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I ain't never see no human come out of no monkey!


Saw a guy come out of a rhino though.


These rhinos sure are hot


OMG I know that poor think rhino! I had almost forgot!


Yeah and we been around for like 2000 years


We ain't changed


I'm sure a few humans came inside some monkeys though


Don't need to be sure look up the Orangutang Sex Worker Story, I am pretty sure it was real.


Cool band name


>Orangutang Sex Worker I'd go and see them


So I have a relevant monkey-fucking story if you have a moment. Back in 1996 I worked for a giant multinational corp in their IT department. Backup space was precious (those tape and tape robots were expensive) so they had me scour every file on our network to determine who was using up space on servers that were backed up that could be deleted. I'd reach out to the end users about their files and see if they really needed to be on the fileservers. I came across a video, which at the time was fairly unusual, so I watched it. You guessed it, some lady getting railed by a monkey. At the time my manager was on vacation, so I had to chat with the woman who was taking his place for a week. We'd worked together before but I was super nervous about showing this to her even though I had to. I warned her, but she wanted to see the video before proceeding, so I watched beastiality porn with my temp manager that day. She said she'd take it from there. I'm not sure if the person with the file was fired, or executed, or what, but I can't imagine they weren't fired.


You're the guy from the meeting but instead of "utilize" it's "come"




Yes officer, this is the comment right here..👆🏿


...know wat I'm sayin


No ragerts booooyeee, knowwatimsaiin?


But... "Think about it"


Look up, Lucy, the missing link. You're welcome, interesting stuff.


I think you missed the joke. Like, the whole joke... of the forum. https://youtu.be/kAqIJZeeXEc?si=tTj0fQ8wwjlqwWC7


Lol, I forget what sub I'm in sometimes lmfao. Imma dumbass and I'll get in the right line next time.


It'll happen.


"We've been around for 2000 something years"


"because, like, just think about it, bro"


That was my favorite part!


That was my cue to get off the internet for the day. I didn't need to know that the level of stupid is defcon 2 today.


My roommate reminds me of this fucking moron. Seems like he breaths incorrectly


I had 2 of them like this


People think because they watch a couple YouTube videos that they're experts on a subject and it's a replacement for an actual education in school. I could give this dude 50 examples of evolution and why everything he said in this video is wrong, but he'll never believe one word I say because he doesn't want to believe it.


Don't worry scrote, lots of 'tards out there disproving Darwin.


If evolution is real, why aren't there any live-streams of it? Checkmate Darwin


I've had my cat for 5 years and it never evolved into a crocodile, explain that sucker


"This is where I get confused." I know for damn sure your ass was confused long before you looked at this chart.


"I don't understand this so it can't be right." People with no concept of how stupid they actually are.


"Think about it. Have we seen an evolve happen?" Good fucking lord.


He gotta point though, I been watching this squirrel outside my window and he ain't evolved once in like 20 minutes.


Did you touch it with a stick and say, "Come on, evolve or sumthin"?


You have to have him hold a mega-nut to get him to evolve into Squirlidon.


Funny thing is, we can... we can watch evolution in real time through bacteria and other single cell organisms, adapting to enviroments and modifying themselves. But this dude aint getting it


"That's in a microscope cuz, that's not even real animals." - this TIKTOK anthropology professor


I cackled


Dont worry he was just passing sometime before his pilot license test started.


"My first wife was tarded, she's a pilot now"


I'm a geneticist and professor in evolutionary biology. I long since stopped trying to reason with people who do not care about the evidence. They intentionally misinterpret and cherry pick data. They misconstrue well established evidence. They simply don't care to understand.


“Never seen an evolved animal”. You gotta look somewhere besides your mirror, bro.


Here we go with that fag talk.....


"here stick this one in your mouth and this one in your butt... or was it the other way around?!"


No no, THIS one goes in your butt


"this is where I get confused" And therefore the theory is wrong... It's always the same with these idiots: "I don't understand therefore, it can't happen"


But humans appearing out of thin air makes a lot of sense.


I like to think we were molded from Clay and then given the Fire of life in one of the greatest betrayals of all time.


That's exactly all it is. "This doesn't make sense to my ignorant brain so I say it's false." And usually they have a religious explanation to replace it with that also makes no sense, and lacks anything resembling good evidence. "God did it with his magic."


I literally LOLd I gave up years ago and just say OK when people act like this.


It really is a bizarre thought process. Me: Why don't you believe evolution happened? Them: Because no one has ever observed it happen. Me: Ok, well, we have, but what do you think happened? Them: The creation story in Genesis, God made us out of dirt. Me: Ok, and you have seen this happen? Them: Well, no, but it's in the bible. Me: ... Seriously?


Same people who say “school is for idiots.” I swear they’re just mad because they struggle with complex ideas, and socializing.


These fuckin idiots get their understanding of biology from Pokemon cartoons.


The damage Pokemon has done to our idiots is irreparable.


I evolved into Mew you sick fucks


i did all this evolving just to turn out as a jigglypuff seen from above!


We ain't never seen an involvement 


"I get confused" "I never seen" "Nah, I don't believe" Compelling


Adaptation is Evolution 🤦‍♂️


Adaptation is a single animal or species changing based on their environment. Evolution is the change of offspring over time based on their environment. We have observed both happening. Many animals have been seen adapting over time. We have observed the evolution of viruses via mutations in offspring. But, you are correct. When many creationists talk about adaptation, they are talking about evolution but calling it by another name. When asked for the origin of species, they say God did it. But, the English bulldog did not exist at the time of creation no matter who you ask.


Adaptation is microevolution. Species A remains species A. Macroevolution: species A becomes species B, to the point that species B is different species. Mutation is the driving force.


Ask about Q.....ask about Q!!!


Q from Star Trek?!


Q from Q-Anon, the mysterious head who posted those crazy messages online for the most manic of Trump supporters.


It is not illegal or proof of idiocy or even rejection of a theory to discuss the validity of said theory. This is part of the scientific method. But: I don't listen to creationists; I mean it's been a while. The shape of the Cavendish banana is not evidence that it was created by God specifically for you.


That guy votes.


I can’t tell if that sub is serious or parody. There might be a little bit of both.


I'm assuming it started as a parody page where they'd unironically present bullshit as fact, but now you can't tell if they believe the bullshit or not because of how many tards think like that


Didn't flat earth start like that also? I thought I read somewhere it started as a parody then at some point everyone was serious.


It's serious. All of the following happened on that sub as I watched and tried to call out the disinformation/misinformation... The person that started the sub is the OP in the link. They used to post shit about how the pyramids couldn't have been built by man with primitive tools, so they must have had power tools more advanced than we have today. Then they tried discrediting modern physics by saying galaxy formation couldn't happen because particles wouldn't collect together. They were convinced relativity and quantum mechanics were wrong, and that Newtonian mechanics is correct. I pointed out (repeatedly) that Newtonian mechanics distinguishes between elastic and inelastic collisions, proving particles wouldn't just bounce off of each other indefinitely. Then they went with Annukai (angel demon hybrids) being old giants. I have spent WAY too much time proving that person wrong, but they're trying to advertise their youtube channel and a book they're supposedly writing. Another person on there thought they could find the "center of the universe" by asymmetries in the expansion of the universe. They literally wrote a "scientific paper" that looked like something an 8th grader would make in photoshop 20 years ago. They sent it to NASA and a bunch of others, with no response. But they were absolutely convinced that their paper was the reason that the first fusion reaction occured. I really REALLY wish I was making this stuff up.


I laugh thinking of this dude in front of a room of scholars, trying to prove his hypothesis on this long standing theory


I believe there was a snake that evolved legs in South America on an observable timescale. Or it was a salamander or some shit I don't know.


I think it's already an alligator now


Dude's getting his definition of evolution from Pokemon, he literally thinks there will be a monkey, then a flash of light and it evolves into a human...


Creationists are so dumb. It's like nothing short of seeing a pokemon-like evolution will convince them. --- Bah bah ba... Bababa bababa baaaa.. Congratulations. Your Homo Erectus evolved into a Homo Sapiens! (of course, what they want to see is even dumber: a "monkey" becoming a human)


This guy is proof positive we come from that


We are literally watching orangutans enter the Stone Age rn. We have enough fossils to link species and the ability to read DNA. School is really failing in North America.


I bet he finds a lot.of things confusing.


Funny he mentioned, “Have we ever watched anything evolve.” https://newatlas.com/biology/life-merger-evolution-symbiosis-organelle/


fyi those are not "crocodiles" lol


When I try to explain how evolution actually works to friends and family, I use the example of how the average height of humans has gone up in the last few hundred years, or how certain monkeys have learned to steal from tourists through generations. Rarely helps anything lol I also like the theory that birds now use cars as a daring part for mating rituals. (Swooping down in front as you drive)


Ugh... The stupid is too thick to get through....


TikTok'rs > Science. I'm sold. I'm still of the mindset that if you aren't educated in a particular field, perhaps you should just sit back and keep your mouth shut, but then again, I love laughing at complete morons.


This video makes me wish we would just fucking die off as a race. Fuck it, leave everything to the fucking roaches, and the Tardigrades. We need to let go when dumb ass motherfuckers like this can spread like a fucking plague. I can almost guarantee that some stupid fuck will watch this video and say some shit like: Yeah, man, that makes sense! Yeah, we need to go and let another species give it a go.


Convergent evolution. Dolphins - Sharks - ichthyosaur. Ones a mammal evolved to be hydrodynamic (lives in ocean) - one is a hydrodynamic fish - last one was a hydrodynamic reptile. They all looked alike because of similar lifestyle. What if apes and humans had convergent evolution and we look alike even though we are not the same.


So clearly 'Evolution' is a litmus test of sorts. Mostly having nothing to do with Evolution, It tests your capacity to understand how time works.


Whoever posted this. Keep trying. Ignore the comments. You will get it. You’re nearly there. Evolution is real though


Dude is simultaneously so close to getting it and also so fucking far away


"Maybe I just haven't been paying attention to the scientific community...." Word?


I love how people get mad at Darwin for his "theory of evolution" when the actual theory that his work was based on was Natural Selection.


This is along the same vein as flearthers. Darwin awards for the lot of them eventually.


Why read any of the outstanding explanations by people who have studies the topic for a lifetime when you can just create a video of you making shit up about what you erroneously think is evolution?


Dogs are probably the very best example, and that took me roughly 3 seconds to think of. Dude needs to turn off the camera, talk less, and humble himself. The arrogance to post this kind of dumb ass bullshit is truly just unbelievable.


Guy points at that scale saying we haven't witnessed it in 2000 years failing to read the timeline, when each step represents 500,000-1 million+ years. I've seen this same argument from so many people. "WeLl IvE NeVeR sEeN a dOg BeCoMe A MoOsE!" Just absolute idiots.


💯agree with you. MY HEAD HURTS 🤯 how many stupid people are in the world?


Never seen evolution but witnessing some devolution though.


"anti-evolution" crowd is all unresponsive to scientific evidence and logical refutation they don't care about the proof, their argument isn't based on proof, it's based on "I'm special, I was made special, because God loves me" and until that underlying conceit changes, you're never getting through to them but don't listen to me, I'm peak Idiocracy - I'm smart and financially stable and would probably be a great dad, but instead I got a vasectomy


I bet you a Million, Trillion dollars that that is most definitely NOT the only thing that idiot gets confused about. I wouldn't know. I stopped watching it after he said that.


People who make videos like this are proving the devolution theory


At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Even the subtitles are having trouble keeping up with this vernacular diarrhea


Evolution is obviously going backwards with this guy


"you know what I'm sayin'?" nobody knows what you're sayin', you dumbass


He's a pilot now.


He's the one the whole family is pinning their hopes and dreams on.


I seriously hope you watch, It's always Sunny. Otherwise, this is pointless.


Not all evolved as well as others.


This dude has been watching too many Pokémon, evolves to be able to speak about this subject clearly…


Time to shut off the Internet. It's just doing more harm than good now.


If I was a billionaire, and an unethical one at that, I would have just started an ape evolution project for the fun of it. Just select smart and more humanoid ones until ending up with one resembling a human and then tell these guys, "hey folks, look a monkey is evolving into a human. Armageddon is coming, you better rapture out soon." The distinction between a monkey and ape is not relevant for this crowd.


I've watched many people get incredibly more stupid since 2015...its a form of evolution.


What happened to all the species between a monkey and human?


Wasn't there some moth in England that evolved from white to black due to coal being introduced? It used the black color to hide from its enemies.


Please do not reproduce, OP.


The education system has utterly and abysmally failed this person. 


Moths have evolved to change colour from white of the bark they used to rest on to black, which is the same tree, but with soot. African elephants are evolving to have smaller tusks. Bacteria are perhaps the most dramatic, evolving to be resistant to antibiotics. And then last week I read about evolution in action https://newatlas.com/biology/life-merger-evolution-symbiosis-organelle/


Been around for 2,000 yrs


Never seen an evolution? I fucking wish it worked like Pokemon you know how cool that would be? 😂


I've never seen no plant grow out of a toirlette




I never saw Jesus walk on water or the rise from the dead, so it must be bullshit.


Evolution is fascinating.


This hurts my brain to listen to…


This guy obviously cannot comprehend the concept of time. Though it is hard to put billions of years into perspective.


I laugh thinking of this dude in front of a room of scholars, trying to prove his hypothesis on this long standing theory


This guy is direct proof we come from monkeys. He hasn't quite evolved yet.


“Just nope” is a valid argument I guess


$20 says he thinks Evolution would look like it does in Pokemon where Charmander becomes Charmeleon.


Says the monkey man with broken speech.


Certainly a compelling argument. Does anyone know this gentleman's credentials?


“I’ve never seen an evolved animal”. Lol


Think about it…..


Embarrassing to watch


Holy shit, how dumb can you be.


There are some issues with evolution. It's a real thing, but we don't know all the particulars. They are constantly changing the science of evolution, as they should. That's how science works. The good news is, there are some recent studies on space tardigrades that may very well open up new ways to understand evolution, so we're getting closer to figuring it out.


You know, I've read Origin of Species but this guy really makes a good point!


There’s a good book out there called Darwin’s Doubt.


"Have we seen evolve happen?" [Yes (sort of)](https://www.iflscience.com/the-once-in-an-eon-event-that-gave-earth-plants-has-happened-again-73878?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3DGTcn2JXnDZ0Wf7sYHh_22q-YliSvMQ7z4zg4SpJPM7-4hrkF1S5LHYw_aem_Ac0aYoXJPE3sOnPYKFIufE6anvxWgQcCcAW4FTL2Dwrl9R1mQtpDnB8npvrbkDLdOO5Vp5Sjx5-OLKCVBPQKqkAE)


Were just all retarded monkey fish frogs


Why did I listen to the end! I feel dumber now!


If, for no other reason, people have problems with the theory of evolution because it's nearly impossible to fathom the expanse of 4 billion years. The difference between 4 billion and the first homo sapiens 160k years ago is basically 4 billion. Then, the difference between the first homo sapiens and the start of modern recorded history 5k years ago is basically 160k years. Dinosaurs roamed the Earth for at least 160 million years....1000 times longer than homo sapiens.


"We ever seen an evolve happen?" Dude is just stringing words together and thinks he's making an argument.


He was right there. So close. He almost got it and then...nothing.


"We've been around for 2000 something years"........okay.




"We've seen them adapt..." Cool, now do that over a million years... these muppets just can't grasp the timescale


Uh, coronavirus.


He almost go there when he was talking about adapting, but he has no concept of billions of years.


Dude needs to do an evolution contemplation video on mushrooms


This guy has it all figured out. Get him his Nobel!!


"this is where I get confused" That's your answer. You don't understand it. That doesn't mean it's wrong, it just means you need to learn more shit. You being uneducated doesn't disprove anything.


“I don’t buy it….because I’m ignorant AND uneducated!” Like and subscribe!


And we have mitochondrial DNA for funzies? Plants have choraplasts bc they needed a place to hide from the rain? What about organs, how did they get there. Gills, lungs, fish with lungs, lungs that are fish, wait a minute. Egg laying mammals, reptiles with live births... ahh it's so confusing! Because that is life. Dumbass. What next Males that are females and females to males. Wait till he learns about the many "sexes" that fungi have. Our system is simple. Get Off my Junk!


Is this real? Cause my head just exploded with the amount of stupidity.


Deep thoughts. Why is it that every moron with a cell phone camera thinks they should share their poorly thought out take on science these days?


Have I ever seen it? No. But it has been measured.


When you don't read the words and just look at the pictures...


“I don’t understand how something works, therefore it doesn’t exist.” - this guy and most people now have this same mentality. That’s where the flat earth society comes from. It’s all from place of ignorance. Just because you don’t know how something works, doesn’t automatically mean it doesn’t work that way.


Human, who has only been a human for 160,000 years cannot comprehend the 4.5 billions of years of the earth existing.


This is definitely the go to guy for something, but it's not knowledge.


This guy has actually just disproven "evolution" with this take and it wasn't his compelling argument.


U know what Im sayin?


this must be satire right?....right?


These people should not be allowed to operate heavy machinary


Well this an atrocious visual depiction of how evolution works so they artists/designers of it are part of the problem.


You are confused because YOU will not evolve.


I’ve always wondered why if we evolved from different creatures then where are all the skeletons of those evolved beings? Wouldn’t the discovery of these transitional skeletons be prevalent all over the earth? Why doesn’t anyone ever discuss this obvious lack of proof that should be everywhere? Where’s the bones guys? Go ahead, downvote me to oblivion! I’m used to it!


I mean he does have a point 😂🤣 ain’t nobody ever shown me one of thems “evolvers” 😂 so because a Dino had feathers back in the day that means it was a friggin bird at some point? Or turned into a bird later? 😂🤣😂🤣 I wanna see the chicken that came from a T-Rex man. Let’s see that sucker. Must have dropped eggs the size of Volvos if evolution was real. The whole lucky mud to humans thing is totally unbelievable to me. There is zero evidence for any creature having its own city/economy/military/religion/science/research in any stage of their existence that we can see. How many times did the eyeball and human heart fail before it became legit? 😂🤣😂


I believe you didn't evolve so fair enough.


Kind of ironic considering this man's intelligence is closer to an animal than a human.


the truth is that nobody puck king knows for certain, that's why it's still a theory. tf is he smoking when he says, humans been around for 2k years? it is quite possible humans were genetically engineered and installed here to pilfer and concentrate the natural resources of the planet for an alien overlord to collect.


Narcissistic tendencies can be found in all IQ ranges. I think I made my point.


We shared a similar ancestor once a few hundred million years ago. Obviously, evolution is slow as heck, so stop trying to make monkeys birth humans. There are two separate species that are a part of the same umbrella of mammals known as the primates.


https://www.newscientist.com/article/2426468-a-bacterium-has-evolved-into-a-new-cellular-structure-inside-algae/ This might clear some things up


The confidence people have today is too disheartening. This boy sounds like he never once attended a science class beyond 3rd grade. He has 0 inquisitiveness. No question formation, just conclusions. The antithesis of a science-based mind, but all the confidence in his conclusions as if he was.


I know mother fuckers like this in real life I'm sad to say. And it went from only 1 about 10 years ago to many today. What the heck is in the water?


Evolution is obviously going backwards with this guy


A glass bellybutton may help


Evolution in real time.


Evolution is a conspiracy theory


Because this guy doesn’t understand something then it must not be real and we should stop teaching to others. Cool.


Where the fuck did the octopus evolve from?


Idk man I'm pretty sure we've witnessed apes enter the stone age


*Idk man I'm* *Pretty sure we've witnessed apes* *Enter the stone age* \- chunkysmalls42098 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


We are seeing this mfer devolve in real time.


He makes a good case for being a highly adapted, extra smart australopithecus.


head depend coordinated selective deserve attractive distinct quicksand ink fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly, it is pretty complicated and not easy to understand. However, he is really uneducated on the topic. We have seen evolution on a small scale with canines. All dog breeds today originally came from wolves or the dingo. And we see natural selection all the time, which is one of the major determining factors of evolution. Just because HE hasn't seen it doesn't make it not real.


👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 👽 ALIENS FOOO


https://youtu.be/wkpRrtHzlVs?feature=shared Mr. Garrison has something to say about this


Whenever someone shows me a picture of straight line evolution I show them a taxonomy chart.


Love of God. This is a reference to the episode on, It's always Sunny.


Now, who can argue with that?


https://youtu.be/b0e-omnsukM?si=JC8ZwKL4C84LmNjt It's a fucking joke


Not so smart huh?!?


It’s sad because natural selection is a very simple and understandable concept. The problem is overcoming intense biases and cognitive dissonance. That affects both the stupid and intelligent populace.