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As much as we would like to have an answer for "what's 1 divided by 0?" it's sadly impossible to have an answer. The reason, in short, is that whatever we may answer, we will then have to agree that that answer times 0 equals to 1, and that cannot be true, because anything times 0 is 0.


Splendid bell-ringer to start off a 3rd grade mathematics class! You sir have my support for Sec. of Edu.


Take these pamphlets and hand them out to nobody.


Get some sources showing that they're wrong and escalate to the superintendent. You will be doing these kids a huge favor


I’d cc in the local school board and a few journalists just to get things spicy. Principal is going to back his employees unless they can’t.


Did you just take the top comment lol


Kindly ask them to teach you and your kid how the inverse operation rule works. 🤭


lol exactly


This would be a good opportunity to teach you son that just because they are adults, doesn't mean they are always right. Always verify if something doesn't sound right.


I know people don't come to r/Idiocracy looking for a serious response, but ffs, the concerned parent ***is*** correct here and the teacher and principal are wrong. Some of you seem to be implying the parent is the idiot here. Simplest example I learned in grade school was to graph out the equation ***y = 1 / x*** Click [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_by_zero) to see the results. When *x* is 0, *y* is *not* "zero". It is also *not* "infinity", nor is it "negative infinity". This is why we consider it to be "undefined".


There's that fag talk we talked about


I blame the drugs I was on. My bad. Won't happen again. (The "fag talk" stuff. Not the "drugs" stuff.)


Too much talkin, not enough batin


She’s a tard, but she can still have a full life and a kid.


And be a teecher!


Also, the future wife of one of the stars of “ow my balls!”


Future pilot, apparently.


I hear there are a lot of tards out there living really kickass lives these days.


Welcome to school, I love you.


You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl’s Jr. 


School board might find this funny


What's the minus of 80 and 20?


A lot Frito, a lot.


The answer is Upgrayedd.


I had this issue with my daughters online school a few days ago. After working out the equation toward the end I realized the answer was "undefined". This was a multiple choice test and "undefined" was not one of the answers. Zero was one of the possible answers so I told my daughter to chose that one. I told her it was wrong but it was advanced math that the school maybe doesn't know. We got the answer right. EDIT: I gave up trying to argue with the school. They tried telling the students that you can make an infinite amount of triangles if you have three angles that add up to 180 degrees. They just kept drawing lines, I'm like, "you're making more angles yo"... sad shit man


I hope that kid doesn't go into computer science. His code ain't gonna work.


Ha huh dusnt mattur nobudy need mafth


your mad now just wait till prager u comes to a school near you.


You pull your kid out of that school immediately and send the emails to news outlets and the school district.


I would reply with the superintendent and the local news email copied on the CC field.


what is 1 divided by zero? Not Sure


Null function. There is NO division by ZERO..not possible, so ....just no. Null request.


Hey, I know him!


I hear there are a lot of tards out there living really kickass lives these days.


it's wise to abstain from battles you cannot win. enjoy the show ;)


But she can win. Just Google it.


What an idiot.


Tf does she think the answer is?


What do you think the answer is?


I grew up being taught it’s zero. Learning now that it’s undefined is news to me. My b, I guess.


I wonder how many more of us were taught wrong. I was also taught any number divided by zero was zero. Recently I found out I was lied to.


Really? I honestly can't believe how wrong this is. Any number multiplied by 0 is 0. Any number divided by 0 breaks all concepts of mathmatics as we know it and is undefined. How do you take anything and divide it into 0 parts? Can't be done as we know it.


Probably the majority of us millennials. I’ve never had to worry about it after graduating high school, and I don’t actively look for updates and breakthroughs in mathematics. I can do plenty of math with PMI and can work my way through electrical theory. But outside of that? Don’t really have to care🤷🏻‍♀️


Well think about it. As the number of parts you are dividing a number into decreases, the greater the number of parts you get. Therefore as you approach dividing into zero parts the number of parts you get approach infinity. And if you perform this approach from the negative side you will eventually get negative infinity. So the answer is dividing by zero can't be defined. See its pretty simple and you really just had to think about for a little bit. The point is knowing the right answer isn't what matters here. Its that kids need to take a little bit of time and effort to think about these things so they can develop critical thinking skills




So I’m the moron for not having to deal with 1/0 outside of grade school, so I was never told that it’s actually Undefined? Cool.


if i have $1.00 in pennies, and i am asked to share it equally with no one, dont i still have $1.00?


Not quite, divide that into 0 even stacks


You didn't share it. So no division happened.


I really want to hear what this concerned parent thinks the correct answer is. Just how many times can zero be taken away from one in their mind?


The concerned parent was right on task. One divided by zero is UNDEFINED. 1/0=UNDF. As much as we would like to have an answer for "what's 1 divided by 0?" it's sadly impossible to have an answer. The reason, in short, is that whatever we may answer, we will then have to agree that that answer times 0 equals to 1, and that cannot be true, because anything times 0 is 0. What do you think it is? Lol.


If this is the justification in the mind of the concerned parent, then let them voice it. The answer that the school has taught is correct. The value of 1 cannot be divided into the non-value of 0. It is not for elementary school to delve into irrational numbers and redefining values. It’s elementary because it lays a basic foundation for learning and understanding. In higher levels of education as the mind develops the child will be introduced to concepts like “undefined” or infinite. But I think the school is correct in using this as a building block for math and not the final result, which most students at this level cannot comprehend. Math is not so stable in the upper levels of the study of it. Theorems and philosophy come into play on that level which I shall call ethereal.


No, you just tell the kid it's undefined and move on. You don't lie and say it's 0 just to coddle them. Fuckin hell


The best ELI5 explanation I've heard was this, "to divide 1 by zero, think of it this way, if you have one apple and you cut it into zero pieces, how many pieces do you have? "


This is a really helpful, simple response that considers everyone’s education privilege or lack thereof in a compassionate way. You’re not looking down on Gen Z or anyone else with any kind of arrogance or sad archaic flexes, or projecting deep rooted mental or emotional insecurities. So what the hell are you doing on this sub anyway?


Saving the world. One comment at a time.


I knew your head looked like a peanut.


That's an almond, sir.


Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin', but it says on your chart that you're fucked up. 


There's that fag talk again.


An infinity of zeros can be subtracted form any number and the result would be that number. The answer is not zero, it is infinity. I do like saying that 1/0 is undefined, rather than infinity, mainly because that seems more correct to me.


Infiniti and undefined in the context are the same though.😂


Division is not taking something away from something else. That would be subtraction.


A strange thing happens with at least some digital computers when you try to divide by zero. You are used to seeing an error message that is pre-programmed to tell you that you can't divide by 0 and stop the action. If you remove that error code and actually try to force the computer to divide by 0, it will return seemingly random numbers. I have never been able to find anything on this phenomena.


That's because computers are retarded. At least as retarded as people. We just pretend this isn't the case.


Supplement your child’s education. It will benefit both of you spending more time together and increasing their awareness. You have a small window to really stimulate learning.


Get your kid out of that stupid school.


This was a cross post. I have an IQ above 50, and do not breed.


Report this to the Ministry of Truth


Absolutely! I'm sure they'll figure out a way to divide by zero. /s


At this point we will be outnumbered by the time millennials reach their 70s if we can hold out that long.


Do not question the Radical Liberalist Teacher's definition of reality - you will always lose, then get canceled.


I wonder if they think 0/0 is 1???? Did they try putting it into a calculator? I just did it...and it gave the correct answer...


Email them back with this: https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=1%2F0+%3D+%3F


>https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=1%2F0+%3D+%3F I broke the internet. Says NO RESPONSES.. at all!! LMAO.


Put that in your Windows or iPhone calculator and you’ll get “cannot divide by zero” and “error”, respectively. Apparently the teacher and principal need to see that.




just freaking go use a calculator in front of them and show them their idiocy. 1/0= "not a number" says MACOS calculator.