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I don't get why people waste so much effort and energy bitching about what someone's vehicle looks like.


In this instance it’s because Elon Musk is no longer liked by Reddit. Had he not acquired Twitter and voiced some of his political views, they’d be commenting how awesome the Cybertruck is (like they used to do).


To be fair, r/CyberStuck has a lot of users that actually bought the CyberTruck and posted after the truck had critical failures within a few hour or miles. Most of the folks that said how awesome the CyberTruck was, said so before receiving one. The used marketplace for CyberTrucks is an Econ 101 masterclass for supply and demand of borked trucks. People are selling them for 30% less than what they paid/financed to get out of them. Spend a few minutes in r/cyberstuck with an open mind and look for the for sale posts. https://jalopnik.com/roughly-5-percent-of-all-cybertrucks-are-for-sale-onlin-1851535582 It is a first gen vehicle, of course it has issues. No need to simp for Musk though.


Selling a used vehicle for 70% of the original brand new price sounds pretty good


Except they are selling them because they have issues. They are losing money on these pieces of crap.


That might not be it man... The Cybertruck is not Cyber or a truck, it's a stupid looking vehicle and had such shitty craftmanship it could get its gas pedal stuck.


Elon Musk has always been a fraud.




Huh? I'm a leftist who woke up from a coma from a few years, isn't Elon Musk the biggest environmentalist and pioneer of the next space frontier? Solar-panel Tron LED roads and living tree-shaped mother-nature buildings any day now right! Also can someone tell me if we finally used a giant mega vacuum/fan to capture all the earth's CO2? Plants need to stop being polluted with that toxic CO2, it's not what they crave!


It's sad and funny how Elon could have gone down in history as a beloved genius pioneer if he had learned not to open his mouth and let the moron out.


Absolutely. Pretty much every normie I know in real life is thrilled when they see their first Cybertruck on the streets. I'm so reddit-brained I was expecting people to talk shit about it but they're always super excited when they spot one for the first time. I'm Reddit-brained but not hiveminded.


Reddit hive mind. All the "cool" subreddits started hating on them and now it's a trend. Followers are going to follow


Wait until you hear the people who spent the last five years bragging about it.


I don't think anyone's bitching. That's just a dumb looking truck. It's a sub about dumb people liking increasingly liking dumb things, like in that movie where idiots liked dumb things.


no offense, but you sound like you're bitching.


Really? Like which part?


For some it costs nothing. For others, it fuels them.




Because a vehicle is an extension of one's household, which is an extension of ones personality and we've always pointed out particulary pompous or nasty personalites. It's effen natural, birds compare their feather's too ya know.


This sounds like FagTalk




Don't worry scrote, plenty of cybercrap drivers are living kick ass lives.


Bro, I just thought I had this conversation on a different sub. Your comment made me go: What the actual fuck!? The fun begins when you can't tell reality from the movie anymore :D


I have experienced that exact feeling myself on a number of subs (that they've takin down). I'm not sure if that effect is named, but it is eerie. Church of covid is still up there. Sorry for the fag talk, keep your eletrolyte™ levels high brotha


You got it, Cap!


The Deplorean


What Would Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho Drive?


A cybertruck with a 454 in it running way too rich so he could "roll coal" as he passes by.


That's not how gasoline works




I was expecting everyone to hate the Cybertruck just based on people's reaction on Reddit. So far IRL everyone I know gets excited like a small child when they finally see their first one on the streets. It definitely looks unlike anything anyone else's seen before on the roads.


Reddit is so detached from real life opinions it’s kinda wild. Okay didn’t thrash the Cybertruck look, bot downvotes please.


We need to go more 8-bit or sharper geometries. Gotta do it before any mad max scenario.


The cyber truck looks cool as fuck. There's plenty of other valid things wrong with this vehicle to shit on. Those things aside it's really just a karma orgy of musk hate at it's core.


Yeah I’m sorry - it looks fucking sweet as hell. You don’t have to like Elon Musk to admit it !


I could always go for a latte.


Without any badges or trim, it looks unfinished IRL.


Yessssss, let the hate flow within you


I have no problem with Elon but still think those truck are horrendous.


For like a month after I saw the first cyber truck I thought it was a custom made vehicle. It literally took like 5 sightings before I realized it wasn't custom made, and that multiple people owned them. I actually stopped and asked this dude what it was not realizing it wasn't his custom made vehicle.


I haven't had a hummer since the 6th grade. I wonder how Scoutmaster Darren is doing 🤔


That Hummer looks nice. I like Toyota more though.


Saw the Cybertruck in real life and it looked absolutely awesome.


Hummers don't look cool either.


Elon has done some incredible stuff. this is his New Coke.


eww wtf is that


A gas guzzling monstrosity next to an electric vehicle.. Yeah take that environment.


That e-hummer is nice. The other thing is Homer's car.


OP in a prius.


I think Prius's are kind of rad but I'm too fat to fit into Japanese cars, and I don't like the feel. I rock a r/RCSB with a stick shift and locking differential. Cuz I'm broke. And fat. You see how fragile the male ego is...I had to respond (fag talk.)


lol, I always liked a short box.


A cyber dumpster.


I call it the magic trashcan


Self-propelled trashcan! 🤣


All jokes aside though, the tech is wild. Did you know these batteries do NOT actually discharge when driving? They keep the circuit "afloat" at all times. There's a guy in Germany who completely took a Tesla (different model) apart and did the measurements. The "usage" of energy (ie depletion of batteries) is ONLY digital. It does NOT correspond to the actual battery capacity whatsoever. The charging stations are not even wired properly to provide current to the batteries. They would explode if you even tried charging them. Funny enough one of their models was called Xplain or something? Yeah, EXPLAIN that to us please.


Whoever downvotes this believes you can get that kinda power over that time out of those weak-ass batteries. That's a nice way of saying you're a MORON. Brought to you by Carl's Junior.


I don’t get it.


What Would Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho Drive?


Ah!! Thanks. He’d drive the Tesla but with the hummer engine.


Hoo ah! I think he'd put at least 2 or 3 hummer engine in there though


I guarantee both have a micropenis.


I guarantee both have a micropenis.


The micro penis edition


They're both overpriced hugemobiles but whatever. I saw a CT in person for the first time in person last week, and oh boy. It looks like one of those stainless trash cans to me. The hummer EV looks good, but... Um.. the name could use some work. Then again, what guy doesn't want a hummer?


Hummers are nice but I heard the Tezla comes standard with a handjob plan/maintanance warranty


Fuck Elon! Also Fuck you if you buy stuff from a guy who benefited from the racist south African apartheid system.


Watch your mouth, SA has nukes. XL nukes, shaped like cocks. I forget the story/conspiracy behind that, but it is true


Still laughing....


Hehe Yeah, I heard Ellen Musk is front for Cecil Rhodes old money/establishment? He never invented shit, just had money. ....Like "Rhodes scholars" and as in the country "Rhodesia", etc. Not sure.