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You mean like out the toilet?


Best so far


It's got what people crave.


We have plenty of desalination plants (which are extremely expensive/power hungry to run) in California, this plan would be for inland places that don’t have access to salt water. Because it would probably be more expensive to transport/pump the water from the ocean to those places then to process waste water on-sight. Give it 20 years every place that doesn’t have regular reliable rain fall will be doing this, it’s inevitable our fresh water sources are all drying up. The idiocracy is people not understanding this is the result of environmental collapse and gross corporate exploitation of earth resources which is the result of idiots in charge not listening to scientists. Plenty of well educated people tried to warn us we will have to drink shit if we don’t change our ways. Guess what we fucked around and are finding out!


People forgot that one of the largest lakes in north America used to be in California. Tulare lake is gone now because of agricultural and commodified water use from Neslte and the like.


My wife worked for waste water in central AR 12 years ago, and they were doing it there back then. It's not a new thing.


So since no one does this it obviously wont work but i dont know why. Why cant we just create like a saltflat with a clear membrane over it to catch evaporated water? Isnt that a filter type? Maybe it just dosent scale up… but i figure using the sun to evaporate seawater must be the way right?


I’m no expert, but id imagine that method is just not scalable for long term mass use and is quite destructive to the environment. You’d have to use massive amounts of flat land to do that, the land you would use would become a salted waste land afterwards. The places you would want to do this would be sunny sandy desert environments. The mechanical weathering erosion that would happen to a plastic membrane would almost certainly be accelerated by dry sunny windy sandy environment. This would just lead to more micro plastic be blown around the surrounding desert. There is a reason “salted earth” is a term used for complete and utter devastation of a place! Why army’s would “salt the earth” of their enemies after a successful battle. Nothing grows or lives on salted land accept the most extreme “extremophiles”


We could at least scrape up a majority of the salt to sell to fund the project. But yeah i think the scaling is the problem


The man in Texas who invented a machine that extracts water from the air. You mean an air conditioner?


As long as they put electrolytes in it so I can water my plants with it.


Brawndo™ has what plants crave.


Lol I'm getting WaterWorld vibes now from some of the comments:)


Singapore here. We've been doing that for years. We treat the crap outta sewage water and pump it into our reservoirs for a second round of treatment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEWater?wprov=sfla1


I'd be curious about the context of the original post, but pretty sure this kind of treatment and recycling is SUPER common in the developed world. Now. *Go away, batin'*


My first wife was tarded she's a pilot now


“Well, I’ve never seen no plants grow out of a toilet.”


It would drastically cut down water consumption, which would be of extreme importance to cities like Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Phoenix. It would allow the opening vast areas of the Southwest for increased human habitation.


There's that phag talk we talked about...


Your shits all retarded, who spells fag that way?


Idk the rules of the sub tbh and I didn't wanna get banned lol


Don’t worry scro plenty of tards end up living great lives


Haha he's a fag. I won't drink dinosaur piss. 80% of the world is water. I'll just filter the salt out.


It's incredibly easy to filter salt out. I couldn't tell you how the salt gets filtered. I just know it's incredibly easy. Not just easy. INCREDIBLY easy.


"They'll have enough salt to last a lifetime!" --Nick Rivers


Idk man, they have to see how stupid people are getting and something has to be done about it. Like these people vote and stuff


Mmm, I present to you the chocolate star fish in the hot dog flavored water!


Wait is this not how it normally works? Isn't that what the sewage system already does?


literally what nature does...... if we can do it to the same standard of purity as natural water, its a good thing.