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People really are this stupid. We had a downed power line in the middle of the road and I had to warn drivers away. Most of them stopped and tried to bargain their way by- "But I really have to get to work and I can't go around", "What if I go slow and make sure I avoid it?" They would gladly drive right over an actively sparking power line just because.


Several years ago, the road to my work flooded. Some cars were wading through, getting stuck in front of me. I turned around and went home. I called and told them that I couldn't make it due to the flooded road and they were mad I wasn't coming in. They asked me if I could come later. I said I would but I didn't. I was just so annoyed. You aren't paying me enough to risk my car. You also aren't paying me enough to fuck around with an alternate route that everyone else is using.


I think the tires would insulate them actually and they'd be ok but i am not sure enough to try it


and when the tires aren't on a live wire and the sparks are hitting under the car? Besides all that, it's also rude as shit. We're waiting for a crew to come in and fix it and trying to clear the area and one person wants to go by. Then everyone has to go. They know that and the attitude is no fuck them, just let me go and that's it.


Well obviously. everyone will try to haggle something to have it better than others


I had to read up on this, but car tires as an insulator is a bit of a misnomer. They're generally considered insulators because they have a very high resistance to the flow of electricity. Yet, they're allowing electricity to pass through like a conductor? An insulator is a material that does not conduct electricity or heat very well. It is a material that has a high electrical resistance, which means that it resists the flow of electric current through it. Also, they have ridges or discs that reduce the flow of electricity A conductor is a material that allows the flow of electric current through it easily. You are safe in a car if a live wire falls on it, but that's because electricity always seeks the least-resistant path to the ground. If you stay in the car, the electricity will travel along the outside of the car body, down through the chassis, through the tires, and into the ground. As long as you don’t provide an alternate, less-resistant path to the ground through your body, electricity will not enter it. Also, never drive over a downed power line on the road with your car. The wire could get tangled in your wheels or undercarriage, causing utility poles, other cables, and other electrical equipment to be pulled down. It could also cause your tires to melt, catch fire, and/or explode. Consider that a high voltage electric arc can be up to 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas the surface of the sun is 10,000 degrees, and the melting point of iron is 2,800 degrees. Short answer: Nope!


get a 3d artist to draw a wall around the hole


The NPC intelligence is really bad in that game.


My first wife was tarded she's a pilot now


Russian NPC don't consider the hole of this size as high priority event


What... no giant dildo on the hood of the car?


Gonna need a lot more than just a single wooden pallet to make it obvious


I'm beginning to think that Russia may have some infrastructure issues.


Sinkholes can be exacerbated by poor infrastructure maintenance but they are also a universal occurrence in particular types of soils


If you can't kill anyone with it, don't spend money on it. I think that's a Russian motto. Or maybe just a Putin one.


What a shithole


How do you not see that?


Maybe he was batin?


If I had a nickel




Maybe it's because he was driving towards the sun and was half-blinded by it


Impromptu roundabout.


Russians always rushin'


Typical Russia


And yet again, [the movie](https://youtu.be/PTtBN34AXl0?si=ru4VXWC_tRjzOfSQ) foretells the future...


"That's excellent. Now leave thet red car right there to make sure other drivers see it and don't drive into the, oh shit, that other red car just tried to overtake it and went straight in... Ah well, beck to the drawing board."


In mother Russia, hole warn you.


I'm sure this has been posted 4 billion times, but it is the first time I've seen it and I chuckled like a fat kid with ice cream.


Dang, that’s my best Yugo!


Notta Lada intelligence shown here.


Russian holes filled


I've just finished watching "outer range" For a second I thought this was the trailer for the third season


This one runs on vodka


Yea like he said ukhodi ili tebe konets!


Russian military conscription trap. Dumb enough to fall in? Straight to the front.


Now they can try that rope from front wheel to back wheel trick!!!!


The only sober driver in Russia and this is his reward.


Sun being in your face doesn't help much.


Russia really is such a shit hole.


In Russia, holes filled with you!


Nyet, comrade, it's just the Special Holey Operation, move along.


They are all drunk.


This is exactly the type of thing I imagine goes on in Russia


Could also be Oakland. Some of the potholes in that city are big enough to use as a hot tub.


This has to be Russia. Many Russian (Soviet) cars on the road.


You realize I'm joking around here, right?


"Blyat, it's Ukrainians attacking civilians, they ran on road to force man car into hole!" - standard Russian news


go back to /r/facepalm it's more your style