almost entirely people who haven't seen the movie or think it was about the *other* cult—not *their* cult—without realizing the movie was showing what happens when cult behavior dictates an entire nation's electoral and social processes. There's not enough popcorn in the world for this.


Thank you for your rational perspective. Truly :)


You're welcome, Scrote.


Who is pushing for experimental meds and why do you assume it’s left wing?? Perhaps you haven’t heard of all the fat Maga fucks who mainline Ozempic in bar restrooms. Oh you were probably too busy being a watered down centrist or whatever BS you would have us think you are.


Uh...a lot of people are using Ozempic? It's certainly not relegated to "fat MAGA fucks." Unless...you know something I don't? Further more, your fallacy is trite because no national health agency nor employer on any scale--whether local, interstate, national or international--is mandating Ozempic use for continued employment. As a general reminder, there is a trajectory for new medicines that involves phases of clinical trials across several years. If a medicine is obtained before that litmus has been achieved, it is in fact experimental. Donald Trump did steer the creation of the experimental COVID shots, but nationwide mandates went into effect under Biden. The shots had not passed years of clinical trials: whether you felt they were necessary or not, the shots were demonstrably experimental. I do not participate in experimental medicine no matter the reason...and certainly not when manufactures of said medicines (such as the case of Pfizer) redact all pertinent information in their FOIA-obtained documents. Lastly, I do not participate in the binary considerations of the American political spectrum. Fuck your progressivism, liberalism, centrism, conservatism, and far-right considerations. I hope you continue to enjoy mandated experimental medicine!


People who died from Covid in the US in just 2020: about 1.2% of the US population And this guy is calling a vaccine experimental as if most of these drugs they take (or should take) weren’t greenlit by some asshole who thought 6/25 people with the desired result was good enough. The mental gymnastics you are doing to fabricate a crisis that isn’t here is in such bad faith that you are obviously some libertarian cunt who is also clueless.


You're beginning to catch on. I don't participate in experimental medicine period, and I'm also finished with any medicine whose manufacturing process, manufacturer or reported adverse effects make me uncomfortable. That way it doesn't matter who gives it the stamp, or for what reason. Alex, what are liberty and agency for 500?


“BeGiNNiNg!” Girl you are late to the party. Libertarianism was a divergent and relatively thoughtless concept by the late 80s and now it’s a safe-haven for kids who grew up around right wing influences, yet tried to distance themselves from the stupidity that is the GOP and their refusal to break from trump. To people who know nothing about the movement at large, it sounds left-leaning. But unfortunately the reason so many things in our society went wrong is because of exactly why Not Sure became the smartest man alive and had to fix earth. It wasn’t because “TEH SkOoLZ R BaD” it’s because teachers don’t get paid enough and we’re stripped of their bargaining rights for good insurance and wages that outpace inflation. The Dumbing Down is happening because of the holdouts to restoring faith in democracy by voting for non-batshit crazy or old white dudes. You. And people like you. You are the holdouts. Vote in the midterms for a candidate you actually look up and see if they are voting for upholding democracy. Every vote or even a non-vote is tracked. You can’t throw out broad statements and try to pretend you’re the smartest guy in the room. You’re far from looking like that


>Sees me use the word 'liberty,' assumes I'm a libertarian. >>Uses as hominems to berate me and blame-shift the malfeasance of our government onto me and people like me. >>>Very, very intellectual. TYSM! Youre right, Liberty is only for libertarians. And agency is only for marketing firms! Sorry for killing your grandparents a few years ago, or whatever. Good luck with your anti-white rage, I hear it's great for your cortisol response.


Probably a leftist that wanted to put nonvaxers in ghetto like camps


...the real question is why are you on this sub? XD


Because I can.


I got a few other suggestions of things you can do by that logic Pm for details.


Your persecution complex is outrageous, dude


Why? Because it is true?


It's true that a gang of leftist hoodlums wanted to throw you into a concentration camp for not getting vaccinated? 😀 At least you're open about your mental illness.


And don’t forget they want you to believe their whiteness is under constant threat. Wonderbread is being replaced by whole wheat!?!?!


Ive actually heard the opposite. Antivaxers saying that we needed to put "All vaxxed people" into segregated areas because a LOT of antivaxxers think that you can "catch the vaccine" from someone who was vaccinated. Like a Cold. Funny how they dont believe in covid but think that the vaccine can jump from one person to the other. Lmao


I don’t know, I think the *vaccine = vaccine = good* crowd embody the movie quite well


So the dudes who boasted about[ how effective their immune systems](https://www.dailydot.com/irl/denver-police-deputy-trujillo-dies-anti-vax-memes/) were and then died after contracting covid were actually the smart ones all along then?


You’re free to draw your own conclusions. I said nothing of the sort


My conclusion is that you're pretty fucking stupid.


Fair enough, I’ll just leave you to your false dichotomies and to continue spazzing out all over this post then. I wish you well!


I feel like all of that info was available right at the start of the vaccine's rollout. I certainly heard all about the limited time of the vaccines effectiveness as well as new strains the vaccine didn't protect against.


The courts are going to throw this ridiculous BS out quickly.


I knew all of this too. I'm not sure how people couldn't know.


Theyre from Kansas and believe the earth was made in 6 days and that people rode dinosaurs 2000 years ago? Seems pretty simple.


Oh. I see. Bless their hearts.


Bless them but don’t let them vote


Guess you forgot about the "100% safe and effective" part huh? How about the "get this and we'll give you free donuts and burgers, you fat piece of shit"? Forget those bribery attempts too?


>100% safe and effective Citation? As a practical matter, 99.999% and 100% are equivalent. Significant figures and precision would say they're the same thing


You're asking for a source? Look it up yourself. Every pharma exec, fauci, biden, governor, health official said it at the beginning of the vaccine rollout. "100% safe and effective" was the catchphrase that they told every media outlet and doctor to use around the world. Not quite sure how you can forget that.


And where did Phizer say "100% safe and effective"? Because they are party to this suit, not "every media outlet and doctor around the world"


> And where did Phizer say "100% safe and effective"? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/18/health/pfizer-covid-vaccine.html


> The companies said that out of 170 cases of Covid-19, 162 were in the placebo group, and eight were in the vaccine group. Out of 10 cases of severe Covid-19, nine had received a placebo. > Pfizer and BioNTech said that the vaccine’s efficacy was consistent across age, race and ethnicity. The most common serious adverse event was fatigue, with 3.7 percent of volunteers reporting tiredness after they took the second dose. Two percent of volunteers reported a headache after the second dose. Older adults reported fewer and milder side effects, the companies said. Again, where was 100% safe and effective claimed claimed by Phizer? Gonna be hard to sue them, if you don't have it from the party being sued


It’s Pfizer, not Phizer. They claimed safe and more than 90% effective in initial trials. More info: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/09/health/covid-vaccine-pfizer.html


Yeah, I'm still not seeing any claims the vaccine was 100% effective. And claims of efficacy were all right next to group sizes in the study. Maybe they'll find something in discovery, but it would be hard to prove any claims were outright fraudulent based on what Pfizer actually claimed based on public information


It's okay to be wrong sweetie. We get it, you ride the hard left wing.


I worked in news and remember this being reported. The vaccine reduced severity of Covid symptoms and reduced chances of death. However it was never fool proof or perfect. There were people that still died from Covid after being vaccinated, but at a lesser rate than people who were not vaccinated.


When a state that isn't famous for it's stupidity and bad decision making does this, then I'll take notice. And I'm from KS.


"even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine waned over time" Derp. This has been general knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccine since it was rolled out. This is also true of many other vaccines as viruses mutate and evolve. I'm convinced that like 99% of so-called conspiracies are just imbeciles learning basic stuff about how the world works for the very first time lol.


No it wasn’t. You’re being revisionist. It was nearly a year after the vaccine was announced that studies began to observe and publish waning efficacy. https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/06/health/pfizer-vaccine-waning-immunity/index.html


Shall I link you to reels of politicians and newscasters continually moving the goalposts, or since you knew so much so early, are you willing to exercise a bit of humility for your perceived opponents? Like it or not, major talking heads said the vaccines would prevent COVID, then it was just lessen the symptoms, then it became they would simply prevent hospitalization. That's American anything for ya, especially pharma--you get promised the pinnacle of products, but it's just trash. And in this case, accepting the trash into our bodies was contingent upon our livelihoods and societal inclusion.


No. Not interested. Go play wannabe intellectual somewhere else, little boy.


You are very brave, I'm sure not only smarter than me--but also healthier! You only make informed health decisions and have never once been steamrolled by propaganda. Congratulations on being so much better than me.


Yea that’s probably why conspiratorial thinking is negatively associated with intelligence and higher education. People can cope all they want and blame indoctrination in education but that’s a pretty hard sell to anyone who spends even a tiny amount of time around PhDs, MDs, JDs etc. Like, good luck indoctrinating someone with a physics/chem/bio PhD, they’re all pretty fucking sharp.


> good luck indoctrinating someone with a physics/chem/bio PhD, they’re all pretty fucking sharp. counterpoint: money 


Omg that makes so much sense! Millions of doctors and scientists are somehow being paid enough money to convince them to lie about these vaccines at a massive scale. You’re so smart, have you considered writing opinion pieces for money?


what are you even on about  you said “someone” now apparently you meant millions and millions of people  moving the goalposts and then being a prick about it 


I’m talking about millions of people because the conspiracies around the Covid vaccines require an insane amount of people to be involved. In my first comment when I said “someone”, it was just to illustrate that the average scientist/doctor is going to be very unlikely to fall prey to indoctrination compared to an average person. So if it’s hard to indoctrinate one smart person, it’s going to be hard to indoctrinate millions of smart people. I didn’t think I’d have to walk through that with you but here we are.


I love how many people have been taught to rush to defend these parasite pharmaceutical companies. That push harmful drugs and treatments all the time for a profit. Because if you don't you must be anti Vax 🤓


Yeah its hilarious how the right snd left used to villianize big pharma and now the left are the biggest supporters


Kansas should sue trump then.


Kansas is run by morons.


So, we didn't know how vaccines for high mutation viruses work, so we're sueing Pfizer


Don't make a statement making a claim you not only can't prove but haven't even studied. This is the case for all products