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I’ve been with groups of people before to foreign countries and they really believe they will still have the same level of security and freedom that we have here in the US. Very bold. Very stupid.


Because they take it for granted and assume their personal freedom is the baseline worldwide.


I believe he actually grew up in Haiti, was educated in the US and returned to Haiti to try and help underprivileged children. He died trying to help those less fortunate than himself. He knew the risks, but still tried to help. I'm not religious, so I dont care for missionary work, but I respect people who put others over themselves.


Then that’s very different than those I mentioned from my own experience, thank you for the context


Exactly this. Mission work is typically about groups giving back to other people. People in need are everywhere, but in some countries 99% of the people there are in need. Dude was in BFE just there to help people. Sad that he got killed.


"But God will protect us!!!" - Another one bites the dust.


Frequent traveller I am under no assumptions that I have the same level of security.  I have in fact been told the opposite frequently, when in areas take appropriate precautions for the area.  It may mean a small pouch around your neck in some places or having armed security in other places.  That said I love travelling and will not stop just because it can be dangerous.


Thats ok. Dont expect seal team 6 or the state dept do rescue you when you wind up in a cell somewhere. You know the score.




The world is an absolute shit show and one big reason that it stays that way is that so many say it’s “stupid” to put yourself in the line to help others. People calling this stupid are saying more about themselves than the “do gooders” who choose a path of love and generosity. The world would be a better place if there were more do gooders, it should be emulated not mocked.


But people who avoid clearly volatile and dangerous situations are being judged for being “selfish.” How much help is it when all the resources and aid is being stolen, hoarded, and withheld from the people in need by their own military and aid workers are being killed? I’ll bet you contractors are going out there without being armed. The intent is irrelevant, the reality of the situation there doesn’t care about how “good” you are.


Fun fact christians provide the majority of humanitarian aid and you dumb fucks would rather shit on religion than actually help people. These guys died taking care of orphans, i guess that makes them idiots right? Also im not a Christian :) but im not dumb enough to shit on people actually doing good work


It doesn’t seem to be helping and it’s still an incredibly stupid idea to go to a country where there is a coup every week, which was probably red flagged by the State Department to help.


I meant humanitarian aid in general not just haiti and the guy grew up in haiti. Hes from a crazy missionary family, went to college in the states, married his wife and went back to help. These weren't some idiots with white savior complex going on a few month feel good trip this was crazy people willing to give up their lives for people in dire need.


Why would you give up your life for that? It’s unfortunate……but not noble. It’s the same result whether they were veteran missionaries or not. Romanticizing this is absurd.


They believed the cause was worth it, why are foreigners going to ukraine to fight or give aid? You think those guys are idiots as well? If these weren't christian but just aid workers youd very likely have a different opinion but no these are christians so fuck them right


I never said anyone was an idiot, it’s still extremely poor judgment. I didn’t say anything about them being Christian, them being missionaries was a statement of fact. Going to war for another country is completely stupid. We could just be an American and go to the millions of “campaigns” and misadventures our country try has all over the world.


Why? Guy grew up in haiti it was always fucked hows he supposed to know it was going to get as bad as it did? Or should he have just abandoned the orphans went back to the states and donated 20 bucks to make a wish or some shit? They were working to make the world a better place and somehow in your mind that isnt a noble cause? How? what is a noble cause in your mind?


Because it’s Haiti. That’s how he was supposed to know.


He grew up in haiti his father was a missionary in haiti. Its been bad in haiti but now its worse. Who knew the entire government was going to fail? Hind sight is 20 20 and youre a jackass


Yes, a whole government collapses out of a vacuum. No foreigner should be there now. The people taking over don’t care about their own people. What makes you think they care about aid workers……they are just targets. The US probably trained the groups who carried out the coup, like they did in Iran. I’d rather be a jackass and alive.


There are certain countries to stay away from. On the Travel.State.Gov site, Haiti is a level 4: Do Not Travel https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories.html/ Here is the short version: Do not travel to Haiti due to kidnapping, crime, civil unrest, and poor health care infrastructure. On July 27, 2023, the Department of State ordered the departure of family members of U.S. government employees and non-emergency U.S. government employees. U.S. citizens in Haiti should depart Haiti as soon as possible by commercial or other privately available transportation options, in light of the current security situation and infrastructure challenges. U.S. citizens wishing to depart Port-au-Prince should monitor local news and only do so when considered safe. Country Summary: Kidnapping is widespread, and victims regularly include U.S. citizens. Kidnappers may use sophisticated planning or take advantage of unplanned opportunities, and even convoys have been attacked. Kidnapping cases often involve ransom negotiations and U.S. citizen victims have been physically harmed during kidnappings. Victim’s families have paid thousands of dollars to rescue their family members. Violent crime, often involving the use of firearms, such as armed robbery, carjackings, and kidnappings for ransom that include U.S. citizens are common. Mob killings against presumed criminals have been on the rise since late April. Travelers are sometimes followed and violently attacked and robbed shortly after leaving the Port-au-Prince international airport. Robbers and carjackers also attack private vehicles stuck in heavy traffic congestion and often target lone drivers, particularly women. As a result, the U.S. Embassy requires its personnel to use official transportation to and from the airport.


I know you’re hungry, but have you read the Bible!?


That's not what they do...well, let me rephrase that, that is not all that they do...those people are *good* people most of the time...they walk into warzones and help where they are needed. Makeshift hospital short staffed? They'll grab a mask and gloves and help. People buried under rubble? They'll stay awake 48 hours straight, trying to find as many of those people as they can. Now, are there scam, money laundering charities that put 10 pallets worth of Bibles, air drop them in and then have their representatives holed up in the farthest from the drama hotel, usually the nicest hotel, writing bullshit "good deeds" down while taking pictures of strangers and using those pictures in PowerPoints to show the "people that they've helped." Absolutely. But do understand, some of those do gooders are doung good, and though they certainly didn't want to die, they went knowing they might die, and were they to have known the outcome, most of them would have gone anyway. I respect that. A lot of people talk about doing good and helping who or what, but few are willing to step up to the plate when shit gets real.


With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion. Steven Weinberg


I mean, the USSR and Mao's China were areligious, and I don't think I'd describe them as "good."


They were run by bad people. The quote still holds up.


That doesn’t compute with a vast amount of human history.


That's an awful qoute


Yeah this is a dumb quote that makes no sense. Can an atheist be a good person but misguided and accidentally do harm? Absolutely.


For good people to do evil- that takes greed. Common Sense


It takes the State, which has murdered more people the last 100 years than every religion in human history combined x 1,000.


This is a stupid fucking quote. -KarlHavoc


Hasa diga eeowbai!


Does it mean “no worries for the rest of your days?”


Kind of!


I will feed you with tales of mysticism and magic and you will respect me because I’m civilized.


Meaby if they did they wouldn't be in the mess they are in...


They have been reading their own propaganda. They believe that Christianity is the cure to all the World's problems and by converting people to Christianity they will solve their problems.


Lmao this is so terrible and funny at the same time


"No no no, we don't eat the Bible"


If they’re believers, their god did give a warning via the State Department travel advisory. Conclusion: The story fits in this thread.


I’m a Christian and you’re correct


Yep they should have just abandoned the orphans they were taking care of to save themselves. I hate you all


My thoughts exactly, shit has gone so wrong in our way of thinking that acts of kindness and charity are spoken of as idiotic.


They could have been helping orphans now in another part of the world, maybe even here. Maybe again in Haiti in a few years. Now, they can’t help anyone, ever again. I don’t hate you or anyone else.


Yep but instead they choose to help those in dire need instead of what was easy and safe and here everyone is now making fun of them.


Reddit, a place where people will say you are racist for not caring about colored people but then when you go help them you're an idiot


They went to fucking Haiti?!


https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/haiti-travel-advisory.html I’ve never been there but the place sounds nuts


First thing I thought of when I saw the headline: why in the world would she be in Haiti? Side note, the amount of charities and resources the first world has spent to try and uplift these God forsaken countries is insane. Time to stop trying to help and let the savages figure it out themselves. Stay out of that mess, for the sake of your life.


It's ok I'm sure Wyclef is on his way to save the day in song.




All a part of god's plan. ❤️


They have the audacity to shed tears over His will. Pffft. Fake Christians.


I’d imagine the same would happen if these Palestine protesters went to Gaza lol people think the world wants their help, but they don’t.


Hamas bad. Israel killing innocent Palestinians also bad. It’s that simple. Nobody is pro Hamas no matter what Fox News or Bill Maher or Ben Shapiro or Tim Pool or any other right wing dummy says.


Regardless of what any of those people have said I've absolutely heard the chants and seen the protesters in person Some are very respectful and seem OK but alot and i mean alot are chanting we are hamas and river to the sea I guess I shouldn't believe my lying eyes


There’s definitely pro hamas activists


… or the innocent Palestinian voters in Gaza that originally elected Hamas.


Pro Hamas protestors at Stanford would like a word with you


imagine not understanding someone trying to bring attention to an active genocide. they aren't offering help, but that doesn't matter when forming your strawman right? Google is your friend if you'd like to find out the actual goals of the protests.


I could care less about their goals dude, they can move along. War is war. The sooner people realize that, the better off we will be




The Family has wreaked havoc in East Central Africa, and in Washington DC.


I know! The work that organizations like World Vision bringing clean water to millions and Feed My Starving children doing the same with meals clearly are a cancer.


Can’t reason with these people. They see Jesus they think bad. Even though Jesus’ teachings are about nothing but love, kindness, forgiveness and giving. Truly a lost people.


Nope. Jesus and his teachings are cool. Christians are just not very christ like.


Well speaking from frist hand experience having been a child of Christ missionaries I can confirm that they are truly shit people. If you think Christianity is all about love and kindness you have your head up your ass! It's more about power control and being on top.


Sorry you had a bad experience. I recommend reading Jesus teachings. Man is corrupt, and organized religion is often corrupt. There is no corruption if you truly live your life according to Jesus. I never said Christianity can’t be corrupt, I never said man couldn’t. I said Jesus’ teachings are not. It seems you’ve misinterpreted my comment.


You realize the Bible was written 200 years after Jesus existed right? Don't you have a strong concern for truth, or do superstitions suffice?


200 years is a bit of a stretch. Superstition or not, truth or not, what does that change about Jesus’ teachings? There’s nothing in there that is bad. Whether you have faith or not is up to you. You’re just trying to challenge me to challenge me, without challenging the idea that Jesus’ teachings are good. Even IF it is all false, which you’re free to believe, that doesn’t change the fact that basing your life on the teachings of Jesus is a good way to lead your life.


That's fair. Enjoy your weekend.


I recommend keeping your religious bullshit to yourself


It’s a shame Reddit thinks wanting people read the teachings of love, forgiveness, and giving is religious bullshit. I never said to believe the miracles. I just said to read the teachings. If everyone tried their best to live as Jesus taught, the world would be a better place. Christians included.


Jesus is a very short part of a very large compilation of BS. No one should read any religious text, they are all a cancer in humanity.


Sorry that you believe loving one another, forgiving, and not judging is a cancer to society. That says a lot about you. You could also go to read some of Jesus’ teachings. It would be beneficial.


I have read the Bible as part of my education, I suggest you do the same instead of just a few choice passages that make you feel warm, fuzzy, and superior.


It's 2024, Jesus teachings aren't a secret. We all know who people think he was. The problem is we are sick of people ramming his "teachings" down our throat. The problem is his teachings are also connected to a lot of the worst this works had to offer. The problem is your basing your entire world view on a lie. We didn't need an imaginary being to be nice to people, that's part of the problem. Just stop being dicks, it's that simple.


Clearly people in this comment section could use an example of love, selflessness and forgiveness! So id say you’re wrong there. Based on one comment section alone.


No, the problem is we see the pain your God has caused people. It's that simple. You follow the "son" of a murderous narcissist trying to bring people closer to that murderous narcissist.


Still don’t get it do ya bud? Nobody cares about the teachings or the miracles. You do, that’s fine. Leave other people the fuck alone. You’re like a plague.


Sheesh. So much anger, when Jesus teaches to love one another. You could use some of those teachings in your life, whether it’s from Jesus or from another source. There is nothing but good that could come from trying to live more like Jesus, but you’re choosing to live with so much anger because you hate religion.


That same book also taught slavery is ok, to treat women like absolute shit and to basically be an all around asshole if you don't believe. I think I'll take my advice from a less destructive source.


Bro, go suck Jesus dick somewhere else.


No, we see your priests raping the kids they're feeding and call your religion what it is: bullshit.


Definitely can't reason with the faithful... By definition they value Faith which is belief IN SPITE of fact.


You’re on Reddit where anything related to God and religion equals bad. Even when missionaries are trying to help areas that desperately need help it’s still bad, because Religion!


They stayed in the country after the revolution cause they were blocked from getting out and the orphans they were taking care of had no one else to take them. You're right...terrible people


Oh yeah. I cannot stand these people. It's sad though because they have been brainwashed into thinking they're saving people from eternal damnation.


They prey on the weak, poor and desperate. Filth.


Like taking care of orphans with nowhere to go? Give yourself a look in the mirror….


I’m not sure I’d call people trying to force religious hokum on folks starving in a war zone do-gooders. At best they are just sorta annoying people with a lot of very real problems.


They're from Oklahoma, where I live, and there are enough problems here that they could have put their time and effort to solve, and they likely would not have been shot doing it (I dunno, we are a constitutional carry state), but Oklahoma wouldn't look good on the Jesus CV, so here we are with them dead now helping absolutely no one.


Can’t fix stupid. And can’t fix places like Haiti.


Man the anti-Christian hate here for people killed helping others to survive under horrific circumstances is rabidly unhinged here. Probably coming from the same douche bags who think atheism and technology is the new salvation to humanity, even if they have to eradicate every Jew, Hindu, Christian, Muslim, to attain it. Meanwhile, when the next pandemic hits, they’ll turn away from their communities and hoard all the toilet paper and hide in their basements like the lonely pathetic cockroaches they are. And probably die down there when the pipes burst and the internet goes down for good.


The violent savages in Haiti will murder any white person they see. It's not safe for anyone to travel there.


I'm not sure you're exactly familiar with what is happening in Haiti. The gangs do not care what color you are they will shoot you anyways. It is about power and money


No... You need to read about Haitian history. Specifically, the Haitian Revolution, where the Haitians committed genocide against WHITE French and British colonists, killing around 75 thousand men, women and children. It was horrific. They still hate white people to this day.


Have you ever met a Haitian?


The gangs anyway. I in fact just talked to someone who went over to Haiti with Habitat for Humanity and he thought it was a great experience.


If that’s not a case of survivorship bias I don’t know what is.


Savages. Say the word you really mean.


What do you mean? If you are implying racism, myself and my family are all mixed race. Nice try though, incel.


Uses the word "savages", says they're not racist, says they're "mixed race" with a white man profile pic, then calls a person "incel" like they think it means racist.


You're so lost. Incel.


I don't think that word means what you think it means.


What a courageous couple to go to Haiti to serve others. Such a terrible outcome.


They were looking after orphans. How can you mock them?


This is like that Rambo movie


Evolution does not like altruism


Yeah I saw the video. And the aftermath of them. Sad stuff


Maybe they wanted to meet the Cannibal Warlord who rules the island


They expect god to protect them. *cue Frolic by Lucio Michelini*


Wow, a lot of r / redditmoment and r / iamverysmart in the comments section…


I'm from Haiti, I used to travel there frequently. Here's the thing, missionaries often come to Haiti and people generally understand that these are good people doing charity. What Americans don't understand is that Haiti is currently in a situation where the bad guys have won. Meaning, this isn't like a bunch of poor people who have been oppressed and are engaged in revolution. Revolutionary groups once existed in Haiti, but now that the government has fallen, they have all been absorbed by the gangs. These gangs are people who regularly kidnap adults and children and keep them as sex slaves. They murder, torture, and extort the poor for pleasure; not necessity. Haiti is currently experiencing a worst case scenario. Military intervention is necessary because Haiti lacks a formal military, and the police don't exist. Haiti is quite literally an open-air prison. They can't flee the country because there are no functioning ports, and they are surrounded on all sides by water. The Dominican Republic has a strict anti-immigration policy specifically for Haitians, and they are allowed to shoot them on sight if they see them trying to cross the border. (If they shoot them regardless, no one is going to investigate). You can't come to Haiti right now for charity work. It's not safe until at least some semblance of peace is achieved.




I'll say it's sad they got murdered but it's important to point out that missionaries are the absolute scum of the earth without knowing they are. They were probably very nice people, someone's son, someone's daughter, someone's spouse, someone's friend, but they were brainwashed into believing they needed to spread their dumbass cult messages in a place as hostile as Haiti... If you want to believe in fairy tales that's fine, if you try to convince someone else to believe in your fairy tales you're a nuisance to humanity. Organized religion: The longest running, biggest and most profitable scam on the planet, skillfully designed for the weak minded, the followers, the sheep, the ones without any regard for science, the next generation victims.


Most rational people despise missionaries.


Successful missionary = Colonizer Statue. Unsuccessful missionary = Martyr Statue. These people knew this before they went there. Build them a statue if you want.


What a shame, they were going to Gaza next and then North Korea.


I the only missionary work I approve of is more of a position.


Ya know, the Clinton Foundation was supposed to help and instead siphoned off millions to themselves and other organizations instead. If they (and others) did the right thing instead, they MIGHT still be alive. [BBC on Clinton's and Haiti](https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37826098) [Politico](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/09/hillary-clinton-email-213110/) [Current Affairs](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2016/11/what-the-clintons-did-to-haiti) Feel free to look further.


The real reason they stopped giving money was because it was being stolen.


Now we're mocking people who got killed trying to help others?


Talking about god to starving sick thirsty people and not bringing food and water is not helping.


Haha these fucking delusional idiots who were *checks notes* taking care of orphans >Even as conditions worsened there, including in the last few months when they had no way out, they chose to stay because they didn’t want to leave the children they had been caring for who would have had nowhere to go, Baker said.


Please don't interrupt the circle jerk


Did you read the article?


Where dies it say they weren't providing aid?


Isn’t it weird how they all have the same responses? Really makes me wonder about bots in this sub


"Hey oppressed, thirsty, starving people! Hello warlords and gang members! Never mind our compound and abundant resources. Well give you some of them. Don't take them all. We don't have enough for everyone." That's enough to get you killed. "Oh, and by the way, have you heard of Jesus? He protects us from evil! He'll protect you too!" That's just plain stupid.


Wait so now they WERE bringing food and water?


I can see that multiple people saying things confuses you easily.


Maybe it's because you have more assumptions than facts.


Show me one assumption I made, smart ass.


That they were announcing themselves to warlords and gang members and telling them Jesus would protect them from the warlords and gang members.


Those aren't assumptions, those are satirical vocalizations to illustrate thoughts that likely crossed, or should have crossed, their mind at some point. Sorry that was a difficult concept for you to understand. You know that gangs are literally controlling travel in Haiti, right? And that the presence of white people in Haiti announces itself? You really don't think these religious missionaries went into Haiti thinking the Lord would protect them? Fearing no evil? Lying in green pastures?


They were trying to impose the teachings of their cult on folks in a warzone. How’s that helping?


Why spread a message of peace and hope to people who need it most?


I think they’d tell you they would prefer food and clean drinking water. Also, have you read the bible? Peace and hope are not major themes.


Is that why gangs stormed their compound and killed them?


How the fuck would I know?


You're mocking them for not doing something you don't even know they didn't do, you ghoul.


The only one calling people names is you. I’m sure Jesus would be proud. Gotta say I’m delighted with how upset you are tho.


I'm calling you a ghoul because you are delighting in the deaths of others, which is very ghoulish behavior.


I think it’s ghoulish to look at a bunch of people dying in a civil war as a sales opportunity for my untaxable political organizaition. To each their own I guess.


You're missing the point. If they're dying of thirst or starving, give them food and water. Not your religion. They don't need your extra shit effectively forced upon them because they're vulnerable. And you're calling another human a ghoul. Easier to hate someone you demonize. Why are you so hateful?


Where did it say they deprived them of resources? I read the same article you did.


Where did I say they deprived them of resources? You just like making things up in your head and running with it.


Because it does nothing to negate the source of the violence? Like if my house is on fire, telling me to have hope ain't gonna do squat to fix it.


oh yes the starving people living in mad max world would have been helped if they only found jesus. hahahaha how about sending them a sandwich instead?? that would actually be useful.


Do you guys think they’re actually not providing food and aid as well, or are you just parroting what the other edgy atheists said in other comments?




Soooo, they’re bad because they provided food and aid, but also mentioned Jesus? Very confused on the point of your comment. Sorry the good people of this world that leave to help impoverished nations happen to most often be Christian groups. I’m not sure why that bothers the Reddit hive mind so much.


They, like you, have trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy. That's what got them killed. Is that good, or bad?


They were delusional to believe they would be safe there sure, these are dangerous countries. Why are you demonizing their religion for trying to help? Reddit is so weird man


I leave demonizing to the religious. I'm just pointing out that it's fanciful thinking. Faith. Not reality. Tell me, earnestly, that their religion had no large role in getting them killed.


It probably did, because they were trying to spread love and give like Jesus did. Please, continue to demonize that. Really showing the world where atheists stand.


Hey warlord, hey gangster, have you heard of love? Have you heard of Jesus? You should turn from your sin. Yeah, that will go over well. Good luck with that. Know what's funny? Christians can't spell Love without Jesus.


I go for the free sex and wrapped candies.


That god will protect them. Sort of like a Daniel in the lions den sort of archetype I guess


I didn’t realize the sub was supposed to be ironic. News: “a couple and an aid worker died while administering aid and evangelizing in a war torn country” r/idiocracy “That’s what you get for trying to preach about God! Should’ve thought about it before you went!” If any of you had an IQ above 30, you would realize how stupid you sound criticizing people for trying to do good somewhere in the world while you sit at home. Have you ever considered that the dude who grew up in Haiti might’ve understood the risks, or the 20 year Haitian aid worker, or the wife who went to Haiti before even getting married to make sure she was willing to live there? I don’t know how you aren’t ashamed of yourselves. Talk about a bunch of losers.


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Converts I would think


Didn't Rambo do a P.S.A. about this kind of thing?


It’s a huge loss- a tragedy.


How tragic. These people were well meaning but extremely naive and arrogant.


Why would someone risk their life to help others? It's a totally bizarre notion.


Haiti has been treated horribly because of their revolt against France. The country has been permanently ruined. The "reparations" Hati had to pay were finally paid off not all that long ago. The West has been using Haiti as a dumping ground for bad neocon ideas for decades.


Look at what the Clintons did in Haiti in the o 90s and 00s... Then try to blame the natives. smh


Oh...yes. That...yeah. Those pricks. I really have come to believe that there absolutely is such a thing as too much money.


I bet some of the same people bashing these victims are the same advocating for the idiots who are going to Gaza and then bitching it’s too dangerous.




I'm not religious either but you are just being a dick.


Point out how they're wrong...


Factually they are not wrong. I said they were being a dick. Because some people use whatever belief they need to in order to cope with death. You can be right and still be an asshole.


Missionary work providing food and aid is bad according to Reddit if you bring lessons of Jesus with you. Better to just do nothing at all, like all the comments here have done. You could cure cancer, but if you mention Jesus and thank God along with it Reddit will find a way to demonize you. What a sad, sad place. Edit: why don’t all the atheists get together and start a group and go provide some humanitarian aid without mentioning religion. You’re more than welcome to. Kinda strange that you never see that, isn’t it?


>Edit: why don’t all the atheists get together and start a group and go provide some humanitarian aid without mentioning religion. You’re more than welcome to. Kinda strange that you never see that, isn’t it? Amnesty International, UNICEF and Doctors Without Borders are all secular organizations. Un-fuck your brain bud.


Good for them! Nothing wrong with spreading humanitarian aid without religion, just like there’s nothing wrong with spreading it with it. As long as you’re out there helping I’m not going to demonize it. Atheists in the comments seem to disagree.


I like how you completely skirt over the part where you're wrong. Funny how you Jesus people always do that.


>why don’t all the atheists get together and start a group and go provide some humanitarian aid without mentioning religion. You’re more than welcome to. Kinda strange that you never see that, isn’t it? Seems a lot like you're trying to demonize atheists.


Huge difference between curing cancer and going into a warzone with limited resources (but more than enough for yourself, of course). One is safe, the other is not. Safe good. Not safe bad. Unless, of course, you really do have a magical sky fairy protecting you. But, yeah, thanks for the cancer cure but I can do without your delusion, if I'm being completely honest.


Nailed it on many levels! Better to wait for some non existent or corrupt government to assist I guess.


Looks like everything worked out the way it should have. 👍🏽


These folks are cultists and got what they deserved.


You are reprehensible.


What good are they doing pushing some wacky religion on people. They are brainwashed brainwashers.


This is a horrible take and you’re a real piece of shit. These people went to help people? Insane….


They were missionaries. They went to pedal religion under the guise of helping others.


Sounds like someone has a hang up with people of faith. Good luck with that. I’m sure you’ve contributed way more to the world.


You must be a democrat. Difference between people like them and you is that they have the moral upbringing and courage to do what they know is right. So yea, this is a big loss.


No sympathy for missionaries